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Community Preparedness Webinar Series: Back to School 2011

Implementing a Youth Preparedness Program as You Kick Off the New School Year

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Join us as the Community Preparedness Webinar series presents an important look at what it takes to establish a youth preparedness program in your community. Emergencies can happen at any time and often without warning. While emergency personnel do their best to quickly respond to emergencies, it could take time for them to arrive on the scene. The best way to help citizens maintain safety during an emergency is to ensure they’re prepared in advance to sustain themselves and their families for the first 72 hours after a disaster strikes.  Leading educators and scholars in the field of preparedness education believe that children are the best envoys to bring this message home to their families.

Establishing a youth preparedness program in your community may seem like a daunting task, but this webinar will provide you with many of the resources available that can help your organization implement an effective program.

The youth of America can play a vital role when it comes to preparedness. The youth team at FEMA predicates itself on some core principles:

  • Children are positive influencers.
  • Young people can become preparedness examples to their families and those around them.
  • Students who have preparedness training are more confident during an actual emergency.

This webinar will provide participants with information on how their organization can integrate preparedness education into their program offerings. You will hear expertise based on the experiences of those who have developed and delivered some of the most successful youth preparedness programs across the country. In discussing their programs, the following will be addressed:

  • Getting Started & Engaging Partners
  • Identifying Curriculum
  • Implementing Program
  • Promoting Program
  • Sustainment & Evaluation

All participants will receive a draft of a “how to” guide for implementing preparedness programs as well as a catalog of youth preparedness resources.

Thank you for your participation!


Regina Moran, Youth Preparedness Director, Individual & Community Preparedness Division

How to view our webinars

The Community Preparedness Webinar Series is conducted via DHS's HSIN Connect system. You do not need to register in advance, nor do you need a HSIN account in order to view our webinars. Audio for this webinar will be broadcast within HSIN Connect; there will not be a concurrent, phone-based teleconference. Questions and answers will be moderated via text-based chat inside the webinar. In order to ensure that your computer is capable of viewing our webinars and webcasts, we highly recommend that you read the below documents and perform the compatibility test prior to the start of the event. In addition, please ensure your computer's speakers are working prior to the webinar. If for any reason you have trouble accessing the system, please send an email to

Additional information about this webinar

This webinar is free to the public and will accommodate the first 500 visitors that enter the site. This webinar will last approximately one hour. In addition to airing live, the webinar will be recorded and viewable at a later date and linked from this web page. The live webinar will offer Closed Captioning and a transcript of the webinar will be posted with the recorded version of the webinar.

Last updated: 11/05/2012 - 02:07 PM