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Welcome to the Department of Energy's Corrective Action Management Program (CAMP) Web Site. The CAMP delineates requirements and guidance for addressing and effectively resolving findings identified by the HSS Office of Independent Oversight environment, safety and health and emergency management assessments; Type A Accident Investigations; Office of Aviation Management aviation management and safety assessments; and other sources as directed by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary. This web site is designed to share information on the purpose, process, and results of the CAMP which will assist you in implementation of the program. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments.

  • CAMP Background: The purpose and history of the CAMP is outlined to explain the origins and direction of the program to assist line managers in effectively resolving and preventing recurrence of significant findings.
  • CAMP Directives and References: A list of DOE orders, manuals and guides with direct access linkage is provided to inform, direct, and guide employees in implementation of the CAMP.
  • Corrective Action Management (CAM) Team: The mission, functions, operation and membership of the cross-organizational working group of representatives from Headquarters and field offices to coordinate the CAMP is explained.
  • Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS): The CATS web-based database is used to enter, track, and report the status of corrective actions to effectively resolve and prevent recurrence of reported findings. The database is provided with guidance for accessing and viewing the database. Access is available through registration.
  • CAMP Quarterly Reports: DOE quarterly reports are placed on our website for viewing by DOE officials, contractors, and communities of interest. The reports include a summary status of corrective action plans and associated corrective actions.
  • Contact Us: Send an e-mail to or call the HSS User Support or Larry McCabe, with your questions and comments.

This page was last updated on July 20, 2012