Internet Disenchantment

My job involves writing about how the Internet is important to fostering human rights and economic prosperity, and how clever activists can use technologies – such as the mobile phones and video —  to defend freedom.  But all along I’ve known that if the “good guys” can find ways to use technology to help humanity, the “bad guys” can find ways to use the same technology to suppress human rights.  Even activists who are steadfast about the positive use of the Internet as a tool for promoting democracy and human rights recognize that repressive governments are determined to “fight fire with fire.”

But the most depressing assessment of the failure of the Internet to usher in a new era of freedom and political activism that I’ve come across to date is in May/June edition of Foreign Policy.  In an article called “Think Again: The Internet,” Evgeny Morozov, a Belarus-born researcher and blogger who focuses on the political effects of the internet, shoots down every platitude you might have heard about the Internet being a force for good.

“A networked world is not inherently a more just world,” Morozov says, and may have created “a confusing news junkyard” for many of its users.

“Two decades in,” Morozov writes, “the Internet has neither brought down dictators” nor “ushered in a post-political age of rational and data-driven policymaking.”  The Internet, he says, is “a hypercharged version of the real world, with all of its promise and perils.”  That may be true, but I still can’t help but think that the Internet provides the best platform to date to promote human rights values and expose abuses.  What do you think?

4 thoughts on “Internet Disenchantment

  1. It is not just naive, but stupid to imagine that happenings on two vastly different plains can have any mutual relationship.

    Dictators and tyrants, like activists, live in the real world and have every opportunity of clashing with one another other.

    Internet is mostly a phenomenon of the virtual world. The thoughts and plans floating there can not and do not directly impact the real world. It can at best be a means of speedy communication between netizens.

    Addiction to the internet suggests a break from the reality. How can someone divorced from the reality hope to impact it for better or for worse.?

  2. My request before the Honourable Supreme Court of India for the violation of Human rights protection by the Indian Judiciary is unheard which is just pending before the international court of justice. The unsound mind person is targetted

  3. the govermant clams that there is peace and democ in the countery.this all goveremant do spicaly in africa and some athere countery.but i woulde like to saye some thing do youn think there is democrase in ethiopia i dont think so .
    let me say some thing about etiopian election we nothig exepacte form the election nothing change came up .