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United States Army War College

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Military Change & Transformation - Recent

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Military Change and Transformation

(1/23/08) The Transformation MiPAL has been updated with a press conference by the Secretary of the Army and a Government Accountability Office report, both on the plan to increase the Army's size. Please see the Recently Added Documents section for the latest on this topic - the newest updates are in bold. (View it at NDU)

Military Change and Transformation

(12/18/07) The Transformation MiPAL has been updated with a Government Accountability Office report on the Army's modular force and expansion activities, and an article from the Heritage Foundation on Army modernization and the Future Combat Systems. Please see the Recently Added Documents section for the latest on this topic - the newest updates are in bold. (View it at NDU)

Military Change and Transformation

(12/18/07) The Transformation MiPAL has been updated with a Government Accountability Office report on the Army's modular force and expansion activities, and an article from the Heritage Foundation on Army modernization and the Future Combat Systems. Please see the Recently Added Documents section for the latest on this topic - the newest updates are in bold. (View it at NDU)

Military Change and Transformation

(12/18/07) The Transformation MiPAL has been updated with a Government Accountability Office report on the Army's modular force and expansion activities, and an article from the Heritage Foundation on Army modernization and the Future Combat Systems. Please see the Recently Added Documents section for the latest on this topic - the newest updates are in bold. (View it at NDU)

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    Added November 14, 2012

    Jihadist Cells and "IED" Capabilities in Europe: Assessing the Present and Future Threat to the West

    Authored by Dr. Jeffrey M. Bale.
    The increasing diffusion and application of expertise acquired by jihadists in fabricating “improvised explosive devices” and the extent to which local jihadist cells in the West may or may not be connected to veteran terrorist groups and networks in other countries and regions are vital concerns for Western military forces and security and intelligence agencies as they relate to these veteran terrorist groups and networks in other countries and regions of the world.

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    Added November 02, 2012

    Beyond the Battlefield: Institutional Army Transformation Following Victory in Iraq

    Authored by Lieutenant Colonel G. Scott Taylor.
    Learning lessons from past conflicts is essential to avoid repeating the same mistakes in future wars. Even more important, it is critical to apply those lessons to institutional change to inculcate the lessons of the past conflict–this Paper highlights some of the author’s observations on changes that should be integrated into the institutional Army to ensure that the hard-earned lessons of counterinsurgency fighting and stability operations achieved in the sands of Iraq and hills of Afghanistan are not lost over the years ahead as we withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan.

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    Added October 12, 2012

    A "Hollow Army" Reappraised: President Carter, Defense Budgets, and the Politics of Military Readiness

    Authored by Professor Frank L. Jones.
    For more than 30 years, the term “hollow army” has represented President Carter’s alleged willingness to allow American military capability to deteriorate in the face of growing Soviet capability. The true story is more complicated than the metaphor suggests.

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    Added October 09, 2012

    The Future of American Landpower: Does Forward Presence Still Matter? The Case of the Army in Europe

    Authored by Dr. John R. Deni.
    View the Executive Summary

    The January 2012 announcement that the United States would reduce the number of Brigade Combat Teams in Europe captured media, popular, and scholarly attention, prompting many to ask: Is the United States turning its back on Europe as it pivots to Asia? Do the Europeans have the wherewithal to defend themselves? Are forward-based U.S. land forces necessary at all? Given the necessity of capable, interoperable coalition partners for the future security threats Washington most expects to encounter, the role of America’s forward military presence in Europe remains as vital as it was at the dawn of the Cold War, but for different reasons. Dr. Deni’s monograph forms a critical datapoint in the ongoing dialogue regarding the future of American Landpower.

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    Added August 16, 2012

    Transnational Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Criminalized States in Latin America: An Emerging Tier-One National Security Priority

    Authored by Douglas Farah.
    The emergence of new hybrid (state and nonstate) transnational criminal/terrorist franchises in Latin America operating under broad state protection now pose a tier-one security threat for the United States. Similar hybrid franchise models are developing in other parts of the world, making understanding the new dynamics an important factor in a broader national security context.

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    Added August 08, 2012

    Culture, Identity, and Information Technology in the 21st Century: Implications for U.S. National Security

    Authored by Dr. Pauline Kusiak.
    The author describes strategic trends in cultural change and identity formation in the 21st century and suggests that the beliefs and values of foreign societies may increasingly, and more directly, impact our own national security in a future dominated by information technology.

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    Added August 01, 2012

    2012-13 Key Strategic Issues List

    Edited by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
    The purpose of the Key Strategic Issues List is to provide military and civilian researchers a ready reference for issues of special interest to the Department of the Army and the Department of Defense.

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    Added December 23, 2011

    Organizational Change in the Russian Airborne Forces: The Lessons of the Georgian Conflict

    Authored by Dr. Rod Thornton.
    Russia’s best troops are to be found in the Airborne Forces. These were the only Russian troops to emerge with their reputation intact after the conflict with Georgia in 2008. They can represent a formidable foe. This monograph examines the current state of the Airborne Forces and why they might be seen as "formidable."

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    Added December 16, 2011

    Real Leadership and the U.S. Army: Overcoming a Failure of Imagination to Conduct Adaptive Work

    Authored by Colonel John B. Richardson, IV.
    This is a case study of a cavalry squadron struggling with operational adaptability. Through this struggle, the study provides a means for analyzing the complexity of organizational leadership in the contemporary security environment. The case study provides an example where hard fought lessons learned resulted in a more holistic approach to leadership, because the leader transcended that of simply being an authority figure, and instead, become a real leader who provided a safe and creative learning environment where the organization was able to tackle and solve complex problems.

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    Added October 31, 2011

    Arms Control and Proliferation Challenges to the Reset Policy

    Authored by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
    What are the prospects for further progress in the reset policy with Russia regarding arms control and nuclear proliferation by North Korea and Iran? This monograph attempts to postulate where we are, and possibly where we should be going, or will be going, with respect to these issues.

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    Added September 22, 2011

    Puncturing the Counterinsurgency Myth: Britain and Irregular Warfare in the Past, Present, and Future

    Authored by Dr. Andrew Mumford.
    Far from being the counterinsurgency exemplars that history has benevolently cast them, this monograph posits 10 myths of British counterinsurgency that debunk key elements of British performance in irregular warfare from Malaya to Iraq.

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    Added July 08, 2011

    The New Aztecs: Ritual and Restraint in Contemporary Western Military Operations

    Authored by Dr. Zhivan Alach.
    The Western way of war has come full circle. After centuries, indeed millennia, of evolution toward increased totality and brutality, it has turned back once again to the ritualistic and restrained methods of primitive warfare.

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    Added June 15, 2011

    Military Modernization and the Russian Ground Forces

    Authored by Dr. Rod Thornton.
    Russia’s political leaders are currently pushing a state- and society-wide process of modernization. How will the deeply conservative Russian military accept and implement those proposed changes?

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    Added May 09, 2011

    Cyber Infrastructure Protection

    Edited by Dr. Tarek N. Saadawi, COL Louis H. Jordan, Jr.
    This book answers several essential questions: What is cyberpower; how do we deal with emerging threats in cyberspace; what are the lessons that have already been learned; and where are the current cyberspace vulnerabilities?

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    Added April 25, 2011

    Improvised Explosive Devices in Iraq, 2003-09: A Case of Operational Surprise and Institutional Response

    Authored by Brigadier Andrew Smith.
    Institutional defense establishments guide the development of national military capabilities. Recent experience suggests that the orthodox approaches that they have evolved to perform this function in nominal peacetime are insufficiently responsive for contemporary threats and challenges.

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    Added February 25, 2011

    Reforming Military Command Arrangements: The Case of the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force

    Authored by Henrik Bliddal.
    Our national security system turns our overall capabilities into active assets, protects us against the threats of an anarchic international system, and makes it possible to exploit its opportunities. Today, however, the system is arguably in dire need of reform.

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    Added December 21, 2010

    A Risk-Based Approach to Strategic Balance

    Authored by Colonel John A. Mauk.
    This paper explores a risk-based approach to a strategically balanced force that assesses alternative postures and the viability of competing force concepts in mitigating national risk in a resource-constrained environment. This assessment also examines alternate definitions of balance and the continued relevance of U.S. conventional capabilities and nuclear deterrence.

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    Added August 27, 2010

    David Galula: His Life and Intellectual Context

    Authored by Ms. Ann Marlowe.
    David Galula’s ideas are reflected in U.S. Army Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency, and in nearly every speech that American commanders in Afghanistan and Iraq give, but until now, almost no biographical information was available about him. Arguably the greatest writer on counterinsurgency, Galula led a fascinating, although all too brief, life that gave him a bird’s eye view of most of the great conflicts of the second half of the 20th century.

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    Added August 24, 2010

    U.S. Military Forces and Police Assistance in Stability Operations: The Least-Worst Option to Fill the U.S. Capacity Gap

    Authored by Colonel (Ret.) Dennis E Keller.
    Stability operations in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to be challenged by the lack of effective local police forces to secure the civilian population from insurgent infiltration and criminal violence. Given U.S. government legal and organizational shortfalls to train and advise foreign police forces, coupled with an operational environment characterized by local police corruption and abusiveness, this monograph proposes a way ahead for effective community based policing despite these adverse circumstances.

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    Added August 13, 2010

    Defense Energy Resilience: Lessons from Ecology

    Authored by Dr. Scott Thomas, Mr. David Kerner.
    National Security relies heavily on the ready availability of energy resources in the types, quantities, and locations the military demands. While U.S. energy needs are currently met, the shrinking gap between global supply and demand draws the world closer to a tipping point at which human behavior is less predictable, competition overwhelms social and geopolitical normalizing forces, and conflict becomes more likely and more pronounced. Given concerns about future resource availability, DoD would be well served by devising and implementing a sustainable, resilient energy strategy that addresses current projections and adapts to evolving conditions.

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    Added July 20, 2010

    Got Vision? Unity of Vision in Policy and Strategy: What It Is and Why We Need It

    Authored by Dr. Anna Simons.
    Having the right "who" to devise strategy is critical to success in counterinsurgency or any asymmetric, cross-cultural encounter. This monograph contends that if we do not get the "who" right, none of the "whats," in terms of what we do, matters.

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    Added June 03, 2010

    Human Intelligence: All Humans, All Minds, All the Time

    Authored by Mr. Robert D. Steele.
    The author explores the centrality of Human Intelligence in meeting the needs of the U.S. Army, as well as the Department of Defense, and the whole of government, for relevant information and tailored intelligence essential to creating a national security strategy; for defining whole of government policies that work in harmony; for acquisition of the right capabilities at the right price in time to be useful; and for operations, both local and global.

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    Added April 19, 2010

    Short of General War: Perspectives on the Use of Military Power in the 21st Century

    Edited by Dr. Harry R Yarger.
    In this anthology, students in the U.S. Army War College Class of 2008 critically examine the emerging 21st century security environment and offer diverse and innovative thoughts on how military power should be applied in situations short of general war.

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    Added November 16, 2009

    YouTube War: Fighting in a World of Cameras in Every Cell Phone and Photoshop on Every Computer

    Authored by Dr. Cori E. Dauber.
    Terrorist attacks are media events designed to draw the attention of the press since, without a larger audience, a terrorist attack will have accomplished very little. Shaping the attitudes and perceptions of the public can undermine the public will to fight. This is done by shaping media coverage.

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    Added November 03, 2009

    India's Strategic Defense Transformation: Expanding Global Relationships

    Authored by Lieutenant Colonel Brian K. Hedrick.
    India’s defense establishment is undergoing an unprecedented transformation as it seeks to (1) modernize its military, (2) obtain “strategic partnerships” with the United States and other nations, and (3) expand its influence in the Indian Ocean and beyond.

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    Added November 03, 2009

    Army Football and Full Spectrum Operations

    Authored by Dr. Stephen Gerras.
    Each month a member of the SSI faculty writes an editorial for our monthly newsletter. This is the Op-Ed for the November 2009 newsletter.

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    Added October 28, 2009

    Schools for Strategy: Teaching Strategy for 21st Century Conflict

    Authored by Dr. Colin S. Gray.
    Education in strategy is feasible and important. Few would-be strategists are beyond improvement by some formal education. However, for such education to be well-directed, it needs to rest upon sound assumptions concerning the eternal nature yet ever shifting character, meaning, and function of strategy, and the range of behaviors required for effective strategic performance.

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    Added September 16, 2009

    Baghdad ER--Revisited

    Authored by Colonel Erin P Edgar.
    The China Dragons of the 28th Combat Support Hospital deployed in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM from September 2006 until November 2007. Their service epitomizes the strides that have been made in military combat medicine.

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    Added September 16, 2009

    Alien: How Operational Art Devoured Strategy

    Authored by Brigadier Justin Kelly, Dr. Michael James Brennan.
    This authors argue that the idea of an operational level of war charged with the planning and conduct of campaigns misconceives the relationship between wars, campaigns, and operations, and is both historically mistaken and wrong in theory. They conclude that its incorporation into U.S. doctrine has had the regrettable impact of separating the conduct of campaigns from the conduct of wars and consequently marginalized the role of politics in the direction of war. In essence, they argue that the idea of the campaign has come to overwhelm that of strategy.

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    Added August 11, 2009

    Toward a Risk Management Defense Strategy

    Authored by Mr. Nathan P. Freier.
    The author outlines eight principles for a risk management defense strategy. He argues that these principles provide “measures of merit” for evaluating the new administration’s defense choices.

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    Added August 06, 2009

    Taking Up the Security Challenge of Climate Change

    Authored by Rymn J. Parsons.
    The security implications of climate change, including man-made global warming, will be most pronounced in places where the effects of climate change are greatest. Two things are vitally important: stemming the tide of climate change and adapting to its far-reaching consequences.

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    Added June 25, 2009

    2009 Key Strategic Issues List

    Edited by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
    The purpose of the Key Strategic Issues List is to provide military and civilian researchers a ready reference for issues of special interest to the Department of the Army and the Department of Defense.

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    Added June 18, 2009

    Strategic Implications of Emerging Technologies

    Authored by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
    This year’s USAWC’s Strategic Studies Institute 20th Annual Strategy Conference was held on April 14-16, 2009, at Carlisle Barracks. It focused on “Strategic Implications of Emerging Technologies,” and was intended to look beyond the noted importance of advances in the field of cyber and information technologies to raise awareness of other technology areas which thus far have received less visibility. The conference explored biogenetics, biometrics, nanotechnologies, robotics, artificial intelligence, alternative energies, electromagnetic weaponry, nuclear power, and global warming.

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    Added May 22, 2009

    State and Nonstate Associated Gangs: Credible "Midwives of New Social Orders"

    Authored by Dr. Max G. Manwaring.
    The author addresses the subject of the multifaceted nature and predominant role of gangs operating as state and nonstate proxies in the modern unbalanced global security environment. In every phase of the process of compelling radical political change, agitator-gangs and popular militias play significant roles in helping their political patrons prepare to take control of a targeted political-social entity. As a result, gangs (bandas criminales or whatever they may be called) are important components of a highly complex political-psychological-military act—contemporary irregular asymmetrical political war.

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    Added October 29, 2008

    Slowing Military Change

    Authored by Dr. Zhivan Alach.
    The author revises, reexamines, and reevaluates the contemporary military environment. He finds that the environment is a period of relative military stasis, of slow technological development, and of little novelty in broader issues. If anything, it is a return to an older period, of the time before the Cold War, before the fear of nuclear war dominated all other thinking in the field.

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    Added July 16, 2008

    Key Strategic Issues List, July 2008

    Edited by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
    The Key Strategic Issues List gives researchers, whether military professionals or civilian scholars, a ready reference of those issues of particular interest to the Department of the Army and the Department of Defense. Its focus is strategic, rather than operational or tactical. Every year, the KSIL helps guide research efforts to the mutual benefit of the defense community and individual researchers.

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    Added January 10, 2008

    COIN of the Realm: U.S. Counterinsurgency Strategy

    Authored by Dr. Steven Metz, Ralph Wipfli.
    Given the wide-ranging and deep impact of counterinsurgency, the participants in the "Future Defense Dilemmas" seminar conducted by The Brookings Institution and the Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, explored two key questions: (1) Is the United States pursuing and executing the right strategy? And (2) Does the military’s focus on counterinsurgency detract from other defense and security needs?

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    Added December 05, 2007

    Force and Restraint in Strategic Deterrence: A Game-Theorist's Perspective

    Authored by Dr. Roger B. Myerson.
    This monograph is a short nontechnical introduction to the use of game theory in the study of international relations, focusing is on the problem of deterrence against potential adversaries and aggressors. The author uses game models to provide a simple context where we can see more clearly the essential logic of strategic deterrence.

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    Added November 06, 2007

    Transformation Under Fire: A Historical Case Study with Modern Parallels

    Authored by Major Raymond A. Kimball.
    The author argues that Soviet military transformation efforts during the Russian Civil War fell prey to “temporary” compromises and a misidentification of their enemy. He sees similar and ominous trends at work in current American Transformation efforts.

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    Added October 09, 2007

    A Concept at the Crossroads: Rethinking the Center of Gravity

    Authored by Lieutenant Colonel Rudolph M. Janiczek.
    The author concludes that, in an effort to operationalize Clausewitz's signature concept, the U.S. military probably limited its utility. The Center of Gravity is best applied as an abstract, rather than as a practical, concept.

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    Added August 21, 2007

    Negotiation in the New Strategic Environment: Lessons from Iraq

    Authored by Mr. David M Tressler.
    With thousands of negotiations being conducted by U.S. soldiers in Iraq—from junior to senior leaders—the aggregate effect of successful or failed negotiations has an impact on the ability of the U.S. military to accomplish its mission there as well as meet American strategic goals. The author argues that the military’s strategic success in the future may increasingly depend on an expanded range of training that includes negotiation skills and practice. By analyzing the negotiating experience of U.S. Army and Marine Corps officers in Iraq, he offers recommendations to improve negotiating effectiveness and predeployment negotiation training.

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    Added August 16, 2007

    An Introduction to Theater Strategy and Regional Security

    Authored by Lieutenant Colonel Clarence J. Bouchat (USAF, Ret.).
    Theater strategy and theater security cooperation (TSC) are two of the most important tools available in attaining national security. This paper explains what theater strategy is, its basis, how it is formulated, and how it is executed with emphasis on theater security cooperation.

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    Added July 24, 2007

    The Implications of Preemptive and Preventive War Doctrines: A Reconsideration

    Authored by Dr. Colin S. Gray.
    The Bush administration has declared a doctrine of preemption, when what it really means is a doctrine of prevention. Despite heavy criticism from home and especially abroad, there is a need for the United States to be willing and able, very occasionally, to take preventive action in order to forestall future dangers.

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    Added July 18, 2007

    2007 Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL)

    Edited by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
    The Key Strategic Issues List gives researchers, whether military professionals or civilian scholars, a ready reference of those issues of particular interest to the Department of the Army and the Department of Defense. Its focus is strategic, rather than operational or tactical. Every year, the KSIL helps guide research efforts to the mutual benefit of the defense community and individual researchers.

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    Added May 07, 2007

    Manning the Force

    Authored by Dr. Douglas V. Johnson, II.
    Each month a member of the SSI faculty writes an editorial for our monthly newsletter. This is the Op-Ed for the May 2007 newsletter.

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    Added April 10, 2007

    Biodefense Research Supporting the DoD: A New Strategic Vision

    Authored by Colonel Coleen K. Martinez.
    The author examines why, despite devoting decades of research to developing countermeasures against biological agents, the Department of Defense has few products in its arsenal. She concludes that the military requires significant change in program structure and management to begin fielding protective drugs and vaccines for the warfighter efficiently.

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    Added March 15, 2007

    Globalization and Its Implications for the Defense Industrial Base

    Authored by Dr. Terrence R. Guay.
    One of the most important implications of globalization is its effect on the economic competitiveness of countries and particular industries. Both governments and defense companies bear the responsibility for devising prudent policies and strategies that capture the opportunities presented by globalization, while mitigating the risks.

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    Added January 10, 2007

    Challenging Transformation's Clichés

    Authored by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
    Critical thinkers analyze and refine ideas underpinning the foundation of American defense policy and military strategy today so the defense community can apply them in strategy and force development. This is an ongoing process: new ideas emerge, are tested, and adopted, revised, or discarded.

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    Added January 04, 2007

    Naval Transformation, Ground Forces, and the Expeditionary Impulse: The Sea-Basing Debate

    Authored by Professor Geoffrey Till.
    While naval forces often are out of sight and out of mind to land forces engaged in expeditionary operations, their contribution is vital and becoming much more so. But they face major challenges, which if not resolved may mean the end of what has been called the "expeditionary era."

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    Added November 21, 2006

    Defense Transformation: To What, For What?

    Authored by Colonel Kevin Reynolds.
    Beyond enhancing the lethality of U.S. forces on the conventional battlefield, where is defense transformation headed?

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