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Community Preparedness Webinar Series: Nuclear

Reducing Consequences of Nuclear Detonation

Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 2 PM EDT

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Recent research and federal planning guidance has assessed that 100,000s of lives can be saved through adequate planning and knowledge about appropriate actions that can be taken by the public, responders, and the medical community in the aftermath of a nuclear detonation.

What would you do if an improvised nuclear device detonated in your community?

Brooke Buddemeier from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will present on research-based protective actions that individuals can take to lessen the personal impact of nuclear detonations.

The Community Preparedness Webinar Series provides up-to-date information on emergency preparedness topics and resources available to community organizations, local government, schools, families, and the general public.

Presenter's biography

Brooke Buddemeier is a Certified Health Physicist (Radiation Safety Specialist) in the Global Security directorate of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).  He supports the Risk and Consequence Management Division in their efforts to evaluate the potential risk and consequence of radiological and nuclear terrorism. LLNL does this by providing expert technical information in nuclear-threat assessment, nuclear incident response, and forensics and attribution.

Brooke is a council member of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) and on the scientific committees which developed Commentary No. 19 - Key Elements of Preparing Emergency Responders for Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism (2005) and NCRP Report # 165 – Responding to a Radiological or Nuclear Terrorism Incident: A Guide for Decision Makers (2010).  Brooke is an active member of the Health Physics Society (HPS) and member of the HPS Homeland Security Committee.

From 2003 through 2007, Brooke was on assignment with the Department of Homeland Security’s as the WMD emergency response and consequence management program manager for Science and Technology’s emergency preparedness and response portfolio.  He supported FEMA and the Homeland Security Operations Center as a radiological emergency response subject matter expert.  He also facilitated the department’s research, development, test, and evaluation process to improve emergency response through better capabilities, protocols, and standards.

Before moving to DHS, he was part of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Nuclear Counterterrorism Program and coordinated LLNL’s involvement in the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) for California, Nevada, and Hawaii.  RAP is a national emergency response resource that assists federal, state and local authorities in the event of a radiological incident.

As part of RAP’s outreach efforts, Brooke has provided radiological responder training and instrumentation workshops to police, firefighters, and members of other agencies throughout the nation.  He has also trained radiological emergency responders on the use of specialized radiological response equipment throughout the United States and in Kazakhstan.

Brooke has also provided operational health physics support for various radiochemistry, plutonium handling, accelerator, and dosimetry operations at LLNL for over 15 years, and been working on emergency response issues for over 10 years.  He has participated in radiological emergency responses and exercises throughout the world. 

He is Certified Health Physicist who received his Master’s in Radiological Health Physics from San Jose State University and his B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara.


How to view our webinars

The Community Preparedness Webinar Series is conducted via DHS's HSIN Connect system. You do not need to register in advance, nor do you need a HSIN account in order to view our webinars. Audio for this webinar will be broadcast within HSIN Connect; there will not be a concurrent, phone-based teleconference. Questions and answers will be moderated via text-based chat inside the webinar. In order to ensure that your computer is capable of viewing our webinars and webcasts, we highly recommend that you read the below documents and perform the compatibility test prior to the start of the event. In addition, please ensure your computer's speakers are working prior to the webinar. If for any reason you have trouble accessing the system, please send an email to

Additional information about this webinar

This webinar is free to the public and will accommodate the first 500 visitors that enter the site. This webinar will last approximately one hour. In addition to airing live, the webinar will be recorded and viewable at a later date and linked from this web page. The live webinar will offer Closed Captioning and a transcript of the webinar will be posted with the recorded version of the webinar.



Last updated: 10/16/2012 - 02:59 PM