Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)

Renewable Energy

Energy Supply Transformation Needed

A lot that needs to be done to enable the transition towards larger shares of renewables in the power mix. The 5th International Conference on Integration of Renewable Energy and Distributed Energy Resources [4–6 December 2012, Berlin, Germany] brought together global participants from the energy sector to discuss the transformation of the power system, the challenges [...]

Sandia Expertise Guides New Photovoltaic Requirements

Sandia’s Photovoltaic (PV) Arc-Fault Detec­tion and Mitigation team has gained worldwide renown as a leader in the science of PV arc faults. As a driver of groundbreaking experimental and numerical simulations in this area, codes and standards bodies have called on Sandia to improve requirements for arc-fault cir­cuit interrupters. Sandia has advised the National Electrical [...]

Solar Test Facility Upgrades Complete, Leading to Better Sandia Capabilities to Support Power Industry

A recent overhaul of the DOE’s National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF), operated by Sandia, is dramatically improving researchers’ ability to understand and use concentrating solar power (CSP). The $17.8M upgrade to the NSTTF adds state-of-the-art test capabilities, and the resulting research is expected to lead to more solar power use on the electric grid. [...]

Pratt Whitney Rocketdyne Testing

On November 24, 2012 the National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) began testing of the Pratt Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) solar receiver shroud.  Fifteen days of solar testing are scheduled for this testing.  The flux levels on the shroud range between 100 and 500 suns.  The work is sponsored by PWR in cooperation with the Department [...]

NASA Testing

During the week of October 15 multiple ablator samples were exposed to the concentrated solar beam.  The samples were provided by NASA via Work for Others agreement.  Some of the samples were five-inches in diameter and others were 12-inches square.  The samples were exposed to 150-200 W/cm2 flux levels for up to 300 seconds using [...]

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