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U.S. Army War College >> Strategic Studies Institute >> Faculty Directory and Bio Sketches >> Major Dave Fielder

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Strategic Studies Institute

United States Army War College

The Source for National Security

Research & Analysis

Major Dave Fielder

Major Dave Fielder, United Kingdom (UK) Royal Marine (Reserve), has been on a variety of active and deployed service since 2002. He completed regular commissioned service with the Royal Navy where, after a brief flying career, he served as a Lieutenant Royal Navy with Commando Royal Marines; the Commando Training Centre, Royal Marines; and at HMS Collingwood in a variety of training and operational roles. Major Fielder has been deployed to Northern Ireland, Bosnia-Herzegovina (as the European Forces (EUFOR) Press Spokesman), Afghanistan, and most recently Iraq. During his time in Bosnia, he had regular exposure to the highest levels of political and military command and thus began his interests in the link between Commander, Leadership, and Management (CLM) as they are implemented in stability operations. After Bosnia, Major Fielder returned to the Royal Navy Command HQ as a Military Aide to a Royal Marine Brigadier and completed his dissertation. Major Fielder recently returned from Baghdad, Iraq, where he was the LNO to a Maritime Component, representing a NAVCENT Bahrain based UK Naval One Star to the U.S. Forces-Iraq in the J3 lane of the Joint Operations Center. He witnessed the transition from Operation IRAQI FREEDOM to Operation NEW DAWN. Major Fielder is a graduate of the Advanced Command and Staff Course at the UK Joint Command and Staff College.

*The above information may not be current. It was current at the time when the individual worked for SSI or was published by SSI.

SSI books and monographs by Major Dave Fielder