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Publications Listing for Search Engines - CPPR

This list is maintained for the benefit of search engines. Please use the Central Publications and Presentations Registry or OASIS, the ORNL library catalog, to search for specific Oak Ridge National Laboratory reports by report number, author, or keyword.

"1998 Applied Superconductivity Conference"
"An Experimental Endstation for the Measurement of Capture Reactions with Radioactive Ion Beams at the HRIBF"
"Analytical Electron Microscopy in an Aberration-Free Environment,"
"Anisotropic Elastic Moduli from Nanoindentation and Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements in Human Tibial Cortical bone [1]"
"Anisotropy Nanoindentation Properties of Human Cortical Bone"
"Atomic Level Characterization of Precipitation in Alloy 718"
"Cavitation in a Mercury Target"
"Determination of the 14O(a,p)17Fg.s. Reaction Rate by Measurement of the 1H(17F,a)14O Cross Section"
"Dynamic Fiber Optic Sensors Under Intense Radioactive Environments""
"Effect of Zr, B and C Additions on the Ductility of Molybdenum"
"From MgO to Actinides to Stainless Steel - Crystal Growth at Oak Ridge National Laboratory"
"Green" Biopolymer Coatings for Improved Decontamination of Metals from Surfaces
"Green" Biopolymers for Improved Decontamination of Metals from Surfaces: Sorptive Characterization and Coating Properties
"Green" Biopolymers for Improved Decontamination of Metals from Surfaces: Sorptive Characterization and Coating Properties.. Annual report to be submitted to DOE Program Managers for posting on web page.
"Green" Biopolymers for Improved Surface Contamination: Strippable Coating Properties and Sorptive Characteristics
"High-throughput Identification of Point Mutations in the Mouse Genome Using Temperature Gradient Capillary Electrophoresis (TGCE)."
"Monte Carlo Modeling for the Characterization of Nuclear Materials"
"MxN" Parallel Data Redistribution Research in the Common Component Architecture (CCA)
"Nanoanalysis of Metamorphic Magnetite using Field Ion Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography"
"National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) and Planned Research"
"Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring"
"Practical Considerations for Neutron Data Collection from Biological Macromolecules," LANSCE Users Group Meeting, Los Alamos, NM, October 19-21, 2003.
"Practical Design and Manufacturing of Cryogenic High Current Leads" FOR RECORD PURPOSES ONLY
"Quench Tests of a 20-cm Long RaBiTs YBCO Tape"
"Recent Measurements at HRIBF That are Important for Explosive Hydrogen Burning"
"Recent Results in Nuclear Astrophysics Using Radioactive Fluorine Beams at the HRIBF"
"Recent Results in Nuclear Astrophysics Using Radioactive Fluorine Beams at the HRIBF"
"Recent Results in Nuclear Astrophysics Using Radioactive Fluorine Beams at the HRIBF"
"Smart" and "Active" Nanocomposite Ceramic Surfaces
"Smart" and "Active" Near-Surface Nanocomposites Formed Using Ion-Beam Techniques
"Smart" Near-Surface Nanocomposites Formed Using Ion-Beam Techniques: New Physics and New Materials
"Spectrum Imaging: Microanalysis for a New Millennium"
"Yields of Radionuclides Created by Photonuclear Reactions on Be, C, Na, C1, and Ge, Using Bremsstrahlung of 150-MeV Electrons"
(ABSTRACT) The Reflecto Active(TM) Seal System: A Networked Architecture for Unattended Monitoring of Special Nuclear Material with Centralized Reporting.
(IFMIF) International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility Conceptual Design Activity Cost Report
(La,Sr)TiO3 as a Conductive Buffer for RABiTS Coated Conductors
(Liquid-Vapor) Phase Equilibria of HCl and Excess Thermodynamic Properties of {HCl + NaCl}(Aq) Mixtures at High Temperatures
-Abstract- Can Thermal Reactor Recycle Eliminate the Need for Multiple Repositories?
-Abstract- Nuclear Hydrogen for Production of Liquid Hydrocarbon Transport Fuels
1-D Metal Oxide Sensor and Catalyst: The Comparative Study of Pristine and Surface Doped Individual Nanowire
18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference Summary of Technology and Power Plans
1989 Walker Branch Watershed Surveying and Mapping Including a Guide to Coordinate Transformation Procedures
1995 NPTS Databook
1999 Accomplishments Report for Advanced Automotive Fuels Section A - Lower Cost Composite Materials for CNG Storage Section B - Onboard CNG Storage Tank Diagnostic System
1999 Laboratory Report to the Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel for the Surface Modification and Characterization Research Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1999-2002 Public Housing Partnership: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and U.S. Department of Energy
2-D Simulations of Valveless Pumping Using the ImmersedBoundary Method
2000 Laboratory Report to SNEAP for the Surface Modification and Characterization Research Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2005 DOE Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program Review: Baseline Knowledge Assessment
239Pu Neutron Resonance Parameters Revisited and the Covariance Matrix in the Neutron Energy Range Thermal to 2.5 keV
241AmBe Sealed Neutron Source Assessment Studies for the Fissile Mass Flow Monitor
2D and 3D X-Ray Structural Microscopy Using Submicron- Resolution Laue Microdiffraction
3-D Atomic-Scale Analysis of Thin Film Materials: Progress and Future Prospects
3-D Measurement of Deformation Microstructure in Al(0.2%)Mg Using Submicron Resolution White X-Ray Microbeams
3-D X-ray Crystal Microscope
3-Dimensional Nanoanalysis with the Local Electrode Atom Probe
3D Atomic Resolution Imaging Through Aberration-Corrected STEM
3D Electron Microscopy of Nanocatalysts with Single Atom Sensitivity
3D Location of Single Hf Atoms at a Si/SiO2/HfO2/p-Si Gate Dielectric
3D Nanoprocessing of Functional Materials
3D-Microstructure Investigations Using Microbeams
3D-Microstructure Investigations Using Microbeams
3DAP Data Acquisition
In situ Optical Monitoring of Vertically-Aligned Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Array Growth During Chemical Vapor Deposition
56Fe(ne,e-)56Co: A Technique for an Accurate Cross Section Measurement at ORLaND
A Batch-Mode Negative Ion Source for RIB Generation of 7BeO-
A Bayesian Approach to the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments
A Biased View of the Nanoworld: Transport, Defects, and Ferroelectrics
A Biased View on the Nanoworld: from Transport Imaging to Ferroelectric Memories
A bottom-up strategy for uncertainty quantification in complex geo-computational models
A Brief History of the Analytical Chemistry Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A Brief History of the Chemical Technology Division
A Brief History of the Health and Safety Research Division
A Brief History of the Research Reactors Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A Brief History of the Tower Shielding Facility and Programs
A Brief Introduction to the Common Component Architecture
A Case Study for Life-Long Learning and Adaptation in Cooperative Robot Teams
A Collaboration to Develop the Next-Generation SNF/HLW Cask
A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Interface Structure and Properties
A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Interface Structure and Properties
A Community of Agents for User Support of Remote Instrumentation
A Comparative Analysis of Single- and Continuously Variable-Capacity Heat Pump Concepts
A Comparison of Accelerated Aging Test Protocols
A Comparison of Estimates of Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Fuels and Vehicles for Reducing Emissions
A Comparison of Fracture Mechanics Methodologies for Postulated Flaws Embedded in the Wall of a Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel
A Comparison of Fueling with Deuterium Pellet Injection from Different Locations on the DIII-D Tokamak
A Comparison of Several Surface Finish Measurement Methods as Applied to Ground Ceramic and Metal Surfaces
A Comparison of the Phase Field and Monet Carlo Simulations of the Interaction Between a Grain Boundary and a Coarse Particle
A Component Architecture for High-Performance Computing
A Component Architecture for High-Performance Computing
A Component Architecture for High-Performance Computing
A Component Test Facility Based on the Spherical Tokamak
A Comprehensive Approach to the Use of Farm Animal Manure as an Important Biofuel
A Comprehensive Approach to the Use of Farm Animal Manure as an Important Biofuel
A Compressor Simulation Model with Corrections for the Level of Suction Gas Superheat
A Computational Investigation of Unusual Chemistry of Catalytic Aluminas
A Computer Simulation of Steady-State Performance of Air-to-Air Heat Pumps
A Computing Environment Integrating Diagnositcs and Control for Reactor Systems
A Continuous-Jet Hydrate Reactor for Ocean Carbon Sequestration
A Continuous-Jet Hydrate Reactor for the Formation of CO2 Hydrate Particles: Hydrate Formation and Dissolution in a High-Pressure Water Tunnel Facility
A Correlation Analysis of Satellite Chlorophyll and Iron Dust Flux to Ocean
A Coupled Thermal and Microstructure Model for Laser Metal Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V
A Coupled Thermal and Microstructure Model for Laser Processing of Ti-6Al-4V
A Critical Review of the Practice of Equating the Reactivity of Spent Fuel to Fresh Fuel in Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses for PWR Spent Fuel Pool Storage
A Database of Herbaceous Vegetation Responses to Elevated Atmospheric CO2
A Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Super Cask
A Descriptive Model of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment After Shutdown: Review of FY 1995 Progress
A Detector for Neutron Imaging
A Deterministic Method for Aligning Multiple Optical Waveguides to a Paraboloidal Collector
A Deterministic Method for Aligning Multiple Optical Waveguides to a Paraboloidal Collector
A Deterministic Study of the Deficiency of the Wigner-Seitz Approximation for Pu/MOX Fuel Pins
A Digital Pulse Shape Discriminator For The Nuclear Materials Identification System (NMIS)
A Diskless Checkpointing Algorithm for Super-scale Architectures Applied to the Fast Fourier Transform
A Distributed and Optimal Motion Planning Approach for Multiple Mobile Robots.
A Doppler Laser Radar Diagnostic Technique for Characterization of Free-Surface Flows
A DUO2-Steel Cermet Multipurpose Super Cask
A Fast and Accurate Position Sensitive Timing Detector Based on Secondary Electron Emission from Thin Foils
A Fast and Accurate Position Sensitive Timing Detector for Charged Particles
A Fast Multipole Transformation for Global Cllimate Calculations
A Fault Monitoring System for ESG Components
A Few Questions: An Experimental Address to Theorists
A Field Trial of Novel Bifunctional Resins for Removing Pertechnetate from Contaminated Groundwater
A Five-Leg Inverter for Driving a Traction Motor and a Compressor Motor
A Flow-Through High-Pressure Electrical Conductance Cell for Determination of Ion Association of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions at High Temperature and Pressure
A Framework for Assessing Ecological Risks of Petroleum-Derived Materials in Soil
A Framework for Check-pointed Fault-Tolerant Out-of-Core ScaLAPACK LU Factorization
A Free-Jet Mercury System For Use In A High-Power Target Experiment
A Frost-Less Heat Pump
A Gamma Radiolysis Study of UO2F2 0.4H2O Using Spent Nuclear Fuel Elements from the High Flux Isotope Reactor
A General Methodology for Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Separation and Sequestration Activities
A General Methodology for Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Activities
A General Methodology for Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Activities
A General Methodology for Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Activities
A General Methodology for Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration Activities and Carbon Credits
A Generalized Multilevel Inverter Topology with Self Voltage Balancing
A Generic sensor fusion problems: Classification and function estimation
A GIS/Simulation Framework for Assessing Change in Water Yield over Large Spatial Scales
A Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Method to Describe Electrosorption by Porous Nanostructured Materials
A Grand Unified Theory of MxN Parallel Data Redistribution
A GUI for Computational Phantom with Freely Moving Arms and Legs
A Heat and Mass Transfer Correlation for Laminar and Turbulent Flow Across a Low-Slope Roof
A High Performance Programming Model for Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Calculations on Reconfigurable Supercomputers
A High-Charge-State Acceleration Scheme for Potential Upgrade of the HRIBF
A High-Charge-State Acceleration Scheme for Potential Upgrade of the HRIBF
A High-Level Approach to the Synthesis of High-Performance Codes for Quantum Chemistry
A High-Level Approach to the Synthesis of High-Performance Codes for Quantum Chemistry
A High-Level Approach to the Synthesis of High-Performance Codes for Quantum Chemistry
A History of Classified Activities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A History of the Environmental Sciences Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A History of the Robotics and Process System Division (Fuel Recycle Division)
A History of U.S. Uranium Enrichment in the 1950s
A JAVA User Interface for the Virtual Human
A Joint Environmental Material Management Service (JEMMS) Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Distribution Center Location Model for the Continental United States (CONUS)
A Knowledge-based MIddleware and Visualization Framework for the Virtual Soldier Program
A Knowledge-based Middleware and Visualization Framework for the Virtual Soldier Program
A Large Low-Pressure Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
A Large Low-Pressure Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
A Linearized Least Squares Equation for Calculating To
A Low Cost, Triple-Voltage Bus DC/DC Converter for Automotive Applications
A Low-Charge-State Acceleration Scheme for Potential Upgrade of the HRIBF
A Low-Charge-State Acceleration Scheme for Potential Upgrade of the HRIBF
A Lower-Temperature Iodine-Westinghouse-Ispra Sulfur Process for Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen
A Lower-Temperature Iodine-Westinghouse-Ispra Sulfur Process for Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen
A Machine Approach for Field Weakening of Permanent-Magnet Motors
A Magnetocaloric Pump for Lab-On-A-Chip Technology: Phase I Report
A Magnetocaloric Pump for Lab-On-Chip Technology: Phase I Report
A Mass Spectrometer-Based System for Integrated Chemical and Biological Agent Detection - The Block II CBMS
A Materials Perspective on Nanoscale Science and Technology
A Method and Case Study for Estimating the Ramping Capability of a Control Area or Balancing Authority and Implications for Moderate or High Wind Penetration
A Method for Concurrent and Continuous Measurement of Rn-222 and Rn-220 Using Scintillation Cells
A Method for Detecting Changes in Long Time Series
A Method to Improve Activation of Implanted Dopants in SiC
A Methodology for Evaluation of Inservice Test Intervals and Pumps and Motor Operated Valves
A Methodology for the Calibration of Spherical Indenters
A Methodology for the Calibration of Spherical Indenters
A Methodology to Measure Synergy Among Energy-Efficiency Programs at the Program Participant Level
A Methodology to Support Dependable Suvivable Cyber-Secure Infrastructures
A Micromechanical Constitutive Damage Model of Progressive Crushing in Random Carbon Fiber Polymer Matrix Composites
A Microstructural Model for Laser Processing of Ti-6Al-4V
A Miniature Ion Mobility Spectrometry with a Pulsed Corona-Discharge Ion Source
A Model of the Structure of Vitronectin from Small-Angle Scattering and NMR Measurements.
A Model-based High-frequency Matched Filter Arcing Diagnostic System Based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) clustering
A Monte Carlo Approach to Calculate Probability Tables for the Unresolved-Resonance Region Using the AMPX Cross-Section Processing System
A Monte Carlo Approach to Calculate Probability Tables for the Unresolved-Resonance Region Using the AMPX Cross-Section Processing System
A Multi-Function Cermet Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Super Cask
A Multi-Functional Cermet Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Super Cask
A Multi-Sample CS-sputter Ion Source for 7BeO- Generation
A Multi-Step Process to Manipulate the Size Distribution of Nanoparticles Formed by Ion Implantation
A Multifunction Cask for At-Reactor Storage of Short-Cooled SNF, Transport, and Disposal
A Multifunction Cask for At-Reactor Storage of Short-Cooled Spent Fuel, Transport, and Disposal
A Multifunction Cask for At-Reactor Storage of Short-Cooled Spent Fuel, Transport, and Disposal
A Negative Surface Ionization Source for RIB Generation
A Negative-Surface Ionization for Generation of Halogen Radioactive Ion Beams
A Networking Strategy for Peta-Scale Science within the DOE Office of Science
A New Approach for Nuclear Data Covariance and Sensitivity Generation
A New Approach to Deformed Proton Emitters: Non-Adiabatic Coupled Channels
A New Comparison of Vertical Ground Heat Exchanger Design Methods for Residential Applications
A New Concept Kinetic-Ejection Negative-Ion Source for RIB Generation
A New DOE Research Reactor Study
A New Dynamical Diffraction-Based Technique of the Residual Stress Measurements in Thin Films
A New Manufacturing Technology for Induction Machine Copper Rotors
A New Method for Manufacturing Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Casks for SNF and Radioactive Wastes
A New Method for Manufacturing Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Casks for Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Wastes
A New Method to Determine the Thermal Properties of Soil Formations from In Situ Field Tests
A New Methodology for Developing Charpy Impact Data Trend Curves
A New Multi-Range Force Sensor
A New Paradigm: Near-Complete Recycling of Spent Fuel--A Path to Sustainable Nuclear Energy
A New Repository Waste Form: Graphite-Carbon High-Level Waste
A New Repository Waste Form: Graphite-Carbon High-Level Waste
A New Repository Waste Form: Graphite-Carbon High-Level Waste (HTGR Fuel Processing and Waste Forms)
A New Shared-Memory Programming Paradigm for Molecular Dynamics Simulations on the Intel Paragon
A new structure for an old magnet - we hope
A New Tandem-in-time and in-space Mass Spectrometer for High-Throughput MS/MS
A New Twist on the Core Collapse Supernova Mechanism?
A New Type B Cask Design for Transporting Californium-252
A new type of microdosimeter based on 3D computer optical memories
A Note on the Total Least Squares Problem for Coplanar Points
A Novel "Hotpoint" Detector for In Situ DNAPL Analyses
A Novel Capability for Crush Testing Crash Energy Management Structures at Intermediate Rates
A Novel Germanate, Cu2Fe2Ge4O13, With a Four Tetrahedra Oligomer
A Novel Growth Approach of Ultrasmall Ge and Si Nanoclusters on a Si(100) Substrate Without a Wetting Layer
A Novel Method for Analyzing and Interpreting GCM Results Using Clustered Climate Regimes
A Novel Method for Analyzing and Interpreting GCM Results Using Clustered Climate Regimes
A novel method for forming a virtual substrate for growing strained SiGe thin-films
A Nuclear Transition in the Optical Range: Search for the 3.5 eV Gamma Emission from Thorium-229m
A Nuclear-Fossil Combined-Cycle Power Plan for Base-Loa and Peak Electricity
A Nuclear-Fossil Combined-Cycle Power Plant for Base-Load and Peak Electricity
A Parallel Performance Study of the Cartesian Methods for Partial Differential Equations on a Sphere
A Passive Soft-Switching Snubber for PWM Inverters
A Pilot Project for a Protein Complex Factory
A Pipe Insulation Test Apparatus for Use Below Room Temperature
A Plan for Ensuring High Availability for the Spallation Neutron Source Facility
A Plant Control System Development Approach for IRIS
A PLD-based Continuous Compositational-Spread Technique Applied to Epitaxial Films and Heterostructures
A Posteriori Error Estimation for a Nodal Method in Neutron Transport Calculations
A Practical Guide for Commissioning Existing Buildings
A Practical Test Method for Mode I Fracture Toughness of Adhesive Joints with Dissimilar Substrates
A Practical Test Method for Mode I Fracture Toughness of Adhesive Joints with Dissimilar Substrates
A Pre-corrected-FFT for 3D Electrostatics
A Preliminary Cost Study of the Dual Mode Inverter Controller
A Primer on Incentive Regulation for Electric Utilities
A Process and Structure for Growing Compound Semiconductors on Silicon
A Program for ab initio Quantum Chemistry
A Proliferation-Resistant Reactor and Fuel Cycle without Significant Quantities of Chemically Separable Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials
A Proposal for Sampling the SONGS-1 Reactor Pressure Vessel
A putative aminophospholipid transporter is linked to the p locus on mouse chromosome 7
A Putative Murine Aminophospholipid Translocase Maps to a Quantitative Trait Locus Influencing Body Fat in Mouse Chromosome 7
A Quadrennial Review of Safety-Related Physics Studies at HFIR
A Radioisotope Depletion Method Using Monte Carlo Transport with Variance Reduction and Error Propagation
A Remotely Deployed Laser System for Viewing/Metrology
A Review and Analysis of European Industrial Experience in Handling LWR Spent Fuel and Vitrified High-Level Waste
A Review of Carbon Sequestration Science and Technology Opportunities by the U.S. Department of Energy
A Review of Large-Scale Fracture Experiments Relevant to Pressure Vessel Integrity Under Pressurized Thermal Shock Conditions
A Review of RSICC Software For Medical and Health Physis
A Review of Salmon Recovery Strategies for the Columbia River Basin
A Review of Sub-Scale Test Methods to Evaluate the Friction and Wear of Ring and Liner Mateials for Spark-and Compression Ignition Engines
A Review of Sub-Scale Test Methods to Evaluate the Friction and Wear of Ring and Liner Materials for Spark- and Compression Ignition Engines
A Rig Test to Measure Friction and Wear of Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Piston Rings and Cylinder Liners Using Realistic Lubricants
A Robust Grouping Algorithm for Clustering of Similar Protein Folding Units
A Route to Low Power Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers: The Toroid Mass Analyzer
A Sampling End Effector for Steel Waste Tank Walls
A Sapphire Cell for High-Pressure, Low-Temperature Neutron Scattering Experiments
A Scalable Viz Cache Architecture
A Sequential Least Squares Algorithm For Neutron Spectrum Unfolding Of Pulse Height Distributions Measured With Liquid Scintillators
A Simple Model for Pile-Up During Indentation by a Rigid Cone
A simple optical system for real-time size measurements of nuclear fuel pellets
A simple optical system for real-time size measurements of TRISO fuel pellets
A Simulink-Based Robotic Toolkit for Simulation and Control of the PUMA 560 Robot Manipulator
A Soft-Switched DC/DC Converter for Fuel Cell Vehicle Applications
A Software Facility for Persistent and Asynchronous Access to HPSS
A spectroscopic view of electron-phonon coupling
A spectroscopic view of electron-phonon coupling at metal surfaces
A Spectroscopic View of Electron-Phonon Coupling at Metal Surfaces
A Spectroscopic View of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Two- Dimensional Systems
A Spectroscopic View of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Two- Dimensional Systems
A Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time Study of Organic Thin Films on Silica Particles
A Statistical Method for Estimating the Net Uncertainty in the Prediction of k Based on Isotopic Uncertainties
A Stochastic Method for Estimating the Effect of Isotopic Uncertainties in Spent Nuclear Fuel
A Strategy for Global Phenological Observatories
A Study of Experience Credit for Professional Engineering Licensure
A Study of Modeling and Simulation for Soft-Switched Bi-directional dc-dc Converters
A Study of Modeling and Simulation for Soft-Switched Bi-directional DC-DC Converters
A Study of the Effects of a Radiation Dispersal Device
A Study of the Polymerization, Depolymerization, and Precipitation of Tetravalent Plutonium as Functions of Temperature and Acidity by Spectrophotometric Methods: Preliminary Report
A Study of the Transition Kinetics from Para-Equilibrium to Ortho-Equilibrium
A Study of the Transition Kinetics from Para-Equilibrium to Ortho-Equilibrium
A summary of Findings From the Recent Literature on the Weatherization Assistance Program's Non-Energy Benefits
A Supramolecular Fluorescent Probe Activated by Protons to Detect Cesium and Potassium Ions Mimics the Function of a Logic Gate
A Surface Patch Rnaking Method Identifies Correlated Substrate Specificity Residues in Highly Homologous Enzymes
A Survey of LTR Program Industry Partner Satisfaction at Oak Ridge National Lab
A Survey of LTR Program Industry Partner Satisfaction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A Systematic Description of the Generation of Covariance Matrices
A Systematic Description of the Generation of Covariance Matrices
A Systematic Method for Grinding Wheel Performance Evaluation
A Systematic Technology Concept for Global Co2 Sequestration and Clean Air Protection
A TCP Tuning Daemon
A TCP-Over-UDP Test Harness
A Technical Primer on Lasers
A Technical Review of Urban Land Use - Transportation Models as Tools for Evaluating Vehicle Travel Reduction Strategies
A Thermal and Microstructure Model for Laser Deposition of Ti-6AL-4V
A Thermal Conductivity Approach for Measuring Hydrogen in Engine Exhaust
A Tool for Criticality Accident Emergency Planning, Training and Response
A Transient Study of the Excited States Dynamics of Light-induced Intramolecular Hydrogen Abstaction in 2,5-dibenzoyl-p-xylene
A Truck Rollover Warning System - Preliminary Results
A Two-State Model for the Multilamellar Structure of DNA/Cationic Lipid Complex in the Bulk
A Unique Method of Forming Pseudomorphic and Relaxed GeSi:Si Heterostructures on Silicon-on-Insulator
A Universal Method for Effusive-flow Characterization of Target/Vapor Transport Systems for RIB Generation
A Universal Method for Effusive-Flow Characterization of Target/Vapor Transport Systems for RIB Generation
A Universal Method for Effusive-Flow Characterization Target Ion Source/Vapor Transport Systems for RIB Generation
A Unix Print Filter for Controlling an HP Laserjet Printer
A User's Manual for MASH V1.5 - A Monte Carlo Adjoint Shielding Code System
A Users' Guide to PSTSWM
A Vector Approach to Regression Analysis and Its Application to Heavy-Duty Diesel Emissions
A Vector Approach to Regression Analysis and Its Implications to Heavy-Duty Diesel Emissions
A Vector Perturbation Approach to the Generalized Aircraft Spare Parts Grouping Problem Presentation
A vectorized sparse matrix multiply for compressed row storage format
A Very Approximate Theory for Gas Transport in a Polymer Foam
A Very Brief Introduction to the Common Component Architecture
A Virtual Model of a Reactor Facility
A Virtual Substrate on Si Formed by Ion Implantation for Growing a Variety of Heterostructures
A Voltage-Controlled Oscillator for a 300MHz High Temperature Transceiver Realized in 0.5um SOI Technology
A Vorticity-Divergence Global Semi-Lagrangian Spectral Model for the Shallow Water Equations
Ab Initio Thermometry for Long-Term Unattended Space Reactor Operation
Ab-Initio Calculations on Grain Boundaries of SrTiO3
Aberration Corrected STEM Analysis og Gold Nanoparticiple Catalytic Activity
Aberration Correction and STEM - A Revolution in Electron Microscopy
Aberration-Corrected STEM for Understanding of the Catalytic Mechanisms and Development of New Catalysts
Aberration-Corrected STEM: Towards the Ultimate Resolution
Aberration-Corrected STEM: Towards the Ultimate Resolution for Imaging and Analysis
Aberration-Corrected Z-Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of CdSe Nanocrystals
Absorption Cooling and Desiccant Dehumidification Successes in the Southeast
Abstract - A New Method for Manufacturing Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Casks
Abstract B23B-07: Quantitative Flux Ecoregions for AmeriFlux Using MODIS
Abstracts of the Fourteenth Annual Conference on Fossil Energy Materials
Ac Loss in Superconductive Cable: Comparison of YBCO Thin Films and Composite BSCCO/Ag Tapes
AC Loss Measurements with a Cryocooled Sample
AC Losses of Prototype HTS Transmission Cables
Accelerated BEM for 3D Electrostatics
Accelerated BEM in 3D Potential Theory
Accelerated Discovery Chemistry Using Fluoroorganic Ligands
Accelerated Life Test and Field Test Performance Results for an Integral Heat Pump Water Heater
Accelerated Life Tests of a Residential Heat Pump Water Heater
Accelerating Scientific Applications with the SRC-6 Reconfigurable Computer: Methodologies and Analysis
Accessibility of Electron Bernstein Modes in Over-Dense Plasma
Accident Criticality Safety for Fast-Spectrum Molten Salt Reactors
Accommodating Multiple Illumination sources in an Imaging Colorimetry Environment
Accurate Identification of Neutron Sources Using The Liquid Scintillator BC-501A
Achieving High Efficiency Clean Combustion in Diesel Engines
Actinide and Lanthanide Separation Studies for Spent Fuel Processing
Actinide Chemistry in the Gas Phase
Actinide-Zirconia Based Materials for Nuclear Applications: Cubic Stabilized Zirconia Versus Pyrochlore Oxide
Activated Carbon as Catalyst for Removing Hydrogen Sulfide: on the Formation of By-Products
Activated Carbons as Catalyst for Selective Partial Oxidation of Hydrogen Sulfide
Activation and Micropore Structure Determination of Carbon-Fiber Composite Molecuar Sieves
Active Desiccant Dehumidification Module Integration with Rooftop Packaged HVAC
Active Desiccant Integration with Packaged Rooftop HVAC Equipment
Active Desiccant-Based Preconditioning Market Analysis and Product Development
Active Sites Environmental Monitorig Program: FY 1997 Annual Report
Active Sites Environmental Monitoring Program FY 1995 Annual Report
Active Sites Environmental Monitoring Program FY 1996 Annual Report
Activity Summary of the Inclusion Survey Contractor for the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project 1986 to 1998
Acute Exposure Levels (AGELs) for Sulfur Mustare
Adaptation of WRENSS-Fortran-77 for a GIS Application for Water-Yield Changes
Adaptive 2.5D Visual Servoing of Kinematically Redundant Robot Manipulators
Adaptive Homography-Based Visual Servo Control
Adaptive PhotoMechanical Chemical Sensor (APCS)
Adaptive Position and Orientation Regulation for the Camera-in-hand Problem
Adaptive Range Identification for Exponential Visual Servo Tracking
Adaptive Regulation of Amplitude Limited Robot Manipulators with Uncertain Kinematics and Dynamics
Adaptive Tracking and Regulation of A Wheeled Mobile Robot with Controller/Update Law Modularity
Adaptive Visual Servoing in the Presence of Intrinsic Calibration Uncertainty
Adaptive Visualization Pipeline Decomposition and Mapping onto Computer Networks
Adatom Ascending at Step Edges and Faceting on fcc Metal (110) Surfaces
Adding Value to Global-Change Data
Additional Resources for Practical and successful High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction and Structural Studies by XRD
Addressing Environmental Externalities from Electricity Generation in South Carolina
Addressing Environmental Externalities from Electricity Generation in South Carolina
Addressing the Axial Burnup Distribution in PWR Burnup Credit Criticality Safety
Addressing the Manufacturing Issues Associated with the use of Ceramic Materials for Diesel Engine Components.
Adsorbent Carbon Fiber Composites for the Storage of Natural Gas
Adsorption of Ions on Zirconium Oxide Surfaces from Aqueous Solutions at High Temperatures
Adsorption/Desorption Characteristics of Explosive Vapors on Uncoated Silicon Microcantilever Surfaces
Advanced Bio Photonics: From Lasers to Biochips
Advanced Biochip and Photonics Technology for Homeland Security
Advanced Biomedical Photonics: From Lasers to Biochips
Advanced Biophotonic Instrumentation for Medical Diagnostics
Advanced Biophotonics Sensors for Environmental and Medical Applications
Advanced Biophotonics: A New Generation of Analytical Tools for Environmental and Medical Applications
Advanced Bioreactor Concepts for Gaseous Substrates: Conversion of Synthesis Gas to Liquid Fuels and Removal of SO(sub x) and NO(sub x) from Coal Combustion Gases
Advanced characterization methods for TRISO fuels
Advanced Characterization Techniques for Weld Microstructures
Advanced Computational Materials Science: Application to Fusion and Generation IV Fission Reactors (Workshop Report)
Advanced Control Room Design Review Guidelines: Integration of the NUREG-0700 Guidelines and Development of New Human-System Interface Guidelines
Advanced Decision Support System (ADSS) For Spiral Technology Investments
Advanced Development and Market Penetration of Desiccant-Based Air-Conditioning Systems
Advanced Full CI Implementation for Teraflop Computing
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel
Advanced Head-End Processing of Spent Fuel: A Progress Report
Advanced High Performance Scientific Computing at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR) Loss-of-Forced-Circulation Accidents
Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR)Loss of Forced Circulation Accidents
Advanced High-Temperature Reactor for Hydrogen and Electricity Production
Advanced High-Temperature Reactor for Hydrogen and Electricity Production
Advanced High-Temperature Reactor for Hydrogen and Electricity Production
Advanced High-Temperature Reactor for Production of Electricity and Hydrogen: Molten-Salt-Coolant, Graphite-Coated-Particle-Fuel
Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: Molten Salt coolant and Graphite Fuel
Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: Molten Salt Coolant and Graphite Fuel
Advanced High-Temperature Reactors: What and Why (A Story of Technology Development)
Advanced Hygrothermal Models and Design Models
Advanced Industrial Materials (AIM) Program - Compilation of Project Summaries and Significant Accomplishments, FY 1995
Advanced Industrial Materials (AIM) Program Compilation of Project Summaries and Significant Accomplishments FY 1999
Advanced Internal Imaging Technologies for Verification
Advanced Microcharacterization of Nickel-Base Superalloys
Advanced Neutron Source Dynamic Model (ANSDM) Code Description and User Guide
Advanced Neutron Source Probabilistic Flow Blockage Assessment
Advanced Neutron Source Radiological Design Criteria
Advanced Neutron Source Reactor Thermal Analysis of Fuel Plate Defects
Advanced Neutron Source Reactor Zoning, Shielding, and Radiological Optimization Guide
Advanced Nuclear Forensic Technologies for Uranium and Plutonium Sampling, Separation and Analysis
Advanced Photon Source Activity Report 2002 at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, December 2003 - contribution title: "Microdiffraction Study of Epitaxial Growth and Lattice Tilts in Oxide Films on Polycrystalline Metal Substrates"
Advanced Photonic Sensors for Environmental and Medical Diagnostics: From Laser to Biochips
Advanced Physiological Monitoring of FCS Soldiers
Advanced Physiological Monitoring of FCS Soldiers
Advanced Physiological Monitoring of FCS Soldiers
Advanced physiological Monitoring of FCS Soldiers
Advanced Power Generation Systems for the 21st Century: Market Survey & Recommendations for a Design Philosophy
Advanced Prognostics for FCS Equipment
Advanced Prognostics for FCS Equipment
Advanced Quadrupole Ion Trap Instrumentation for Low Level Vehicle Emissions Measurements
Advanced Reactor Development in the United States
Advanced Reactor Licensing: Experience with Digital I&C Technology in Evolutionary Plants
Advanced Scientific Computing - Current Status and Future Trends
Advanced Scientific Computing-Current Status and Future Trends
Advanced Scientific Computing: An Extraordinary Tool for Extraordinary Science
Advanced Three-Dimensional Deterministic and Monte Carlo Codes for Simulation of Real-Life Complex Nuclear Systems
Advanced Tokamak Profile Evolution in DIII-D
Advanced Tokamak Scenario Modeling Using Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in DIII-D
Advanced Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques for General Purpose Heat Source Fueled Clad Closure Welds
Advanced, Environmentally Friendly Hyroelectric Turbines for the Restoration of Fish and Water Quality
Advanced-High-Temperature Reactor Spent-Fuel Characteristics and Repository Impacts
Advanced-High-Temperature-Reactor Spent Fuel Characteristics and Repository Impacts
Advanced-High-Temperature-Reactor Spent-Fuel Characteristics and Repository Impacts
Advancements in Generalized-Geometry Discrete Ordinates Transport for Lattice Physics Calculations
Advances in Aberration Corrected STEM at ORNL
Advances in High Temperature Phosphor Thermometry for Aerospace Applications
Advances in Supermarket Refrigeration Systems
Advances in the Development of Silicon Nitride and Other Ceramics
Advances in the Performance and Understanding of the SNS Ion Source
Advances in the Performance and Understanding of the SNS* Ion Source
Advances in the Shell-Model Description of Weakly Bound and Unbound Nuclear States
Advances in the TSUNAMI Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Codes Beyond SCALE 5
Advances on Control Approaches for Salient Rotor Motors (SRM)
Adventures in Vectorizing the Community Land Model
Adventures with Neutron Diffraction: Protonation states of D-xylose isomerase
Aerosol Characterization at a Forest Site in Southeastern United States
Aerosol inlet and ionization source for real-time detection of CW and BW agents
Affinity Capture and MALDI-MS of Cytokines from Mouse Serum
Affinity Mass Spectrometry Measurement of Targeted Cytokines Under Physiological Conditions
Affinity Purification of Crosslinked Peptides
AFM Imaging of Bacteria in Liquid Media Immobilized on Gelatin Coated Mica Surfaces
Age of an Indonesian Fossil Tooth Determined by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Agency Staff, NEPA Contractors, and the Integrity of the NEPA Process
Aging of Polyurethane Foam Insulation in Simulated Refigerator Panels--Two-Year Results with Third-Generation Blowing Agents
Aging of Polyurethane Foam Insulation in Simulated Refrigerator Panels - Four Year Results with Third-Generation Blowing Agents
Aging of Polyurethane Foam Insulation in Simulated Refrigerator Panels --ne-Year Results With Third Generation Blowing Agents
Aging of Polyurethane Foam Insulation in Simulated Refrigerator Panels--Three-Year Results with Third-Generation Blowing Agents
Air Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Assemblies
Airborne Geophysics for Shallow Object Detection: Technology Update 2003
Airflow in the Ventilation Space Behind a Rain Screen Wall
ALARA Review of the Spallation Neutron Source Accumulator Ring and Transfer Lines
ALCAR - A Model for Horizontal R&D Consortia (for Automotive Alloys 1999 Editor: Dr. Subodh K. Das with ARCO)
Algorithm Development for Behavior Based Research in Autonomous Robotics
Alignment of an inexpensive paraboloidal concentrator for hybrid solar lighting applications
Alignment of SWNT in Electrospun SWNT-Polymer Composite Fibers
Alkaline-Side Extraction of Technetium from Tank Waste Using Crown Ethers and Other Extractants
All the Greenhouse Gases: Where Do They All Come From?
All Weather Long-Wavelength Infrared Free Space Optical Communications.
All Weather Long-Wavelength Infrared Free Space Optical Link for FCS Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications
Alloy Development of NIckel-Based Superalloy Weld Filler Metals
Alloy Development of Nickel-Based Superalloy Weld Filler Metals
Alloy Development of Nickel-Based Superalloy Weld Filler Metals Using Computational Thermodynamics
Alpha Radiolysis of Sorbed Water on Uranium Oxides and Uranium Oxyfluorides
Alpha Radiolysis Studies for Uranium-233 Oxides and Oxyfluorides
Alternate Energy Sources for Thermalplastic Binding Agent Consolidation
Alternatie Passive Decay-Heat Systems for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Alternative Feedstocks for the Chemical Industry
Alternative Feedstocks in Chemicals Manufacturing
Alternative Hyrdorgen Futures
Alternative Manufacturing Methods for Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet SNF Casks
Alternative Manufacturing Methods for Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet SNF Casks
Alternative Passive Decay-Heat Systems for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Alternative Passive Decay-Heat Systems for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Alternative Plasma Generation Schemes in RF Multicusp H- Ion Sources
Aluminide Coatings for Power-Generation Applications
Aluminum Nitride as an Alternative Local Power Range Monitoring Technology
Aluminum R&D for Automotive Uses and the Department of Energy's Role
Aluminum Soldering Performance Testing of H13 Steel as Boron Coated by the Cathodic Arc Technique
Ammonia Carbonation and Biomass Pyrolysis for Carbon Management
Amorphization and Recrystallization of the ABO3 Oxides
Amorphous Intergranular Films in Self-Reinforced Ceramics
Amplitude Dropout in Coupled Lasers
AMPX-2000: A Cross-Section Processing System for Generating Nuclear Data for Criticality Safety Applications
An Advanced Molten Salt Reactor Using High-Temperature Reactor Technology
An Advanced Molten Salt Reactor Using High-Temperature Reactor Technology
An Advanced Molten Salt Reactor Using High-Temperature Reactor Technology
An Advanced Spent Nuclear Fuel Waste Package Fill Material: Depleted Uranium Dioxide
An Agent-based Resource Allocation System for User Support of Remote Instrumentation
An Agent-based Resource Allocation System for User Support of Remote Instrumentation
An Agent-Oriented Modeling Approach to Complex Biological Pathways
An All-Permanent Magnet ECR Ion Source with a Large Uniformly Distributed Resonant Plasma Volume: Initial Performance
An All-Permanent-Magnet "Volume"-Type ECR Ion Source: Initial Performance
An Analysis of Energy Savings Possible Through Advances in Automotive Tooling Technology
An Analysis of the HEU-MET-FAST-035 Problem Using CENTRM and SCALE
An Analysis of the Impact of Sport Utility Vehicles in the U.S.(Conference paper)
An Analytical Assessment Tool for Predicting Changes in a Species Distribution Map Following Changes in Environmental Conditions
An Anaylsis of the Use of Different Sets of LWR Spent Fuel Composition Measurements for the Validation of SAS2H
An Approach for Electrical Self-Stabilization of High-Temperature Superconducting Wires for Power Applications
An Approach for Investigating Adaptive Control Strategies to Improve Combustion Stability Under Dilute Operating Conditions
An Approximate Method to Estimate the Minimum Critical Mass of Fissile Nuclides
An Architecture for a Multi-Threaded Harness Kernel
An Assessment of Energy and Environmental Issues Related to the Use of Gas-to-Liquid Fuels in Transportation
An Assessment of Energy-Related Career Paths of Senior Industrial Assessment Center Program Alumni
An Assessment of Future Demands for and Benefits of Public Transit Services in Tennessee
An Assessment of Future Demands for and Benefits of Public Transit Srevices in Tennessee
An Assessment of Radiological Impacts of Uranium Mill Tailings on Aquatic Biota
An Assessment of the Bioaccumulation of PCBs and Chloridane Near the U.S. Department of Energy's Kansas City Plant
An Assessment of the Economics of Future Electric Power Generation Options and the Implications for Fusion
An Assessment of the Economics of Future Electric Power Generation Options and the Implications for Fusion - Revision 1
An Atomic View of the Dynamic Role of Defects in Determining Physical and Chemical Properties of Surfaces
An Automated Deterministic Variance Reduction Generator for Monte Carlo Shielding Applications
An Auxiliary Quasi-Resonant Tank Soft-Switching Inverter
An Axial Injection System for the ORIC
An Efficient Process for Separation of Thin-Films in Bulk SiC Utilizing H+ Ion-Cutting Techniques
An Electronic Phosphor for Low-Intensity Beam Diagnostics
An Energy Path Forward
An Enhanced Railroad Network for Infrastructure Assurance Analysis
An Epistle on the Importance of Software Metrics
An Equilibrium-Based Model of Gas Reaction and Detonation
An Evaluation of a Dual Coriolis Meter System for In-Line Monitoring of Suspended Solids Concentrations in Radioactive Slurries
An Evaluation of State Energy Program Accomplishments: 2002 Program Year
An Evaluation of Through-Thickness Changes in Primary Damage Production in Commercial Reactor Pressure Vessels
An Evaluation of Two Hydrograph Separation Methods of Potential Use in Regional Water Quality Assessment
An Evaluation of UDP Transport Protocols
An Examination of Rebuild America Partnership Accomplishments and the Factors Influencing Them
An Experience with Detection and Assessment of SAC in a Recovery Boiler
An Exponential Class of Model-Free Visual Servoing Controllers in the Presence of Uncertain Camera Calibration
An Extension of the Validation of SCALE (SAS2H) Isotopic Predictions for PWR Spent Fuel
An Improved Calibration Method for Hydrazine Monitors for the United States Air Force
An Improved Method for the Determination of 235U and 238U in Urine by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
An Improved Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Model for Pressurized Thermal Shock
An Industry Survey of Automatic Defect Classification Technologies, Methods, and Performance
An Innovative Approach for Determining Downwind Normalized Concentrations from an Accidental Release
An Instrument for Gravimetric Calibration of Flow Devices with Corrosive Gases
An Integrated Mass Spectrometry Technology Platform for the Quantitative Characterization of Rhodopseudomonas palustris Proteomes with Metabolic Stable Isotope Labeling
An Integrated Once-Through Fuel Cycle with Depleted-Uranium-Dioxide SNF Multifunction Casks
An Integrated Traction and Compressor Drive System for EV/HEV Applications
An Introduction to NWChem
An Introduction to Parallel Cluster Computing Using PVM for Computer Modeling and Simulation of Engineering Problems
An Introduction to VIP Technology
An Investigation of Shallow-Flaw Effects on the Master Curve Indexing Parameter (To) in RPV Material
An Iterative Phase-Space Explicit Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Stellar Radiative Transfer in Extended Atmospheres
An MxN Socket Multiplexer
An Ontology for Scientific Information in a Grid Environment: the Earth System Grid
An Ontology for User Support in the Materials Microcharacterization Collaboratory
An ontology-Based Software Agent System Case Study
An Open Flow Helium Cryostat for Macromolecules
An Optimization Experiment with the Community Land Model on the Cray X1
An Optimization Experiment with the Community Land Model on the Cray X1
An Overview of Radiolysis Studies for the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) Remediation Project
An Overview of Research Activities on Si3N4 In Structural Ceramics Group, ORNL
An Overview of What's New in SCALE 5
An RFQ Injection System for the HRIBF
An SVM-based Algorithm for Identification of Photosynthesis-specific Genome Features
An Unresolved Resonance Evaluation for 235U
An Unresolved Resonance Evaluation for 235U
An Unresolved Resonance Evaluation for U-233 from 600 eV to 40 keV
An Unusual Mott Transition at the Surface of Ca1.9 Sr0.1RuO4
An Update on the Common Component Architecture
An Updated Nuclear Criticality Slide Rule: Functional Slide Rule
Analyses of the Dose Rates Due to Activated Materials in the Collimater Section of the SNS Accumulator Ring
Analyses of U.S. and R. F. Depleted-Uranium Concrete/Steel Transport and Storage Cask for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Analyses of U.S. and R.F. Depleted-Uranium Concrete/Steel Transport and Storage Cask for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Analyses of Weapons-Grade MOX VVER-1000 Neutronics Benchmarks: Pin-Cell Calculations with SCALE/SAS2H
Analyses of Weld Overlay Tubes
Analysing Perturbations and Nonstationarity in Data Series Using Techniques Motivated by the Theory of Chaotic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Analysis and Design Program for Switched Reluctance Motor using an Analytical Method
Analysis and Illustration of Thermal Motion Covariance
Analysis and Monitoring Design for Networks
Analysis of a Computational Benchmark for a High-Temperature Reactor Using SCALE
Analysis of Advanced, Low-Charge Refrigeration for Supermarkets
Analysis of Advanced, Low-Charge Refrigeration for Supermarkets
Analysis of Ambient Conditions in Nuclear Power Plants
Analysis of Chemical Agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals Using a Mobile Ion Trap MAss Spectrometer
Analysis of Correlated Neutron and Gamma Detection from Photofission
Analysis of Data for Large Effect Mercury Targets of LANCE/WNR Experiments
Analysis of Defects and Interfaces with Single Atom Sensitivity through Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Analysis of Depth-Sensing Indentation Tests with a Knoop Indenter
Analysis of Depth-Sensing Indentation Tests with a Knoop Indenter
Analysis of design tradeoffs for diplay case evaporators
Analysis of End-to-End Delay in Computer Networks
Analysis of Focused Ion Beam Trenches in Si for Nanofluidics Applications
Analysis of Focused Ion Beam Trenches in Si for Nanofluidics Applications
Analysis of Fresh Fuel Critical Experiments Appropriate for Burnup Credit Validation
Analysis of Hard Particle Retention in Laser Melt Pools
Analysis of Neutron and Photon Detection Position for the Calibration of Plastic (BC-420) and Liquid (BC-501) Scintillators
Analysis of Neutron Reflection in Correlation Measurements
Analysis of Neutron Slowing Down in a Capture-gated Detector
Analysis of Nuclear Data using the R-Matrix Code SAMMY
Analysis of Protein Complexes from a Fundamental Understanding of Protein Binding Domains and Protein-Protein Interactions in Synechococcus WH8102
Analysis of Protein Complexes from Rhodopseudomonas palustris by Mass Spectrometry
Analysis of Protein Interaction Sites through Separated Data Spaces
Analysis of Retained Austenite in 9 Cr-1 Mo-V Steel Weld Metal
Analysis of Retained Austenite in 9 Cr-1 Mo-V Steel Weld Metal
Analysis of Rhenium Clustering in CMSX-4 Nickel-based Superalloys
Analysis of Rod Removal Transient Experiments in VVER Reactors at Zero Power
Analysis of Scintillator Pulse-Height for Nuclear Materials Identification
Analysis of Stray Grain Formation in Single-Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy Welds
Analysis of Stray Grain Formation in Single-Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy Welds
Analysis of the 238U Resonance Parameters Using Random-Matrix Theory
Analysis of the In-Vessel Control Rod Guide-Tube and Subpile Room Shielding Design for the ANS Reactor
Analysis of the Radiation Fallout Tests at ETBS, France (Fall 1996)
Analysis of Thin Film Lithium Batteries with Cathodes of 50 nm to 4 m Thick LiCoO2
Analysis of Time Correlation Measurments with the Active Coincidence Counter
Analysis of Time-of-Flight Data via SAMMY
Analysis of Tokamak Fueling by Time- and Space-Dependent Recycling
Analyte Reduction in APCI and APPI
Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Joining Silicon Carbide to Silicon Carbide and Silicon Nitride to Silicon Nitride for Advanced Heat Engine Applications Phase II
Analytical and Experimental Investigation on the Dispersion Process During Rapid Transients for the Aluminum-Based Nuclear Fuel Plates
Analytical Characterization of the Thorium Nitrate Stockpile
Analytical Chemistry in Small-Volumes at Low Concentration
Analytical Electron Microscopy Study of Ion Irradiated Spinel
Analytical Methods Development in Support of the Caustic Side Solvent Extraction System
Analytical Methods for Environmental Sampling of Chemical Warfare Agents and Their Degradation Products, Proceedings of a Conference, Aberdeen, MD, September 20-21, 1994
Analytical Modeling for High Performance Reconfigurable Computers
Analytical Solution for the Design of Spoolable Composite Tubing
Analytical Solution for the Design of Spoolable Composite Tubing
Analytical Technology Developments for Genomics
Analytical Technology Developments for Genomics
Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy of Thick YBa2Cu307-d Films on RABiTS
Analytically Computed Small-Angle Scattering In Fast-Neutron Radiography
Ancilary-Service Costs for 12 U.S. Electric Utilities
Ancillary Services Provided from DER
Anion Hosts as Effecient Tools for Enhancing Ion-Pair Extraction
Anisotropic Nonmonotonic Behavior of Superconducting Critical Current in Thin YBa2Cu3O7-delta Films on Vicinal SrTiO3 Surfaces
ANN-Based Distribution System Reconfiguration
Annealing Behavior of Gel-Spun Polyethylene Fibers at Temperatures Lower Than Needed for Significant Shrinkage
Annotated Bibliography of Literature Relating to the Public Acceptability of Bioremediation Technologies
Annotation of Draft Microbial Genomes
Annotation of Microbial Genomes Relevant to DOE's Carbon Management and Sequestration Program
Annual EMSP Summary Progress Report
Project Title: Development of Nuclear Analysis Capabilities for DOE Waste Management Activities
Annual Progress Report - Data and Analysis for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transport and Storage in Burnup Credit Casks
Annual Report for NERI Proposal #2000-0109 on Forewarning of Failure in Critical Equipment at Next-Generation Nuclear Power Plants
Annual Report Nucelar Energy Research and Development Program Nuclear Energy Research Initiative
Annual Technical Progress Report of Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program Tasks for October 1, 2002 Through September 30, 2003
Annual Technical Progress Report of Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program Tasks for October 1, 2003 Through September 30, 2004
Anomalous Diffusion in a Running Sandpile Model
Anomalous Phonon Behaviour in V3Si
ANS Materials Databook
ANSI and IEC Standards for Radiation Detection Instrumentation
ANSI/ANS-8.15-1981 (R95): Nuclear Criticality Control of Special Actinide Elements
Anthropology and Decision Making About Chronic Technological Disasters: Mixed Waste Remediation on the Oak Ridge Reservation
Antiferromagnetic Order as the Competing Ground State in Electron-Doped Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4
Antiferromagnetic Order Induced by an Applied Magnetic Field in a High-Temperature Superconductor
Apparatus for the Gasometric Study of Solid-Gas Reactions: Sodium Fluoride with Hydrogen Fluoride and Uranium Hexafluoride
Apparent Thermal Conductivity Data and Related Information for Rice Hulls and Crushed Pecan Shells
Applicability of the Fracture Toughness Master Curve to Irradiated Highly Embrittled Steel and Intergranular Fracture
Applicability of Three-Dimensional CFD Simulation of the Spallation Neutron Source Mercury Target
Application for R&D 100 entitled "Wireless Nose".
Application of a Hydrobiogeochemistry Computer Model to Fate and Transport of Co-contaminants in Fractured Saprolite
Application of a Thermal Kinetic Model for Ion Trap CID to Diatomic Ions
Application of a Weibull Stress Model to Predict the Failure of Surface and Embedded Cracks in Large Scale Beams Made of Clad and Unclad RPV Steel
Application of Adaptive Control to Reduce Cyclic Dispersion Near the Lean Limit in a Small-Scale, Natural Gas Engine
Application of Advanced Head End Reprocessing Concepts to a Fluoride Volatility Flowsheet
Application of atom probe microanalysis for understanding microstructure evolution in nickel base superalloy welds
Application of Barrier Membrane Technology to Catalytic Cracker Recycle Gas Hydrogen Separations
Application of CFD Simulation to Low-Temperature Combustion of Biofuels
Application of Cluster Ion Beam Smoothing to Crystal Surfaces
Application of Covariance Data to Criticality Safety Data Validation
Application of Fractal Encoding Techniques for Image Segmentation
Application of Ground-State Factorization to Nuclear Structure Problems
Application of High-Speed Infrared Imaging to Study Transient Joule Heating in Station Class Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters
Application of Human Decision Field Theory to Estimation of Combat Identification Latencies
Application of In-situ Diffraction Experiments to Understand Nonequilibrium Phase Transformations in Structural Alloys
Application of In-situ Diffraction Experiments to Understand Nonequlibrium Phase Transformations in Sturctural Alloys
Application of Inorganic Membrane Technology to Hydrogen-hydrocarbon Separations
Application of IR Imaging during Temperature-Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TMDSC) Measurements
Application of Kronecker Products in Fusion Applications
Application of Mesoscale Finite Element Simulations to Study the Evolution of Cube Texture during Hot Deformation of Alumnimum
Application of Microprocessor-Based Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants - Technical Basis for a Qualification Methodology
Application of Optical and Other Advanced Characterization Techniques to Understand Weld Microstructures
Application of ORIGEN to Spent Fuel Safeguards and Non-Proliferation
Application of Phosphor Thermometry to a Galvanneal Temperature Measurement System
Application of Phosphor Thermometry to a Galvanneal Temperature Measurement System
Application of polarization for optical motion-registered SPECT functional imaging of tumors in mice
Application of Polynomial and Radial Basis Function Maps to Signal Masking
Application of RF Power to Plasma Flow Drive in Fusion Confinement
Application of SAXS and SANS in Evaluation of Porosity, Pore Size Distribution and Surface Area of Coal
Application of Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Methods to a Validation Study for Weapons-Grade Mixed-Oxide Fuel
Application of Sensitivity/Uncertainty Methods to Burnup Credit Validation
Application of Sequences as an Analytical Tool for Aviation Incidents
Application of Statistically-Based KIc/KIa Fracture Toughness Models to PTS Assessments of Reactor Pressure Vessels
Application of Stochastic and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Nuclear Material Identification
Application of Stochastic and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Nuclear Material Identification
Application of Stochastic and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Nuclear Material Identification
Application of Stochastic and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Nuclear Material Identification
Application of Stochastic and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Nuclear Material Identification - SLIDES
Application of the 3D X-Ray Crystal Microscope to Study Mesoscale Structure of Materials
Application of the Newly Discovered Dynamical Diffraction Effects in Neutron Diffraction Instruments
Application of Time-Resolved Pulse Radiolysis Technique in the Investigation of the Mechanism of Epoxy Resins Cationic Polymerization
Application of Ultrasonic Techniques for Brain Injury Diagnosis
Applications and Availability of Californium-252 Neutron Sources for Waste Characterization
Applications and Availability of Californium-252 Neutron Sources for Waste Characterization
Applications of Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics to Art Conservaiton
Applications of Digital Pulse Processing in Nuclear Spectroscopy
Applications of Gas-Phase Ion Chemistry: Protein Identification in Pathogenic Microorganisms
Applications of Picoliter and Nanoliter Fluid Handling and Arraying
Applications of STEM and EELS to Nanoscience
Applications of the TSUNAMI Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Methodology
Applying High-Performance Computers for Modeling and Simulations: Harness and CUMULVS
Applying the CO2 Laser Collective Thomson Scattering Results from JT-60U to other machines
Approach and Strategy for Performing Ecological Risk Assessments for the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Field Office Environmental Restoration Program
Approaches for Interoperability for Biomodeling - From Genome to Organ Systems
Approaches to Electric Utility Energy Efficiency for Low Income Customers in a Changing Regulatory Environment
Approximate Identification of Boundary Properties in a Wave Equation by Optimal Control Techniques
Approximate Techniques for Representing Nuclear Data Uncertainties
APT Characterization of a High Strength Corrosion-Resistant Ni-Cr-Mo Hastelloy C-22HS Alloy
APT Characterization of High Nickel RPV Steels
APT Characterization of High Nickel RPV Steels
APT Characterization of Solute Segregation to Individual Dislocations
APT Characterization of Some Iron-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses
AquaSentinel Technology and WaterSentry System: New Tools for Continuous Real-Time water Monitoring
AquaSentinel: A Continuous Monitoring Biosensor System for Primary-Source Drinking Water
Arbitrarily High Order Transport Method of the Characteristic Type for Tetrahedral Grids
Arc Localization Techniques for ICRF Transmission Lines
Archimedes Filter Plant Remote Maintenance System Design
Archimedes Filter Plant Remote Maintenance System Design
Are Bilinear Quadrilaterals Better Than Linear Triangles?
Are Chemically Separable, Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials A Characteristic Of Nuclear Power Systems?
Are Chemically Separable, Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials a Characteristic of Nuclear Power Systems?
ARP: Automatic Rapid Process for the Generation of Problem Dependent SAS2H/ORIGEN-s Cross Section Libraries
ASM Materials Solution Conference
Aspects of Ferromagnetism and Phase Transformations in Nanocrystals Formed by Ion Beam Synthesis
Assembly of Nanoclusters on Silicon Surfaces
Asserting Performance Expectations
Assessing Consumer Values and the Supply-Chain Market for the Integrated Water Heater/Dehumidifier
Assessing Contaminant Distribution and Effects in a Reservoir Fishery
Assessing Cumulative Thermal Stress in Fish During Chronic Exposure to High Temperature
Assessing Observed Temperature and Cloud Amount Trends for China Over the Last Half of the Twentieth Century: What Can the Sunshine Duration Record Tell Us?
Assessing Reductant Chemistry During In-Cylinder Regeneration of Diesel Lean NOx Traps
Assessing Risk of Innovation
Assessing Risk of Innovation and Technology Adoption Using the Value-Derivative Model
Assessing the Affects of Failure Severity, Coincident Failures and Usage-Profiles on the Reliability of Embedded Control Systems
Assessing the Long-term Hydrologic Impact of Land Use Change Using a GIS-NPS Model and The World Wide Web
Assessing the Risk from Exposure to Radon in Dwellings
Assessing the Risk of Innovation and Technology Adoption
Assessment and Management of Aging of Nuclear Power Plant Safety-Related Structures
Assessment and Recommendations for Fissile Materials Packaging and Transportation Exemptions and General Licenses Within 10 CFR Part 71
Assessment and Testing of Long-Line Interface Devices
Assessment of Aluminum Structural Materials for Service Within the ANS Reflector Vessel
Assessment of Benefits for Extended Burnup Credit in Transporting PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel in the USA
Assessment of Candidate Molten Salt Coolants for the Advanced High Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
Assessment of Candidate Molten Salt Coolants for the NGNP/NHI Heat Transfer Loop
Assessment of Classified Waste Information for CERCLA Decisions at Melton Valley and Bethel Valley Watersheds, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Assessment of Corrosivity Associated with Exhaust Gas Recirculation in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine
Assessment of Cost Savings of DOE's Return-on-Investment Program
Assessment of Degree of Applicability of Benchmarks for Gadolinium Using KENO V.a and the 238-Group SCALE Cross-Section Library
Assessment of Hydrogen Detonation Loads in the Cold Source Beam Tube of the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Assessment of Large-Scale Pressurized Thermal Shock Experiments Using the FAVOR Fracture Mechanics Computer Code
Assessment of Nonnative Invasive Plants in the DOE Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park
Assessment of Nuclear-Hydrogen Synergies with Renewable Energy Systems and Coal Liquefaction Processes
Assessment of On-Site Power Opportunities in the Industrial Sector
Assessment of Options for the Collection, Handling, and Transport of Corn Stover
Assessment of Potential ORNL Contributions to Supply of Molybdenum-99
Assessment of Properties of Candidate Liquid Salt Coolants for the Advanced High Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
Assessment of Reactivity Margins and Loading Curves for PWR Burnup Credit Cask Designs
Assessment of Recuperator Materials for Microturbines
Assessment of Reusing 14-ton, Thin-Wall, Depleted UF6 Cylinders as LLW Disposal Containers
Assessment of the Available (Sup 233)U Cross Sections Evluations in the Calculation of Critical Benchmark Experiments
Assessment of the Potential to Reduce Emissions from Road Transportation, Notably NOx, Through the Use of Alternative Vehicles and Fuels in the Great Smoky Mountains Region
Assessment of Titanium Cross Sections and Uncertainties for Application in Criticality Safety
Assessment of Titanium Cross Sections and Uncertainties for Application in Criticality Safety
Assessment of Weatherization Assistance Program Needs for Improved Residential Measure Selection Techniques
Assumptions and Criteria for Performing a Feasibility Study of the Conversion of the High Flux Isotope Reactor Core to Use Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel
Asymptotic Behavior of the Wave Packet Propagation through a Barrier: the Green's Function Approach Revisited
Asynchronous Discrete Event Systems and Emergence of Computational Chaos
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Mixing Ratios from the NOAA Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory Cooperative Flask Sampling Network, 1967-1993
Atmospheric Iron Flux and Surface Cholorphyll at South Atlantic Ocean: A Case Study Near Patagonia
Atmospheric Mercury Emissions From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Atmospheric Mercury Emissions From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Atmospheric Mercury Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Atom Probe Analysis of Carbon Distribution in a Bainitic High-Strength Steel
Atom Probe Analysis of Planar Multilayer Structures
Atom Probe Analysis of Planar Multilayer Structures
Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography Characterization of Neutron-Irradiated Pressure Vessel Steels
Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy of Miltilayer Films
Atom Probe Specimen Preparation and Analysis of Powders
Atom Probe Tomography and the Local Electrode Atom Probe
Atom Probe Tomography and the Local Electrode Atom Probe
Atom Probe Tomography Characerization of the Solute Distributions in a Neutron-Irradiated and Annealed Pressure Vessel Steel Weld
Atom Probe Tomography Characterization of Multilayer Films
Atom Probe Tomography Characterization of Nanocomposite Multilayers
Atom Probe Tomography of 15Kh2MFA Cr-Mo-V Steel Surveillance Specimens
Atom Probe Tomography of 15KhMFT Co-Mo-V Steel Surveillance Specimens
Atom Probe Tomography of Interfaces
Atom Probe Tomography of the Early Stages of Phase Decomposition
Atom Probe Tomography of Thin Film Materials
Atom Probe Tomography Study of GPB Zones in Al-Mg-Cu-(Si) Alloys
Atom Probe Tomography: A Tool for 3-Dimensional Characterization of Materials
Atom Probe Tomography: A Tutorial
Atomic and Electronic Structure of Dislocation Cores in GaN
Atomic and Electronic Structure of Semiconductor/Oxide Interfaces
Atomic and Molecular Databases for Fusion Divertor Plasma
Atomic and Molecular Transport Processes in a Cool Hydrogen Plasma
Atomic Level Characterization of Neutron Irradiated Pressure Vessel Steels
Atomic Level Characterization of Neutron Irradiated Pressure Vessel Steels
Atomic Level Characterization of Nickel Crystallites of Nanometer Dimension
Atomic Model of Anti-Phase Boundaries in a Face-Centred Icosahedral Zn-Mg-Dy Quasicrystal
Atomic Observations of Warm Rolled Low Carbon Steels Alloyed with Cr and P
Atomic Partitioning of Ruthenium in Ni-Based Superalloys
Atomic Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Imaging in Aberration Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Atomic Scale Analysis of Complex Oxide Interfaces in the Aberration Corrected STEM
Atomic Scale Characterization of High Temperature Materials by Atom Probe Tomography
Atomic Scale Mapping of Phase Segregation at CMR Grain Boundaries in the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
Atomic Scale Structure of Ultrathin Magnetic Multilayers and Correlation with Resistance and Giant Magnetoresistance and Spin-Dependent Tunneling
Atomic Scale Studies of the Electronic Properties of CMR Manganese Oxides
Atomic Structure of Quasicrystal Studied by Spherical Aberration-Corrected 300kV-STEM
Atomic-Resolution EELS in Aberration-Corrected STEM
Atomic-Resolution Z-Contrast Imaging and Its Applications in Studies of Ordered Structures
Atomic-Scale Engineering of the SiC-SiO2 Interface
Atomistic View of Manganite Thin Films by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Attitudes and Practices Regarding Disposal of Liquid Nuclear Waste at Clinton Laboratories in the Very Early Years: A Historical Analysis
Attribution and Apportionment of Federal Highway Tax Revenues: Process Refinement
Auger Rates for Highly Charged Ions near an Insulator Surface
Austenite to Martensite Phase Transformation in 9 Cr 1 Mo Steel Weld Metal.
Automated Characterization and Detection of Unknown Chemical Agents in Battlefield Environments Using a Ruggedized Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
Automated Kinematic Equations Generation and Constrained Motion Planning Resolution for Modular and Reconfigurable Robots
Automated Kinematic Generator for Surgical Robotic Systems
Automatic Differentiation to Couple SCALE Modules Using GRESS 90 -- Part II: Application
Automatic Differentiation to Couple SCALE Modules Using GRESS 90--Part I: Methodology
Automatic Differentiation with Code Coupling and Applications to SCALE Modules
Automatic Differentiation with Code Coupling and Applications to SCALE Modules
Automation & Characterization of US Air Force Bench Top Wind Tunnels
Automation & Characterization of US Air Force Bench Top Wind Tunnels - Summary Report
Automation of U.S. Air Force Bench Top Wind Tunnels
Autonomous Control Capabilities for Space Reactor Power Systems
Autonomous Control Concepts
Autonomous Control for Generation IV Nuclear Plants
Autonomous Control of Nuclear Power Plants
Availability of Uranium Feed for the Fissile Materials Disposition Program
Availability of Uranium Feed for the Fissile Materials Disposition Program Volume 1: Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride
Availability Prediction and Modeling of High Availability OSCAR Cluster
Average Neutron Total Cross Sections in the Unresolved Energy Range From ORELA High Resolutio Transmission Measurements
Average Total Neutron Cross Section OF 233U, 235U AND 239Pu from ORELA Transmission Measurements and Statistical Analysis of the Data
Back EMF Calculations for Axial-Gap Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (AGPMSM) with Disc Magnets
Bacterial and Plant Proteome Analysis by 1D and 2D LC-MS
Bacterial Cellulose: A Versatile Material for Bio-Fuel Cell
Bamboo: An Overlooked Biomass Resource?
Band Structure in 79Y and the Question of T=0 Pairing
Band-Gap Problem in Semiconductors Revisited: Effects of Core States and Many-Body Self-Consistency
Baseline and IES Performance of a Direct-Fired Desiccant Dehumidification Unit Under Various Environmental Conditions
Baseline Proteome Analysis of the Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris under all Major Metabolic States
Baseline, Exhaust-Fired, and Combined Operation of Desiccant Dehumidification Unit
Basis for Requirements for Advanced Neutron Source Control Element Test Facility
Basis for Selection of a Residual Waste Retrieval System for Gunite and Associated Tank W-9 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Batch-Equilibrium Hot-Cell Tests of Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction (CSSX) with SRS Simulant Waste and Internal 137Cs Irradiation
Bayesian Separation of Lamb Wave Signatures
Bayesian Separation of Lamb Wave Signatures in Laser Ultrasonics
Bayesian Separation of Lamb Wave Signatures in Laser Ultrasonics
Beamline X14A
Behavior of Nb Atoms in Nb Substituted Nd2Fe14B Nanocrystalline Alloys Investigated by Atom Probe Tomography
Behavior of Vacancy Clusters Generated by High-Energy Ion Implantation into SOI Substrates
Behavior of vacancy clusters generated by high-energy ion implantation into SOI substrates
Benchmark Analysis of the MIX-COMP-THERM-02 Experiments Using the SCALE/CENTRM Sequence
Benchmark of SCALE (SAS2H) Isotopic Predictions of Depletion Analyses for San Onofre PWR MOX Fuel
Benchmark Performance Analysis of an ECM-Modulated Air-to-Air Heat Pump with a Reciprocating Compressor
Benchmark Performance Analysis of an ECM-Modulated Air-to-Air Heat Pump with a Reciprocating Compressor
Benchmarking a Parallel Coupled Model
Benchmarking Monte Carlo Codes for Criticality Safety Using Subcritical Measurements
Benchmarking of Competitive Projects
Benchmarking OOCORE, and Out-of-core Matrix Solver
Benchmarking Residential Energy Use
Benchmarking: A Tool to Enhance Performance
Beneficial Uses of Tails from Nuclear Fuel Production in Spent Fuel Storage Cask Manufacturing
Beneficial Uses of Tails from Nuclear Fuel Production into Spent Fuel Storage Cask Manufacturing
Benefits of AI techniques for process specification: application to the PSL Language
Beta Decay of 72Co and Excited Levels in 72Ni
Beyond Nickel-Base Superalloys
Beyond Terascale Biological Computing: GIST and Genomes to Life
Biaxial Texture Analysis of YBa2Cu3O7 Coated Conductors by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
Bibliography on Biomass Feedstock Research: 1978-2002
Bibliography on CO2 Effects on Vegetation and Ecosystems: 1990-1999 Literature
BiCu2VO6: A New Narrow-Band Spin-Gap Material
BiLab-A New Tool that Combines the Ease-of-Use of MatLab and the Power of Multiple Computational Biology Libraries
Bilayer Conductive-Oxide Buffer Layer Structures for High-Jc YBa2Cu3O7-d Coated Conductors
Bio Detectors for Radiation Detection: Diversifying the System
Bio Detectors for Radiation Detection: Diversifying the System
Bioaccumulation Monitoring--A Key Component of a Multi-Disciplinary Monitoring Program
Bioaugmentation Potential at a Carbon Tetrachloride Contaminated Site
Biochemical Experimentation on Microfabricated Devices
Bioelectromechanical Imaging by Scanning Probe Microscopy: Galvani's Experiment on the Nanoscale
Bioelectromechanical Imaging by Scanning Probe Microscopy: Repeating Galvani's Experiment on the Nanoscale
Bioenergy Crop Breeding and Production Research in the Southeast, Final Report for 1996 to 2001
Bioenergy Feedstock Development Program Status Report
Bioenergy from Switchgrass: Reducing Production Costs by Improving Yield and Optimizing Crop Management
Bioenergy Stakeholders See Parts of the Elephant
Bioenergy Status and Expansion in the United States
Biofiltration of Volatile Pollutants: Solubility Effects
Biogeochemical Dynamics in Zero-Valent Iron Columns: Implications for Permeable Reactive Barriers
Biogeochemical Processes Utilizing Fly Ash for Carbon Sequestration
Bioinformatics in the GTL Facility for Whole Proteomics Analysis
Biological Agent Detection and Identificaiton - A Short Primer
Biological Background Standards for Calibration and Validation of BW Detectors
Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program Data Transmittals to OREIS: Data Collected During FY 2001 for BMAP
Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program Data Transmmittals to OREIS: Data Collected During FY 2002 for BMAP
Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasability of a Billion-Ton Annual Supply
Biomass Crop Production: Benefits for Soil Quality and Carbon Sequestration
Biomass Feedstock Research and Development for Multiple Products in the United States
Biomass Feedstock Research and Development for Multiple Products in the United States
Biomass Stakeholder Views and Concerns: Environmental Groups and Some Trade Associations
Biomedical Potential of a Zirconium Based Bulk Metallic Glass
Biomolecular Photovoltaics and Artificial Sight
Biomonitoring for Environmental Compliance at Select DOE Facilities: Fifteen Years of the Biomonitoring and Abatement Program
Biophysical Directed Assembly of Nanotructures for Neurocomputing
Biopolymer-Patterned Nanoparticle Deposition
Biosensors and Biochips: Frontiers in Environmental and Biomedical Diagnostics
Bioterrorism - A Real Threat
Bismuth Induced Embrittlement of Copper Grain Boundaries
Bismuth Induced Embrittlement of Copper Grain Boundaries
Blend Down Monitoring System Fissile Mass Flow Monitor and its Implementation at the Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia
Blend Down Monitoring System Fissile Mass Flow Monitor Implementation at the ElectroChemical Plant, Zelenogorsk, Russia
Blend Down Monitoring System Fissile Mass Flow Monitor Implementation at the Siberian Chemical Enterprise, Seversk, Russia
Blur Estimation in Limited-Control Environments
Bonded Magnets: Mechanical Properties of Nylon-Based Injection Molded Rare-Earth Magnets.
Bonding in Actinide Complexes - Actinide Ion Chemistry in the Gas Phase
Book Review: High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Microscopy by L.-M. Peng, S. L. Dudarev, and M. J. Whelan - Publisher: Oxford Science Publishers (2004) 469 pages
Boost Converters for Gas Electric and Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles
BOREAS Data: Contributing to Global Change Research
Boron and Boron-Based Coatings as Produced by Vacuum Arc Technology
Boron and Boron-Carbide Coatings as Deposited by the Cathodic Arc Technique
Boston Washer Study
Bottoms-Up In-Situ Vitrification of Hard-to-Treat Buried Mixed Wastes
Boundary Control Method for the 1-d Schrodinger Equation
Boundary Integral Equations for Functionally Graded Materials
Bounding Values for Low-Level-Waste Transport Exemptions and Disposal
Bounds for Departure from Normality and the Frobenius Norm of Matrix Eigenvalues
Bragg Mirror Focusing Devices
Brayton Power Cycles and High-Temperature Salt-Cooled Reactors
Breakup and Recombination of Identical Bosons: He Dimer-Monomer Collisions
Breakup of 170 MeV 17F by 208Pb
Breakup of 17F by 208Pb near the Coulomb barrier
Breakup of Weakly Bound 17F by 208Pb at 170 MeV Bombarding Energy
Breeding 1010/s Radioactive Nuclei in a Compact Plasma Focus Device
Breeding and Selection of New Switchgrass Varieties for Increased Biomass Production
Brief Review of the R-Matrix Theory
Brief Summary of Unreflected and Unmoderated Cylindrical Critical Experiments with Oralloy at Oak Ridge
Brittle Fracture in Nd(Sub 2)Fe(Sub 14)B Intermetallic Magnets
Broad-Area Laser Array Synchronization Using External Cavity
Buffer Layer-Assisted Growth: When Only Nanoclusters Will Do
Building 2026 Radiological Event Review Team Report
Building a Better Unit Cell: Application to the Ag(111)/GaAs(110) System
Building Assurance: September 11 and National Security Implications for the Built Environment
Building Enclosure Hygrothermal Performance Study, Phase 1
Bulk Properties and Neutron Scattering Studies of LiVO2
Burnup of Cadmium Decoupler Material in the Spallation Neutron Source Moderators
C++ and Generic Programming for Rapid Development of Mone Carlo Simulations
C++ and Generic Programming: Rapid Development of New Monte Carlo Simulations
C-Ring Strength of Advanced Monolithic Ceramics
C3 Power Tools
C3 Power Tools
C3 Power Tools - The Next Generation
C3 power Tools - The Next Generation......
Calculated X-Point Neutral Density and Plasma Distributions for Lower Single Null Discharges in DIII-D
Calculating Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions
Calculating Probability Tables for the Unresolved-Resonance Region Using Monte Carlo Methods
Calculating Probability Tables for the Unresolved-Resonance Region Using Monte Carlo Methods
Calculating the Effect of Surface or Underwater Explosions on Submerged Equipment and Structures
Calculation Analysis of San Onofre Depletion MOX Fuel Experiment
Calculation and Evaluation of Para-Equilibrium Phase Diagrams
Calculation of Critical Experiments involving U(37)O2F2 Solution
Calculation of Doses Due to Accidentally Released Plutonium From An LMFBR
Calculation of Ferrite Content in Stainless Steel Welds and Castings
Calculation of Gamma Multiplicities in a Multiplying Sample for the Assay of Nuclear Materials
Calculation of Joint-density of States with the Wang-Landan Algorithm
Calculation of pH and Iodine Volatility Under Reactor Accident Conditions
Calculation of Quad-Cities Central Bundle Documented by the U.S. in FY98 Using Russian Computer Codes
Calculation of RABBIT and Simulator Worth in the HFIR Hydraulic Tube and Comparison with Measured Values
Calculation of the Free Energy of NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles by Monte Carlo Simulation
Calculational Benchmark Problems for VVER-1000 Mixed Oxide Fuel Cycle
Calculational Benchmark Problems for VVER-1000 Mixed Oxide Fuel Cycle
Calculational Benchmark Problems for VVER-1000 Mixed Oxide Fuel Cycle
Calculations of Operational and Residual Doses for the SNS Linac
Calibration of Scintillation Detectors Using a DT Generator
Calibration of Small Plastic Scintillators for Imaging Applications
Calibration of the "Au-labeling" Method to Measure Excess Vacancy Profiles in MeV-Implanted Si
Calibration of the Au Labeling Technique to Measure Vacancy Defects in Si
Calibration Procedures for a Two-Modulator Generalized Ellipsometer
Californium-252 Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 2 (April 2000)
Californium-252 Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 3 (July 2000)
Californium-252 Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 2000)
Californium-252 Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 1 (January 2001)
CALIFORNIUM-252: A Remarkable Versatile Radioisotope
Can Ferromagnetism in Mn doped GaN be Carrier Mediated?
Canadian Involvement in the Spallation Neutron Source
Capabilities of NMIS for Verification of HEU Storage Cans Entering and in the HEUMF
Capacity Modulation Component Characterization and Design Tool Development
Carbon 14 Measurements in Surface Water CO2 from the Atlantic, India, and Pacific Oceans 1965-1994
Carbon and hydrogen isotope signatures associated with microbial iron reduction
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and World Data Center - A for Atmospheric Trace Gases, Catalog of Databases and Reports
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases Fiscal Year 1999 Annual Report
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Report
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Report
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases, Fiscal Year 2002 Annual Report
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and World Data Center-A for Atmospheric Trace Gases
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center World Data Center-A for Atmospheric Trace Gases
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the Nine R/V Korr Cruises Comprising the Indian Ocean CO2 Survey (WOCE Sections I8SI9S, I9N, I8NI5E, I3, I5WI4, I7N, I1, I10, and I2; December 1, 1994-January 19, 1996)
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Hesperides Cruise in the Atlantic Ocean
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V John V. Vickers Cruise in the Pacific Ocean (WOCE Section P13, NOAA CGC92 Cruise, August 4 - October 21, 1992)
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Knorr Cruises in the North Atlantic Ocean on WOCE Sections AR24 (November 2-December 5, 1996) and A24, A20, and A22 (May 30-September 3, 1997)
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Meteor Cruise 28/1 in the South Atlantic Ocean (WOCE Section A8, March 29 - May 12, 1994)
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogrpahic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Knorr Cruise 138-3, -4, and -5 in the South Pacific Ocean, (WOCE Sections P6E, P6C, and P6W, May 2-July 30, 1992)
Carbon Dioxide: Why Do We Care About It and Can It Be Managed?
Carbon Fiber Composite Adsorbent Media for Low Pressure Natural Gas Storage
Carbon Flux to the Atmosphere from Land-Use Changes
Carbon Flux to the Atmosphere from Land-Use Changes: 1850 to 1990
Carbon Foams for Thermal Management
Carbon Materials for Hydrogen Storage
Carbon Release Mechanisms in the DIII-D Divertors
Carbon Sequestered, Carbon Displaced and the Kyoto Context
Carbon Sequestration in Synechococcus sp: From Molecular Machines to Hierarchical Modeling
Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems
Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Status Report on R&D Progress
Carbon Sequestration Pathways in 2030: Geological, Ocean and Terrestrial Systems
Carbon-Carbon Composite Salt-Cooled Electric Space Reactors
Carbon-Carbon-Composite Salt-Cooled Electric Space Reactors
Carbon-Carbon-Composite, Salt-Cooled Electric Space Reactors
Carbon/Carbon Composite Bipolar Plate for PEM Fuel Cells
Carrier Induced Ferromagnetism in II-IV-V2 Mn-doped Chalocpyrites
Cartesian Methods for the Shallow Water Equations on a Sphere
Case Studies in Sustaining DoD Readiness
Case Study: B2B E-Commerce System Specification and Implementation Employing Use-Case Diagrams, Digital Signatures and XML
Cask Size and Weight Reduction Through the Use of Depleted Uranium Dioxide (DUO2)-Steel Cermet Material
Cask Size and Weight Reduction Through the Use of Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Concrete Material
Cask Size and Weight Reductions Through the Use of DUCRETE
Cask Size and Weight Reductions Through the Use of DUO2-Steel Cermet Materials
Cask Size and Weight Reductions Through the Use of DUO2-Steel Cermet Materials
Castability of Magnesium Alloys
Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter Performance in a Light-Duty Vehicle
Cathodoluminescence from Thin Film Zn2Ge04: Mn Phosphor Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Causal Models of Trip Replanning in TRAVTEK
Causes of Indoor Air Quality Problems in Schools: Summary of Scientific Research
Caustic Leaching of SRS Tank 12H Sludge With and Without Chelating Agents
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Chemical and Physical Properties Progress in FY 2000 and FY 2001.
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Chemical and Physical Properties: Equilibrium Modeling of Distribution Behavior.
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Solvent-Composition Recommendation
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction: Anti-Caking Surfactants Found to be Cause of Apparent Effect of High Nitrie Concentration on Cesium Stripping
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction: Chemical and Physical Properties fo the Optimized Solvent
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction: Extended Equilibrium Modeling of Cesium and Potassium Distribution Behavior
Cavitation as a Mechanism to Enhance Wetting in a Mercury Thermal Convection Loop
CBM - Thr Next Killer App for Industrial Wireless?
CCA & GIST: Genomic Integrated Supercomputing Toolkit
CCA Collective Component Specification
CCA Collective Ports Specification
CCA Port, Component & Applicatioin Build Skeleton Templates
CCCTF Trap Table Calibration Curve for Krypton-85 Activity Determination
CCSM Component Performance Benchmarking and Status of the CRAY X1 at ORNL
CCSM2 Sensitivity to a Single Global Soil Moisture Perturbation
CDIAC Communications, Issue No. 30, October 2003
CDIAC Communications, March 2002, Issue No. 29
CDIAC Communications, No. 28, May 2001
CdS and CdS:Mn Nanocrystals Fabricated by Ion-Beam Synthesis
Cellulose, Enzymes, and Platinum Group Metals
Cementitious Materials Compatible with Yucca Mountain Geochemistry
Cementitious Materials Compatible with Yucca Mountain Geochemistry
Cementitious Rad-Waste Monoliths, DUO2 Aggregates in Shielding, and Yucca Tunnel Liners
Center for Component Technology for Terascale Simulation Software
Center for Component Technology for Terascale Simulation Software
Center for Component Technology for Terascale Simulation Software, SciDAC Review Report (March 2003)
CENTRM Validation
Ceramic Fibers, Distribution of Fiber Strengths and Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites
Ceramic Materials for Primary Loop Magnetic Flowmeters at Nuclear Power Plants
Ceramic Materials for Primary Loop Magnetic Flowmeters at Nuclear Power Plants
Ceramic Scintillator Alpha Detector for Advanced DT Generator Neutron Tagging
Cermet Multipurpose Super Casks: A New Manufacturing Method
Cermet Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks and Waste Packages
Cermet Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks and Waste Packages
Cermet Transport, Storage and Waste Packages using Depleted Uranium Dioxide and Steel
Cermet Transport, Storage, and Disposal Packages Using Depleted Uranium Dioxide and Steel
Cermet Transport, Storage, and Disposal Packages Using Depleted Uranium Dioxide and Steel
Cermet Waste Packages Using Depleted Uranium Dioxide and Steel
Cermet Waste Packages Using Depleted Uranium Dioxide and Steel
Cesaition in the SNS H- Ion Source
CFCC News, No. 11
CFCC Working Group Meeting Proceedings
CFD Solution and Experimental Testing of Buoyance-Driven Convection Caused by Condensers Immersed in a Water Tank of HPWH
Challanges of International Trade: Balancing Security and Commerce
Changes in Gene Expression Are Detected By Differences In BMIPP And IPPA Metabolism In Heart Lipids Of Wildtype And CD36 Null Mice
Changes in the Effective Aqueous Solubility of TCE in the Presence of Biomass
Channeling Effects in the Electron Microscope
Charactedrization of the optic disc in retinal imagery using a probabilistic approach
Character of Defects at an Ion Irradiated Buried Thin-Film Interface
Character of Defects at an Ion Irradiated Buried Thin-Film Interface
Characterication of Thin-Film Amorphous Semiconductors Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
Characteristics and Fabrication of Cermet SNF Casks (Ceramic Particulates Embedded in Steel)
Characteristics and Fabrication of Cermet Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks: Ceramic Particles Embedded in Steel
Characteristics of ELM Activity and Fueling Efficiency with Pellet Injection from Different Locations on DIII-D
Characteristics of H-mode Discharges in NSTX
Characteristics of Next-Generation Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Transport and Storage Casks
Characteristics of Spent Fuel from Plutonium Disposition Reactor, Vol. 3: A Westinghouse Pressurized-Water Reactor Design
Characteristics of Spent Fuel from Plutonium Disposition Reactor, Vol. 4: Westinghouse Pressurized-Water Reactor Fuel Cycle Without Integral Absorber
Characteristics of Spent Fuel from Plutonium Disposition Reactors, Vol. 1: The Combustion Engineering System 80+ Pressurized-Water-Reactor Design
Characteristics of Vacancy Supersaturations from High-Energy Ion Implantation in Si
Characteristics of Vacancy Supersaturations from High-Energy Ion Implantation in Silicon
Characterization and Fabrication of Target Materials for RIB Generation
Characterization and Modeling of Glass Tank Refractories at University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Characterization and Prediction of Austenite Formation and Decomposition in Steel Welds
Characterization and Prediction of Austenite Formation and Decomposotion in Steel Welds
Characterization and Process Development of Cyanate Ester Resin and Composite
Characterization and Process Development of Cyanate Ester Resin Composites
Characterization and Structural Modeling of Magnesia-Alumina Sppinel Glass Tank Refractories
Characterization of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 etrA Mutant Using a Functional Genomic Approach
Characterization of a Carburized Surface Layer on an Austenitic Stainless Steel
Characterization of a Structural Adhesive in Automotive Environments
Characterization of a Structural Adhesive in Automotive Environments
Characterization of a Structural Adhesive in Automotive Environments
Characterization of Adsorber Chemistry for LNT Catalysts
Characterization of bacteria using mass spectrometric detection of polymerase chain reaction products
Characterization of Batch-Mode CS-Sputter Negative Ion source for RIB Generation
Characterization of Bio-Synthesized Magnetic Nanoparticles
Characterization of Candidate DOE Sites for Fabricating MOCS Fuel for Lead Assemblies
Characterization of Cassini GPHS Fueled-Clad Production Girth Welds
Characterization of Coal Ash by Materials Sciences Tegniques
Characterization of Decomposition in Bulk Metallic Glasses by Atom Probe Tomography
Characterization of Dislocation Boundary Evolution with Monochromatic X-Ray Diffraction
Characterization of Erosion Mechanisms for Natural Gas Engine Spark Plugs
Characterization of Glucose Dehydrogenase Immobilized on Acrylic Beads
Characterization of Glucose Dehydrogenase Immobilized on Acrylic Beads
Characterization of Grinding Wheels: An Annotated Bibliography
Characterization of Intergranular Phases in Doped Zirconia Polycrystals
Characterization of Large Liquid Scintillation Detectors
Characterization of Low Temperature Ferrite/Austenite Transformaion in the Heat Affected Zone of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Arc Welds
Characterization of Low-Level Liquid Wastes at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Characterization of ORNL's High Thermal Conductivity Graphite Foam
Characterization of Particles Generated during the Laser Ablation Surface Cleaning
Characterization of Porous Carbon Fibers and Related Materials
Characterization of Precipitation in Alloy 718 by Atom Probe Tomography and Analytical Electron Microscopy
Characterization of Precipitation in MA/ODS Ferritic Steels
Characterization of Protein Complexes in Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Characterization of Selected Waste Tanks from the Active LLLW System
Characterization of Soluble Organics in Produced Water
Characterization of Suitable Buffer Layers on Cu and Cu-alloy Metal Substrates for Development of Coated Conductors
Characterization of the 70S Rhodopseudomonas palustris using and Integrated "Top-Down" and "Bottom-Up" Mass Spectrometric Approach
Characterization of the 70S Ribosome form Rhodopseudomonas palustris using An Integrated "Top-Down" and "Bottom-Up" Mass Spectrometric Approach
Characterization of the 70S Ribosome from Rhodopseudomonas palustris using an Integrated "Top-Down" and "Bottom-Up" Mass Spectrometric Approach
Characterization of the BVEST Waste Tanks Located at ORNL
Characterization of the Early Stages of Phase Separation by Atom Probe Tomography
Characterization of the Early Stages of Phase Separation by Atom Probe Tomography
Characterization of the Mini-RFTF Hydrogen Helicon Source
Characterization of the MVST Waste Tanks Located at ORNL
Characterization of the Old Hydrofracture Facility (OHF) Waste Tanks Located at ORNL
Characterization of the Optic Disc in Retinal Imaging Using a Probabilistic Approach
Characterization of the ORNL MVST Waste Tanks After Transfer of Sludge from BVEST, GAAT, and OHF Tanks
Characterization of the Radioactive Sludge from the ORNL MVST Waste Tanks
Characterization of Thermally-Cycled Alumina Scales
Characterization Plan for the Old Hydrofracture Facility
Characterizing Protein Isoforms and PTMs in Microbial Systems by Top-Down Measurements with Capillary HPLC Interfaced to FTICRMS
Characterizing the Industrial Envirnoment
Charge Fluctuations in YBa2Cu3O6+x Superconductors
Charge Fraction Measurements for Arq+(Q=2-13) Incident Projectiles Backscattered from Au(110) During Quasi-binary Collisions in the Energy Range 5-35 keV
Charge Transfer Experiment
Charge Transfer Phenomena in La0.7Ca0.3MnO/YBa2Cu3O7-δ Interfaces
Charmonium + Light Hadron Cross Sections
Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation Using Microfabricated Devices
Chemical and Biological Reduction of Contaminant Metals by Natural Organic Matter
Chemical and Thermal Stability of Crystalline Silicotitanate Sorbent
Chemical Characteristics of Two Forested Ultisols and Two Forested Inceptisols Relevant to Anion Production and Mobility
Chemical Characterization of Soluble Phosphorus Forms along a Hydrologic Flowpath of a Forested Stream Ecosystem
Chemical Compatability Issues for Refractory Metals in Helium-Based Working Fluids
Chemical Conversion of TNT: Production of 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzoic Acid
Chemical Detection Based on Adsorption-Induced and Photo-Induced Stresses in MEMS Devices
Chemical Mutagenesis of the Mouse Germline: New Models for Genetic Diseases and for Dissecting Basic Biological Processes
Chemical Sensing in Fourier Space
Chemical Threats Area, DOE - Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on "Basic Research Needs to Counter Terrorism"
Chemical Vapor Infiltration Modeling and Processing of Energy-Related Materials
Chemical, Physical, Biological Detection Using Microcantilevers
Chemically Enhanced Mixed Region Vapor Stripping of TCE-Contaminated Saturated Peat and Silty Clay Soils
Chemically-Attached Organic Monolayers on Silica Nanoparticles as an NMR Relaxation Medium for Embedded Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Chemistry and Physics Challenges in Spallation Neutron Source Safety Analyses
Chemistry and Physics Challenges in Spallation Neutron Source Safety Analyses
Chloroperoxidase Stabilization by Covalent Binding in Mesoporous Sol-gel Glass
CHP Integration (OR IES): Maximizing the Efficiency of Distributed Generation with Waste Heat Recovery
Chromium and Lanthanum on Transition Alumina Surfaces: The Role of Bulk Point-Defect Distributions on Catalytic Activity
Chronic Dermal Toxicity of Epoxy Resins I. Skin Carcinogenic Potency and General Toxicity
Circuit Protection Using High-Speed Circumvention
Circular Arc Fuel Plate Stability Experiments and Analyses for the Advanced Neutron Source
Civil Defense Shelters; A State-of-the-Art Assessment-1986
Classical Kinetic Theory of Electric Field Excitation in Quadrupole Ion Traps
Classical Kinetic Theory of Electric Field Excitation in Quadrupole Ion Traps.
Classification of Time Series Patterns from Complex Dynamic Series
Climate Change Doesn't Just Happen
Closed Brayton Cycle Power Conversion Design
Closing the Fuel Cycle Can Extend the Lifetime of the High Level Waste Repository
CO2 Effects on Trees: What Do We Know and What Do We Still Need to Know?
Coated Conductor Composite Wires: The First Decade of Achievement in the United States
Coated Conductors on Textured Ni-Cr Alloys with Reduced Ferromagnetism: Substrate Properties and YBCO Current Conduction
Coated Conductors: Phase Relations in the Ba-Y-Cu-F-O-H System
Coated Particle Fuel Characterization Lab for the Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Program
Coefficient Adaptive Triangulation for Strongly Anisotropic Problems
Cogeneration of Electicity and Potable Water Using the International Reactor innovative and Secure (IRIS) Design
Coherence and Synchronization in Arrays of Class B Lasers
Coherence and Synchronization in Arrays of Class B Lasers
Coherence and Synchronization in Arrays of Lasers
Coherence Properties of Entangled Two-Photon States in Quantum Interferometry.
Cohesive Crack Equilibrium and Stability
Cold Demonstration of the MPI(TM) Process and Plans for Closure of the Old Hydrofracture Facility Tanks at Oak Ridge
Cold Source Moderator Vessel Development for the High Flux Isotope Reactor: Thermal-Hydraulic Studies
Cold Testing of a Russian Pulsating Mixer Pump at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Collaboration Possibilities of KERI and ORNl with IEA and non-IEA members on the Next Generation Electric Motor and Drive Program
Collaborative Design and Development of the Cummunity Climate System Model for Terascale Computing (CDDCCSMTC)
Collaborative Design of the Community Climate System Model for Software Performance Portability
Collaborative security the site's perspective
Collision-Induced Dissociation Methods for Reducing Polyatomic Interferences Elemental Analysis Via Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Collisional Cooling of Negative Ion Beams
Collisional Cooling of Negative Ion Beams
Collisional Cooling of Negative Ions Using an RFQ Cooler: Application for RIB Generations
Collisional Heating of Bradykinin Ions in Quadrupole Ion Traps via Ion Acceleration and Bath Gas Temperature Variations
Colloid Transport and Retention in Fractured Media
Colloidal Interactions in Symmetric and Asymmetric Electrolytes: A Monte Carlo Study
Combined Gamma-Ray Spectrometer and Pulsed Neutron Generator System for In-Situ Planetary Geochemical Analysis
Combining Intranuclear-Cascade and Preequilibrium Hauser-Feshbach Models for Nuclear Cross-Section Calculations Between 1 MeV and 5 GeV
Combining partial NMR data and protein threading for protein structure prediction
Combining Semi-Classical and Quantum Mechanical Methodologies for Nuclear Cross-section Calculations Between 1 Mev and 5 Gev
Combustion Mode Switching for Improve Emissions and Effeiciency in a Diesel Engine
Commercial optical fiber as TLD material
Commercial Progress and Impacts of Inventions and Innovations
Commercial Vehicle Radiological System Module of an Integrated Safety and Enforcement System for the 21st Century with Homeland Security Benefits
Commissioning Measurements and Experience Obtained from the Installation of a Fissile Mass Flow Monitor in the URAL Electrochemical Integrated Plant (UEIP) in Novouralsk
Common Component Architecture Concepts (portion of the CCA Tutorial)
Common Component Architecture Tutorial
Common Component Architecture Tutorial
Common Component Architecture Tutorial
Common Component Architecture Tutorial
Common Component Architecture Tutorial
Common Component Architecture Tutorial
Common Component Architecutre (CCA) Slides for SC04 Exhibit Loop
Commonality Faults in Super Scaled Systems
Commonality Faults in Superscaled Systems: an Example using the Simulation Domain and Network-centric Operations
Communication Infrastructure in High-Performance Component-Based Scientific Computing
Communications and Data Exchange via the Black Sea and Caspian Sea Environmental Information Center (http://pims.ed.ornl.gov)
Community Land Model Version 3.0 (CLM3.0) Developer's Guide
Compact Remote Operator Console Development, Deployments, and Technology Transfer
Compact Stellarators as Reactors
Comparative and Collaborative Bioinformatics Required to Study Gene Networks that Creat Phenotypes
Comparative Calculations of Solubility Equilibria
Comparative Study of Combustion Product Emissions of Pakistani Coal Briquettes and Traditional Pakistani Domestic Fuels
Comparative Study of Power Factor Correction Converters for Single Phase Half-Bridge Inverters
Comparative Study of Surface-lattice-site Resolved Neutralization of Slow Multicharged Ions during Large-angle Quasi-binary Collisions with Au(110): Simulation and Experiment
Comparative Testing of Pipeline Slurry Monitors
Comparing DNA Sequences by Atomic Force Microscopy
Comparing the Performance Characteristics of Calix[4]arene Azacrown-6 with Calix[4]arene Oxacrown-6
Comparison Between Calculations and Measurements of Precipitate Phases and Their Compositions in Cr-Mo Alloys
Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization and Atmosphric Sampling Glow Discharge Ionization Combined with Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Explosives Vapor Detection
Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization for the Analysis of Ubiquinones and Menaquinones
Comparison of Computational Estimations of Reactivity Margin From Fission Products and Minor Actinides in PWR Burnup Credit
Comparison of Dialkyl Phenylphosphonates with Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate in Nitrate Systems: Extraction Properties, Stability, and Effect of Diluent on the Recovery of Uranium and Thorium from Spent Fuel
Comparison of Dueterium Pellet Injection from Different Locations on DIII-D
Comparison of Effects of Thermal Aging, Irradiation, and Thermal Annealing on Propensity for Temper Embrittlement on an RPV Submerged-Arc Weld HAZ
Comparison of Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Sugars by Two Chromosomally Integrated Microbial Strains in a Fluidized-Bed Reactor
Comparison of Inorganic Carbon System Parameters Measured in the Atlantic Ocean from 1990 to 1998 and Recommended Adjustments
Comparison of Irradiation-Induced Shifts of Fracture Toughness and Calculative Procedures of Regulatory Guides
Comparison of KI Factors for Embedded Flaws: FAVOR Implementation of ASME Section XI - Appendix A Methodology versus Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Solutions
Comparison of Mesoscale Finite Element Deformation Modeling with Measurements Using X-Ray Microscopy
Comparison of Mesoscale Finite Element Deformation Modeling with Measurements Using X-ray Microscopy
Comparison of Mesoscale Finite Element Deformation Modeling with Measurements using X-Ray Microscopy
Comparison of Monte Carlo Simulation Techniques for Photon Interrogation of Highly Enriched Uranium
Comparison of NSTX H-modes with Conventional Aspect Ratio Tokamak H-modes
Comparison of Phase Transformation Kinetics under Ortho- and Para-Equilibrium Conditions
Comparison of Predicted and Measured Phase Stability of Precipitates in Cr-Mo Steels
Comparison of Prime Movers Suitaable for USMC Expeditionary Power Sources
Comparison of Refractory Performance in Black Liquor Gasifiers and a Smelt Test System
Comparison of SCALE and MCNP Results for Computational Pebble Bed Benchmarks
Comparison of Sensitivity Analysis Techniques in Monte Carlo Codes for Multi-Region Criticality Calculations
Comparison of SW-846 Method 3051 and SW-846 Method 7471A for the Preparation of Solid Waste Samples for Mercury Determination
Comparison of texture features for segmentation of patterned wafers
Comparison of the Carbon System Parameters at the Global CO2 Survey Crossover Locations in the North and South Pacific Ocean, 1990-1996
Comparison of the Phase Compositions in Alloy 718 Measured by Atom Probe Tomography and Predicted by Thermodynamic Calculations
Comparison of Traditional Inverters and Z-Source Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles
Comparison of Two Freshwater Turtle Species as Monitors of Environmental Contamination
Comparison of Various Rhenium-188 Labeled Diphosphonates for the Palliation of Metastatic Bone Pain
Comparison of Weighted Blackvalues Least Squares and NOGA Track Estimators for Airborne Remote Sensing Applications
Comparison of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors for Power Electronics Applications
Comparison of X-Point Neutral Density in L-mode and H-mode Discharges in DIII-D
Compatibility Study of Fuel Cell Protective Relaying and the Local Distribution System
Compatibility Study of Protective Relaying in a Grid-Connected Fuel Cell
Compendium of Recent Building 7503 Data
Compensation of Nonactive Current in Power Systems: Definitions from Compensation Standpoint
Compensation of Wave-Induced Motion and Force Phenomena for Ship-Based High Performance Robotic and Human Amplifying Systems
Compilation of Requirements for Safe Handling of Fluorine and Fluorine-Containing Products of Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion
Complementary Study of Heat Capacity and Magnetization for Intermetallic YNi2B2C Single Crystal
Complete User Visualization Interface for KENO
Completion Report for the Inactive Liquid Low-Level Waste Tank Remediation Project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Complex Behavior of Magnesium Diboride Films in Hall Measurements and Far-Ir Optical Transmission Studies
Complex Oxides: Ion Beam Analysis and Ion Beam Formation
Complexity in Transition Methal Oxides
Component and Common Interfaces for Remote and Distributed Visualization
Component-Based Integration of Chemistry and Optimization Packages: Molecular Geometry Optimization
Component-Based Software Development for High Performance Computing
Component-Based Software for High-Performance Computing: An Introduction to the Common Component Architecture
Component-Based Software for High-Performance Computing: An Introduction to the Common Component Archtitecture
Component-Based Software for High-Performance Computing: An Introduction to the Common Component Archtitecture
Components and Common Interfaces for remote and Distributed Visualization
Components for High Performance Computing
Components for Scientific Computing: An Introduction to the Common Component Architecture
Components, the Common Component Architecture, and the Climate/Weather/Ocean Community
Composition Effects on Aluminide Oxidation Performance: Objectives for Improved Bond Coats
Composition Effects on Aluminide Oxidation Performance: Objectives for Improved Bond Coats
Compositional Effects on Alminide Oxidation Performance: Objectives for Improved Bond Coats
Compositional-Spread Discovery of Catalysts for the Growth of Long-Length Dense Forests of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
Compositionally Asymmetric Tri-Color Superlattices Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Compositions, Functions, and Testing of Friction Brake Mateirals and Their Additives
Compositions, Functions, and Testing of Friction Brake Materials and Their Additives
Compressive Creep and Thermophysical Performance of Mullite Refractories
Compressive Creep Response of T1000G/RS-14 Graphite/Polycyanate Composite Materials
Computation of Confidence Limits for Linear Functions of the Normal Mean and Variance
Computation of Detection Efficiencies for NMIS Fast Plastic Scintillators Using a Thick Detector Model
Computation of Normal Conducting and Superconducting Linear Accelerator (LINAC) Availabilities
Computation Results from a Parametric Study to Determine Bounding Critical Systems of Homogeneously Water-Moderated Mixed Plutonium -- Uranium Oxides
Computational Benchmark Calculations Relevant to the Neutronic Design of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)
Computational Benchmark for Estimation of Reactivity Margin from Fission Products and Minor Actinides in PWR Burnup Credit
Computational Benchmark of SAS2D Against Spent Fuel Samples From the Takahama-3 Reactor
Computational Benchmark of the 2-D Depletion Sequence SAS2D for Characterization of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Computational Challenges in Rapid Characterization of the Protein-Protein Interactions by NMR-based Methods
Computational Design of an Extraction System for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory ECR Ion Source
Computational Design Studies for an Ion Extraction System for a "volume-type" ECR Ion Source
Computational Design Studies for an Ion Extraction System for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory "Volume-type" ECR Ion Source
Computational Design Studies for an Ion Extraction System for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory ECR Ion Source
Computational Experience with the Reich-Moore Resolved-Resonance Equations in the AMPX Cross-Section Processing System
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Support of the SNS Liquid Mercury Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis
Computational Instrumentation for Material, Nano, and Condensed Matter Sciences
Computational Medical Physics Working Group
Computational Methods for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis in Criticality Safety
Computer Programs and Data Libraries Pertaining to Photon Production Data
Computer Simulations of Electrokinetic Sample Manipulations in MIcrofluidic Devices
Computing and Modeling for Complex Biological Systems
Computing Connection Coefficients of Compacity Supported Wavelets on Bounded Intervals
Computing mutual information based nonlinear dependence among noisy and finite geophysical time series
Computing Path Tables for Quickest Multipaths In Computer Networks
Computing the Magnetic Structure at Interfaces.
Concentration Profiles of Vacancy Defects from MeV Implants in Si: Dependence on Ion Species and Dose
Concepts of Groundwater Occurrence and Flow Near Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
Conceptual Design of a Simplified Skid-Mounted Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Process for Removal of Cesium from Savannah Rive Site High-Level Waste
Conceptual Design Studies for a Heavy Ion Linac for Potential Upgrade of the HRIBF
Condition Assessment of C-141 Electric Fuel Pumps by Electrical Signature Analysis
Condition Monitoring of Military Aircraft Electric Fuel Pumps by Electrical Signature Analysis Applicability to USAF Aging Aircraft Program
Conditioning Monitoring
Conditions Around the Proton Beam Window of the Spallation Neutron Source
Conducted Susceptibility Tests on an Artifact Using IEC and MIL-STD Test Methods
Conductivity in Transparent Anatase TiO2 Films Epitaxially Grown by Reactive Sputtering Deposition
Confidence Level Assessment of the Blend Down Monitoring System
Confidence Level Assessment of the Blend-Down Monitoring System
Configuration Management Issues in the Development of the Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System (CAMPS)
Configuration Management Plan for the Objective Supply Capability Adaptive Redesign (OSCAR) Project
Confirmatory Radiological Survey for the 190-C Main Pumphouse Facility Decommissioning at the Hanford Site, Richland, Washington
Congestion Management Requirements, Methods and Performance Indices
Connecting Distributed Energy Resources to the Grid: Their Benefits to the DER Owner etc.
Connecting Distributed Energy Resources to the Grid: Their Benefits to the DER Owner/Customer, the Utility, and Society
Connectivity-Through-Time Protocols for Dynamic Wireless Networks to Support Mobile Robot Teams
Considerations of a Radiation Weighting Factor for Alpha Particles in Protection of Non-Human Biota
Consistency of Data Stream Content over Time: Issues for the ARM Program
Constitutive Modeling and Impact Simulation of Random Carbon Fiber Polymer Matrix Composites for Automotive Applications
Constructing Multi-point Discrete Event Integration Schemes
Construction of theoretical spectra for peptide tandem mass spectra identifcation through database search.
Contact Pairing Interaction for the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculations
Contamination In The Rare-Earth-Element Orthophosphate Reference Samples
Content Based Image Retrieval for Semiconductor Manufacturing
Continuous composition spread thin films of transition metal oxides by pulsed laser deposition
Continuous Composition-Spread Approach to the Discovery and Optimization of Metal Catalysts for Carbon Nano-Tube Growth
Continuous Ethanol Production Using Immobilized-Cell/Enzyme Biocatalysts in Fluidized-Bed Bioreactor (FBR)
Continuous Sentinel Monitoring for Chemical Agents in Primary-Source Drinking Water Using Naturally Occurring Photosynthesis
Continuous-energy Version of KENO V.a for Criticality Safety Applications
Continuous-Energy Version of the SCALE Control Modules for Use with Continuous-Energy KENO V.a and KENO-VI
Continuous-Flow Stirred-Tank Reactor 20-L Demonstration Test: Final Report
Continuous-Jet Hydrate Reactor
Contrasting Growth Modes of Mn on Ge(100) and Ge(111) Surfaces: Subsurface Segregation Versus Intermixing
Contribution of Radiative Processes in Quadrupole Ion Trap Thermal Dissociation
Contributions of Atom Probe Tomography to the Understanding of Complex Engineering Alloys
Contributions of Atom Probe Tomography to the Understanding of Complex Engineering Alloys
Contributions of Atom Probe Tomography to the Understanding of Nickel-Based Superalloys
Contributions of Fundamental Studies to Understanding RPV Embrittlement
Control and Analysis of a Single-Link Flexible Beam with Experimental Verification
Control and Optimization of the Vacuum Field Configuration in Compact Stellarators
Control and Steering the Motion at the Nanoscale.
Control of Doping and Electronic Transport in Nanowires for Nanowire-Based Microsystems.
Control of Fricition at the Atomic Scale
Control of Friction
Control of Friction at the Atomic Scale
Control of Friction at the Atomic Scale
Control of Friction at the Nanoscale
Control of Friction at the Nanoscale.
Control of Friction at the Submicron Level
Control of Magnetic Islands and Deviation from Quasi-Symmetry in Compact Stellarators
Control of Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Motors with Special Application to Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings
Control of Urania Crystallite Size by HMTA-Urea Reactions in the Internal Gelation Process for Preparing (U, Pu)O2 Fuel Kernels
Controlled deposition of wedge-shaped profiles for thin (~10 ) layers by pulsed laser deposition
Controlling Film Growth with Selective Excitation: Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Silicon
Controlling Film Growth with Selective Excitation: Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Growth of Silicon
Controlling the Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetic Nanocrystals Produced by Ion Implantation
Conventional and Advanced Shielding Materials
Converting Miscellaneous SNF to a "Single" Waste Form by Packaging in Depleted Uranium
Converting Miscellaneous SNF to a Single Waste Form by Packaging in Depleted Uranium Oxides
Cooling Multipurpose SNF Casks with Removable Liquid-Filled Fins
Cooling Multipurpose SNF Casks with Removable Liquid-Filled Fins
Cooling Multipurpose SNF Casks with Removable Liquid-Filled Fins
Cooling Negative-Ion Beams
Cooperation and Learning in Multi-Robot Teams
Cooperation and Learning in Multiple Robot Teams.
Cooperative Leader Following in a Distributed Multi-Robot System
Cooperative Motion Coordination Amidst Dynamic Obstacles
Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Final Report for Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Number ORNL93-0237 Adhesive Bonding Technologies for Automotive Structural Composites
Cooperative Robot Teams Applied to the Site Preparation Task
Core Benchmarks Descriptions
Core Collapse Supernova Models
Core Fueling via Divertor Recycling in DIII-D L-Mode and H-Mode Plasmas
Core Physics Characteristics and Issues for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
Corona and Motor Voltage Interim Report
Correction of Tangential Couette SANS Data
Correlated Magnetoexcitons in Semiconductor Quantum Dots at Finite Temperature
Correlation Measurements with 252 Cf to Characterize Fissile Material
Correlation of Nanoindentation and Conventional Mechanical Property Measurements
Correlation of Process Data and Electrocheical Noise to Assess Kraft Digester Corrosion: Second Year at Spring Grove
Correlation of Process Data and Electrochemical Noise to Assess Kraft Digester Corrosion: Kamloops Experiment
Correlation of Process Data and Electrochemical Noise to Assess Kraft Digester Corrosion: Spring Grove Experiment
Correlation of the Thermophysical Properties of Uranium Hexafluoride Over a Wide Range of Temperature and Pressure
Correlation of VUV Duochromator and Bolometer Array Time Decay with Radial Impurity Transport Properties in Tore Supra
Corrosion Issues in Black Liquor Gasifiers
Corrosion Protection of SiC-Based Ceramics with CVDMullite Coatings
Corrosion Test Results for Inconel 600 vs Inconel-Stainless UG Bellows
Corrugated thin diamond foils for SNS H-injection stripping
Cost Analysis of the Hydrogen Economy Using FLOW
Cost Estimate Guidelines for Advanced Nuclear Power Technologies
Cost Estimating Guidelines: The First Step Toward "Level Playing Field" Economic Analysis of Advanced Nuclear Technologies
Cost-Effective Cementitious Material Compatible with Yucca Mountain Repository Geochemistry
Cost-Effectiveness of Utilizing Surplus Depleted Uranium (DU)
Costs of Oil Dependence: A 2000 Update
Costs of Producing Biomass from Riparian Buffer Strips
Costs of U.S. Oil Dependence: 2005 Update
Coupled Mesoscale Simulations of Hot Deformation and Recrystallization
Coupler Electromagnetic Design
Coupling and Phase Transitions in Magnetic Nanostructures
Coupling and Phase Transitions of Magnetic Nanostructures
Coupling Between Precipitation and Plastic Deformation During Electromigration in a Passivated Al (0.5 wt % Cu) Interconnect
Coupling MCNP-DSP and LAHET Monte Carlo Codes for Designing Subcriticality Monitors for Accelerator-Driven Systems
Coupling of MASH-MORSE Adjoint Leakages with Space- and Time-Dependent Plume Radiation Sources
Covariance and Sensitivity Data Generation at ORNL
Covariance Data for 233U in the Resolved Resonance Region for Criticality Safety Applications
Covariance Data for Th-232 in the Resolved Resonance Region
Covariance Data for Th-232 in the Resolved Resonance Region
Covariance Data for U-233 in the Resolved Resonance Region for Criticality Safety Applications
COVARIANCE WORKSHOP April 22-23, 1999 Brookhaven National Laboratory
Cracking and Corrosion of Composite Tubes in Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
Cracking Behavior in Nickel-Based Single Crystal Superalloy Welds
CRADA Carbon Sequestration in Soils and Commercial Products
CRADA Final Report for CRADA No. ORNL99-0544, Interfacial Properties of Electron Beam Cured Composites
CRADA Final Report for CRADA Number ORNL98-0521 : Development of an Electric Bus Inverter Based on ORNL Auxiliary Resonant Tank (ART) Soft-Switching Technology
CRADA Final Report-Dual Manifold System for Arraying Biomolecules
CRADA Final Report: Properties of Vacuum Deposited Thin Films of Lithium Phosphorous Oxynitride (Lipon) with an Expanded Composition Range
Cray X1 and Black Widow at ORNL Center for Computational Science
Cray X1 Evaluation Status Report
Cray X1 Evaluation: Overview and Scalability Analysis
Cray X1 Evaluation: Overview and Scalability Analysis
Cray X1 Evaluation: Overview and Scalability Analysis
Cray X1 Optimization: A Customer's Perspective
Creating Competitive Markets for Ancillary Services
Creating New Climate Drivers and Interactions in Global Climate Models
Creating Tactile Captions in Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design
Creating Tactile Captions in Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design
Creating Tactile Captions in Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design
Creating Tactile Captions in Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design
Creep Behavior of Advanced Silicon Nitride Ceramics and Behavior Modeling
Creep-Rupture Behavior of 3Cr-3W-V Bainitic Steels
Criteria for Determining Element Size and Time Step for Thermal Shock Simulation
Criteria for Selection of Target Materials and Design of High-Efficiency-Release Targets for Radioactive Ion Beam Generation
Critical and Near-Critical Graphite-Moderated Arrays of U(93.2) Cylinders Revisited
Critical Current Density of YBa2Cu3O7-d Low-Angle Grain Boundaries
Critical Current Density of YBa2Cu3O7-d Low-Angle Grain Boundaries in Self-Field
Critical Currents Ic(77 K) > 350 A/cm-width Achieved in ex situ YBCO Coated Conductors Using a Faster Conversion Process
Critical currents of ex−situ YBCO thin films on RABiTS substrates: thickness, field and temperature dependencies
Critical Experiments With Aqueous Solutions of 233UO2(NO3)2
Critical Experiments with Uranium (93.14) Metal Annuli and Cylinders with Thick Polyethylene Reflectors and/or Internal Polyethylene Moderator
Critical Irradiation Parameters
Critical Issues in Modeling Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Contact with Conical Indenters
Critical Layer Thickness in Stranski-Krastanow Growth of Ge on Si(001)
Criticality Analysis of MOX and LEU Assemblies for Transport and Storage at the Balakova Nuclear Power Plant
Criticality Benchmark Guide for Light-Water-Reactor Fuel in Transportation and Storage Packages
Criticality Calculations of Fresh LEU and MOX Assemblies for Transport and Storage at the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant
Criticality Safety Applications of S/U Validation Methods
Criticality Safety Review of 2 1/2-, 10-, and 14-Ton UF(Sub 6) Cylinders
Criticality Safety Scoping Study for the Transport of Weapons-Grade Mixed-Oxide Fuel Using the MO-1 Shipping Package
Criticality Safety Studies of Building 3019 Cell 4 and In-Line Storage Wells
Criticality Safety Study of UF6 and UO2F2 in 8-in. Inner Diameter Piping
Cross Section Generation and Physics Modeling in a Feasibility Study of the Conversion of the High Flux Isotope Reactor Core to use Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel
Cross Sections and Source Spectrum for Nagasaki Dose Reconstruction for Risk Estimation
Cross-Connection Control of the Potable Water Lines at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Cross-Cutting Studies and State-of-the-Practice Reviews: Archive and Use of ITS-Generated Data
Cross-Shell Excitations Near Doubly-Magic Nuclei 40Ca, 56Ni
Cross-Shell Excitations: Spherical, Deformed and Superdeformed Structures Near Magic 40Ca, 56Ni, and 100Sn
CrSb2: A Spin S=1 Heisenberg Chain?
Crusader Automated Docking System Phase III Report
Crusader Automated Docking System Technology Support for the Crusader Resupply Team Interim Report
Crusader Solid Propellant Best Technical Approach
Crystal Growth, Characterization and Testing of Cd1-xZnxTe (0.1≤x≤0.2) Single Crystals for Radiation Detectors
Crystal ion slicing of domain microengineered electro-optic devices on lithium niobate
Crystallization Kinetics in Microphase-Separated Poly(Ethylene Oxide)-Block-Poly(1, 4-Butadiene)
Crystallization of Amorphous Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8
Crystallographic Nanotechnology Research
CUMULVS Demonstration
CUMULVS Hands-On Notes
CUMULVS Hands-On Notes - ACTS Tooklit Workshop
CUMULVS MxN Demo at SC01
CUMULVS Tutorial
CUMULVS Tutorial - ACTS Toolkit Workshop
CUMULVS Tutorial 2004
Cure Kinetics of UV-Induced Cationic Polymerization of Tactix123 Using CD-1012 as Photoinitiator
Current and Projected Liquid Low Level Waste Generation at ORNL
Current and Projected Liquid Low-Level Waste Generation at ORNL
Current Issues and Future Prospects for the Application of Light-Weight Alloys and MMCs for Friction- and Wear-Critical Components in Cars and Trucks
Current Leads for Cryogenic Applications
Current State of the Art in Distributed Autonomous Mobile Robotics
Current Status and Future Plans for Research and Development of Reduced-Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels in USA
Current Status and Potential Benefits of Burnup Credit for Spent Fuel Transportation
Current Status of the Oak Ridge Monte Carlo Codes: MORSE/SAS4 and KENO
Current Status of the Oak Ridge Monte Carlo Codes:MORSE/SAS4 and CSAS/KENO
Current Status of the Oak Ridge Monte Carlo Shielding Codes
Current Status of the R-Matrix Code SAMMY, with Emphasis on the Relationship to ENDF Formats
Current Transport Through Low Angle Grain Boundaries and Grains in YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7-d) Thin Films, Studied Magnetometrically
Current Transport Through Low Angle Grain Boundaries and Grains in YBa2Cu3O7-delta Thin Films, Studied Magnetometrically
Current Understanding of Cracking of Recovery Boiler Primary Air Port Composite Tubes
Customer-Owned Utilities and Distributed Generation: Potentials and Benefits
Customer-Specific Metrics for the Regulation and Load-Following Ancillary Services
CVD diamond stripping foils for the Spallation Neutron Source
Cylindrical Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Metal Bond Diamond Wheels- Part II: Wheel Wear Mechanism
Damage Behavior of Aligned and Random Fiber Reinforced Composites for Automotive Applications
Damage Evolution in Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Oxide/Oxide Composites Under Cyclic Loading
Dangerously Clever X1 Application Tricks
Data Analysis and Evaluation with SAMMY
Data Analysis and Evaluation with SAMMY-viewgraphs
Data and Information Management for FACE
Data and Information System for SAFARI 2000
Data and Metadata Reporting Standards for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's PM Supersites Research Program
Data and Metadata Reporting Standards for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's PM Supersites Research Program
Data and Metadata Reporting Standards for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's PM Supersites Research Program
Data Collection Guidelines for Consistent Evaluation of Data from Verification and Monitoring Safeguard Systems
Data Management for the North American Carbon Program
Data Management Plan for the Environmental Restoration Program
Data Policy for SAFARI 2000
Data Processing Procedures and Methodology for Estimating Trip Distances for the 1995 American Travel Survey (ATS)
Data Staging Effects in Wide Area Task Farming Applications
Data Staging Effects in Wide Area Task Farming Applications
Data Summary for Nominal 350 um DU02 Kernals
Data Summary for Nominal 500 um DUO2 Kernels
Data Summary for the Near-Shore Sediment Characterization Task of the CLinch River Environmental Restoration Program
Data to Support Full Burnup Credit in Spent Nuclear Fuel Package Designs
Database and System Infrastructure for Bioinformatics Research
Database Development of Land Use Characteristics along Major U.S. Highways
DCA for the 2D Hubbard Model at T -> 0
DCFPAK: Dose Coefficient Data File Package for Sandia National Laboratory
De-excitation X rays from Resonant Coherently Excited 390-MeV/u Hydrogen-like Ar Ions
Deactivation of Building 7602
Decarboxylation of Salts of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids and Their Role in Cross-Linking Reactions
Decay Characteristics of Surface Nanostructures: (100) vs (111) Surfaces
Decay Characteristics of Surface Nanostructures: (100) vs (111) Surfaces
Decay Heat Code Validation Activities at ORNL: Supporting Expansion of NRC Regulatory Guide 3.54
Decay Interval Effect on Targets Containing Curium Upon Subsequent Irradiation
Decay of Resonance in 18Ne by the Simultaneous Emission of Two Protons
Decay Spectroscopy Using the HRIBF Recoil Mass Spectrometer
Deciphering Indentation Load-Displacement Curves
Deciphering Nanoindentation Load-Displacement Curves
Decision Guide for Roof Slope Selection
Decomposition Chemistry of Human Remains: A New Methodology for Determining the Postmortem Interval
Decomposition of Yttrium-Doped Barium Cerate in Carbon Dioxide
Decontamination and Reuse of ORGDP Aluminum Scrap
Decontamination of Cells 6 and 7, Building 3019, Following Plutonium-Release Incident
Deconvolution of Ion Pair Formation in Structural Data from Neutron Diffraction with Isotopic Substitution. Proof of Principles via Molecular Simulation
Decreasing Cloudiness Over China: An Updated Analysis Examining Additional Variables
Deep-Burn Modular Helium Reactor Fuel Development Plan
Defect and Microstructure Management in the Synthesis and Processing of SIMOX Wafers
Defect Engineering for Optimization of Ion Beam Processing of Si
Defect Ordering on the Surface of Layered Strontium Ruthenates
Defects and Diffusion in Silicon Technology
Defining Complex Genetic Pathways With Gene-Expression Microarrays
Deformation Miccrostructure Under Nanoindents in Cu Studied Using X-Ray Microbeams
Deformation Microstructure Under Nanoindentations in Cu Using 3D X-Ray Structural Microscopy
Deformation Strains in Single Crystal Alloy Welds
Degradation Assessment Methodology for Application to Steel Containments and Liners of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants
Delineating and Resolving Ecoregions Statistically: Sorting Out Contexts for Wildlife Habitat
Delta-Doping of Semiconductor Nanowires
Demand Driven Nuclear Energizer Module
Demand-Side Management and Integrated Resource Planning: Findings from a Survey of 24 Electric Utilities
Demonstration of Alternative Traffic Information Collection and Management Technologies
Demonstration of BEPLATE Electroforming Simulation Code in General Production Conditions and Geometries
Demonstration of High Current Density YBCO Coated Conductors On Re2O3 Buffered Ni Substrates with Two New Alternative Architectures
Demonstration of Mercury Sorbents to Meet DOE Customer Needs
Demonstration of New Technologies Required for the Treatment of Mixed Waste Contaminated with ³260 ppm Mercury
Demonstration of the Military Ecological Risk Assessment Framework (MERAF): Apache Longbow - Hell Missile Test at Yuma Proving Ground
Demonstration Project 111, ITS/CVO Technology Truck, Final Project Report
Demonstration Recommendations for Accelerated Testing of Concrete Decontamination Methods
Density Changes in the Optimized CSSX Solvent System
Density Fluctuations Near the Liquid-Gas Critical Point of a Confined Fluid
Dependability Prediction of High Availability OSCAR Cluster Server
Dependence of Divertor Helium Pressure on Power, Geometry, and Confinement Mode in JET
Dependence of Surface Strain on Island Geometry in Embedded Quantum-Dot Systems
Depleted Uranium (DU) Beneficial Use in a Geologic [Yucca Mountain (YM)] Repository System
Depleted Uranium (DU) Uses Research and Development (R&D) Project
Depleted Uranium Applications in Geological Repositories
Depleted Uranium Applications in Geological Repositories
Depleted Uranium as Aggregate in Concrete Shielding Material
Depleted Uranium Dioxide (DUO2) as a High Density Aggregate in Concrete Shielding in Spent Nucelar Fuel Casks
Depleted Uranium Dioxide (DUO2) as an SNF Waste-Package Particulate Fill: Fill Behavior
Depleted Uranium Dioxide (DUO2)-Steel Cermet Multipurpose Casks
Depleted Uranium Dioxide (DUO2)-Steel Cermet Multipurpose Casks for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Depleted Uranium Dioxide as a Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Waste-Package Particulate Fill: Fill Behavior
Depleted Uranium Dioxide as a Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Waste-Package Particulate Fill: Fill Behavior
Depleted Uranium Dioxide as SNF Waste Package Fill: A Disposal Option
Depleted Uranium Dioxide as SNF Waste Package Fill: A Disposal Option
Depleted Uranium Dioxide as SNF Waste Package Fill: A Disposal Option
Depleted Uranium Dioxide as SNF Waste Package Particulate Fill: Engineering Properties
Depleted Uranium Dioxide Waste Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Depleted Uranium Dioxide Waste Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet for Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Waste Packages
Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Multipurpose Casks for Enhanced SNF Protection
Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Multipurpose Casks for Enhanced SNF Protection
Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks (Cermet: Depleted Uranium Dioxide (DUO2) in Steel Matrix)
Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Waste Package
Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermets for Spent Nuclear Fuel Multipurpose Casks
Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermets for Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Multipurpose Casks
Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermets for Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Multipurpose Casks
Depleted Uranium Disposition Option: Beneficial Disposal in a High-Level-Waste Geologic Repository
Depleted Uranium Disposition: Disposal in a High-Level-Waste Geologic Repository
Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride (DUF6) Storage, Conversion, and Management in the U.S.
Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride (DUF6) Storage, Conversion, and Management in the U.S.
Depleted Uranium Storage and Disposal Trade Study: Summary Report
Depleted-Uranium Dioxide as SNF Waste Package Particulate Fill: Engineering Properties
Depleted-Uranium Uses R&D Program
Depleted-Uranium-Dioxide Steel Cermet for Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Waste Packages
Deployment of a Modular Cross-Flow Filter for Radioactive Waste
Deployment of Remote Systems in U.S. Department of Energy Decontamination and Decommissioning Projects
Deposition and Characterization of YBa2Cu3O7-delta/LaMnO3/MgO/TiN Hetero-Structures on Cu Metal Substrates for Development of Coated Conductors
Deposition of (211~1.0nm/123~10nm)xN Multilayer Coated Conductors on Ni-Based Textured Substrates
Depth-graded Multilayers as Neutron Doppler Converts At Plused Neutron Source
DER Performance Testing of a Microturbine-Based Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power (CHP) System
Derivation of Updated 238Pu Subcritical Limits for ANS-8.15
Description of Fresh and Spent Fuel Storage at Balakovo NPP--Definitions for Safety Calculations
Description of Institutional Animal Care and Use Program
Description of the Canadian Waste Package (WP) System for Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and It's Applicable to Light Water Reactor SNF WPs with Depleted Uranium Dioxide Fill
Desiccant-Based Combined Systems: Integrated Active Desiccant Rooftop Hybrid System Development and Testing Final Report- Phase 4
Desiccant-Based Preconditioning Market Analysis
Design Alternatives Report for the Cesium Removal Demonstration
Design and Analysis of a Low Cost, High Performance Single Phase UPS System
Design and Analysis of Hybrid Solar Lighting and Full-Spectrum Solar Energy Systems
Design and Certification of Targets for Drop Tests at the NTRC Packaging Research Facility
Design and Characterization of High Power Targets for RIB Generation
Design and Characterization of High Power Targets for RIB Generation
Design and Cost Study of a Fluorination--Reductive Extraction--Metal Transfer Processing Plant for the MSBR
Design and Development of a Ceramic Hot-Gas Filter for Fossil Energy
Design and evaluation of future computing architectures
Design and Product Optimization for Cast Light Metals
Design and Synthesis of Oriented Guest-Host Nanostructures for Enhanced Membrane Performances
Design Description of the Saddle Coils for the National Compact Stellarator Experiment
Design of a Piezoelectric Meso-scale Mobile Robot: A compliant Amplification Approach
Design of a PM Brushless Motor Drive for Hybrid Electrical Vehicle Application
Design of a PM Brushless Motor Drive for Hybrid Vehicle Application
Design of a System for the Nondestructive Assay of 233U in Waste Drums
Design of High-Power ISOL Targets for Radioactive Ion Beam Generation
Design of Process-Material-Shielding Combinations for Hard Coating Using Laser Surface Alloying
Design of pyCCABS - "An Automatic Guild System for CCA Projects"
Design of RF Systems for the RTD Mission VASIMR
Design of Spatial Experiments: Model Fitting and Prediction
Design of the National Compact Stellarator Experiment (NCSX) Core
Design of the Plasma Facing Components for the National Spherical Tokomak Experiment
Design of the Quasi-Poloidal Stellarator Experiment (QPS)
Design of the Vacuum Liner for the National Compact Stellarator Experiment
Design of the VULCAN Diffractometer Workshop Report
Design Optimization and the Limits of Steady-State Heating Efficiency for Conventional Single-Speed Air-Source Heat Pumps
Design Optimization of Conventional Heat Pumps: Application to Steady-State Heating Efficiency
Design Optimization Using RBOT and FaultTree+
Design Parameters for a Natural Uranium UO3 or U3O8 Fueled Nuclear Reactor
Design Parameters for Graphite-Reflected Graphite-Foam-U Cores with Zero Burnup Reactivity Swing
Design Plan for the Development of the Worldwide Port System (WPS) Regional Integrated Cargo Database (ICDB)
Design Strategies for Reducing Performance Degradation due to Frosting of Display Case Heat Exchangers
Design Studies for RFQ/Super-COnducting Linear Accelerator Systems for Upgrading the HRIBF
Design Studies of "100% Pu" Mox Lead Test Assembly
Design Studies of "Island" Type MOX Lead Test Assembly
Design Validation Test Stand Guide Inserts for the Spallation Neutron Source
Design, Analysis, Fabrication, and Testing of a Novel Piezoelectric Pump
Design, Fabrication, and Initial Operation of a Reusable Irradiation Facility
Design, Functional, and Operational Requirements for Phase IV of the Average-Power Mixed-Oxide Irradiation Test
Design, Implementation, and Testing of a Digital Baseband Receiver for Spread Spectrum Telesensing
Designing Equipment for Use in Gamma Radiation Environments
Destruction of Ion-Exchange Resin In Waste From the HFIR, T1 and T2 Tanks Using Fenton's Reagent
Detection and Identification of Toxic Industrial Chemicals Using the CBMS II Military Reconnaissance
Detection and Location of Structural Degradation in Mechanical Systems
Detection of "Unknown Agents" in Harsh Environments Using a Newly Developed Ruggedized Mass Spectrometer
Detection of Aging of Nuclear Power Plant Structures
Detection of Cavitation Pits on Steel Surfaces using SEM Imagery
Detection of Chemical/Biological Agents and Stimulants Using Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Detection of Condition Change in Nonlinear Time Series Using a Connected-Phase-Space PDF
Detection of Depleted Uranium in Soil Using Portable Hand-Held Instruments
Detection of Induced Fission in Sealand Containers
Detection of Infrared Photons Using the Electronic Stress in Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces
Detection of semiconductor defects using a novel fractal encoding algorithm
Detection of terrorist threats using microcantilever platform
Detection of terrorist threats using microcantilever platform
Detection of Water Content in Aluminum Scraps with a Fast Neutron Source (Cf-252)
Detector Characterization Report, Response Related to Linear Movement and Radiation Levels for an Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)-Developed Ion Chamber and a Commercial Ion Chamber
Determination Analysis of Energy Conservation Standards for Distribution Transformers
Determination of Consistent Benchmarks Used for Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis Applications
Determination of Deformation Inhomogeneity in Polycrystalline Ni under Uniaxial Tension with 3D X-Ray Microscrope
Determination of isotope ratios in airborne particles from single-particle laser ablation mass spectrometry
Determination of Lewisite Oxide in Soil Using Solid Phase Microextraction Followed by Gas Chromatography with Flame Photometric or Mass Spectrometric Detection
Determination of Perchlorate in Fertilizers by Ion Chromatography
Determination of Real-Time Particle Monitor Response to Combustion Derived Particles Under Controlled Experimental Conditions
Determination of Surface Temperature on Micrometer Scaled Objects
Determination of the Precursors to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mainstream Smoke by Gas Chromatography-Combustion-Isotope Ratio MAss Spectrometry
Determination of Thiodiglycol in Groundwater Using Solid Phase Extraction Followed by Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection in the Selected Ion Mode
Determining Price Reasonableness in Federal ESPCs
Determining Quantum Potentials for Material Design by the Boundary Control Method
Determining the Density Profile of Confined Polymer Brushes with Neutron Reflectivity
Deterministic Generation of Two-Photon Number State.
Developing a CD-CBM Anticipatory Approach for Cavitation - Defining a Model Descriptor Consistent Between Processes
Developing a CD-CBM Anticipatory Approach for Cavitation - Defining a Model-based Descriptor Consistent Across Processes
Developing a PRA for IRIS
Developing a Risk-Based Design Optimization Tool for IRIS
Developing a Standard Method of Test for Packaged, Solid-Desiccant Based Dehumidification Systems
Development Activities at the Oak Development Activities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Support Ridge National Laboratory in Support of a Hydrogen Economy
Development and Application of Submicron-Resolution Three-Dimensional X-Ray Structural Microscopy
Development and Applications of a Prototypic SCALE Control Module for Automated Burnup Credit Analysis
Development and Demonstration of an Advanced Supermarket Refrigerataion/HVAC System
Development and Deployment of a Full-Scale Cross-Flow Filtration System for Treatment of Liquid Low-Level Waste at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development and Evaluation of a Screening Test for Beryllium Sensitization
Development and Evaluation of a Screening Test for Beryllium Sensitization
Development and Evaluation of a Second-Generation Airborne Electromagnetic System for Detection of Unexploded Ordnance
Development and Evaluation of Rhenium-188-labeled Radioactive Stents for Restenosis Therapy and Development of Strategies for Radiolabeling Brachytherapy Sources with Palladium-103
Development and Operational Performance of the Central Pollution Control Facility II/S-3 Liquid Treatment Facility
Development and Selection of Technologies for Mercury Management on U.S. Department of Energy Sites: The MER01-MER04 and Mercury Speciation Demonstrations
Development and Test of World's First Industrial High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) Power Cable
Development and Testing of a New AMPX Cross Section Processing System for Criticality Safety Applications
Development and Validation of Marker-Aided Selection Methods for Wood Property Traits in Loblolly Pine and Hybrid Poplar
Development of 3D X-ray Structural Microscopy Using White X-ray Microbeams
Development of a Commercial Process for the Production of Silicon Carbide Fibrils - Draft Phase II Final Report
Development of a Common Data Highway for Comprehensive Incident Management
Development of a Cost Competitive, Composite Intensive, Body-in-White
Development of a hand-portable mass spectrometer for homeland security and nonproliferation/safeguards applications
Development of a hand-portable mass spectrometer for nonproliferation/safeguards applications
Development of a hand-portable mass spectrometer for nonproliferation/safeguards applications
Development of a hand-portable mass spectrometer for nonproliferation/safeguards applications
Development of a Johnson Noise Thermometer for Nuclear Power Plant Use
Development of a Model for Managing Organizational Knowledge
Development of a New Class of Fe-3Cr-W(V)Ferritic STeels for Industrial Process Applications
Development of a New Technique to Assess Susceptibility to Predation Resulting from Sublethal Stresses (Indirect Mortality)
Development of a Novel Bi-Directional Isolated Multiple-Input DC-DC Converter
Development of a Path Foward for Special-Case Wastes at the Oak Ridge Reservation
Development of a Phosphor-Based Sensor Suite for Spacecraft Health Monitoring
Development of a Rich Air/Fuel-Ratio Sensor Correction System
Development of a Robust Class of Quasi-Poloidal Compact Stellarator Configurations
Development of a Robust Class of Quasi-Poloidal Compact Stellarator Configurations
Development of a Robust Model-Based Water Level Controller for U-Tube Steam Generator
Development of a Semi-Active Seeker for Maneuverable Projectiles
Development of a Sensitive Real-Time Monitor for Elemental Composition of Workplace Aerosol Particles
Development of a Sensor-less Speed Control Inverter for an Automotive Accessory Permanent Magnet Motor
Development of a Strategy for Managing Organizational Knowledge
Development of a Technology Strategy for the State of Tennessee
Development of a Tomographic Imaging System for HEU Components
Development of a Tomographic Imaging System for HEU Components
Development of a Tritium Extruder for ITER Pellet Injection
Development of Advanced Ceramic Manufacturing Technology
Development of Advanced Coatings for Laser Modifications Through Process and Materials Simulation
Development of Advanced Corrosion Resistant Fe-Cr-Ni Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloy with Improved High Temperature Strength and Creep-Resistance - Final CRADA Report C/ORNL98-0529
Development of Advanced Corrosion-Resistant Fe-Cr-Ni Austenitic Stainless Steel Alloy with Improved High Temperature Strenth and Creep-Resistance
Development of Airborne Magnetic and Electromagnetic Systems for Mapping and Detection of UXO and Other Shallow Metallic Objects
Development of an Energy Resource Accounting Module for a Global Energy Optimization Model
Development of an Energy Resource Accounting Module for a Global Energy Optimization Model
Development of an In-Well/Oil/Water Separator
Development of Biaxially Textured YBa2Cu3O7 Coated Conductors in the U.S.
Development of Biaxially Textured YBCO Coated Conductors in the U.S.
Development of Biaxially Textured YBCO Coated Conductors in the United States
Development of Buffer Layers for Copper-Based RABiTS
Development of Commercial Applications of a FAPY Alloy
Development of Compatible Component software
Development of Computational Phantom with Moving Arms and Legs for Radiation Dose Assessment
Development of Deemed Energy and Demand Savings for Residential Ground Source Heat Pump Retrofits in the State of Texes
Development of Fuel Compacts for Graphite Moderated Reactors
Development of Functional Gene Arrays for Analysis of Microbial Communities in Natural Environments
Development of Hot Pressing as a Low Cost Processing Technique for Fuel Cell Fabrication
Development of HTML Formatted Output for SCALE
Development of Improved Burnable Poisons for Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors
Development of In Vitro Systems for Switchgrass (Panicum Virgatum)
Development of In Vitro Systems for Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) - Final Report for 1992 to 2002
Development of Inorganic Membranes for Hydrogen Separation
Development of Low-Cost Austenitic Stainless Gas-Turbine and Diesel Engine Components with Enhanced High-Temperature Reliability
Development of Low-cost Hydrogen Sensors
Development of Low-Cost Hydrogen Sensors
Development of Microporous Inorganic Membranes for Separation and Purification of Hydrogen.
Development of Miniature Californium-252 Neutron Sources for Cancer Therapy
Development of Miniature High-Dose-Rate 252Cf Sources for Boron-Enhanced and Fast Neutron Brachytherapy
Development of Miniature High-Dose-Rate Cf-252 Sources for Boron-Enhanced and Fast Neutron Brachytherapy
Development of Miniature High-Dose-Rate Cf-252 Sources for Boron-Enhanced and Fast Neutron Brachytherapy
Development of Nanostructured Materials for Energy Storage at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development of Naturally Fault Tolerant Algorithms for Computing on 100,000 Processors
Development of ORIGEN-ARP Methods and Data for LEU and MOX Safeguards Applications
Development of Proof-of-Concept Units for the Advanced Medium-Sized Mobile Power Sources (AMMPS) Program
Development of Prototype Electronics for the BTeV Straw-Tube Tracking Detector
Development of Refrigerant Change Indicator and Dirty Air Filter Sensor
Development of Semi-Stochastic Algorithm for Optimizing Alloy Composition of High-Temperature Austenitic Stainless Steels (H-Series) for Desired Mechanical and Corrosion Properties
Development of Short Fiber, SiC-Based Composites
Development of Spheroidal Inorganic Sorbents for Treatment of Acidic Salt-Bearing Liquid Waste
Development of Temperature-Sensitive Paints for High Temperature Aeropropulsion Applications
Development of the 17F Beam at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
Development of the BWR Dry Core Initial and Boundary Conditions for the SNL XR2 Experiments
Development of the Cylindrical Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Process.
Development of the long term hydrologic impact assessment (L-THIA) WWW systems
Development of the Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Radioassay Data Quality Objectives: An Evaluation of RH-TRU Waste Inventories, Characteristics, Radioassay Methods and Capabilities
Development of the UREX+ Co-decontamination Solvent Extraction Process
Development of the UREX+3 Flowsheet-An Advanced Separations Process for Spent Fuel Processing
Development of Thermally Nitrided Metallic Bipolar Plates for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Development on the Toroid Ion Trap Analyzer
Development Status and Potential Program for Development of Proliferation-Resistant Molten-Salt Reactors
Developments in Beam Diagnostics and Ion Tracking at HRIBF
Developments in Molten Salt and Liquid-Salt-Cooled Reactors
Developments in Molten Salt and Liquid-Salt-Cooled Reactors
DFT Calculations for Gamma-Alumina Bulk and (110) Surface
Diagnostics for Low-Intensity Beams
Diagnostics of Oriented Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Growth by CVD from Evaporated Metal Catalyst Films
Diamond stripping foils for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)
Diesel Fuel Reformulation Impacts on Synthetic Crude Oil Demand
Different Approaches to Estimating Transition Costs in the Electric-Utility Industry
Diffraction Techniques and the High Temperature Materials Laboratory Diffraction Center
Diffusion Approximation for Transport with Multiplying Boundary Conditions.
Diffusion Mechanism of Cations and Anions in Cation-Exchange Process for Fabrication of High-Tc Superconducting HgBa2CaCu2O6+d Films
Diffusion Resistant, High-Purity Wafer Carriers For SI Semiconductor Production
Digital Signal Processing in Decay Studies
Digital Signal Processing in Decay Studies
Diminished Equilibrium Magnetization in Hg-1223 and Tl-2212 Superconductors with Fission-Generated Columnar Defects
DIPPR Project 821
Direct Calculation of Ferrite Number From Thermodynamic and Kinetic Models
Direct Capture of Organic Acids From Fermentation Media Using Ionic Liquids
Direct Control of Air-Gap Flux of Permanent-Magnet Machines
Direct extraction of the Eliashberg function for electron-phonon coupling: A case study of Be(1010)
Direct growth and characterization of nanowires
Direct Imaging of Phason-Related Disorders in Decagonal Al-Ni-Co by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Direct Imaging of Point Defects in a Quasicrystal by Cs-Corrected ultrahigh-Resolution 300kV-STEM
Direct Measurement of Large Strains in Synthetic Fiber Mooring Ropes using Polymeric Optical Fibers
Direct measurement of large strains in synthetic fiber mooring ropes using polymeric optical fibers
Direct Measurement of the Spin Hamiltonian and Observation of Condensation of Magnons in the 2D Frustrated Quantum Magnet Cs2CuCl4
Direct Observation of Icosahedral Clusters in Quasicrystals and Crystals
Direct Photons and Hard Scattering at the SPS
Direct Sub-Angstrom Imaging of a Crystal Lattice
Direct to Digital Holography for High Aspect Ratio Inspection of Semiconductor Wafers
Direct to Digital Holography for Semiconductor Wafer Defect Detection and Review
Direct Vitrification of Plutonium-Containing Materials (PCMs) with the Glass Material Oxidation and Dissolution System (GMODS)
Direct-to-Digital Holography Defect Detection Tool
Discover Magazine Awards for Technological Innovation 2000 Nomination "DOE 2000 Electronic Notebook"
Discover Magazine Awards for Technological Innovation entitled, "Micromechanical landmine detector for humanitarian de-mining"
Discovery of an Alternative Oxygen Sensitivity In Algal Photosynthetic H2 Production
Discovery of New Global Minima for Lennard - Jones Atomc Clusters Using TRUST Simulations
Discrimination of Biomolecular Conformation Using the Scanning Kelvin Probe Technique
Discussion Paper - Rethinking Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Systems for Security and Safeguards
Discussion Paper - Rethinking Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Systems for Security and Safeguards
Dislocation Structure of W-Added NbSi2 Studied By Atomic-Resolution Z-Contrast STEM
Dislocations in Complex Materials
Dispersion of UO2F2 Aerosol and HF Vapor in the Operating Floor During Winter Ventilation at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Disposal of Partitioning-Transmutation Wastes
Disposal of Partitioning-Transmutation Wastes in a Yucca-Mountain-Type Repository with Separate Management of High-Heat Radionuclides (Sr-90 and Cs-137)
Disposal of Partitioning-Transmutation Wastes in a Yucca-Mountain-Type Repository with Separate Management of High-Heat Radionuclides (Sr-90 and Cs-137)
Disposal of Partitioning-Transmutation Wastes with Separate Management of High-Heat Radionuclides
Disposal of Partitioning-Transmutation Wastes With Separate Management of High-Heat Radionuclides
Disposal of Partitioning-Transmutation Wastes with Separate Management of High-Heat Radionuclides (Sr-90 and Cs-137)
Disposal of Radioactive Partitioning-Transmutation Wastes with Separate Disposal of High-Heat Radionuclides (Sr-90 and Cs-137)
Dissolution of Neptunium and Plutonium Oxides Using a Catalyzed Electrolytic Process
Distributed Capacitance Motion Sensor Employing Electrical Signature Analysis
Distributed Dimension Reduction Algorithms for Widely Dispersed Data
Distributed Energy Resources and Cooling, Heating and Power: Partnering for Success
Distributed Generation - Benefit Values in Hard Numbers
Distributed Generation Benefits: What Are Their Value and Who Gets Them?
Distributed Heterogeneous Outdoor Multi-robot Localization
Distributed Monitoring System for Electric-Motor-Driven Compressors
Distributed Peer-to-Peer Control in Harness
Distributed Peer-to-Peer Control in Harness
Distributing Planning and Control for Teams of Cooperating Mobile Robots
Distribution System of the Future
DiVA: Distributed Visualization Framework, Component Interface Workshop Findings Document
DNA-Based Probe Potentially Suitable for the Detection of Active NF-kB
Document clustering using particle Swarm Optimization
Documenting the Effectiveness of Cosorption of Airborne Contaminants by a Field-Installed Active Desiccant System: Final Report - Phase 2D
DoD Common Operating Environments Workshop
DOE 2000 Electronic Notebook Project, Development of an Interoperable Electronic Notebook Architecture
DOE 2000 Electronic Notebook Project, DOE Legal and Compliance Issues for Electronic Notebooks
DOE Evaluation of the Cray X1
DOE Initiative to Reduce Heavy Vehicle Mass with Polymer Composites Abstract
DOE NCSP Review of TRUPACT-II/HalfPACT Fissile Limits
DOE Safety Metrics Indicator Program (SMIP) Fiscal Year 1999 Annual Report of Packaging- and Transportation-related Occurrences
DOE Safety Metrics Indicator Program (SMIP) Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Report of Packaging- and Transportation-related Occurrences
DOE Safety Metrics Indicator Program (SMIP) Fiscal Year 2001 Fourth Quarter Report of Packaging- and Transportation-related Occurrences
DOE Safety Metrics Indicator Program (SMIP) Third Quarter FY 2001 Quarterly Report
DOE Ultrascale Evaluation Plan of the Cray X1
DOE/OIT Plant-Wide Energy Assessment Experience Summary
DOE/ORNL Heat Pump Design Model, Overview and Application to R-22 Alternatives
Does Incomputable Mean Not Engineerable?
Does Room Temperature Ferromagnetism Exist in Magnetic Semiconductor MnxGe1-x?
Does the 2D Hubbard Model Describe High-Temperature Superconductors?
Does the 2D Hubbard Model describe High-Temperature Superconductors?
Does the 2D Hubbard Model describe High-Temperature Superconductors?
Does the 2D Hubbard Model Describe High-Temperature Superconductors?
Does the 2D Hubbard Model Describe High-Temperature Superconductors?
DOLIB: Distributed Object Library
Domain Growth Kinetics in Ferroelectric Crystals Studied by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
Domain Growth Kinetics in Lithium Niobate Single Crystals Studied by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
Dominance of the Excitation Continuum in the Longitudinal Spectrum of Weakly Coupled Heisenberg S = 1/2 Chains
DONIO: Distributed Object Network I/O Library
Dopant Implantation and Activation in SiC
DOSAR/CalLab OPERATIONS MANUAL: Protocols for Operating the Dosimetry Applications Research Calibration Laboratory at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dose Estimation from Daily and Weekly Dosimetry Data
Dose Rate Calibration of a Commercial Beta-Particle Irradiator Used In Archeological and Geological Dating
Dosimetric Significance of the ICRP's Updated Guidance and Models, 1989-2003, and Implications for U.S. Federal Guidance
Double Exchange in a Magnetically Frustrated System
Downhole Separation of Oil and Water in Oil Wells
Drug Screening/Testing using Fingertip Residue
Dual Manifold System for Arraying Biomolecules
Dual Mode Inverter Control Test Verification
Dual-Fiberoptic Microcantilever Proximity Sensor
Dual-Host Combinations: From Enhancing Cesium Nitrate Extraction to Attenuating the Hofmeister "Bias"
Dual-Host Ion Pair Extraction: Selectivity Investigation of Anion Receptors Combined with a Calix[4]arene-bis-crown-6 Cs+ Extractant in Nitrobenzene.
Ductilization of Cr via Oxide Dispersions
DUF6 Materials Use Roadmap
Durability of Depleted Uranium Aggregates in DUCRETE Shielding Applications
Durability-Based Design Criteria for a Quasi-Isotropic Carbon-Fiber Automotive Composite
Durability-Based Design Guide for an Automotive Structural Composite: Part 1. Design Rules
Durability-Based Design Guide for an Automotive Structural Composite: Part 2. Background Data and Models
Durability-Based Design Properties of Reference Crossply Carbon-Fiber Composite
DUSCOBS - A Depleted-Uranium Silicate Backfill for Transport, Storage, and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Dynamic Fatigue of CVD-Mullite-Coated SN88 Silicon Nitride
Dynamic Inelastic Behavior of Random Fiber Reinforced Composites for Automotive Applications
Dynamic IR Imaging of Nuclear Weapon Platforms for Treaty Verification
Dynamic IR Imaging of Nuclear Weapon Platforms for Treaty Verification
Dynamic Particle Growth Testing - Phase I Studies
Dynamic Performance of a 30-kW Microturbine-Based CHP System
Dynamic Pressure of Liquid Mercury Target During 800-MeV Proton Thermal Shock Tests
Dynamic Pressure of Liquid Mercury Target During 800-MeV Proton Thermal Shock Tests
Dynamic Strain and Pressure Measurements of a Mercury Target Under Thermal Shock Tests
Dynamic Strain and Pressure Measurements of a Mercury Target Under Thermal Shock Tests
Dynamic Strain on a Mercury Target Vessel During 800-MeV Proton Thermal Shock Tests
Dynamic Strain on Thin Diaphragms of a Mercury Target During 800-MeV Proton Thermal Shock Tests
Dynamic System Model of LS-VHTR to Estimate Design Parameter Impacts on Safety Margin and Reactor Economics
Dynamic System Model of the LS-VHTR to Estimate Design Parameter Impacts on Safety Margin and Reactor Economics
Dynamical Filamentation in Frequency-Locked Board-Area Simconductor
Dynamics and Mechanism of Aluminosilicate Crystal Particle Formation in Bulk Solutions and on Stainless-Steel Surfaces
Dynamics and Synchornization of Broad Area Semiconductors Laser Arrays
Dynamics and Synchronization of Broad Area Semiconductor Laser Arrays
Dynamics and Synchronization of Broad Area Semiconductor Laser Arrays with External Feedback
Dynamics of an Anisotropic Haldane Antiferromagnet in Strong Magnetic Field
Dynamics of Disordered Materials
Dynamics of Litter Decomposition, Microbiota Populations, and Nutrient Movement Following Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions to a Deciduous Forest Stand
Dynamics of Three-body Dissociative Recombination of Dihydrides
E-Commerce at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Early Development of Californium-252 Neutron Brachytherapy
Early Evaluation of the Cray X1 (Presentation)
Early Evaluation of the Cray X1: Part 1.5 (Presentation)
Early Evaluation of the Cray XD1
Early Evaluation of the Cray XD1
Early Evaluation of the IBM p690
Early Evaluation Results for the p690 System at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Early Operations Experience with the Cray X1 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Computational Sciences
Early Performance Evaluation of the Cray X1 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Early Results for a DCA-QMC Code
Early Stages of Pulsed-Laser Growth of Silicon Microcolumns and Microcones in Air and SF6
Early Test Facilities and Analytic Methods for Radiation Shielding
Earth System Grid II: Turning Climate Datasets into Community Resources
EB Cure Monitoring, A Brief Overview of the Issues and the Possibilities
EBC Protection of SiC/SiC Composite in Gas Turbine Combustion Environment
Eberline Alpha 7L Test Report
Ecological Risk Assessment Framework for Low-Altitude Overflights by Fixed-Wing and Rotary-Wing Military Aircraft
Ecological Risk Assessment of Multimedia Hazardous Air Pollutants: Estimating Exposure and Effects
Ecological Risk Assessment of Multimedia Hazardous Air Pollutants: Estimating Exposure and Effects
Economic and Energy Costs of Producing Short Rotation Woody Crops in the United States
Economic Effects of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and the Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences (JINS) on the State of Tennessee
Economic Evaluation for the Production of Sorbents and Catalysts Derived from Hydrous Titanium Oxide Microspheres Prepared by the HMTA Internal Gelation Process
Economic Implications of Intellectual Property Rights and the Human Genome Research Program
Economic Implications of Peak vs Base-Load Electric Costs on Nuclear Hydrogen Systems
Economic Implications of Peak vs Base-Load Electricity Costs on Nuclear Hydrogen Systems
Economic Incentives in the Purchase and Use of Energy-Using Products: Past Practices and New Developments
Economic Potential of CHP in Detroit Edison Service Area: the Customer Perspective
Economical Recovery of By-products in the Mining Industry
Economics of Meeting Peak Electrical Demand Using Nuclear Hydrogen and Oxygen
Edited Synoptic Cloud Reports from Ships and Land Stations Over the Globe, 1982-1991
EDONIO: Extended Distributed Object Network I/O Library
Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Long-Range Magnetic Order in Insulating Nd2CuO4, Nonsuperconducting and Superconducting Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4
Effect of Adding MgO2 to a Selection of Resbond Thermally Sensitive Paints
Effect of Alloy Composition on Microstructure Evolution During Densification of TiC-Ni3Al Composites
Effect of Circuit Arrangement on the Performance of Plate Finned Tube Heat Exchangers Under Dehumidifying conditions
Effect of Cycle Frequency on High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Alumina- and Chromia-Forming Alloys
Effect of Energy Self-Shielding Methods on 238U for Criticality Safety Problems
Effect of Fiber Properties on Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Silicon Carbide Composites
Effect of Finite Element Discretizatin on Texture Predictions Using Mesocale Simulations of Deformaation and Recrystallization
Effect of Finite Element Discretization on Texture Predictions Using Mesoscale Simulations of Deformation and Recrystallization
Effect of FSW Parameters on the Evolution and Swirl Zone Grain Structure During Post-weld Heat Tratment of Commercial Purity Aluminum
Effect of Fueling Location on H-mode Access in NSTX
Effect of Grain Size on Friction and Wear Behavior of Ti3SiC2
Effect of Heat Treatment and Tantalum on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fe-9Cr-2W-0.25V Steel
Effect of High Fluences on the Embrittlement of Low Copper VVER 440 Surveillance Samples
Effect of High Fluences on the Embrittlement of Low Copper VVER 440 Surveillance Samples
Effect of High Fluences on the Embrittlement of Low Copper VVER 440 Surveillance Samples
Effect of High Helium Content on Stainless Steel Swelling
Effect of Li Ordering on Li Diffusion and Cycling Behavior of Thin-Film LiCoO2 Cathodes
Effect of Mercury Velocity on Corrosion of Type 316L Stainless Steel in a Thermal Convection Loop
Effect of Microstructure on Diffusion of Copper in TiN Films
Effect of Microturbine Inlet Air Cooling and Humidification on IES Performance
Effect of Notches, Specimen Size, and Fiber Orientation on the Monotonic Tensile Behavior of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Oxide/Oxide Composites at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures.
Effect of Nuclear Structure on Type Ia Supernova Nucleosynthesis
Effect of Periodic Temperature Variations on the Microstructure of Neutron-Irradiated Metals
Effect of Periodic Temperature Variations on the Microstructure of Neutron-Irradiated Metals
Effect of Pore Confinement on hydrocarbon Pyrolysis
Effect of Processing Conditions on Properties of Graphite Foams
Effect of radiation in Loss-Of-Offsite Power (LOOP) Transients for Capsules in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR)
Effect of Radiation on Fracture Toughness and Microstructure of a High-Cu RPV Weld
Effect of Scale on Capital Costs of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing
Effect of Scale on Capital Costs of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing
Effect of Shallow Flaws and Biaxial Loading on Transition Temperatures Using a Weibull Stress Model
Effect of Spatial Confinement on Magnetism: Films, Wires, and Dots of Fe
Effect of Steel Framing in Attic/Ceiling Assemblies on Overall Thermal Resistance
Effect of Strain on Grain and Grain-Boundary Critical Currents of YBCO Coated Conductors
Effect of Stress Relief Temperature and Cooling Rate on Pressure Vessel Steel Welds
Effect of Stress Relief Temperature and Cooling Rate on Pressure Vessel Steel Welds
Effect of Sulfur Surface Structure on Nucleation of Oxide Seed Layers on Textured Metals for Coated Conductor Applications
Effect of support oxidation state upon chemisorption and reaction at Rh/ceria model catalysts
Effect of Surface Condition and Heat Treatment on Corrosion of Type 316L Stainless Steel in a Mercury Thermal Convection Loop
Effect of Surface Condition and Heat Treatment on Corrosion of Type 316L Stainless Steel in a Mercury Thermal Convection Loop
Effect of Surface Stress State of Nanoindentation Measurements
Effect of the Fission Spectra Changes on Pressure Vessel Flux Determination
Effect of Thermal Annealing and Reirradiation on Toughness of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels
Effect of Toroidal Ripple on Impurity Transport in Barrier Conditions in Tore Supra
Effect of Water Vapor on Oxide Scale Microstructure
Effect of Water Vapor on Oxide Scale Microstructure
Effect of Workbench Shielding on Nagasaki Factory Workers' Dose
Effect of Zr, B and C Additions on the Ductility of Molybdenum
Effect on Heat Flux on the Corrosion of Aluminum by Water. Part IV. Tests Relative to the Advanced Test Reactor and Correlation with Previous Results
Effective Biasing Schemes for Duct Streaming Problems
Effects of ArF Excimer Irradiation on Multi-Energy Ge and Se Ion Implanted Silica
Effects of ArF Excimer Irradiation on Multi-Energy Ge and Se Ion Implanted Silica
Effects of Backbone Disorder on Electronic Transport in DNA.
Effects of Charge Discreteness on Electrostatic Interactions in Colloidal Dispersions
Effects of Charge Discreteness on Electrostatic Interactions in Colloidal Dispersions
Effects of CO2 and Nitrogen Fertility on Growth and Nurtrient Content of Juvenile Ponderosa Pines
Effects of electronic structure on the structural and thermoelastic properties of Mo-Si compounds
Effects of Epitaxial Strain on Doping in YBa2Cu3O7-x/PrBa2Cu3O7 Superlattices
Effects of Heavy, Tracked-Vehicle Disturbance on Forest Soil Properties at Fort Benning, Georgia
Effects of Highway Ice-Clearing Treatments on Corrosion of Heavy Vehicle Materials
Effects of Interstitial Boron and Alloy Stoichiometry on Environmental Effects in FeAl
Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Terrestrial Plants and Animals: A Workshop Report
Effects of Laser Surface Treatment on the Microstructure and Frictional Characteristics of Zirconia Surfaces under Liquid and Solid Lubrication (Abstract)
Effects of Machining on the Uniaxial and Equibiaxial Flexure Strength of CAP3 AD-995 Al2O3
Effects of Multi-Energy Si and O Ion Implantation on the Optical Properties of Silica
Effects of Nonlocal Electrodynamics in YNi2Ba2C and Other Superconductors
Effects of Pore Confinement on the Pyrolysis of 1,3-Diphenylpropane in Mesoporous Silicas
Effects of Proton Irradiation on Triboluminescent Materials Such as ZNS:MN
Effects of Randomly Oriented Columnar Defects on Vortex Pinning in High-Tc Superconductors: the Current Density and Equilibrium Magnetization
Effects of Selective Film Thickness on Sensitivity of Microcantilever Hydrogen and Mercury Sensors
Effects of Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power Devices on HEV PWM Inverter Losses
Effects of Splayed Columnar Defects on the Current Density of Tl2Ba2CaCu2Ox Superconductor and its Equilibrium Magnetization
Effects of the Crystal Structure in the Dynamical Electron Density-Response of HCP Transition Metals
Efficiency Characteristics of Speed Modulated Drives at Predicted Torque Conditions for Air-to-Air Heat Pumps
Efficiency of Alpha Detector from Neutron Correlation Measurement
Efficient and systematic exploration of catalysts for nanomaterials synthesis
Efficient Extraction of Polarization-Entanglement in Ultrafast Type-II SPDC
Efficient Extraction of Polaruzation-Entanglement in Ultrafast Type-II SPDC
Efficient Ion Sources for Radioactive Ion Beam Generation
Efficient Multi-Wavelet Representation of the Projector on Divergence-Free Functions
Efficient Negative-Ion Sources for Radioactive Ion Beam Applications
Efficient On-site Degradation of High Concentration of Spent Deicing Fluids: A Laboratory Study
Efficient Optical Couplings for Fiber-Distributed Solar Lighting
Efficient Optical Couplings for Fiber-Distributed Solar Lighting
Efficient Solution of Large Scale Multicomponent Transport Systems
Efficient Techniques in Si and SiC to Improve the Quality of Ion-Cut Layers
Effusive Flow Characterization of Targets for RIB Generation
Effusive-flow characterization of arbitrary size and geometry target/vapor tranport systems: radioactive ion beam applications
Effusive-Flow Characterization of Arbitrary Size and Geometry Target/Vapor Transport Systems: Radioactive Ion Beam Applications
Effusive-Flow of Pure Elemental Species in Tubular Transport Systems: Radioactive Ion Beam Applications
Effusive-Flow of Pure Elemental Species in Tubular Transport Systems: Radioactive Ion Beam Applications
Effusive-flow of Reactive Gases in Tubular Transport Systems: Radioactive Ion Beam Applications
Egress Shielding Studies for the SNS Accelerator System
Einstein Oscillators in Thallium Filled Antimony Skutterudites
Elastic Effects of Coating Films on Resonance Response of Microcantilevers
Elasticity and Piezoelectricity in Biological Systems on the Nanoscale: From Bones to Butterflies
Electric Industry Restructuring in Ohio: Residential and Low Income Customer Impacts
Electric Motor R&D
Electric Utility Industry Experience with Geomagnetic Disturbances
Electric-Power Ancillary Services
Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Conductive Cu-Based Coated Conductors
Electrical Conductivity Measurements of Aqueous Boric Acid at 25-350 Degrees Centigrade at Saturation Vapor Pressure
Electrical Machinery Introduction and Overview
Electrical Properties of Anatase Thin Films
Electrical Safety of the HVCM Systems
Electrical Signature Analysis (Esa) As A Diagnostic Maintenance Technique For Detecting The High Consequence Fuel Pump Failure Modes
Electrical Signature Analysis (Esa) As A Diagnostic Maintenance Technique For Detecting The High Consequence Fuel Pump Failure Modes
Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA) as a Diagnostic Maintenance Technique for Detecting the High Consequence Fuel Pump Failure Modes
ELECTRICAL SIGNATURE ANALYSIS (ESA) for Condition Monitoring & Condition Based Maintenance
Electrical Testing of the Full-Scale Model of the NSTX HHFW Antenna Array
Electrical Transport, Magnetic, and Structural Properties of the Vortex Lattice of V3Si in the Vicinity of the Peak Effect
Electrochemically Assisted Ionization for LC/ESI-MS and LC/APCI-MS of Small Molecules: Quantitation and Differentiation of Isobaric Species
Electrochemically-Driven Solid-State Amorphization in Lithium Metal Anodes
Electrochemically-modulated Separation and Analysis of Uranium and Plutonium
Electrochemically-Modulated Separation and Concentration of Actinides Including Uranium and Plutonium
Electrochemistry On-Line with Electrospray Mass Spectrometry: Insights into Oxidative Metabolism of Tamoxifen
Electrode Materials for Mixed-Potential No(sub x)Sensors
Electrodeposition of uranium oxide films
Electrokinetic Fluid Manipulations in Microfabricated Channels
Electrokinetic transport in nanochannels
Electrokinetic Transport in Submicron Channels
Electrokinetic Transport Through Nanometer Deep Channels
Electrolytic Deposition of Metals onto the High Voltage Contact in an ES Emitter
Electrolytic Induced pH Changes in nano-ESI: Implications for the Appearance of Mass Spectra
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Nuclear Power Plants
Electromechanics on the Nanoscale: From Perovskites to Proteins
Electron Beam Curing of Composites
Electron Beam Curing of Composites - An ORNL View of Issues, Activities, and Possibilities
Electron Beam Curing of Composites in North America
Electron Beam Curing of Composites Overview
Electron Capture and Shock Formation in Core-Collapse Supernovae
Electron Microscopy Imaging of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Networks in Polymers
Electron transport in gold chains: application and testing of the principal layer method.
Electron transport in molecular electronics systems
Electron Transport Through Atomic and Molecular Chained: Length Effects
Electron Transport Through Atomic and Molecular Chined: Length Effects
Electronic and field emission properties of BN/C nanotubes
Electronic Archival of the Results of Pressurized Thermal Shock Analyses for Beaver Valley, Oconee, and Palisades Reactor Pressure Vessels Generated with the 03.1 Version of FAVOR ORNL/NRC/LTR-03/14
Electronic Archival of the Results of Pressurized Thermal Shock Analyses for Beaver Valley, Oconee, and Palisades Reactor Pressure Vessels Generated with the 04.1 version of FAVOR
Electronic Archival of the Results of Pressurized Thermal shock Analyses for Beaver Valley, Oconee, and Palisades Reactor Pressure Vessels Generated with the 04.1 Version of FAVOR
Electronic Properties of Individual Defects in Carbon Nanotubes and Semiconductor Nanowires by Scanning Probe Microscopy
Electronic Properties of Individual Defects in Carbon Nanotubes and Semiconductor Nanowires by Scanning Probe Microscopy
Electronic Stability of Magnetic Fe/Co Superlattices with Monatomic Layer Alternation
Electronic Structure and Ferromagnetism of Mn Implanted n-type and p-type ZnO.
Electronic Structure and v Alence of Mn Imputiries in III-V Semiconductors.
Electronic Structure of Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors: A Comparison of the SIC-LSD and the LDA+U Methonds
Electronic Structure of Mn impurities in P-Type ZnO
Electronic Structure of Sm and Eu Chalcogenides.
Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Elements in Oxides and Simiconductors: The Self-Interaction Corrected Local Spin Desnity Methods
Electronic Transport in Individual Carbon Nanotubes and Nanotube Networks by Scanning Probe Microscopy
Electronic Transport Properties of Silicon Surfaces
Electronics Personal Dosemeter (EPD-N) Test and Evaluation Report
Electroosmotically Induced Hydraulic Pumping on Microchips
Electrosorption Capacitance of Nanostructured Carbon-Based Materials
Electrosorption of Ions from Aqueous Solutions
Electrospray Mass Spectrometry of Room Temperature Ion Liquids
Electrostatic Trap for keV Ion Beams
Electrostatic Trap for keV Ion Beams
Elemental Characterization Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)for Forensic applications
Elements of a System for Radiological Protection of the Environment
Elevated-Temperature Ferritic and Martensitic Steels and Their Application to Future Nuclear Reactors
Eliminating Frequency and Space-Time Entanglement in Multi-Photon States
ELMs and the H-mode Pedestal in NSTX
EMAT-Based Inspection of Natural Gas Pipelines for Stress Corrosion Cracks
Embedded Intelligence Bizarre Systems for the Steel Industry.
Emergence of Computational Chaos In Asynchronous Neurocomputing
Emergency Protection from Aerosols
Emerging Energy-Efficient Technologies in Buildings Technology Characterizations for Energy Modeling
Emerging Technology in Instrumentation and Controls
Emerging Two-Phase Cooling Technologies for Power Electronic Inverters
EMI/RFI and Power Surge Withstand Guidance for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Emissions Benefits of Distributed Generation in the Texas Market
Emittance Studies with an Allison Scanner
Emittance studies with the SNS H− source
Empirical Correlations for Thermal Flowmeters Covering a Wide Range of Thermal-Physical Properties
Empirical Equations for Representing Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in the CO2-H2O System at 110-350C
Empirical Relationships Between Watershed Attributes and Headwater Lake Chemistry in the Adirondack Region
Emplacement Guidance for Criticality Safety in Low-Level-Waste Disposal
EMSP Final Report: Electrically Driven Technologies for Radioactive Aerosol Abatement
EMSP Project Summary (Project ID: 60077)
Development of Nuclear Analysis Capabilities for DOE Waste Management Activities
Enabling Autonomous Control for Space Reactor Power Systems
Enabling Scientific Applications with the Common Component Architecture
Enabling Scientific Applications with the Common Component Architecture
Enabling the Co-Allocation of Grid Data Transfers
Enabling the Co-Allocation of Grid Data Transfers
Enclaves and Collaborative Domains
End-To-End Performance Guarantees in Computer Networks Using NetLets
ENDF/B-VI Library Generation and Testing for the SCALE Code System
Energy Absorption in Chopped Carbon Fiber Compression Molded Composites
Energy and Environmental Challenges: The Role of Gas Hydrates
Energy and Environmental Consequences of Transportation: Indicators of Sustainability
Energy and Environmental Issues in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: An Annotated Guide to Information Resources
Energy and Global Warming Impacts of HRC Refrigerants and Emerging Technologies: TEWI-III
Energy Conservation Opportunities in Small Commercial Buildings
Energy Convergence of LSDA Calculations Using the Locally Self-consistent Multiple Scattering Method
Energy Crops Forum, Spring 2001
Energy Division Progress Report, Fiscal Years 1994-1995
Energy Efficiency Study of Single-Wide Manufactured Homes
Energy Efficiency, Building Productivity and the Commercial Buildings Market
Energy Infrastructure Survivability, Inherent Limitations, Obstacles and Mitigation Strategies
Energy Production from Zoo Animal Wastes
Energy Production from Zoo Animal Wastes
Energy Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Energy Retrofits Installed in the Margolis High-Rise Apartment Building, Chelsea Housing Authority
Energy Savings Performance Contracting--Experience of the U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program
Energy Star Concepts for Highway Vehicles
Energy-Deposition and Damage Calculations in Core-Vessel Inserts at the Spallation Neutron Source
Energy-Efficient, Flood-Damage-Resistive Residential Envelope Systems Testing
Energy-Efficient, Flood-Damange-Resistive Residential Envelope Systems Testing
Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials
Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials
Enforcing ECM Performance Requirements - Healthcare Facility
Engineering-Economic Analyses of Automotive Fuel Economy Potential in the United States
Enhanced Algorithm for Traceability Measurements in UF6 Flow Pipe
Enhanced Characterization of the Membrance Proteome from the Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris under all Major Metabolic States
Enhanced Detection of Proteins in Microchip Separations by On-Chip Preconcentration
Enhanced Electron Attachment to Highly-Excited Molecules and Its Applications in Pulsed Plasmas
Enhanced Electron-Phonon Coupling at Metal Surfaces
Enhanced Low Temperature B Activation in Si Via Non- Amorphizing High-Energy Ion Implantation
Enhanced Low-Temperature B Activation in Si Via Non-Amorphizing High-Energy Ion Implantation
Enhanced NMC&A by Imaging
Enhanced Sensitivity of Micro Mechanical Chemical Sensors Through Structural Variation
Enhanced solubility of priority contaminants in high-biomass systems and associated impacts on biofilter operation
Enhanced solubility of priority contaminants in high-biomass systems and associated impacts on biofilter operation
Enhanced solubility of TCE and other contaminants due to the presence of biological material
Enhanced Supercritical CO2 - Water Phase Contact via Electrodispersion
Enhancement of Coherence and Intensity in a Broad Area Semiconductor Laser Array with Injection Locking
Enhancement of Coherence and intensity in a Broad-Area Semiconductor Laser array with Injection Locking
Enhancement of Coherence and Intensity in a Broad-Area Semiconductor Laser Array with injection Locking.
Enhancing Security and Emergency Effectiveness through Total Team Preparedness
Enhancing Surface Ionization and Beam Formation in Volume-Type H- Ion Sources
ENO type stencil choosing for one-Sided post-processing for discontinuous Galerkin methods
Ensuring Environmentally Sustainable Production of Dedicated Biomass Feedstocks
Entangled Behavior and Bizarre Systems
Entanglement and Quantum Computation: An Overview
Entanglement Generation and Multiparticle Interferometry with Neutral Atoms
enterprise Derivative Application: Flexible Software for Optimizing Production while Minimizing Costs
Environmental and Biological Applications of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Environmental Aspects of Operating Various Gas Microturbines
Environmental Aspects of Operation of a Gas-Fired Microturbine-Based CHP System
Environmental Evaluation of New Generation Vehicles and Vehicle Components
Environmental Health and Safety Independent Investigation of the In Situ Vitrification Melt Expulsion at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Environmental Monitoring of Total Carbon and Nitrogen in Soils Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Environmental Monitoring on the Oak Ridge Reservation: 2005 Results
Environmental Monitoring Report - United States Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Facilities, Calender Year 1984
Environmental Monitoring Using Microcantilever Sensors
Environmental Resources of Selected Areas of Hawaii: Cultural Environment and Aesthetic Resources
Environmental Restoration Plan for the Transfer of Surplus Facilities to the Facility Transition Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Environmental Sciences Division Ground Water Program Office Report for Fiscal Years 1995-1997
Environmental Survey Report for the ETTP: Environmental Management Waste Management Facility (EMWMF) Haul Road Corridor, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Environmental Sustainability of Dedicated Bioenergy Feedstocks: Summary of Research Results
Epilepsy Forewarning Using A Hand-Held Device
Epileptic Seizure Forewarning by Nonlinear Techniques
Epileptic Seizure Forewarning by Nonlinear Techniques
Epistemology and Rosen's Modeling Relation
Epitaxial (La,Sr)TiO3 as a Conductive Buffer for High Temperature Superconducting Coated Conductors
Epitaxial Ferromagnet on Ge(111)
Epitaxial Ferromagnet on Ge(111)
Epitaxial Ferromagnet on Ge(111)
Epitaxial Films and Superlattices by PLD-CCS
Epitaxial Oxide Thin-Film Phosphors for Low Voltage FED Applications
Epitaxial Structure and Transport in LaTiO3+x Films on (001) SrTiO3
Epithermal-Carlin Transition: Evidence for Magmatic Input to Carlin-type Deposits
Epoxidation of Heptene by Chloroperoxidase and Hydrogen Peroxide
Equilibrium Basal-Plane Magnetization of Superconductive YNi2B2C - the Influence of Non-local Electrodynamics
Equilibrium Basal-Plane Magnetization of Superconductive YNi2B2C: The Influence of Non-Local Electrodynamics
Equilibrium Magnetization of Superconductors: Beyond Simple London Theory
Ergonomic Interface Concepts for Minimally Invasive, Remote, and Virtual Surgical Systems
Errata Report on Herbert Goldstein's Classical Mechanics, Second Edition
Error Analysis of Variations on Larsen's Benchmark Problem
Error Estimation for Simulations of Nucleosynthesis in Exploding Stars
Error Estimation, Sensitivities, and Radioactive Ion Beam Measurements for Simulations of Nucleosynthesis in Exploding Stars
ESADA Plutonium Program Critical Experiments: Power Distribution Measurements
ESPN: SAS4 Shielding Input Processor for SCALE
Establishing an Appropriate Baseline for Assessing Environmental Impacts
Establishing Availability Requirements Using Characteristics Factors and Expert Opinion
Establishing Availability Requirements Using Characteristics Factors and Expert Opinion
Establishing Availability Requirements Using Characteristics Factors and Expert Opinion
Establishing System Availability Requirements for Conceptual Facilities
Establishing System Availability Requirements for Conceptual Facilities
Estimated Critical Conditions for UO(Sub 2)F(Sub 2)-H(Sub 2)O Systems in Fully Water-Reflected Spherical Geometry
Estimated Quantities of Materials Contained in a 100-MW(e) PWR Power Plant
Estimates of Global, Regional, and National Annual CO(Sub)2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning, Hydraulic Cement Production, and Gas Flaring: 1950-1992
Estimating Cross-section Semiconductor Structure by Comparing Top-down SEM Images
Estimating Energy and Cost Savings and Emissions Reductions for the State Energy Program Based on Enumeration Indicators Data
Estimating Exposure of Terrestrial Wildlife to Contaminants
Estimating Hydropower's Contribution to the Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Estimating Impacts of Diesel Fuel Reformulation with Vector-based Blending
Estimating Potential Stranded Commitments for U.S. Investor-Owned Electric Utilities
Estimating the Benefits of Government-Sponsored Energy R&D: Synthesis of Conference Discussions
Estimating the Overall Impact of a Change in Agricultural Practices on Atmospheric CO2
Estimation of Acute Inhalation Threshold Concentrations for Human Exposure from Limited Animal Data
Estimation of Carbon Credits in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Activities
Estimation of Carbon Credits in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Activities
Estimation of Energy Savings Resulting From the BestPractices Program, Fiscal Year 2002
Estimation of Flammability Limits of Selected Fluorocarbons with F2 and ClF3
Estimation of Potential Population Level Effects of Contaminants on Wildlife
Estimation of the Dose Effects of Gamma-Ray Streaming Through Cracks in the MVST Storage/Disposal Cask
Estimation of the Number of Prompt Fission Gamma Rays
Ethanol Demand in United States Production of Oxygenate-limited Gasoline
Ethanol Production from Glucose/Xylose Mixtures By Immobilized Zymomonas mobilis ATCC31821(PZB5) and Saccharomyces 424A(LNH-ST)
Ethanol Production from Rice Straw Hydrolysate by Immobilized Recombinant Zymomonas mobilis in a Fluidized-Bed Reactor
Evacuation: An Assessment of Planning and Research
Evaluating Environmental Barrier Coatings on Ceramic Matrix Composites after Engine and Laboratory Exposures
Evaluating Environmental Consequences of Producing Herbaceous Crops for Bioenergy
Evaluating The Stability of Si-Melt-Infiltrated (MI) Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites In Combustion Environments
Evaluating the Weatherization Assistance Program in Your State: A Manager's Guide
Evaluation of 1985-1986 Corrective Actions at ORNL Liquid Waste Disposal Trench 7
Evaluation of 2004 Toyota Prius Hybrid Electric Drive System Interim Report
Evaluation of 231Pa and 233Pa Resonance Parameters and Covariance in the Resolved Resonance Region
Evaluation of 232Th Neutron Resonance Parameters in the Energy Range 0 keV to 4000 keV
Evaluation of 238U Resonance Parameters from 0 to 20 keV
Evaluation of 5-cm Centrifugal Contactor Hydraulic and Mass Transfer Performance for Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction of Cesium
Evaluation of a Photon Interrogation System for the Detection of Shielded Highly Enriched Uranium
Evaluation of a Photon Interrogation System of Detection of Shielded Highly Enriched Uranium
Evaluation of Accidental Coincidences in Active Interrogation of Special Nuclear Material
Evaluation of an Effective Elastic Modulus for J-to-KJ Conversion in 3-Dimensional Linear-Elastic Finite-Element Analyses
Evaluation of Burnup Credit for Accommodating PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel in High-capacity Cask Designs
Evaluation of Chemical Warfare Agent Percutaneous Vapor Toxicity: Derivation of Toxicity Guidelines for Assessing Chemical Protective Ensembles.
Evaluation of Corrosion Failure in Tractor-Trailer Brake System
Evaluation of Creep Property of AS800 Silicon Nitride From AS-Processed Surface Regions
Evaluation of Creep Property of AS800 Silicon Nitride from As-Processed Surface Regions
Evaluation of Cross-Section Sensitivities in Computing Burnup Credit Fission Product Concentrations
Evaluation of Demo 1C Composite Flywheel Rotor Burst Test and Containment Design
Evaluation of Different Efficiency Concepts of an Integrated Energy System (IES)
Evaluation of Distribution Analysis Software for DER Applications
Evaluation of Durable Metallic Supports for Catalytic Combustors
Evaluation of Electrochemically Modulated Separations Coupled On-Line with Time-Of-Flight ICP-MS.
Evaluation of Energy-Related Inventions Program: An Empirical Analysis of 204 Inventions
Evaluation of Federal Energy Savings Performance Contracting -- Methodology for Comparing Processes and Costs of ESPC and Appropriatins-Funded Energy Projects
Evaluation Of FWENC Process For Treatment Of MVST Sludges, Supernates, And Surrogates
Evaluation of Gas Disengaging Equipment Supporting a Crystalline Silicotitanate Ion-Exchange Column System
Evaluation of Ground Freezing for Environmental Restoration at Waste Area Grouping 5, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Evaluation of I&C Architecture Alternatives Required for the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (Jimo) Reactor
Evaluation of Improved Techniques for the Removal of (Sup 90)Sr and (Sup 137)Cs from Process Wastewater and Groundwater: FY 1995 Status
Evaluation of Improved Techniques for the Removal of Fission Products from Process Waste and Groundwater FY1998 Status
Evaluation of Improved Techniques for the Removal of Fission Products from Process Wastewater and Groundwater: FY 1996 Status
Evaluation of Improved Techniques for the Removal of Fusion s from Process Waste Water and Ground Water: 1997 Status
Evaluation of Interim and Final Waste Forms for the Newly Generated Liquid Low-Level Waste Flowsheet
Evaluation of Iron Aluminide Weld Overlays for Erosion-Corrosion Resistant Boiler Tube Coatings in Low NOx Boilers
Evaluation of Large Tow-Size Carbon Fiber for Reducing the Cost of CNG Storage Tanks
Evaluation of Large Tow-Size Carbon Fiber for Reducing the Cost of CNG Storage Tanks
Evaluation of Mass Transfer Performance for Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction of Cesium in a Conventional 5-cm Centrifugal Contactor
Evaluation of Materials used for APT Irradiation Experiment
Evaluation of Mechanical Reliability of Silicon Nitride Vanes After Field Tests in an Industrial Gas Turbine
Evaluation of Melt-Grown, ZnO Single Crystals for use as -Particle Detectors
Evaluation of Models for Solubility and Volatility of Copper Compounds Under Steam Generation Conditions
Evaluation of Phase I and Phase II Sampling and Analysis Data for the Gunite and Associated Tanks at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Evaluation of Precipitation Hardened Alloys as GFIS for FIB Applications
Evaluation of Prompt Fission Gamma Rays for Use in Simulating Nuclear Safeguard Measurements
Evaluation of Protected, Threatened, and Endangered Fish Species in Upper Bear Creek Watershed
Evaluation of Renewable Energy Incentives: The Barbados Solar Water Heating Experience
Evaluation of Residential Hot Water Distribution Ssytems by Numeric Simulation
Evaluation of Selective Metal-Ion Binding to Phosphorylated Biomolecules
Evaluation of Silicon Neutron Resonance Parameter in the Energy Range Thermal to 1800 keV
Evaluation of Silicon Neutron Resonance Parameters in the Energy Range Thermal to 1800 keV
Evaluation of Some Methods for Estimating the Compositions of Fine Precipitates
Evaluation of Stainless Steels for Primary Surface Recuperator Applications
Evaluation of Statistical Methodologies Used in U. S. Army Ordnance and Explosive Work
Evaluation of Terrestrial Wildlife Resources on the East Bear Creek Valley Site for a Proposed On-Site Waste Management Facility.  
Evaluation of the 232Th Neutron Cross Sections between 4 keV and 140 keV
Evaluation of the ACT*DE*CON(sup SM) Process for Treating Gunite Tank Sludge
Evaluation of the Benefits Attributable to Automotive Lightweight Materials Program Research and Development Projects
Evaluation of the Benefits Attributable to Automotive Lighweight Materials Program Research and Development Projects
Evaluation of the Computerized Utilities and Energy Monitoring and Control System Installed at the U.S. Army, Europe, 222D Base Support Battalion Baumholder, Germany
Evaluation of the Effects of Natural Gas Contaminants on Corrosion in Compressed Natural Gas Storage Systems - Phase II
Evaluation of the Eological Management and Enhancement Alernative for Remediation of the K1007-P1 Pond
Evaluation of the Implementation of Stability Long Term Solution III in the Hatch Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2
Evaluation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Fracture Behavior of Iron Aluminides
Evaluation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Fracture Behavior of Iron Aluminides
Evaluation of the Lithium Compatability of New Ceramic Candidates for Insulating Coatings
Evaluation of the Measurement Technologies Required for the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO) Reactor
Evaluation of the Small-Tank Tetraphenylborate Process Using a Bench-Scale, 20-L Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor System at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Results of Test 5
Evaluation of the Washington State Weatherization Assistance Program
Evaluation of Transthickness Tensile Strength of SiC/SiC Composites
Evaluation of Warning and Protective Action Implementation Times for Chemical Weapons Accidents
Event Forewarning from Time-Series Analysis
Event-Resolved Analysis of Neutron Detection by Organic Scintillators: Similation and Analytical Solution
Event-Resolved Analysis of Neutron Detection by Organic Scintillators:Simulation and Analytical Solution
Evidence for Pinning of Grain-Boundary Vortices by Abrikosov Vortices in the Grains of YBa2Cu3O7
Evidence of Annealed Proton Damage From a ZnS:Mn-Based Phosphor Paint
Evidence of Collisional Coherences in the Transport of Hydrogenic Krypton through Amorphous Carbon Foils
Evolution of Spin Excitations in a Gapped Antiferromagnet From the Quantum to the High-Temperature Limit
Evolution of Vacancy Supersaturations in MeV Si Implanted Silicon
Ex-Situ Conversion of Physical Vapor Deposited YBCO Precursors on RABiTS
Examination of Babcock & Wilcox Tubes After Exposure in an Industrial Waste Incinerator
Examination of Compatibility of Potentially Cavitation-Resistant Modifications of Type 316LN Stainless Steel with Mercury in a Thermal Convection Loop
Examination of the Potential of Ionic Liquids for Gas Separations
EXCAVATOR for gene expression data analysis
Excess Thermodynamic Properties of Concentrated Aqueous Solutions at High Temperatures
Excess-photon Ionization Spectra and Atomic Structure in Intense Laser Fields.
Exchange Interactions of Ordered and Disordered FeCo.
Excitation of the Isovector Giant Quadrupole Resonance in 208Pb by Coulomb Inelastic Scattering
Excited State Host-Guest Interaction in Sm3+-Doped Zirconia
Exoskeleton for Soldier Enhancement Systems Feasibility Study
Exotic Mesons, Theory and Experiment
Expedient Respiratory and Physical Protection: Does a Wet Towel Work to Prevent Chemical Warfare Agent Vapor Infiltration?
Experience in Integrating Material Protection,Control, and Accounting and Protective Force Upgrades at a Unique Underground Nuclear Production Facility
Experience with the Full CCSM
Experience With the SCALE Criticality Safety Cross Section Libraries
Experiences with Combined Heat and Power During the August 14, 2003 Northeast Blackout
Experiences with the Cray X1 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Teleportation.
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Microturbine-Based BCHP System
Experimental Criticality Benchmarks for SNAP 10A/2 Reactor Cores
Experimental Determination of Hydrogen Diffusion Rates in Hydrous Minerals Using the Ion Microprobe
Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the System H20-C02-NaCl at 0.5 Kb from 500 to 800C
Experimental Determination of the Effect of Helium on the Fracture and Flow Properties of Steel
Experimental Evaluation of a Soft-Switching DC/DC Converter for Fuel Cell Vehicle Applications
Experimental Evidence of Triboluminescence Induced by Hypervelocity Impact
Experimental Geochemical Studies Relevant to Carbon Sequestration
Experimental Investigations of the Sneddon Solution and an Improved Solution for the Analysis of Nanoindentation Data
Experimental Methodology for Determining Optimum Process Parameters for Production of Hydrous Metal Oxides by Internal Gelation
Experimental Results On Data Transfers Over Dedicated Channels
Experimental Studies of the Solubilities of Aluminum Oxy-Hydroxy Phases to 300C
Experimental Studies on Attenuation of Pressure Waves Induced by Thermal Shocks
Experimental Study of the Dissolution of Aluminum Phases as a Function of Temperature, Caustic Concentration and Additives
Experimental Test of a Time-Temperature Formulation of the Uncertainty Principle
Experimental Tests of the Crystal Lattice Model of the R-Matrix Code SAMMY
Experimental Verification of Optimal Flux Weakening in Surface PM Machines Using Concentrated Windings
Experimentally Validated Model for Frosting of Plain-Fin-Round-Tube Heat Exchangers
Experiments Abating Radiation Damage with Cryogenic Helium
Explicit Solution of the Time Evolution of the Wigner Function
Exploration of optical and electronic properties of SWNT networks for device applications
Exploring Data Transfer Methods in an ITS Environment
Exploring Heavy-Element Science Using Pressure
Exploring the Challenges of Electronic Records Management
Exploring the Structure of Neutron-rich A~130 Nuclei at the HRIBF
Exploring Ultrahigh Magnetic Field Processing of Materials for Developing Customized Microstructures and Enhanced Performance
Explosive vapor detection using microcantilever sensors
Explosive Vapor Detection Using Microcantilever Sensors
Explosive/Water Vapor Adsorption on Microcantilevers Coated with a Self-Assembled Monolayer of Mercaptobenzoic Acid
Exponential Speedup with Ensemble Computing
Exponential Tracking Control of a Hydraulic Proportional Directional Valve and Cylinder via Integrator Backstepping
Exposure Assessment Methodology and Reference Environments for Synfuel Risk Analysis
Exposure of Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites in Simulated and Actual Combustor Environments
Expression of fungal Lignin Peroxidase in Pichia Pastoris
Extended Cold Testing of a Russian Pulsating Mixer Pump at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Extended Constant Power Speed Range of the Brushless DC Motor Through Dual Mode Inverter Control
Extended Interpretation of Sensitivity Data for Benchmark Areas of Applicability
Extending Exhaust Gas Recirculation Limits in Diesel Engines
Extending the Constant Power Speed Range of the Brushless DC Motor through Dual Mode Inverter Control -- Part I: Theory and Simulation
Extending the Constant Power Speed Range of the Brushless DC Motor through Dual Mode Inverter Control -- Part II: Laboratory Proof-of-Principle
Extension of a Post-Processing Technique for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method Finite Element Method for Hyberbolic Equations
Extension of a Post-Processing Technique for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method with an Aeroacoustic Application
External to the trap vaporization and ionization for real-time quantitative particle analysis
Extracting a Whisper from the Din: A Bayesian-Inductive Approach to Learning an Anticipatory Model of Cavitation
Extracting Surface Phonon Properties from the Electronic Spectral Function
Extraction of Diffusion Constants from Data
Extraction of Diffusion Constants from Data
Extraction of Space-Charge-Dominated Ion Beams from an ECR Ion Source: Theory and Simulation
Extraction of Th-229 from U-233 for Medical Research Applications
Fabricated chemical separation devices: Micro to Nano
Fabrication Development for the Advanced Neutron Source Reactor
Fabrication of a Sludge-Conditioning System for Processing Legacy Wastes from the Gunite and Associated Tanks
Fabrication of Ge nanoclusters on Si with a buffer layer-assisted growth method
Fabrication of High Current YBa2Cu3O7-y Coated Conductors Using Rolling Assisted Biaxially Textured Substrates
Fabrication of Integrated Diffractive Micro-Optics for MEMS Applications
Fabrication of ORNL Fue Irradiated in the Peach Bottom Reactor and Postirradiation Examination of Recycle Test Elements 7 and 4
Fabrications and Properties of High-Jc Coatings
Facet Model and Mathematical Morphology for Surface Characterization
Facility and Energy System Security
Facility Environmental Vulnerability Assessment
Facility Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Recommendations Implementation (FEVARI) Project: Final Report on Oak Ridge National Laboratory Environmental Vulnerabilities
Factorization of Low-Lying Shell-Model States
Factors Affecting Separation of Isobars/Isotopes Using Time-of-Flight Measurements at Energies below 10 MeV/amu
Factory Manufacture of DUCRETE Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Casks
Failure Forewarning in NPP Equipment NERI2000-109 Final Project Report
Far-infrared optical conductivity of superconducting MgB2 films
Far-infrared optical conductivity of superconducting MgB2 films
Farm Animal Manure is an Important Sustainable Renewable Energy Source
Fast and Thermal Data Testing of LEU, IEU, and HEU Critical Assemblies
Fast and Thermal Data Testing of U-233 Critical Assemblies
Fast Deployable System for Consequence Management: The Emergency Evacuation Component
Fast Galerkin BEM by a Precorrected-FFT
Fast Neutron - Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination of Liquid Scintillation Signals for Time Correlated Measurements
Fast Production of Long-Length YBCO Coatings by the BaF2 Ex Situ Process Using a Large-Area Batch-Annealing Approach
Fatigue Crack Growth in Adhesive Joints
Fatigue Crack Growth in Adhesive Joints
Fatigue Performance of High Fiber Content T1000G/RS-14A Graphite/Cyanate Ester Composite Materials
Fatigue Properties of Type 316 LN Stainless Steels as a Function of Frequency and Waveform
Fault Current Tests of a 5-m HTS Cable
Fault Detection for Wheeled Mobile Robots with Parametric Uncertainty
Fe-Al Weld Overlay and High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Thermal Spray Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Waterwalls in Fossil Fired Plants with Low NOx Burners
FEAC305 Development of an In-Well/ Oil/Water Separator (Centrifugal Downhole Separator)
Feasibility of Correlating V-Cr-Ti Alloy Weld Strength with Weld Chemistry
Feasibility of High Resolution P- and S-Wave Seismic Reflection to Detect Methane Hydrate
Feasibility Study for Processing ORNL Transuranic Waste in Existing and Modified Facilities Management Summary, September 15, 1995
Feasibility Study for the Upgrade of the Process Waste Treatment System
Federal Energy Management Program Utilty Energy Services Contract Program Activity Analysis FY 2000--2004 October 2005
Federation Performance on the ORNL p690 Cluster
FePt nanoparticles formed in Al2O3 by ion beam synthesis: annealing environment effects
FePt Ordered Alloy Nanoparticles Produced by Ion Beam Synthesis
FePt Ordered Alloy Nanoparticles Produced by Ion Implantation
Fermi Chopper Spectrometers for the Spallation Neutron Source
Fermi Surface Topology of Ca1.5Sr0.5 RuO4 Determined by ARPES
Fernald Silo Remote Retrieval Tool Development
Fernald Silos Remote Retrieval Tool Development
Ferromagnetic FePt Nanoparticles Formed in Al2O3 By Ion Implantation
Ferromagnetic Stability in Fe Nanodot Assemblies on Cu(111) Induced by Indirect Coupling Through the Substrate
Ferromagnetic Stability in Fe Nanodot Assemblies on Cu(111) Induced by Indirect Coupling Through the Substrate
Ferromagnetic Stability in Fe Nanodot Assemblies on Cu(111) Induced by Indirect Coupling Through the Substrate
Ferromagnetism and Polaron Percolation in MnxGe< sub>1-x Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor
Ferromagnetism and Polaron Percolation in MnxGe< sub>1-x Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor
Ferromagnetism in Co- and Mn-doped ZnO
Ferromagnetism in Cobalt-Implanted ZnO
Ferromagnetism in epitaxial Mn:Ge films
FESAC Report on Priorities and Balance
FGM Fabrication By Surface Thermal Treatments of TiC-Ni3Al,Al
Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors for PEM Fuel Cells
Fiber-Matrix Interface Studies on Electron Beam Cured Composites
Field Demonstration of a Microcantilever Sensor for Monitoring Mercury in Water
Field Demonstration of Active Desiccant Modules Designed to Integrate with Standard Unitary Rooftop Package Equipment - Final Report: Phase 3
Field Demonstration of Active Desiccant-Based Outdoor Air Preconditioning Systems, Final Report: Phase 3
Field Detection of Chemical & Biological Agents Using Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Field Emission and Growth Properties of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofiber Field Emitter Source
Field Emission Properties of BN/C and BN@C Hybrid Nanotubes
Field Emission Properties of BN/C and BN@C hybrids
Field Emission Properties of Different Forms of Carbon
Field Evaluation of a Horizontal Well Recirculation System for Groundwater Treatment: Field Demonstration at X701B Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Piketon, Ohio
Field Evaluation of a Horizontal Well Recirculation System for Groundwater Treatment: Pilot Test at the Clean Test Site Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Piketon, Ohio
Field Evaluation of a Residential Hydronic Distribution System in the Cooling Mode
Field Ion Microscopy and 3-Dimensional Atom Probe Analysis of Metamorphic Magnetite Crystals
Field Pilot Test of In Situ Chemical Oxidation through Recirculation using Vertical Wells at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Field Studies of Streamflow Generation Using Natural and Injected Tracers on Bickford and Walker Branch Watersheds
Field Test and Performance Verification: Integrated Active Desiccant Rooftop Hybrid System Installed in a School - Final Report: Phase 4A
Field Test Evaluation of Conservation Retrofits of Low-Income Single Family Buildings in Wisconsin: Summary Report
Field Test Evaluation of Conservation Retrofits of Low-Income, Single-Family Buildings in Wisconsin: Audit Field Test Implementation and Results
Field Test Evaluation of Conservation Retrofits of Low-Income, Single-Family Buildings in Wisconsin: Blower-Door-Directed Infiltration Reduction Procedure, Field Test Implementation and Results
Field Test Evaluation of Conservation Retrofits of Low-Income, Single-Family Buildings: Combined Building Shell and Heating System Retrofit Audit
Field Test of Advanced Duct-Sealing Technologies Within the Weatherization Assistance Program
Field Test of Aerosol-Spray and Best-Practice Duct Sealing Approaches
Field Test Results for an Automated Image Retrieval System
Field Test Results of an Automated Image Retrieval System
Field Testing of an Advanced Low-Charge Supermarket Refrigeration System
Field Testing of Energy-Efficient Flood-Damage-Resistant Residential Envelope Systems Summary Report
Field Tests of a "Drop-In" Residential Heat Pump Water Heater
Field Verification of an Integrated Active Desiccant Hybrid Rooftop at a Georgia School
Field-Induced Transitions in the Highly Frustrated Magnet Gadolinium Gallium Garnet - Long - or Short-Range Order?
Filling Gaps in the U.S. Commodity Flow Picture: Using the CFS with Other Data Sources
Filling Gaps in the U.S. Commodity Flow Picture: Using the CFS with Other Data Sources
Final Progress Report on Model-Based Diagnosis of Soil Limitations to Forest Productivity
Final Project Report on Arsenic Biogeochemistry in the Clinch River and Watts Bar Reservoir, Volume 1: Main Text
Final Project Report on Arsenic Biogeochemistry in the Clinch River and Watts Bar Reservoir, Volume 2: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Summary Report for Arsenic Biogeochemistry in the Clinch River and Watts Bar Reservoir
Final Report - Advanced Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry Program - Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Sandia National Laboratory
Final Report U.S. Department of Energy --
Development of Nuclear Analysis Capabilities for DOE Waste Management Activities
FINAL REPORT: Characterization of Chemically Modified Enzymes for Bioremediation Reactions
Final Status Report: Proton and Neutron Irradiation Effects on Tensile Properties for APT Target/Blanket Assembly Metallic Structural Material Welds
Finding New Thermoelectric Compounds Using Crystallographic Data: Atomic Displacement Parameters
Fine Scale Gamma Precipitation in Haynes 214 Alloy
Fine Structure in One-Proton Emission Studied at Oak Ridge
Fine Structure in Proton Emission
Fine Structure in Proton Emission
Fine Studies of Proton Radioactivity with Digital Signal Processing
Finite Element Analysis of Advanced Neutron Source Fuel Plates
Finite Element Modeling of Micromachined MEMS Photon Devices
Finite-Temperature Micromagnetic Simulations of Magnetization Reversal
Fire Resistant Composite Materials for Energy Absorption Applications
First Annual Wetland Monitoring Report for the Spallation Neutron Source Bethel Valley Access Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
First Conclusions of the WPEC/Subgroup-22 Nuclear Data for Improved LEU-LWR Reactivity Predictions
First Local Electrode Atom Probe Analysis of Magnetite (FE 3O4)
First Observation of Excitation Across the 100Sn Core
First Observation of Excitation Across the 100Sn Core
First Observation of Excitation Across the 100Sn Core
First Principles Calculations of Tunneling Conductance in Epitaxial Systems
First Principles Study of the Effects of Fluorine and Chlorine on the Properties of Silica Intergranular Films
First-Principles Study of the Adsorption of Carbon Atom on Nickel Surfaces and a Ni38 Cluster
First-Principles Study of the Adsorption of Carbon Atoms onCopper Surfaces
Fiscal Year 2001 Status Report for the Investigation of Reactivity Effects Due to Perturbations in Cross-Section Temperature
Fissile Mass Flow Monitor Gamma Ray Detector System Designed for Large-Size Process Pipes
Fissile Mass Flow Monitor Gamma Ray Detector System Designed for Large-Size Process Pipes
Fissile Mass Flow Monitor Implementation for Transparency in HU Blenddown at the URAL Elctrochemical Integrated Plant (UEIP) in Novouralsk
Fissile Mass Flow Monitor Source-Strength Calibration Using The ORNL Neutron Detector System
Fission Multiplicity Detection with Temporal Gamma-Neutron Discrimination from Higher Order Time Correlation Statistics
Fission Multiplicity Detection With Temporal Gamma-Neutron Discrimination From Higher Order Time Correlation Statistics
Fission Source Location From Passive NMIS Third Order Time Correlation Measurements
Flameless Combustion Engines in the Transition to Hydrogen
Flash Vacuum Pyrolysis of Plant Steroids: The Impact of Steroid Structure on the Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Flash Vacuum Pyrolysis of Plant Steroids: The Impact of Steroid Structure on the Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Flavor-Degenerate Pair Production in Neutrino-Nucleus Collisions
Flexible Fast Multiple Method for Magnetic Simulations
Flexural and Torsional Resonances of Ceramic Tiles Via Impulse Excitation of Vibration
Floating Refrigerant Loop Based on R-134a Refrigerant Cooling of High-Heat Flux Electronics
Flood-Damage Resistive Residential Envelope Systems
Flood-Damage-Resistant Housing Results from Field Testing of Envelope Materials and Systems
Flood-Damage-Resistant Housing, Results from Field Testing of Envelope Materials and Systems
Floor Probe/Contamination Monitor (NE Model FLP3D) Test and Evaluation Report
Flow Blockage Analysis for the Advanced Neutron Source Reactor
Flow Cytometry on Microfluidic Devices
Flow Cytometry on Microfluidic Systems
Flow Regimes of Air-Water Counterflow Through Cross Corrugated Parallel Plates
FLOW: An ORNL Simulation Platform
Fluorescence Decay Studies of Anisotropic Rotations by PyButO- Probe (Chemisorbed and Physically Adsorbed) on the Surface of Cabosil in Solvent Free Environment
Fluorescence Decay Studies of Anisotropic Rotations of the Chemically Attached Hydroxy Pyrene Probe to the Surface of Cab-o-Sil in solvent Free Environment
Fluorescence Decay Study of Anisotropic Rotations of Substituted Pyrenes Physisorbed or Chemically Attached to Cab-o-Sil Surfaces
Fluorescence Microscopy in Confined Geometry: Single Molecules, Ions, and Polymer Quantum Dots
Fluorescence Rise Time Measurements for High Temperature Fluorescence-Based Thermometry
Fluorescence-based thermometry with phosphors
Fluorescent and Microcantilever Sensors for cesium and Strontium
Fluorescent Anion Sensing by N-Densylamide-Tripods
Fluorine Transfer between Ionic Molecules: Exploring Nature s Approach to Fluoroorganic Synthesis
Fluorometric Tissue-Based Biosensors
Flux Gain for Next-Generation Neutron-Scattering Instruments Resulting From Improved Supermirror Performance
Flux Guides for Permanent-Magnet Machines
Flux Pinning and Critical Currents at Low-Angle Grain Boundaries in High-Temperature Superconductors
Flux Weakening, Flux Enhancement, and CPSR Enhancement Techniques
Fly Ash Amendments Catalyze Soil Carbon Sequestration
FMDP International Programs - Reactors Licensing Issues
FMDP Reactor Alternative Summary Report, Vol. 1 - Existing LWR Alternative
Foam Core Sandwich Panels Made from High Thermal Conductivity Mesophase Pitch-Based Carbon Foam
Force Reflecting Micro-Teleoperation with Haptic Feedback
Foreign Trip Report to Germany, ORNL number 107274
Forewarning of Machine Failure via Nonlienar Analysis
Formation and Erosion of WC Under W+ Irradiation of Graphite
Formation and Erosion of WC Under W+ Irradiation of Graphite
Formation Enthalpies of Rare Earth Titanate Pyrochlores
Formation of Aluminum Oxide Thin Films on FeAl (110) Studied by STM
Formation of Atom Wires on Vicinal Silicon
Formation of Ferromagnetic FePt Nanoparticles by Ion Implantation
Formation of Ferromagnetic FePt Nanoparticles by Ion Implantation
Formation of Metastable, Epitaxial Si1-xGex Layers on Si by Stress-Assisted Solid-Phase Epitaxial Growth
Formation of Nitrogen Containing Polycyclcic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Aza-Arenes) from the Pyrolysis of Amadori Compounds
Formation of Polycyclcic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Gas-Phase Pyrolysis of Terpenes and Steryl Esters at Short Residence Times
Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Gas Phase Pyrolysis of Sterols: The Role of Residence Time
Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Gas Phase Pyrolysis of Sterols: The Role of Residence Time
Fort Saint Vrain Gas Cooled Reactor Operational Experience
Fossil Energy Applications of Intermetallic Alloys
Fossil Energy Program Annual Progess Report for the Period April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2001
Fossil Energy Program Annual Progress Report for April 1, 2002, Through March 31, 2003
Fossil Energy Program Annual Progress Report for April 1996 Through March 1997
Fossil Energy Program Annual Progress Report for April 1999 Through March 2000
Fossil Energy Program Annual Progress Report for April 2001 Through March 2002
Foundations for Sensitivity-Based Criticality Validation Techniques
Four-Dimensional Characterization of Paper Web at the Wet End
Fractional-Slot Surface Mounted PM Motors with Concentrated Windings for HEV Traction Drives
Fracture Analysis of Vessels - Oak Ridge FAVOR, v04.1, Computer Code: Theory and Implementation of Algorithms, Methods, and Correlations
Fracture Analysis of Vessels - Oak Ridge FAVOR, v04.1, Computer Code: User's Guide
Fracture and Residual Stress characterization of Tungsten, Carbide Cobalt Coatings on High Strength steel
Fracture Toughness Characterization of 304L and 316L and Alloy 718 After Irradiation in High-Energy, Mixed Proton/Neutron Spectrum
Fracture Toughness Characterization of a Highly Embrittled RPV Weld
Fracture Toughness Characterization of a Highly Embrittled RPV Weld
Fracture Toughness Characterization of Inconel 718. 304L, and 316L Austenitic Stainless Steels After Irradiation in a High-Energy, Mixed Proton/Neutron Spectrum
Fracture Toughness Characterization of Irradiated F82H in the Transition Region
Fracture Toughness Reference Temperature To for HSSI Weld 72W
Frameworks, Environments, and Components for Visualization
Free-Radical Reactions Under Diffusional Constraints: Impact of Oriented Hydrogen Transfers
FreedomCAR and the Hydrogen Economy
Frequency Control Concerns in the North American Electric Power System
Frequency Locking and Synchronization of Nanosecond Pulsed Broad-Area Lasers
Frequency Regulation Basics and Trends
Friction and Lubrication at the Nanoscale
Friction and Wear of a Zr-Based Amorphous Metal Alloy Under Dry and Lubricated Conditions
Friction at the Atomic Scale: Dynamics and Control
Friction Control at The Nanoscale
Friction Stir Spot Welding of Advanced High-Strength Steels - A Feasibility Study
Friction Stir Welding of Advanced Mateials: Challenges
Friction Stir Welding of Magnesium AM60 Alloy
From GB to BG: CB Threats and Their Detection/Identification
From Genomics to Functional Omics: In Silico Approach
From Genomics to Functional Proteomics: In silico Approach
From Genomics to Functional Proteomics: In silico Approach
Frontiers in Nuclear Structure
Frontiers of Magnetic Neutron Scattering
Fuel and Emission Control System Effects on Unregulated Emissions in the APBF-DEC
Fuel Cell Demonstration Project - 200 kW - Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Power Plant Located at the National Transportation Research Center: FINAL REPORT
Fuel Cells, Hydrogen, and Nuclear Power
Fuel Characteristics and Requirements for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Fuel Characteristics and Requirements for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Fuel Cycle Advantages Resulting from the Significant Inventory of U.S. Spent Fuel
Fuel Cycle Advantages Resulting from the Significant Inventory of U.S. Spent Fuel
Fuel Cycle Economic Anlaysis Using an Excel Spreadsheet
Fuel Effects on Diesel-Based Advanced Combustion Regimes
Fuel Ethanol Production Using Nuclear Plant Steam
Fuel Ethanol Production Using Nuclear-Plant Steam
Fuel Fabrication for Surrogate Sphere-Pac Rodlet
Fuel Loading and Homogeneity Analysis of HFIR Design Fuel Plates Loaded with Uranium Silicide Fuel
Fuel Qualification Issues and Strategies for Reactor-Based Surplus Plutonium Disposition
Fuel Requirements for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: Graphite Coated-Particle Fuel and Molten Fluoride Salt Coolant
Fuel Requirements for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: Graphite Coated-Particle Fuel and Molten Fluoride Salt Coolant
Fuel Use for Off-Highway Transportation-related Vehicles
Fuel Used for Off-Highway Recreation
Fuel Used for Off-Road Recreation: A Reassessment of the Fuel Use Model
Fueling Efficiency of Pellet Injection on DIII-D
Full Burnup Credit in Transport and Storage Cask: Benefits and Implementation
Full Scale Radiation Dose Analyses for the SNS Accelerator System
Functional Annotation of Mammalian DNA Sequence by Large-Scale Phenotype-Driven Recovery of Mouse Mutations
Functional Description for the Worldwide Port System (WPS) Regional Integrated Cargo Database (ICDB)
Functional Gene Arrays for Microbial Community Analyses
Fundamental Aspects of Actinide-Zirconium Pyrochlore Oxides: Systematic Comparison of the Pu, Am, Cm, Bk and Cf Systems
Fundamental Aspects of Actinide-Zirconium Pyrochlore Oxides: Systemeatic Studies of Transneptunium Systems.
Fundamental Geochemical Research on Long-Term Carbon Sequestration in Subsurface Environments
Fundamental Studies Involving Collision-Induced Dissociation of Stronly Bound Metal Oxide Ions in Quadrupole Ion Traps
Fundamental Studies Regarding Synergism Between a Calix[4]arene Biscrown-6 Ether and Selected Modifiers in the Solvent Extraction of Cesium
Fundamental Thermometry for Long-Term and High-Temperature Deployment in Generation IV Reactors
Fundamentals of a Floating Loop Concept Based on R134a Refrigerant Cooling of High Heat Flux Electronics
Fundamentals of a Floating Refrigerant Loop Concept Based on Direct R134a Refrigerant Cooling
Fundamentals of a Floating Refrigerant Loop Concept Based on R134a Refrigerant Cooling of High Heat Flux Electronics
Fundamentals of Nanoindentation
Fundamentals of Nucleation and Growth of Nanocrystalline Films
Further Investigations of NIST Water Sphere Discrepancies
Further Tests of Changes in Fish Escape Behavior Resulting from Sublethal Stresses Associated with Hydroelectric Turbine Passage
Fusion Engineering and Plasma Science Conditions of Spherical Torus Component Test Facility
Fusion Ignition Research Experiment Vacuum Vessel Design and Configuration
Fusion Ignition Research Experiment Vacuum Vessel Design and Configuration
Fusion Materials Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 2000
Fusion Method for Physical Systems Based on Physical Laws.
Fusion Reactor Materials Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 1997
Fusion Technology Update
Future Developments for SAMMY
Future Developments for SAMMY
Future Directions in Simulations of Core Collapse Supernovae
Future Directions: Toward Higher-Temperature Reactors
Future High-End and Scientific Computing: National Leadership Computing Facility
Future Potential of Hybrid and Diesel Powertrains in the U.S. Light-duty Vehicle Market
Future Technologies that may facilitate science breakthroughs
Future U. S. Energy Use for 2000-2025 As Computed with Temperatures from a Global Climate Prediction Model and Energy Demand Model
Future Vision of Battlefield Medical Response: The Virtual Solider Program.
Futures for Hydrogen Production Using Nuclear Energy
Futures for Hydrogen Using Nuclear Energy
FY 1995 Separation Studies for Liquid Low-Level Waste Treatment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
FY 1999 Cold Demonstration of the Multi-Point Injection (MPI ) Process for Stabilizing Contaminated Sludge in Buried Horizontal Tanks with Limited Access at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Savannah River Site
FY 1999 Saltcake Dissolution Workshop
FY 2000 Environment, Safety, Health, Quality, and Infrastructure Management Plan and Execution Plan for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
FY 2000 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Progress Report for the Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Program
FY 2005 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Annual Progress Report for the Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Program
FY2002 AFCI Economic Study for Series 1 Near-Term Chemical Processing of LWR Spent Fuels and Fabrication of LWR MOX
FY94 Site Characterization and Multilevel Well Installation at a West Bear Creek Valley Research Site on the Oak Ridge Reservation
G-Plus Report to Judel Products: Spectral Analysis and Imaging of Colored Glasses
G-Plus report to Owens Corning-thermal conductivity Measurements of Fiberglass
G4-ECONS: A Model for Calculating the Levelized Unit Electricity Cost (LUEC) for Advanced Nuclear Systems
Gamma Dose Calculations in the Target Service Cell of the SNS
Gamma Spectroscopy Measurements of BoroBond(TM) Blocks
Gas-Phase Actinide Ion Chemistry
Gas-Phase Actinide Ion Chemistry - Reaction Kinetics and Molecular Thermochemistry
Gas-Phase Actinide Ion Chemistry - Reaction Kinetics and Molecular Thermochemistry
Gas-Phase Actinide Ion Chemistry - Reaction Kinetics and Molecular Thermochemistry
Gas-Phase Metal Ion Chemistry Investigations Using Quadrupole Ion Traps: Unimolecular Dissociation, Ion/Molecule, and Ion/Ion Reactions
Gas-Phase Plutonium Oxide Cluster Ions, and Initial Actinide Ion Trapping Experiments
Gas-Phase Reactions of Bradykinin Ions with Hydroiodic and Deuteriodic Acid
Gas-Phase Reactions of Protactinium Cations with Small Alkanes and Alkenes
Gas-Phase Thermochemical Studies of Actinide Oxides
Gaseous Field Ion Sources for Focused Ion Beam Applications
Gaseous Radionuclide Activity in the Building 6010 Exhaust Determined by Gamma-Ray Assay of Cryogenic Liquified Samples
GC-MS Analysis of Explosives
GC/MS Analysis of Organic Explosives: In-Injection Port Thermal Desorption
GC/MS Analysis of Organic Explosives: In-Injection Port Thermal Desorption
Ge quantum dots grown via buffer layer assisted growth
GeeWiz Integrated Visualization Interface for SCALE 5.1
Gelcast Forming of Non-Oxide Ceramics With Reactive Surfaces
Gelcasting Ceramic Defense Parts
Gelcasting of GD-1 Ceramic Radomes
Gen IV Research and Development Programs in the United States
Gene-driven ENU mutagenesis with the Oak Ridge Cryopreserved Mutant Mouse Bank (CMMB)
General Method for the Preparation of Very Stable, Self-Assembled Monolayers on the Surface of Gold Coated Microcantilevers for Application to Chemical Sensing
General Relativistic Simulations of Stellar Core Collapse and Postbounce Evolution with Boltzmann Neutrino Transport
Generalized Ellipsometry for Materials Characterization
Generalized Ellipsometry in Unusual Geometries
Generatino IV Roadmap: Fuel Cycles
Generation and Analysis of a fur (Ferric Uptake Regulator) Mutant of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Using Genomic and Proteomic Approaches
Generation and Spectral Engineering of Pulsed Polarization Entangled States
Generation IV Roadmap Activity Description of Generation IV Reactor and Fuel Cycle Modular, Molten-Salt-Cooled, Graphite-Matrix-Fuel High-Temperature Reactor for Production of Hydorgen and Electricity
Generation IV Roadmap Activity Description of Generation IV Reactor and Fuel Cycle Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) for Production of Electricity with Fissile, Fertile, and Fission Products Dissolved in a Fluoride Salt
Generation IV Roadmap: Fuel Cycles
Generation IV: Fuel Cycle Cross-Cut Group. Status and Preliminary Results
Generation, Characterization, and Exposure of Engineered Nanoparticles for Environmental and Biological Exposure Research
Generic Guide Specification for Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Genetic Improvement of Switchgrass and Other Herbaceous Plants for Use as Biomass Fuel Feedstock
Genetic Modification of Short Rotation Poplar Biomass Feedstock for Efficient Conversion to Ethanol
Genome Analysis Toolkit and Server
Genomes to Life: Accelerating Biological Discovery
Genomics and Its Impact on Science and Society: The Human Genome Project and Beyond
Genosensors and Related Technology
Geochemistry of Aluminum in High Temperature Brines
Geographical Distribution of Biomass Carbon in Tropical Southeast Asian Forests: A Database
Geographical Distribution of Biomass Carbon in Tropical Southeast Asian Forests: A Database
Geological Disposal of Low-Heat Radionuclides from Partitioned High-Level Waste
Geology Summary of Waste Area Grouping 5 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Geometric Structure of Strained Cu and Ag Films on Ru(0001)
Geophysical Profiling in Support of a Nitrate and Uranium Groundwater Remediation Study
Geophysical Surveys of a Known Karst Feature, Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Geothermal Heat Pump ESPC at Ft. Polk: Lessons Learned
Geothermal Heat Pumps at Fort Polk: Early Results
Geothermal Heat Pumps in K-12 Schools -- A Case Study of the Lincoln, Nebraska, Schools
Ghost Signals in Allison Emittance Scanners
Global and Regional Ecosystem Modeling: Databases of Model Drivers and Validation Measurements
Global Climate Modeling and Numerical Biogeochemistry Science in a Tera-scale Computational Environment
Global Lifetime Measurements of Highly Deformed and Other Rotational Structures in the A ~ 135 Light Rare-Earth Region: Probing the Single-Particle Motion in a Rotating Potential
Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) - Licensing Considerations and Issues for Global Small-Medium Reactor (SMR) Deployment
Global Optimization Without Search
Glow discharge spectroscopy for determination of uranium isotope ratios
Glow discharge spectroscopy for determination of uranium isotope ratios
GMG: A Guaranteed, Efficient Global Optimization Algorithm for Remote Sensing.
GNES-R: Global Nuclear Energy Simulator for Reactors Task 1: High-Fidelity Neutron Transport
Goals, Requirements, and Design Implications for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Goals, Requirements, and Design Implications for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Goals, Requirements, and Design Implications for the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Going On-Line: Bringing Technical Reports to the Desktop
Going On-Line: Bringing Technical Reports to the Desktop
Government's Role in Energy Technology R&D: A Proposed Model for Strategic Guidance
Government/Industry Interactions in Composite Materials Development through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Governor: Autonomic Throttling for Aggressive Idle Resource Scavenging
GPlus Final Report for OSRAM Sylvania-2001
GPLUS report to Owens Corning- Thermophysical Properties of Glasses
Graduate Student Theses Supported by DOE's Environmental Sciences Division: Fiscal Year 2000 Updated (September 2000)
Grain and Grain Boundary Inductive Critical Current Densities of YBCO Coated Conductors
Grain Boundary Characterization in Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia by TEM Spectrum Lines
Grain Growth Behavior, Tensile Impact Ductility, and Weldability of Cerium-Doped Iridium Alloys
Grain Growth Inhibitors In Intermetallic-Bonded Composites
Grain Refinement in TiC-Ni3Al Composites
Grain Refinement in TiC-Ni3Al Composites
Grain Refinement in TiC-Ni3Al Composites
Graphical Expert System for Analyzing Nuclear Facility Vulnerability
Graphite Foam for Cooling of Automotive Power Electronics
Graphite Foam Heat Exchangers for Thermal Management
Graphite Sublimation Tests for the Muon Collider/Neutrino Factory Target Development Program
Graphite Sublimation Tests for the Muon Collider/Neutrino Factory Target Development Program
GRAVE: An Interactive Geometry Construction and Visualization Software System for the TORT Nuclear Radiation Transport Code
Grid Computing - The Hype, the Truth and the progression of ideas
Groundwater Contamination: Transport and Remediation (2nd Ed.)
Groundwater Parameters and Flow Systems Near Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Grout Performance in Support of In Situ Stabilization/Solidification of the GAAT Tank Sludges
Growing Up Under the Shadow of the Atomic Bomb: Recollections of a Nuclear Technologist
Growing Up Under the Shadow of the Bomb: Recollections of A Nuclear Technoligist
Growth and Characterization of Conductive SrRuO3 and LaNiO3 Multilayers on Textured Ni Tapes for High-Jc YBa2Cu3O7-
Growth and characterization of epitaxial a-Sn/PbTe(111)/a-Sn and Bi/PbTe(111)/Bi hetero-structures for thermionic refrigeration
Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Bi(001)/PbTe(111) Hetero-structures for Thermionic Refrigeration
Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Metal/Semiconductor Hetero-structures for Thermionic Refrigeration
Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Metal/Semiconductor Hetero-structures for Thermionic Refrigeration
Growth and magnetic properties of artificial L10 Fe-Co alloy
Growth and Magnetism of Metallic Thin Films and Multilayers by Pulsed-Laser Deposition
Growth Characteristics HgBa2CaCu2O6 Superconducting Films on CeO2-Buffered YSZ Single Crystals: An Assessment for Coated Conductors
Growth of Electrically and Magnetically Tunable BSTO/BaF Multilayers
Growth of Ge Quantum Dots on Si(100) Without a Wetting Layer
Growth of Ge Quantum Dots on Si(100) Without a Wetting Layer
Growth of Low-Dimensional Magnetic Nanostructures on an Insulator
Growth of Oxide Seed Layers on Ni and other Metal Substrates: Issues Related to Formation and Control of Surface Sulfur Superstructures for Texture Optimization of Rolling-Assisted Biaxially Textured Substrates
Growth of Oxide Seed Layers on Ni and Other Technological Interesting Metal Substrates: Issues Related to Formation and Control of Sulfur Superstructures for Texture Optimization
Growth of Semiconductor Quantum-Dot Molecules in Heteroepitaxy
Growth of Strained Epitaxial Cu Films on Ru(0001) Monitored by Surface X-ray Diffraction
Growth Process of Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Pre-patterned Catalyst Microstructures
Growth, Structure and Functionality of Semiconductor Nanocrystals Through Z-Contrast Microscopy and Theory
Growth-temperature optimization and systematic study of composition dependencies in electro-optic (Sr1- xBaxNb2O6) and high-k (ReScO3) thin films
GTL Facility for Production and Characterization of Proteins and Molecular Tags
GTL Facility for Whole Proteome Analysis
Guide for Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials
Guide to Combined Heat and Power Systems for Boiler Owners and Operators
Guide to Low-Emission Boiler and Combustion Equipment Selection
Guide to Orifice Plate Steam Traps
Guide to Orifice Plate Steam Traps
Guide to Verification and Validation of the SCALE-4 Criticality Safety Software
Guide to Verification and Validation of the SCALE-4 Radiation Shielding Software
Gunite and Associated Tanks Treatability Study Equipment Testing at the Tanks Technology Cold Test Facility
Gunite and Associated Tanks Waste Conditioning System: Description and Operational Summary
GYRO: A 5-D Gyrokinetic-Maxwell Solver
GYRO: A 5-D Gyrokinetic-Maxwell Solver
GYRO: Analyzing new physics in record time
H and T Uptake and Retention in the JET MkII Divertors
H-mode Research in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
H-Mode Turbulence, Power Threshold, ELM, and Pedestal Studies in NSTX
H20 and O2 Molecules in Amorphous SiO2: Defect Formation and Annihilation Mechanisms
HAADF-STEM Imaging with Sub-Angstrom Probes: A Full Bloch Wave Analysis
Hacker vulnerability: A major new complication in crystallography computing
Hadron-Hadron Scattering in the Nonrelativistic Quark Model
Handheld Instruments for Landmine Detection: View from Radiation Dosimetry
Hardening Behavior of Ferritic Alloys at High Doses and After Thermal Aging
Hardness of Carburized Surfaces in 316LN Stainless Steel after Low Temperature Neutron Irradiation
Harmonic Optimization of Multilevel Converters using Genetic Algorithms
Hazardous Materials Management: PCBs in Insulated Electrical Cable, Lessons Learned from Electrical Upgrades at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
HAZWOPER Project Documents for Demolition of the Waste Evaporator Facility, Building 3506, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Health and Safety Plan for the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Remediation Project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Heat Pump Modeling: A Progress Report
Heat Pump Water Heater Durabliltiy Testing - Phase II
Heat Pump Water Heater Technology: Experiences of Residential Consumers and Utilities
Heat Pumping Using Combined Heat and Power Technology
Heating Distributions in the Target of the Spallation Neutron Source
Heavy Flavor Kinetics at the Hadronization Transition
Heavy Truck Rollover Characterization: New Generation Single Tires vs. Standard Duals
Heavy Truck Rollover Characterization: New Generation Single Tires vs. Standard Duals
Heavy Vehicle Propulsion Materials
Heavy Vehicle Propulsion Materials Program
Heavy Vehicle Propulsion Materials Program: Progress and Highlights
Heavy Vehicle Propulsion System Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for April 2000 Through September 2000
Heavy Vehicle Propulsion System Materials Program Semiannual Progress Report for October 1999 Through March 2000
Heavy-Ion Damage to Magnesium Diboride Films: Electrical Transport-Current Characterization
Heavy-Section Steeel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - March 2002
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953)
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - APRIL 2001
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - AUGUST 2001 - ORNL/HSSI (W6953) MLSR-2001/11.
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - February 2001 - ORNL/HSSI (6953) MLSR-2001/5.
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - FEBRUARY 2002
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - January 2001 - ORNL/HSSI (6953) MLSR-2001/4
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - January 2002
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - JULY 2001 - ORNL/HSSI (W6953) MLSR-2001/10.
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - JUNE 2001 - ORNL/HSSI (W6953) MLSR-2001/9.
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - March 2001 - ORNL/HSSI (W6953) MLSR-2001/6.
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation (HSSI) Program (W6953) Monthly Letter Status Report - MAY 2001 - ORNL/HSSI (W6953) MLSR-2001/8.
Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation HSSI) Program (6953)
Helicon Plasma Source Configuration Analysis by Means of Density Measurements
Helicon Plasma Source Optimization Studies for VASIMR
Hemispherical 252Cf Fission Chambers for Better Discrimination of Alpha Particle Decay Products
Heteroscendasticity Generated by Errors in Predictors
Hey Buddy, Can you Spare $1.50? or Neat Hareware, Now Watcha Gonna Do With It?
HFIR Center for Neutron Scattering
HFIR Center for Neutron Scattering
HFIR Upgrade Status
HFIR Vessel Probabilistic Fracture-Mechanics Anlaysis
Hidden Crossings Theory Beyond Single Electron Systems
High Availability through Distributed Control
High Bootstrap Fraction, High Performance Plasmas on DIII-D
High Creep Strength Alloy
High Critical Current Density YBa2Cu3O7-d (delta) Coatings on LaMnO3 Buffered Biaxially-Textured Cu Tapes for Coated Conductor
High Critical Current Density YBa2Cu3O7-delta Thin Film Growth by Post-Deposition Processing at Low Pressures
High Critical Current Density YBa2Cu3O7-delta Thin Films Fabricated by Ex- Situ Processing at Low Pressures
High Current Density YBCO Coated Conductors On Strengthened Biaxially Textured Ni-W Substrates
High Current Stability and Sharp E(J) Curves in High-Jc Polycrystalline MgB2 Films
High Current Stability and Sharp E(J) Curves in High-Jc Polycrystalline MgB2 films
High Cycle Fatigue Response of Solution-Treated and Aged Ti-15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn Sheet
High Density Infrared Sintering Process
High Efficiency Clean Combustion in a Direct-Injection Diesel Engine
High Efficiency Separations on Microchip Devices
High Efficiency Separations on Microchip Devices
High Efficiency Separations on Microchip Devices
High Efficiency Separations on Microfabricated Fluidic Devices
High Efficiency Separations on Microfabricated Fluidic Structures
High End Computing Component Technology
High Explosives Vapor Detection by Atmospheric Sampling Glow Discharge Ionization/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
High Flux Isotope Reactor Cold Source Preconceptual Design Study Report
High Flux Isotope Reactor Supercritical Hydrogen Cold Source
High Fracture Strength, High Toughness TiC-Ni3Al
High Harmonic Fast Wave Operation on NSTX
High Magnetic Field Studies of Current Transport in an ex-situ Processed Thick YBCO Tape
High Performance Computing Tools for Scientific Simulations
High Performance Separations on Microfluidic Devices
High Performance Storage and Networking at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
High Pressure Flow-Through Apparatus for Assessing Subsurface Carbon Sequestration
High Resolution EELS with the Aberration Corrected STEM: Determining Interfacial Electronic Structures with High Accuracy
High Resolution River Routing in the CCSM2 CLimate System Model
High Resolution River Routing in the CCSM2 Climate System Model
High Spatial Resolution X-Ray Microanalysis of Radiation-Induced Segregation in Proton-Irradiated Stainless Steels
High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Iron Aluminide Alloys and Coatings
High Temperature HPs Development for Rankine NEP Phase 2
High Temperature Materials Laboratory 11th Annual Report: October 1997 through September 1998
High Temperature Materials Laboratory Fourteenth Annual Report: October 2000 through September 2001
High Temperature Materials Laboratory Thirteenth Annual Report: October 1999 Through September 2000
High Temperature Microstructural Stability of a MA/ODS Ferritic Alloy
High Temperature Particle Filtration Technology
High Temperature Superconductivity: The Products and Their Benefits
High Temperature Superconductivity: The Products and Their Benefits, 2000 Edition
High Temporal Stability of Supercurrents in MgB2 Materials
High Thermal Conductivity Graphite Foam Reinforced Carbon-Carbon
High Thermal Conductivity Lossy Dielectrics Using A Multi-Layer Approach
High-Jc YBCO Coatings on Reel-to-Reel Dip-Coated Gd2O3 Seed Buffer Layers Epitaxially Fabricated on Biaxially Textured Ni and Ni-(3at%W-1.7at%Fe) Alloy Tapes
High-Density Infrared Surface Treatments of Refractories
High-Efficiency Target-Ion sources for RIB Generation
High-Fidelity Lattice Physics Capabilities of the SCALE Code System Using TRITON
High-Level Waste Glass and Other Disposition Options for Uranium-233
High-Level Waste Treatment Systems for Treatment of Orphan Wastes
High-Level-Waste Treatment Systems for management of Orphan Wastes
High-Performance Computing: Existing Capabilities and Technology Trends
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Scientific Computing with the Common Component Architecture
High-Performance Scientific Simulation and Distributed Computing at ORNL: Harness, CUMULVS, and the Common Component Architecture (CCA)
High-Performance Scientific Software Deveopment: Two Glimpses into the Future
High-Pressure Mass Spectrometry
High-Strength Fe-3Cr-W(Mo) Steel for Petrochemical Applications
High-Strength Undiffused Brushless (HSUB) Machine
High-Temperature (600-1200K) Heat Rejection System Trades
High-Temperature Corrosion of Iron-Aluminide Hot-Gas Filters in a Coal Gasification Environment
High-Temperature Mechnical Performance of a Hot Isostatically Pressed Silicon Nitride
High-Temperature Reactors for In Situ Recovery of Oil from Oil Shale
High-Temperature Reactors for In Situ Recovery of Oil from Oil Shale
High-Voltage Cycling Behavior of Thin-Film LiCoO2 Cathodes
High-Volume, Low-Cost Precursors for Carbon Fiber Production
Highlight: Oak Ridge Tanks Waste Stabilization for RCRA Constituents
Highly Deformed Rotational Band in 59Ni
Highly Parallel Linpack on the IBM p690
Highly Transverse Convoy Electron Distributions Emitted by Highly Charged Ions
HILO2K: A Coupled Neutron-Photon Transport Cross-Section Library for Neutron Energies up to 2000 MeV
HILO2K: Transport Cross Sections for Neutron Energies to 2 GEV
Hiroshima Air-Over-Ground Analysis: Comparison of DORT and MCNP Calculations
Historical Aerial Photograh Investigation of Range Sites at Fort McClellan, Alabama
Historical Aerial Photograph Investigation of Choccolocco Mountain Range Area C at Fort McClellan, Albama
History of the Laboratory Protection Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1942-1992
History of the Oak Ridge Critical Experiments Program
History of the Plant and Equipment Division
History of the U.S. Weapons-Grade Plutonium Disposition Program Leading to DOE's Record of Decision
Homogeneous Reactor Experiment (HRE) Pond Cryogenic Barrier Technology Demonstration: Pre-Barrier Subsurface Hydrology and Contaminant Transport Investigation
Homography-Based Visual Servo Tracking Control of a Wheeled Mobile Robot
Homography-based Visual Servoing of Wheeled Mobile Robots
Horizontal System-of-systems Integration Via Commonality
Horizontal System-of-Systems Integration via Commonality
Horizontal Systems-of-Systems Integration via Commonality
Hot Demonstration of Proposed Commercial Cesium Removal Technology
Hot Demonstration of Proposed Commercial Cesium Removal Technology Progress Report
Hot Test Evaluation of the Reverse TALSPEAK Process
Hot Wires: Superconductivity R&D for Electric Power
How Clean is Safe? Improving the Effectiveness of Decontamination of Structures and People Following Chemical and Biological Incidents
How Clean is Safe? Lessons Learned from Decontamination Experiences
How Does High Resolution ES-FTICR-MS Under Broadband Conditions Enhance Characterization of Protein and Peptide Mixtures?
How Gamma-Alumina Surfaces Breathe Water and Eat Aluminum
How Insulating Concrete Form vs. Conventional Construction of Exterior Walls Affects Whole Building Energy Consumption: Results from a Field Study and Simulation of Side-by-Side Houses
How Large Can Reactors Be Built Without the Possibility of a Core-Melt Accident?
HPC Federated Cluster Administration wtih C3 v3.0
HPC workload characterization (Understanding and evaluating the utilization of the system under normal workloads)
HPSSQ, A Software Facility to Handle HPSS Downtime and WAN Data Transfer
HRIBF Control System Upgrade Using EPICS
HRIBF: Facility and Physics
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) April 2000
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) August 2000
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) December 2000.
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) February 2000
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) January 2000
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) June 2000
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) March 2000
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) May 2000
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (W6953) November 2000.
HSSI Monthly Letter Status report for (W6953) October 2000.
HSSI Monthly Letter Status report for (W6953) September 2000.
HSSI Monthly Letter Status Report for (WS6953) July 2000
HTGR Safety Analysis & Tests in the U.S.
HTXRD study of The Crystal Structure of SrZrO3, Using a New Capillary Furnace for Synchrotron XRD at X14A
Human Genome News, Vol. 11 (1-2) ISSN: 1050-6010, Issue Number 46
Human Genome Project Fact Sheet (May 2001): Excerpts from Human Genome News Vol. 11(1-2).
Human Operator Effects in Theater Ballistic Missile Defense
Humanitary Mine Detection by Acoustic Resonance
HVDC Power Transmission Technology Assessment
Hybrid Baryons, A Brief Review
Hybrid Computational Phantom VOXMAT: Combination of Voxel and Mathematical Representation of the Anatomy
Hybrid Joining in Automotive Applications (Paper)
Hybrid Lighting Video Script FY 2001
Hybrid Lighting Web Site: Description of Hybrid Lighting Partnership
Hybrid Lighting Web Site: Technical Overview (Background and Prior Art)
Hybrid Processing of Spent Fuel
Hybrid Solar Lighting and Full Spectrum Solar Energy Systems
Hybrid-Secondary Uncluttered (HSU) Induction Machine
Hydraulic Performance and Gas Behavior of a Tall Crystalline Silicotitanate Ion-Exchange Column
Hydrocarbon Selective Catalytic Reduction Using a Silver-Alumina Catalyst with Light Alcohols and Other Reductants
Hydrodynamic Limits for Linear Transport with Multiplying Boundary Conditions
Hydrodynamics of Gas-Liquid Counterflow Through Corrugated Parallel Plates
Hydrofluoric Acid Corrosion Study of High-Alloy Materials
Hydrofluoric Acid Corrosion Testing on Unplated and Electroless Gold-Plated Samples
Hydrogen Evolution Through Coupling of Hydrogenase with Oxidative Pentose Phosphate Cycle Enzymes - Mesophilic Vs. Thermophili
Hydrogen Evolution Through Coupling of Hydrogenase With Oxidative Pentose Phosphate Cycle Enzymes - Mesophilic Vs. Thermophilic
Hydrogen Futures and Technologies
Hydrogen Futures and Technologies
Hydrogen Futures, Nucleaer Energy, and Separations
Hydrogen Futures, Nuclear Energy, and Separations
Hydrogen Implantation-Induced Layer Transfer
Hydrogen Intermediate and Peak Electrical System (HIPES) Peak Power, Spinning Reserve, and Frequency Control
Hydrogen Markets and Futures for Nuclear Power
Hydrogen Markets and Futures for Nuclear Powr
Hydrogen Markets: Implications for Hydrogen Production Technologies
Hydrogen Productin and The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Hydrogen Production as a Major Nuclear Energy Application
Hydrogen Production Process Requirements and Nuclear Reactor Options
Hydrogen Production Process Requirements and Nuclear Reactor Options
Hydrogen Production Process Requirements and Nuclear Reactor Options
Hydrogen Production Using the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Hydrogen Production Using the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Hydrogen Production with the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Hydrogen Separation Using ORNL's Inorganic Membranes
Hydrogen Storage Research Activities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Hydrogen Storage Research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Hydrogen, Liquid Fuels, and R. E. Wilson
Hydrogen, Vacancies, Strain Rate and the Fracture of FeAl
Hyperspectral signature of the salt scar and other oilfield disturbed areas at USGS Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research (OSPER) Site A, northeast Oklahoma- a preliminary report
Hyperthermal Pulsed-Laser Ablation Beams for Film Deposition and Surface Microstructural Engineering
I Never Said We'd Replace the Dog
Ideas for New Cooperation I: Office of Environmental Management
Identification and Monitoring of Radiation (in commerce) Shipments (IMRicS) Module of the Integrated Safety and Security Enforcement and Interdiction System (ISSEIS)
Identification of a Moving Object's Velocity with a Fixed Camera
Identification of Chemical and Biological Warefare Agents in the Field by Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry: the Block II Chemical Biological Mass Spectrometer
Identification of Radioactive Materials by Analysis of Simulations and Measurements of Cross-correlation Functions
Identification of Spark Plug Erosion Mechanisms (Poster)
Identifying Common Characteristics among Researchers Through Citation Analysis
Identifying Energy Savings Opportunities in Industrial Pumping Systems
Identifying Entanglement Using Quantum "Ghost" Imaging and Interference
Identifying Risk Drivers Early in a Design
IEA Annex 26: Advanced Supermarket Refrigeration Systems
IEA Annex 26: Advanced Supermarket Refrigeration/Heat Recovery Systems
Illustrative Examples of Least Squares Methods for Criticality Safety
Imaging and Electrical Characterization of Nanotube Networks in SWNT/Polymer Composites
Imapct of Codes on Building Performance
IMF Newsletter (Industrial Materials for the Future), Winter 2001
Immobilization and Imaging of Bacterial Cells
Immobilization of Radionuclides in Soil Minerals After Thermal Treatment
Impact of Air Leakage on the Thermal and Moisture Performance of the Building Envelope
Impact of Air-Filter Condition on HVAC Equipment
Impact of Benchmarks on Potential MOX Throughput
Impact of biomass on the measured solubility of priority contaminants and predicted effects on biofiltration
Impact of Burnable Poison Rods on PWR Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses
Impact of Communication Protocol On Performance
Impact of Continuous conduction on the Constant Power Speed Range of the Switched Reluctance Motor
Impact of Conversion to Mixed-Oxide Fuels on Reactor Structural Components
Impact of Cray-X1 on Materials Science
Impact of Genomics on Protein Mass Spectrometry for Biodefense
Impact of Integral Burnable Absorbers on PWR Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses
Impact of Leadership Computing on Our Understanding of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems.
Impact of noise and seasonality on the detection and nonlinear prediction of chaos from finite river-flow time series
Impact of Non-Local Electrodynamics on Vortex Matter in Clean YNi2B2C and V3Si Superconductors
Impact of Non-Local Electrodynamics on Vortex Matter in Clean YNi2B2C Superconductor: Magnetization, Irreversibility, and the Vortex Lattice
Impact of Non-Local Electrodynamics on Vortex Matter in Single Crystal YNi2B2C: Equilibrium Magnetization
Impact of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Nova Models
Impact of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Nova Models
Impact of SiC Power Electronic Devices for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Impact of Soluble Boron Modeling for PWR Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses
Impact of the ENDF/B-VI Cross Section on the RPV Fluence Determination
Impacts of Physiological Changes During Pregnancy on Maternal Biokinetic Modeling
Impacts of the Weatherization Assistance Program in Fuel-Oil Heated Houses
Impacts of Venturi Turbulent Mixing on the Size Distributions of Sodium Chloride and Dioctyl-Phthalate Aerosols
Implementation and Performance Analysis of a Parallel Multicomponent Groundwater Transport Code
Implementation of Surface Detector Option in SCALE SAS4 Shielding Module
Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974 at ORNL
Implementation Plan for Chemical Industry R&D Roadmap for Nanomaterials by Design
Implementing Controls for a Facility Within a Facility
Implications for National Laboratories
Implications of Recent Calculations on Actinide Partitioning in Light-Water Reactors
Implications of the New Digital Economy on Transportation: Developing Research and Data Needs Confererence Proceedings
Implications of the PIE Results for the 50-GWd/MT MOX Test Capsules
Importance of Energy Efficiency in Transition to HCFC-22 Alternatives
Importance of Energy Efficiency in Transition to HCFC-22 Alternatives
Important Insights into Actinide Bonding and Chemistry are Revealed through High-Pressure Investigations
Important New Insights into f-Electron Behavior Via Ultra-high Pressure Studies of Tranplutonium Elements
Improved Core Fueling with High Field Side Pellet Injection in the DIII-D Tokamak
Improved Core Fueling with Pellets Injected from the High-Field Side of the DIII-D Tokamak
Improved Design of the Omnidirectional Robotic Platform for Enhancement of Manufacturability and Commercialability
Improved Ferrite Number Prediction that Accounts for Cooling Rate Effects.
Improved Fueling and Transport Barrier Formation with Pellet Injection from Different Locations on DIII-D
Improved Materials for Use as Components in Kraft Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
Improved Models for Predicting Ferrite Content in Staineless Steel Welds
Improved Peformance of the Alkaline-Side CSEX Process for Cesium Extraction from Alkaline High-Level Waste Obtained by Characterization of the Effect of Surfactant Impurities
Improved Performance Obtained on the Toroid Ion Trap Mass Analyzer Using Asymmetric Electrodes
Improved Radiochemical Assay Analyses Using TRITON Depletion Sequences in SCALE
Improved Representation of Rivers in Climate Models
Improved Spot Homogeneity for DNA MALDI Matrices
Improved Wang-Landau Algorithm for the Joint Density of States of Continuous Models
Improving Aluminide Bond Coat Performance: Optimizing Composition and Understanding Co-Doping Effects
Improving Efficiency of Jet Engine Testing Facilities at AEDC using IEEE s Sensor and Synchronization Standards
Improving Energy Security Through an International Cooperative Approach to Emergency Oil Stockpiling
Improving Hiroshima Air-Over-Ground Thermal/Epithermal Activation Calculations Using a MUSH Model to Show the Importance of Local Shielding
Improving Productivity of Computational Scientists
Improving the Methods Used to Evaluate Voluntary Energy-Efficiency Programs
Improving the Toughness of Electron Beam Curable Cationic Epoxy Resins
Improving U and Pu Isotope Analysis by HR-ICPMS
Impurity Generation from Actively Cooled Plasma Facing Components
Impurity Penetration and Contamination in Tore Supra Ergodic Divertor Experiments
Impurity Penetration and Contamination in Tore Supra Ergodic Divertor Experiments
Impurity-Induced Grain Boundary Phase Transformations in Metals and Oxides
In Situ Chemical Oxidation Through Lance Permeation at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS)
In Situ Data for Terrestrial Carbon Observations (TCO)
In Situ Diagnostic-Controlled Condensed Phase Growth of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
In Situ Imaging and Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Laser Ablation
In Situ Imaging and Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Laser Ablation
In Situ Plasma Diagnostic Investigations of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Laser Ablation of C-Ni-Co Targets
In Situ Treatmen tof Mixed Contaminants in Groundwater: Application of Zero-valence Iron and Palladized Iron for Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with TCE and Tc99
In Vitro Response of Osteoblast to Ion Beam Micro/Nano Fabricated Polymeric Substrate
In-Core, Solid-State Flux Monitor
In-Cylinder Combustion of Bio-Diesel: Project Overview
In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Nd2CuO4: Evidence for Magnon Heat Transport
In-Process Detection of Weld Defects Using Laser-Based Ultrasonic Lamb Waves
In-Process Detection of Weld Defects Using Laser-Based Ultrasound
In-silico Prediction of Surface Residue Clusters for Enzyme-Substrate Specificity
In-silico Prediction of Surface Residue Clusters for Enzyme-Substrate Specificity of Highly Homologous Enzymes
In-Situ Characterization of Austenite to Martensite Decomposition in 9Cr-1Mo-V Steel Welds
In-Situ Growth of Compositionally Graded Oxide Films by PLD
In-situ mass spectroscopy in high density plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of silicon nitride thin films
In-Situ Measurements of Growth Stresses in Alumina Films Using Synchrotron Radiation
In-Situ Monitoring of Arc Welding Using Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Diffraction Techniques
In-Situ Observations of Phase Transformations in the Fusion Zone of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Transient Welds Using Synchrotron Radiation
In-situ Observations of Weld Solidification in Fe-C-Al-Mn Steels
In-Situ Photoexcitation-Induced Suppression of Point Defect Generation in Ion Implanted Silicon
In-Vitro Testing of a Novel Bacterial Cellulose-Hydroxyapatite Biomaterial
Incipient Arc Detection of Large DC Motors Based on an Arcing Model Matched Filter Response
Incoherent Imaging of Atoms at Interfaces
Incorporation of Neutron and Gamma Multiplicity Measurements in the ORNL Nuclear Materials Identification System (NMIS): Passive and Active Measurements
Increased Mercury Bioaccumulation Follows Water Quality Improvement
Increasing the Space Charge Limit and Other Effects of Cesium Seeding in Hydrogen Negative Ion Sources
Incremental Multiagent Robotic Mapping of Outdoor Terrains
Indentation of Elastically Anisotropic Half-spaces
Independent Verification Survey of the Clean Coral Storage Pile at the Johnston Atoll Plutonium-Contaminated Soil Remediation Project
Indirect Paths to Final Equilibrium: Kinetics in Multicomponent Systems
Indoor Air Quality of an Energy Efficient, Healthy House with Mechanically Induced Fresh Air
Inductive Determination of Inter- and Intra-Grain Critical Current Densities of YBa2Cu3O7-x IBAD and RABiT Coated Conductors
Inductive Evaluation of the Electromagnetic Granularity of YBCO Coated Conductors
Industrial Assessment Center Program Impact Evaluation
Industrial Assessment Centers Newsletter January 2006
Industrial Carbon Fiber from Lignin Feedstock Blends (Abstract)
Industrial Use of Distributed Generation in Real-Time Energy and Ancillary Service Markets
Industrial Wireless Technology for the 21st Century
Industrial Wireless TEchnology: Agility, Mobility, and Security
Industrial Wireless Technology: Agility, Mobility, and Security
Industrial Wireless Technology: WINA Makes It Happen!
Industry Survey of Digital I&C Failures
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Measurements of Phonon Dispersion Relations in Andalusite and Sillimanite, Al2SiO5
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Studies of Magnetic Excitations
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Studies of the Single Molecule Magnet (Fe30Mo72
Inelastic X-Ray Scattering and Time-Dependent Density-Functional-Theory Investigation of Electronic Excitations and Correlations in Ni
Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Investigations of Electronic Correlations in Transition-Metals and Transition-Metal Oxides
Inference of Protein-Protein Interactions by Unlikely Profile Pair
Influence of a New 17F(p,g)18Ne Reaction Rate on Nova Nucleosynthesis
Influence of Ar Recycling and Divertor Configuration on Confinement in JET Radiating Mantle Discharges
Influence of Carbon on the Interfacial Contact Angle between Alumina and Liquid Aluminum
Influence of Coolant pH on Corrosion of 6061 Aluminum Under Reactor Heat Transfer Conditions
Influence of EB-PVD TBC Microstructure on Thermal Barrier Coating System Performance Under Cyclic Conditions
Influence of Emitter Electrode Material on the Nature & Abundance of Ions in Electrospray Mass Spectra
Influence of HX Size and Augmentation on Performance Potential of Mixtures in Air-to-Air Heat Pumps
Influence of Mn Distribution on Ferromagnetism in Magnetic Semiconductor MnxGe1-x
Influence of Nanoscale Porosity on Fluid Behavior
Influence of Neon and Argon Recycling on RI-mode Confinement in JET
Influence of Oxygen Ion Implantation on the Damage and Annealing Kinetics of Iron-Implanted Sapphire
Influence of Randomly Oriented Columnar Defects on the Irreversible and Reversible Magnetization of Tl2Ba2CaCu2Ox Superconductor
Influence of Restricted Diffusion on Pyrolysis Pathways for Diarylmethanes
Influence of Restricted Diffusion on Pyrolysis Pathways for Diarylmethanes
Influence of Splayed Columnar Defects on the Equilibrium and Irreversible Magnetization of Tl2Ba2CaCu2Ox
Influence Operations via Nonlinear Methods Phoenix Challenge 02 March 2005
Information Fusion in Physical Systems Using Physical Laws.
Information Fusion in Physical Systems Using Physical Laws.
Information Fusion Method for System Identification Based on Sensitivity Analysis
Information Fusion Methods for Systems with Non-Smooth Laws
Information Localization in the Electron Microscope
Information Security Challenges in the Electric Power Industry
Information Technology Operating Plan, Fiscal Years 1999-2001
Information Technology Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 1999-2001
Information vs Complexity in Global Optimization
Infrared CARS: A Novel Sensor for Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Detection
Infrared Processing and Hot Rolling of Magnesium Wrought Alloys
Infrared Processing of Magnesium Wrought Alloys
Infrared-active Phonons in (CaTiO3)1/(SrTiO3)1,(BaTiO3)1/(SrTiO3)1, (CaTiO3)1/(BaTiO3)1 Perovskite Superlattices
Initial Comparative Performances of Conventional "Surface"- and "Volume"-Type, Minimum-b All Permanent Magnet Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Ion Sources
Initial Evaluation of a New Electromechanical Cooler for Safeguards Applications
Initial Evidence for Self-Organized Criticality in Electric Power System Blackouts
Initial Global 2-D Shielding Analysis for the ANS Core and Reflector
Initial Operation of the NSTX Phased Array for Launching High Harmonic Fast Waves
Initial Performance of a 6 GHz "Volume" ECR Ion Source
Initial Results from Aberration Correction in STEM
Initial Testing of the 6 GHz, All-Permanent Magnet, "Volume-type" ECR Ion Source
Initial Tests of the SNS H- Ion Source With An External Antenna
Initial Tile Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements in NSTX
Initial Wall Conditioning and Impurity Control Techniques in NSTX
Initial Wall Conditioning and Impurity Control Techniques in NSTX
Injection Locking of Broad area Semiconductor Laser Arrays
Innovations in the Analysis Code SAMMY
Innovative On-Site Integrated Energy System Tested
Innovative Reactors Invite Innovative Licensing
Inorganic Proton Exchange Membrane Electrode/Support Development
Inorganic Soil and Groundwater Chemistry Near Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky
Insights Into Nanocatalysis Through Aberration-Corrected STEM and DFT Calculations
Insitu Grouting Technology Demonstration and Field Specifications Overview for Hot Deployment of the Multi-Point-Injection System in Gunite and Associated Tank TH-4
Instability of Higher-Energy Phases in Simple and Transition Metals
Installation and Testing of SNS Magnet Power Supplies
Instrument Status as of June 2001
Integraged Plasma and Coil Optimization for Compact Stellarators
Integral Data Analysis for Resonance Parameters Determination
Integrated applications of inspection data in the semiconductor manufacturing environment
Integrated Assessment of Global Change - Characterizing Key Policy Issues
Integrated Control and Diagnostic System Architectures for Future Installations
Integrated Energy Systems (IES) for Buildings: A Market Assessment
Integrated Interactive Visualization for KENO
Integrated Inverter for HEVs and Fuel Cell Powered Vehicles
Integrated Nanophotonic Sensing, Spectroscopy, and Signal Processing
Integrated Nondestructive Assay (NDA) Measurement Approach for a Facility
Integrated Research For Predicting Higher Dimensional Phase Diagrams With Emphasis On Ternary Diagrams Of Molybdenum, Silicon, And Boron
Integrated Risk Assessment/Risk Management as Applied to Decentralized Wastewater Treatment: A High-Level Framework
Integrated Video Monitoring System for Spallation Neutron Source Target Hot Cell Remote Handling
Integrating "Top-Down" and "Bottom-Up" Mass Spectrometry Approaches for Comprehensive Eukaryotic Proteomic Analysis
Integrating Ambient Toxicity Testing with Ecological Monitoring on the Oak Ridge Reservation
Integrating CUMULVS into AVS/Express
Integrating Stochastic Message Sequence Charts into Mobius for Performance Analysis
Integration of an Indirect-Fired Absorption Chiller in the Microturbine-Based CHP System
Integration of an Ontology and a 3-D Animation Model for the Digital Human Project
Integration of Coal-Fired Energy Systems with CO2 Sequestration
Integration of Distributed Energy Resources and Thermally-Activated Technologies
Integration of HPLC-FTICR MS and HPLC-QIT MS2 to Achieve Enhanced Proteome Characterization
Integration of Nanoscale HPLC-FTICRMS and HPLC-QIT for Accurate Mass Measurements and HIgh Throughput MS/MS to achieve Enhanced Proteome Characterization
Integration of Several Elements of the DOE Nuclear Criticality Safety Program
Integration of Software Systems: Applying Harness, CUMULVS, and CCA
Integration of the Indirect-Fired Absorption Chiller in the Microturbine-Based CHP System
Intelli-Cath: Toward Automated Needle-Insertion Systems and Intelligent Catheters
Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Deployment Analysis System
Intelligent Wireless Technology: Past, Present and Future Gate-M Interagency Program Manager
Intelligent Wireless Technology: Past, Present, and Future Small Lot Intelligent Manufacturing
Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Interacting with High-Performance Scientific Simulations using CUMULVS: Visualization, Computational Steering, and Fault Tolerance
Interactions of Zircaloy Cladding with Gallium
Interactions of Zircaloy Cladding with Gallium 1998 Midyear Status
Interactions of Zircaloy Cladding with Gallium: Final Report
Interactive Design and Analysis Program for Switched Reluctance Motor using an Analytical Method
Interannual Variability and Continental Runoff in the CCSM2 Control Simulation
Interannual Variability in Global Soil Respiration on a 0.5 Degree Grid Cell Basis (1980-1994)
Interconnecting Single-Phase Generation to the Utility Distribution System
Interface Diffusion in Polysynthetically-Twinned TiAl
Interface Fracture Toughness Evaluation for MA956 Oxide Film
Interface Physics of Crystalline Oxides on Semiconductors
Interface Physics of Crystalline Oxides on Semiconductors
Interfaces Associated with Amorphous Films in Self-Reinforced Ceramics
Interfacial Effects and Ionic Transport in YSXZ Epitaxial Thin Films
Interfacial Properties of Electron Beam Cured Composites
Interfacial Properties of Electron Beam Cured Composites
Interfacial Properties of Electron Beam Cured Composites
Interference effects in optically activated microcantilevers
Interior Permanent Magnet Reluctance Machine with Brushless Field Excitation
Internal Electric Field Measurements in Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) Using Transmission Two-Modulator Generalized Ellipsometry (2-MGE)
Internal Readiness Assessment of the Radiochemical Development and Processing Actinium-225 Glove Box Operations
International Comparative Assessment Study of Pressurized Thermal Shock in Reactor Pressure Vessels
International Safeguards Additional Protocol Implementation in the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration
International Safeguards Additional Protocol Implementation in the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration
International Safeguards Additional Protocol Implementation in the DOE/NNSA - Abstract(Bedke)
International Standards Organization (ISO 18629) Industrial automation system and integration -- Process specification language: Part 1: Overview and basic principles
International Transport Safety Research
International Virtual Laboratory Environmental Technology (IVLET) Revisited: A Focus on Hydrgen
International Virtual Laboratory for Environmental Technology (IVLET)
Internet-Based Remote collaboration at the Neutron Residual Stress Facility at HFIR
Interplay Between Inelastic X-Ray Scattering and Ab Initio Density-Response Calculations; Insight Into the Electronic Correlations in Aluminum
Interspecific Testing of Gender-Associated Scar Markers in Salix
Intertwined Charge Density Wave and Defect-Ordering Phase Transitions in a 2-D System
Intra- and Inter-Granular Critical Currents of Coated Conductors from Field-Hysteretic Transport Jc
Intra-Granular Jc Versus Grain-Boundary Jc as a Function of YBCO Thickness
Intra-Molecular Energy Transfer and Sensitized Luminescence in Complexes of Actinide Ions with Multidentate Nitrogen Ligating Heterocyclic Ligands
Introduction and Characterization of Defects in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Introduction and Characterization of Defects in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes by Ozone Treatment
Introduction to Cheetah
Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment
Introduction to Externalities: Early 1990s Methods and Results
Introduction to Parallel Cluster Computing Using PVM for Computer Modeling and Simulation of Engineering Problems
Introduction to the Layer-KKR Method
Introduction to the Theory of Resolved (and Unresolved) Neutron Resonances via SAMMY
Inversion Symmetry Breaking Superconductors: Re3W and Re3Mo
Inverter Validation/Testing
Investigating the Mechanism of Catalytic Tetraphenylborate Decomposition Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry: Initial Studies in FY00
Investigation into the Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Pyrolysis of Stigmasterol
Investigation of a Noncontact Strain Measurement Technique
Investigation of Autonomous Control for the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
Investigation of Average and Pin-Wise Burnup Modeling of PWR Fuel
Investigation of Burnup Credit Issues in BWR Fuel
Investigation of Burnup Credit Modeling Issues Associated with BWR Fuel
Investigation of BWR Depletion Calculations With SAS2H
Investigation of Changes in Europium Isotopic Ratios Following Irradiation
Investigation of Class 2b Trucks
Investigation of Complex Oxides in the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
Investigation of Emulsion Formation in Solvent Washing in the Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction (CSSX) Process
Investigation of Energy-Efficient Supermarket Display Cases
Investigation of High Voltage Breakdown and Arc Localization in RF Structures
Investigation of Internal Oxidation in Two-Phase Alloys as a Synthesis Approach to Templated Growth of Complex Ceramic Island Structures
Investigation of Nuclide Importance to Functional Requirements Related to Transport and Long-Term Storage of LWR Spent Fuel
Investigation of Reserpine Oxidation Using On-Line Electrochemistry/Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Investigation of Temper Embrittlement in Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels Following Thermal Aging, Irradiation, and Thermal Annealing
Investigation of the Chemical Reactivity of Phosgene in Uranium Hexafluoride
Investigation of the Effect of an Alkali Salt on the Conformation of Poly(ethylene oxide) in the Melt by Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Investigation of the Electrochemical Potential-Induced Surface Stress by Metal-Coated Microcantilevers
Investigation of the Gas-Phase Pyrolysis of Lignin Model Compounds by Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry
Investigation of the Hot Deformation Characteristics During Friction Stir Welding of High-Purity aluminum
Investigation of the Isovector Giant Quadrupole Resonance in 208Pb and 90Zr by Coulomb Inelastic Scattering
Investigation of TiN Seed Layers for RABiTS Architectures with a Single-Crystal-Like Out-of-Plane Texture
Investigation of Zinc Oxide-Based Scintillators
Investigation on Reaction pathway and Kinetics for AculnSe2 Formation from an In2Se3/CuSe
Investigation on Stress-Rupture Behavior of a Chopped-Glass-Fiber Composite for Automotive Durability Design Criteria
Investigations and Recommendations on the Use of Existing Experiments in Criticality Safety Analysis of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities for Weapons-Grade Plutonium
Investigations of Particles Generated by 266-nm Laser Ablation During the Surface Decontamination
Investigations of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Growth by Time-Restricted Laser Vaporization
Investment-Oriented R&D Planning and Evaluation for DOE's Cleanup
Ion Association In High-Temperature Aqueous HC1 Solutions. A Molelcular Simulation Study
Ion Beam Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Ion Implantation of UO2
Ion Internal Temperature Determination in the Quadrupole Ion Trap
Ion Pair Formation and Counterion Condensation in Aqueous Electrolytes and Polyelectrolyte Solutions. Insights from Molecular Simulation
Ion Pairing and Counterion Condensation in Aqueous Polyelectrolyte Solutions. Why bother with them?
Ion Trap CID - It's Not Just for Sequencing Anymore
Ion trap mass spectrometry of individual aerosol particles
Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Poly(propylene imine) Dendrimers
Ion-Beam-Induced Defects and Defect Interactions in Perovskite-Structure Titanates
Ion-cutting of GaSb Wafers by H or He Implant
Ion-Cutting of SiC and Si: The Use of Channeled-Ion Implantation and Other Irradiation Techniques for Process Optimization
Ion-Implantation-Related Atomic Collision Studies at the ORNL MIRF.
Ion-Irradiation-Induced Amorphization of Cadmium Niobate Pyrochlore
Ion-Irradiation-Induced Amorphization of Cadmium Niobate Pyrochlore
Ion-Pair Association in Hydrothermal Solutions by Conductance Experiment and Molecular simulation. WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED AND WHAT CAN WE EXPECT?
Ion-Pair Extraction by Using Cage-Functionalized Hosts: Strategy for Selective Extraction of NaOH from Wastes
Ionic Liquids for Molecular Recognition and Advanced Material Syntheses
Ionization of He by Slow Antiprotons: Searching for the Truth.
IR imaging of Integrated Circuit Transistors During Operation
Iron d-band Occupancy in NiAl Intermetallics
Iron Reduction by Extremophiles
Ironmaking Process Alternative Screening Study, Volume 1
Ironmaking Process Alternatives Screening Study Volume II: Appendix
IRPhEP Pilot Evaluation KRITZ-2:19
Irradiation Effects for the Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis (PFNA) Cargo Interrogation System
Irradiation Effects on Phase-Separation Performance Using a Centrifugal Contactor in a Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Process
Irradiation Studies of Graphite Foams and Effects on Properties for Use in a Solid State Self-regulating Nuclear Heat Source for Small Modular Power Units
Irradiation, Annealing, and Reirradiation Effects on American and Russian Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels
Is Hydrogen the Future of Nuclear Energy?
Is Hydrogen the Future of Nuclear Energy?
Is the Low-Energy Limit of Inelastic Collisions Well Understood?
ISA-SP100 - User's Guide
ISO 18629 PSL: A Standardized Language for Specifying and Exchanging Process Information.
ISO CD 18629-41 "Industrial automation systems and Integration --Process Specification Language--Part 41:Temporal and Stae Ordering
Isolation of Radiation-Induced Segregation in Proton-Irradiated Austenitic Stainless Steels
Isolation of the Effect of Microstructure on IASCC in Proton-Irradiated Austenitic Stainless Steels
Isotope Effects on Phase Equilibria of Pure Fluids and Mixtures. Molecular Simulation, Theory and Experiment
Isotope ratio measurements by glow discharge spectroscopy
Isotope ratios of metals in airborne particles from single-particle laser ablation mass spectrometry
Isotopic Analysis Using Electrochemically Modulated Separations On-Line with Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Isotopic Cross Sections for Production of Gamma Rays Created by Neutron Interactions with 11B for En Between 2 and 22 MeV: Tabulated Data
Isotopic Dilution Requirements for (Sup 233)U Criticality Safety in Processing and Disposal
Issues for Effective Implementation of Burnup Credit
Issues in the use of Weapons-Grade MOX Fuel in VVER-1000 Nuclear Reactors: Comparison of UO2 and MOX Fuels
ITS Archived Data User Service (ADUS) Safety Applications: Review of Related Activities
ITS Technologies in Military Wheeled Tactical Vehicles: Status Quo and the Future
J/y Suppression in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
Java Analysis Tools for Element Production Calculations in Computational Astrophysics
JFKengine: A Jacobian and Forward Kinematics Generator
Johnson Noise Thermometry for Harsh Environments
Joining Issues for Refractory Alloys
Joining of Nickel-base Superalloy Single Crystals
Joint US/RF Work on Cost Estimating for the Russian Pu-Disposition Program: History and Current Status Summary
K-Effective Trends with Burnup, Enrichment, and Pooling Time for BWR Fuel Assemblies
KENO Continuous Energy Calculations for a Suite of Computational Benchmarks for the Doppler Reactivity Defect
KENO Continuous Energy Calculations for a Suite of Computational Benchmarks for the Doppler Reactivity Defect
KENO Postprocessor Analysis and Plotting Capabilities
KENO V.a Primer: A Primer for Criticality Calculations with SCALE/KENO V.a Using CSPAN for Input
KENO-VI Validation
KENO3D Visualization Tool for KENO V.a and KENO-VI
Key Design Requirements for Long-Reach Manipulators
Kinetic Testing of Nitrate-Based Sodalite Formation Over the Temperature Range of 40 to 100 Degrees Centigrade (Final Report)
Kinetics Parameters of VVER-1000 Core with 3 MOX Lead Test Assemblies To Be Used for Accident Analysis Codes
KRITZ-2 Experimental Benchmark Analysis
L-ALLIANCE: A Mechanism for Adaptive Action Selection in Heterogeous Multi-Robot Teams
Lab Test Phase: Preliminary Results Shipboard Evaluation Phase: Plans
Lab Test Phase: Preliminary Results Shipboard Evaluation Phase: Plans
Lab-on-a-Chip Devices for Obtaining Chemical Information
Lab-on-a-Chip Devices for Performing Chemical Assays
Lab-on-a-Chip Devices: A New Approach to Biochemical Experimentation
Lab-on-a-Chip Devices: A New Approach to Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation
Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies: Past, Present, and Future
Lab-on-a-Chip: Microscale Chemistry and Analysis
Laboratory Astrophysics Shatters Previous Notions of Cosmic Origins of Oxygen
Laboratory Capacity Modulation Experiments, Analyses and Validation
Laboratory Demonstration of the Dual Mode Inverter Control
Laboratory Measurements of Charge Transfer on Atomic Hydrogen a Thermal Energies.
Laboratory R&D on Integrated Energy Systems (IES)
Laboratory Reorganization 2001
Laboratory Stabilization and Solidification of Surrogate Oak Ridge Tank Sludges
Laboratory Tests in Support of the MSRE Reactive Gas Removal System
LaCrO3-based coatings on ferritic stainless steel for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect applicatons
Lamellar Morphology of Random Metallocene Propylene Copolymers Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
Land Cover Differences in Soil Carbon and Nitrogen at Fort Benning, Georgia
Landscape Based Modeling of Nonpoint Source Nitrogen Loading in the Neuse River Basin, North Carolina
Landscape Patterns as Indicators of Ecological Change at Fort Benning, GA
Lanthanide- and Actinide-Zirconia Based Materials: Advanced Ceramics for Transmutation and Fuels
LAPUR5.2 Upgrade for Mixed-Fuel BWR Stability Calculations
LAPUR5.2 Verification and User's Manual
Large Enhancement of X-Ray Magnetic Scattering at the L Edges of the 5d Transition Metal Antiferromagnet K2ReC16
Large Plastic Scintillation Detectors for the Nuclear Materials Identification System
Large Scale Simulations of Mesoscale Plasticity and Recrystallization of Aluminum Polycrystals
Large-angle Back-scattering of Arq+ (q=1-13) during Quasi-binary Collisions with CsI(100) in the Energy Range 10 eV/q - 2.8 keV/q: Energy Loss Analysis and Scattered Charge State
Large-scale Evaluation of Nickel Aluminide Rolls in a Heat-Treat Furnace at Bethelehem Steel's (Now ISG) Burns Harbor Plate Mill
Large-Scale Evaluation of Nickel Aluminide Rolls in a Heat-Treat Furnace at Bethlehem Steel's (now ISG) Burns Harbor Plate Mill
Large-Scale Geospatial Indexing for Image-Based Retrieval and Analysis
Large-Scale Hybrid Poplar Production Economics: 1995 Alexandria, Minnesota Establishment Cost and Management
Large-Scale Mammalian Phenotype and Genotype Analysis: Towards Integrated Computational and Experimental Research
Large-scale Normal Coordinate Analysis for Molecular Structures
Large-scale Normal Coordinate Analysis of Polymer Particles on High Performance Computer
Large-scale quantum chemical evaluation of electronic transport properties at the nanoscale.
Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry of Individual Airborne Particles
Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry of Individual Particles in Environmental Samples
Laser Analysis and Cleaning of Nineteenth Century Daguerreotypes
Laser Array Based Interferometric Lithography
Laser Characterization and Cleaning of Nineteenth Century Daguerreotypes
Laser Flash Photolysis of Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions of Phenoxy Radicals
Laser Generated Airborne Particles During Surface Decontamination
Laser Range Camera Modeling
Laser Scanning System for Item Monitoring
Laser Velocimetry Measurement Uncertainty Reduction
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Used to Detect Palladium Metal Dispersed in Cellulose Membranes
Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging
Lasers in Art Conservation
Late Blooming Phases and Dose Rate Effects in RPV Steels: Integrated Experiments and Models
Lateral Force Microscopy of Photosystem I. Reaction Centers on Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayers
Latest Performance Results from ORNL: Cray X1 and SGI Altix
Latest Results of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pressurized Thermal Shock Evaluation Project
Latest Results of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Presurized Thermal Shock Evaluation Project
Lattice Physics Capabilites of the SCALE Code System Using TRITON
LDA+DCA Calculations of Cuprate Superconductors.
Leaching Assessment of Cementitious Rad-Waste Monoliths
Leadership Computing Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lean NOx Trap Chemical Behavior and Deactivation Effects of Temperature and Sulfur
Learning and Adaptation in Multi-Robot Teams.
LED-induced fluorescence diagnostics for turbine and combustion engine thermometry
Lessons Learned (?) From 50 Years of U.S. Space Fission Power Development
Lessons Learned from Decontamination Experiences
Letter Report - Cesium Leaching Results from Loaded Crystalline Silicotitanate in Contact with SRS Tank 51 Sludge and Supernate Simulants
Leveraging Benefits Attributable to Centers within the Industrial Assessment Center Program
Lewis-Acid/Base Effects on Gallium Volatility in Molten Chlorides
Li and Nb Codoping in Dielectric Properties and Phase Transitions of KTaO3: Reentrant Dipolar Glass and Long-Range Dipole Ordering
Li-Ion Thin-Film Batteries with Nitride and Subnitride Anodes MeN(x) (Me = Sn, In)
Li-Ion Thin-Film Batteries with Tin and Indium Nitride and Subnitride Anodes MeNx (Me = Sn, In)
Licensing Issues Associated with the Use of Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Reactors
Life and Times of Microorganisms in Deep Subsurface Environments
Life Cycle Analysis for D&D Decision Making: Disposition of Hanford Railcars
Life Cycle Analysis for Treatment and Disposal of PCB Waste at Ashtabula and Fernald
Life Cycle Costs for the Domestic Reactor-Based Plutonium Disposition Option
Life-Cycle Cost Sensitivity to Battery-Pack Voltage of an HEV
Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea
Light, Growth Dilution, and Periphyton Metal Content
Light-Fronts Approach to a Two-Center Time-Dependent Dirac Equation
Limitations of the Conventional Phase Advance Method for Constant Power Operation of the Brushless DC Motor
Limited Burnup Credit in Criticality Safety Analysis: A Comparison of ISG-8 and Current International Practice
Limited Groundwater Investigation of The Atlas Corporation Moab Mill, Moab, Utah
Linear Scarifying End-Effector Developed For Wall Cleaning In Underground Storage Tanks
Linear Scarifying End-Effector for Wall Cleaning in Underground Storage Tanks
Linear-scaling computational chemistry free of basis set error
Linking Human Anatomy to Knowledgebases: A Visual Front End for Electronic Medical Records
Liquid and Gaseous Waste Operations Annual Operating Report CY 1999
Liquid and Gaseous Waste Operations Department Annual Operating Report, CY 1995
Liquid Hydrofluoric Acid Sorption Using Solid Media - Part 1
Liquid Mediated Growth and the Bi-Modal Microstructure of YBa2Cu3O7-delta Films Made by the ex situ Conversion of Physical Vapor Deposited BaF2 Precursors
Liquid-Gas Critical Phenomena Under Confinement: SANS Studies of CO 2 in Aerogel
Liquid-Liquid Extraction Approaches to the Treatment of Alkaline High-Level Waste
Liquid-Salt Cooling for Advanced High Temperature Reactors
Liquid-Salt-Cooled Reactors: Five Pathways to the Future
Liquid-Salt-Cooled Very-High-Temperature Reactor (Advanced High Temperature Reactor)
Literature Review for the Baseline Knowledge Assessment of the Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Infrastructure Technologies Program
Load As A Reliability Resource in the Restructured Electricity Market
Local 3-D Strain and Orientation Measurements in Tensile Strained and Nanoindented Copper Using X-ray Microbeams
Local electrode atom probe characterizations of neutron irradiated RPV steels and model alloys
Local Electronic Transport at Grain Boundaries in Nb-doped SrTiO3
Local One-Dimensional ICRF Full-Wave Solution Valid to all Order in k-perpendicular-Rho
Local One-Dimensional ICRF Full-Wave Solution Valid to All Orders in k-perpendicular-Rho
Local post-processing for the discontinuous Galerkin method over a nonuniform mesh.
Local Transport Imaging in a SnO2 Nanowire Sensor in a "Real World" Environment
Localized Electrokinetic Transport in Microfluidic Channels
Locking of Broad-Area Laser Arrays with External Cavity.
Long and Short Range Magnetic order in the Spinel
Long Length Scale Interaction Between Magnetism and Superconductivity in La0.3Ca0.7MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7 Superlattices
Long Term Oxidation of Model and Engineering TiAl Alloys
Long Term Stability of Ceramics in Liquid Lithium
Long-Term Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of an Advanced Type 316 Stainless Steel
Long-Term Monitoring of Permeable Reactive Barriers - Progress Report
Looking Inside Real Materials Using 3-D Submicron Laue X-Ray Diffraction
Looking Inside the OSCAR Cluster Toolkit
Looking to the Future- Multi-Robot Teams
Low Angle Grain Boundary Transport in YBa2Cu3O7-d Coated Conductors
Low Cost Carbon Fiber for Transportation Applications
Low Cost Carbon Fiber for Transportation Applications
Low Cost Carbon Fiber for Transportation Applications
Low Cost Carbon Fiber From Renewable Resources
Low Cost Y-Ba-Cu-O Coated Conductors
Low Cost, Lignin-Based Carbon Fiber for Transportation Applications Abstract
Low Current Diagnostic Devices for Radioactive Beams
Low Income Consumer Utility Issues: A National Perspective
Low Pressure Storage of Natural Gas for Vehicular Applications
Low Pressure Storage of Natural Gas for Vehicular Applications
Low Temperature Bainite: An Analysis at Atomic Level
Low Temperature Structure of K2V3O8
Low Temperature Urea Decomposition and SCR Performance
Low Temperature Urea Decomposition Phenomena in SCR Systems
Low-Cost Bidirectional DC/DC Converter for Multi-Voltage Bus Systems
Low-Cost Sensorless Control of Brushless dc Motors with Improved Speed Range
Low-Cost Sensors for Balancing Indoor Air Quality and Energy Usage
Low-Cost, Low-Power Sensors for Monitoring CANDU Reactor Waste in Dry Storage Silos
Low-Dimensional Electronics at the Surface of Strontium Ruthenate Oxides
Low-Dimensional Magnetism
Low-Dimensional Magnetism
Low-Dimensional Magnetism and Transport at ORNL
Low-Power Capacitive Sensor Arrays
Lowering Peak Temperatures for Nucelar Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen
Lowering Peak Temperatures for Nuclear Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen
Lowering Peak Temperatures for Nuclear Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen
LS-VHTR Overview: Factors Impacting Refueling
LS-VHTR Refueling, Inspection, and Maintenance (RIM) Instrumentation
LTA Physics Design: Description of All MOX Pin LTA Design
Luminaire development for hybrid solar lighting applications
Luminescence Properties of ScPO4 Single Crystals
Lumped Parameter Model of the Advanced High Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
Lustre File System Experiences on Cray XT3 at ORNL NCCS
Luttinger liquid ARPES spectra from samples of Li0.9Mo6O17 grown by the temperature gradient flux technique
Lyapunov-based Visual Servo Control For Robotic Deactivation and Decommisioning
Machine and Process System Diagnostics Using One-Step Prediction Maps; Final Report
Macro- to Atomic-Scale Tailoring of Si3N4 Ceramics to Enhance Properties
Macromolecular Crystal Annealing: Fact and Fiction
MADNESS -- Multiresolution Adaptive Numerical Scientific Simulation: Multiresolution solution of Non-linear Integral Eigen Problems in Electronic Structure.
Magnetic and Atom Probe Studies: Magnetic Studies
Magnetic Capping Layer Induced Spin Reorientation: Multi-domain or Spin Canting?
Magnetic Characteristics of Metal-doped Magnetite Nanoparticles Produced by Thermoanaerobacter Ethanolicus
Magnetic Excitation Spectrum in Ca2-xSrxRuO4
Magnetic Excitation Spectrum of Ca2-xSrxRuO4
Magnetic Excitations Below the Orbital Phase Transition of La4Ru2O10
Magnetic Excitations in Weakly Interacting Spin Clusters
Magnetic Excitations of Sr3Ru2O 7
Magnetic Field Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in Pr1-x(La1-ySry)xMnO< sub>3 (x=0.45, y=0.15)
Magnetic Flowmeters for Primary Loop Measurements at PWRs
Magnetic Force Microscopy of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles Formed in Al2O3 by Ion Implantation
Magnetic Granularity Analysis of YBCO Coated Conductors
Magnetic Granularity Analysis of YBCO Coated Conductors
Magnetic Imaging of YBCO on RABiTS Using a Squid Microscope
Magnetic Interaction in Assemblies of Nanometer-Sized Fe Dots on Cu (111)
Magnetic Interactions in Assemblies of Nanometer-Sized Fe Dots on Cu(111)
Magnetic Near-Surface Nanocomposites Formed Using Ion-Beam and Thermal Processing Techniques
Magnetic Order in YBa2Cu3O6+x Superconductors
Magnetic Properties of a Thin Layer of Oriented Single Domain Magnetic Nanoparticles
Magnetic Properties of Co- and Mn-implanted BaTiO3, SrTiO3 and KTaO3
Magnetic Properties of Fe1-xPtx Nanoparticles Embedded in Sapphire
Magnetic Properties of Low-Dimensional Nanostructures on an Insulator
Magnetic properties of Pr55(La1-ySr< sub>y)45MnO3 Near the Metal- insulator Boundary
Magnetic Studies of Nonlocal Electrodynamics in Single Crystal YNi2B2C
Magnetic Studies of Properties of Ni-Based Substrates and Coated Conductors
Magnetic Vacancy Percolation in Dilute Antiferromagnets
Magnetism and Ferromagnetic Loss in Ni-Based Substrates for Coated Conductors
Magnetism and Ferromagnetic Loss in Ni-W and Ni-Cr Textured Substrates for Coated Conductors
Magnetism and Ferromagnetic Loss in Ni-W Textured Substrates for Coated Conductors
Magnetism and Ferromagnetic Loss in Ni-W Textured Substrates for Coated Conductors
Magnetism and Spin Transport in Nanostructured Materials: Research in the Low-Dimensional Materials by Design Group at ORNL
Magnetism and Transport in Reduced Dimensions
Magnetized States of Quantum Spin Chains
Maintaing Gneration Adequacy in a Restructuring U.S. Electricity Industry
Maintaining Chemically Reducing Waste Package Conditions in an Oxidizing Geochemical Environment
Maintaining Chemically Reducing Waste-Package Conditions
Maintaining Chemically Reducing Waste-Package Conditions
Making Core Melt Accidents Impossible in a Large 2400-MW(t) Reactor
Making Core Melt Accidents Impossible in a Large 2400-MW(t) Reactor
Making Core Melt Accidents Impossible in a Large 2400-MW(t) Reactor
Making Energy-Efficiency and Productivity Investments in Commercial Buildings: Choice of Investment Models
Making Good Use of HPC in Materials Science
MALDI of bio-aerosols in an ion trap mass spectrometer
MALDI of Individual Biomolecule-Containing Airborne Particles with an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
MALDI of individual biomolecule-containing airborne particles with an ion trap mass spectrometer
Management Self-Assessment Implementation Plan for the Building 4501 Depressurization of Sodium Fluoride Traps Containing Uranium from the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Management Self-Assessment Report for the Building 4501 Depressurization of Sodium Fluoride Traps Containing Uranium from the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Managing Complexity in Modern High End Scientific Computing through Component-Based Software Engineering
Managing Complexity in Modern High End Scientific Computing through Component-Based Software Engineering
Managing Concrete Structures Aging-One Approach
Managing Forests for Water Yield: The Importance of Scale
Managing Secure Survivable Critical Infrastructures to Avoid Vulnerabilites
Manipulation and analysis of single cells using microfabricated fluidic devices
Manipulation of the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface of Gold via the Application of an External Electric Field
Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA)Users Manual (Version 7)
Manufacturing and Economic Studies for DUO2-Steel Cermet Spent Fuel Casks
Manufacturing and Economic Studies for DUO2-Steel Cermet Spent Fuel Casks
Manufacturing and Economic Studies for DUO2-Steel Cermet Spent Fuel Casks
Manufacturing Costs for Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Casks
Manufacturing of Carbon Fibers Using Microwave Assisted Plasma Technology
Manufacturing of Carbon Fibers Using Microwave-Assisted Plasma Technology
Many-Body Correlations in Nuclei and Quantum Dots
Many-Body Methods in Nano-Science: Application to Passivated Metal Clusters and Molecular Electronics
Mapping dunction and structure for an Anticipatory System (AS): What impact will it have and is it computationally feasible?
Mapping Flow Localization Processes in Deformation of Irradiated Reactor Structural Alloys
MAPPING FLOW LOCALIZATION PROCESSES IN DEFORMATION OF IRRADIATED REACTOR STRUCTURAL ALLOYS - FINAL REPORT. Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Program No. MSF99-0072. Period: August 1999 through September 2002. (ORNL/TM-2003/63)
Mapping the Spin Phase Diagram of Metastable Magnetic Ultrathin Films
Mapping the Spin Phase Diagram of Metastable Magnetic Ultrathin Films
Martensite Transformation, Microsegregation, and Creep Strength of 9 Cr-1 Mo-V Steel Weld Metal
Mass Measurements at the HRIBF
Mass Measurements at the HRIBF
Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Protein Complexes from Phodopseudomonas Palustris
Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Protein Complexes Isolated from Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Mass Spectrometry of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids
Mass Spectrometry of Separated Gold and Silver Nanocrystal Compounds.
Mass spectrometry of UF6 in a micro ion trap
Mass Spectrometry of UF6 in a Micro Ion Trap
Mass spectrometry of UF6 in a micro ion trap
Mass Table Mean-Field Calculations
MASS: Mercury Amalgamation Stabilization/Solidification
Materials Advances Through Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Materials Applications of Aberration-Corrected STEM
Materials Behavior and Aging in MSRs
Materials Characterization by Analytical Electron Microscopy
Materials Characterization for a New Millennium: Spectrum-Imaging with Automated Analysis
Materials Characterization of New Composite Boiler Tube Materials
Materials Characterization Via the Shared Research Equipment User Facility and Program
Materials Consideration for the National Spallation Neutron Source Target
Materials Design Opportunities From Reactions in Multi-Phase Materials
Materials for Industrial Heat Recovery Systems
Materials for Very-High-Temperature Reactor
Materials Issues in High Power Accelerators
Materials Issues in High Temperature Black Liqour Gasification
Materials Needs and Opportunities in the Pulp and Paper Industry
Materials Performance in Black Liquor Gasification Systems
Materials Research and Development for the Spallation Neutron Source Mercury Project
Materials Science Using Submicron X-Ray Diffraction in 2D and 3D
Materials Science Using Submicron-Resolution Polychromatic X-Ray Diffraction
Materials Selection for the HFIR Cold Neutron Source
Materials Synthesis and Modification Using Ion Beams at ORNL
Maximizing Temperatures of Delivered Heat from the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Maximizing Temperatures of Delivered Heat from the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Maximizing Temperatures of Delivered Heat from the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Maximum Alpha to Minimum Fission Pulse Amplitude for a Parallel-Plate and Hemispherical Cf-252 Ion-Chamber Instrumented Neutron Source
MCNP-POLIMI Evaluation of Time Dependent Coincidence Between Detectors for Fissile Metal vs. Oxide Determination
MCNP-POLIMI Simulation of Active and Passive Measurements on Uranium and Plutonium Objects
MCNP-to-TORT Radiation Transport Calculations in Support of Mixed Oxide Fuels Testing for the Fissile Materials Disposition Program
MCNPX Running Parallel Under PVM
MCNPX vs Handbook Calculations for Radiation Streaming in the SNS Target Carriage
MD Description of Damage Production in Displacement Cascades in Copper and Alpha-Iron
Mean-Field and Pairing Properties of Exotic Nuclei: Exploring the Nuclear Landscape
Measured Performance of Conventional and High-Velocity Distribution Systems in Attic and Space Locations
Measurement and Simulation of Liquid Scintillator Neutron Response
Measurement Issues for Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings: Productivity and Performance Uncertainties
Measurement Methodology of the Fissile Mass Flow Monitor for the HEU Transparency Implementation Instrumentation in Russia
Measurement Methodology of the HEU Transparency Fissile Mass Flow Monitor (FMFM) in Neutron Activated UF6 Gas Streams
Measurement of 3He Retention in Tungsten, Simulating Conditions at the First Wall of an IFE Reactor, Using < sub>3He(d,p) 4He Nuclear Reaction Analysis
Measurement of Dynamic Strain on a Mercury Target Vessel During 800-MeV Proton Thermal Shock Tests
Measurement of Mechanical Properties at Small Scales by Nanoindentation
Measurement of Mechanical Properties with Nanoindentation
Measurement of Neutral Densities at the Outer Midplane in DIII-D
Measurement of Phase Transformation Kinetics During Repeated Thermal Cycling of Ti-6Al-4V using Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Technique
Measurement of Residual Stresses by Load and Depth Sensing Spherical Indentation
Measurement of the 1H(17F,a)14O Cross Section and the 14O(a,p)17Fg.s. Reaction Rate
Measurement of the Axial Distribution of Radioactivity in the Auxiliary Charcoal Bed of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment at ORNL
Measurement of the X-Point Neutral Density in DIII-D and Consequences for the L-H Transition
Measurement of Very Thin Films Using Spectroscopic Elliposmetry
Measurement Practices for Reliability and Power Quality
Measurements of Colloidal Forces Using an External Magnetic Field and Atomic Force Microscopy
Measurements of Magnetoresistivity and Magnetization of Sr2RuO4 Single Crystals
Measurements of Mercury Released from Solidified/Stabilized Waste Forms
Measurements of Mercury Released From Solidified/Stabilized Waste Forms-FY2002
Measurements of the 1H(18F,p)18F and 1H(18F,a)15O Excitation Functions at the HRIBF
Measurements of Water and B4C Content of Rackable Can Storage Boxes for HEU Storage at the HEUMF at the Y-12 National Security Complex
Measuring "Readiness" Using Readiness Assessment System
Measuring Generator Performance in Providing Regulation and Load-Following Ancillary Services
Measuring Progress Towards Implementing a Sustainable Transportation Security Program in the Russian Federation
Mechanical Properties of High Purity SiC Fiber-Reinforced CV1-SiC Matrix Composites
Mechanical Properties of Nb-1Zr Weldments
Mechanisms & Control of Friction at the Atomic Scale
Mechanisms & Control of Friction at the Atomic Scale
Mechanisms and Rates of Atmospheric Deposition of Selected Trace Elements and Sulfate to a Deciduous Forest Watershed
Mechanisms of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Growth by the Laser Vaporization Technique: In Situ Imaging and Spectroscopy
Mechanistic Investigation into the Decarboxylation of Salts of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids and Their Role in Cross-Linking Reactions in Low-Rank Coal
Mechanistic Investigation into the Decarboxylation of the Sodium, Potassium, and Calcium Salts of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids and Their Role in Cross-Linking Reactions
Mechanistic Investigation into the Decomposition of the Sodium, Potassium, and Calcium Salts of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids and Their Role in Cross-linking Reactions
Mechanistic Investigation into the Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Pyrolysis of Sterols
Mechanistic Investigation into the Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Pyrolysis of Stigmasterol
Mechanistic Investigations into the Decarboxylation of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids
Mechanistic-based Genetic Algorithm Search on a Beowulf Cluster of Linux PCs
Medical Applications of DOORS
Medium-Power Reactor Experiment, Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 1966
Meeting the Challenge: The Prospect of Achieving 30 Percent Savings Through the Weatherization Assistance Program
Melter Dismantlement
Melter Glass Removal and Dismantlement
Membrane phase miscibility gaps and surface constraints.
MEMS Based Calorimetric Spectroscopy for Chemical Detection
MEMS Sensors with Chemically Selective Coatings of Ionic Liquids
MEMS Uncooled Photon Detectors
Mercury and Methylmercury Relationships in Contaminated Streams
Mercury and Methylmercury Relationships in Contaminated Streams the Southwestern U.S.A.
Mercury Separation from Mixed Wastes: Annual Report
Merger of Nuclear Data With Criticality Safety Calculations
Meshing Site-Specific and Cross Cutting Sustainability Programs: Case Studies from Kurchatov Institute, VNIIEF, and Transportation Security
Mesocale Modeling of Microstructure Evolution During Lare Plastic Deformations
Mesocale Modeling of Microstructure Evolution During Thermomechanical Processing
Mesocale Simulation of Testure Evolution in Particle-Containing Aluminum Alloys.
Mesocale Simulation of Texture Evolution in Particle-Containing Aluminum Alloys
MESON2000 Conference Summary
Mesophilic vs. Thermophilic Coupling Systems Of Hydrogenase With Oxidative Pentose Phosphate Cycle Enzyme For Hydrogen Evolution
Mesoporous Au Catalysts: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Oxidation
Mesoscale Simulation of Cube Texture Evolution Following Hot Deformation of Aluminum
Message-Passing Performance of Various Computers
Metabolic Maladaption:Individual and Social Consequences of Medical Intervention in Correcting Endemic Hypothyroidism
Metaevaluation of National Weatherization Assistance Program Based on State Studies, 1993-2002
Metal Mesh Sampling for Flow Discharge Optical and Mass Spectrometry
Metal Reduction and Mineral Formation by Iron-Reducing Bacteria
Metal-Semiconductor Phase Transition in Nanoscale Vanadium Dioxide Precipitates Formed in Silica and Sapphire by Ion Implantation
Metallic nanostructures for plasmonic sensors using surface-enhanced fluorescence and Raman detection
Metals and Ceramics Division Environmental, Safety, Health, and Quality Self-Assessment, CY 1999
Metals in Leachates of Soil, Biosolids, and Fly Ash
Metals Processing Laboratory Users (MPLUS) Facility Annual Report FY 2002 (October 1, 2001-September 30, 2002)
Metals Processing Laboratory Users (MPLUS) Facility Annual Report: October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001
Method for Verification of the Hydrogen and Boron Content of the RCSB for Storage of HEU at the HEUMF
Method to Correlate CFD Discriminator Level and Energy Deposition by Neutrons and Photons in a Fast Plastic Scintillating Detector
Methodology for Estimating Radiation Dose Rates to Freshwater Biota Exposed to Radionuclides in the Environment
Methods and Results for Stress Analyses on 14-Ton, Thin-Wall Depleted UF(Sub 6) Cylinders
Methods for Verification of the Hydrogen and Boron Content of the RCSB for Storage of HEU at the HEUMF
Methods to Estimate Stranded Commitments for a Restructuring U.S. Electricity Industry
Metrics and Comparison of Alternatives: General Issues
Metrics for Intelligence: the Perspective from Software Agents
Mg17Al12Phase Precipitation Kinetics in Die Casting Alloys AZ91D and AM60B
Micofabricated Devices for the Acquisitin of Chemical and Biochemical Information
Micro and nanoscale systems for the acquisition of chemical and biochemical information
Micro Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Micro Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Micro Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Micro ion trap mass spectrometry
Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation
Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation
Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation
Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation
Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation
Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices for Performing Biochemical Experimentation
Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices for the Analysis of Biological Materials
Micro-Cantilever Sensitivity Optimization Through Material and Geometric Selection
Micro-Structuring of Silicon by Pulsed-Laser Ablation Under Reactive Atmospheres
Microanalysis of an Industrial Al-Mg-Si Alloy by Conventional and 3D Atom Probe
Microbeam X-Ray Diffraction for 3D Investigation of Plastic Strain and Deformation in Thin-Films and Substrates
Microbeam X-Ray Diffuse Scattering Study of Ion-Implanted Defects in Silicon
Microbeam X-Ray Measurements of Anticlastic Effects and Strain Gradients in Si Under Large Deflection Bending
Microbial Population and Degradation Activities Changes Monitored During Chlorinated Solvent Biovent Demonstration
Microcantilever Biosensors
Microcantilever Chemical Sensors
Microcantilever Sensors
Microcantilever Sensors
Microcantilever Sensors for Selective and Sensitive Detection of Ions
Microcantilevered Structures - Applications Other Than Scanning Force Microscopy Deflection Sensors
MicroChemLab /CB Handheld Detector
Microchip Devices Coupled with Time-of-Flight MS for High Speed, High Sensitivity Analysis
Microchip Devices for Chemical Separations: How Far Can We go?
Microchip Devices for High Efficiency Separations
Microchip Devices for High Throughput Screening
Microchip Devices for Two-Dimensional Peptide Separations
Microchip Ion Trap Spectrometry
Microchip-Based Chemical Separations: Fundamental Advantages
Microchip-Nano-Electrospray Device for Rapid On-Chip Digestion and Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Hemoglobin Variants
Microcracking in Brittle Materials due to Thermal Expansion Anisotropy
Microcracking in Brittle Materials due to Thermal Expansion Anisotropy.
Microdiffraction Experiments and Modeling for Analyzing Multiscale Dislocation Ensembles in Materials
Microfabricated Chemical Measurement Technology: The Way of The Future?
Microfabricated Chemical Measurement Technology: The Way of the Future?
Microfabricated Devices for Acquiring Chemical and Biochemical Information
Microfabricated devices for chemical and biochemical analysis
Microfabricated Devices for Chemical Measurement and Experimentation
Microfabricated Devices for the Acquisition of Chemical and Biochemical Information
Microfabricated Devices for the Acquisition of Chemical and Biochemical Information
Microfabricated Devices for the Acquisition of Chemical and Biochemical Information
Microfabricated Fluidic Circuits: High Performance Chemical Separations and More
Microfabricated Fluidic Devices for Biochemical Assays
Microfabricated Fluidic Devices for Cellular Assays
Microfabricated Fluidic Devices for Protein and Peptide Mapping
Microfabricated Fluidic Devices: A New Approach to Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation
Microfabricated fluidic systems for biochemical analysis
Microfabricated Instrumentation for Biochemical Assays
Microfabricated Intrachannel Connections for Controlling Material Transport
Microfluidic Devices for Acquiring Chemical Information
Microfluidic Devices for Chemical Processing and Separations
Microfluidic Devices for Rapid Chemical Measurements
Microfluidic devices for rapid, efficient 2D separations of complex peptide mixtures
Microfluidic devices for two-dimensional separations
Micromechanical Chemical and Biological Sensors
Micromechanical Modeling of Energy to Failure for Randomly Oriented Short Fiber Composites
Micromechanical Modeling of Energy to Failure for Randomly Oriented Short Fiber Composites.
Micromechanical Sensing: Environmental Monitoring Possibilities
Micromechanical Sensors
Micromechanical Structures Fabrication
Micromechanical Uncooled Photon Detectors
Micron Pores in Vycor Porous Glass: Evidences from USANS
Micron-Resolution X-Ray Structural Microscopy Studies of 3-D Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Aluminum
Microscale Ion Traps: 2-Dimensional Arrays
Microscopic Model for a Class of Mixed-Spin Quantum Antiferromagnets
Microscopic Multicluster Model of Li-9, Li-10, Li-11
Microscopic Spin Interactions in Colossal Magnetoresistance Manganites
Microscopic Spin Interactions in the Metallic and Insulating Phases of the Colossal Magnetoresistance Manganites
Microscopy Milestones: Field Ion Microscopy, Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy, and Atom Probe Tomography
Microscopy with Single Atom Sensitivity for Solving Catalysis Problems
Microsensors for In-Situ, Real-Time Detection and Characterization of Toxic Organic Substances
Microstructural Banding and Biaxial Fracture Toughness Tests in a Specially Heat-Treated Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel
Microstructural Banding and Fracture Toughness Tests in a Low-Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel
Microstructural Characterization of Creep Resistant Magnesium Alloys
Microstructural Characterization of Haynes (Registered) 242 (Trademark) Alloy
Microstructural Characterization of High Energy Product Nd-Fe-B Rapidly Solidified Ribbons
Microstructural characterization of long term thermally aged reactor pressure vessel steels
Microstructural Characterization of Water-Rich Boehmite (A10(OH)): TEM Correlation of Apparently Divergent XRD and TGA Results
Microstructural Development in High-Jc (IC) YBa2Cu3O7 Coated Conductors Based on Ex-Situ YBCO Conversion Processes
Microstructural evolution and nanocrystal formation in Pb+ - implanted ZrSiO4 single crystals
Microstructure and Failure Mechanisms of Spot Friction Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens of Aluminum 5754 Sheets
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Co Nanoparticles in ion-implanted Al2O3
Microstructure and Optical Properties of Nanocrystal Precipitates of NiS in SiO2 and AL2O3
Microstructure Development During Sintering of TiC-Ni3A1 Cermets
Microstructure Development in Nickel Base Superalloys during Weld Thermal Cycle
Microstructure Development in Single Crystal Welds
Microstructure Development in Single Crystal Welds
Microstructure of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated SiC, Si3N4 and A1N
Microstructure of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated SiC, Si3N4 and AlN
Microstructure Prediction in A356 Alloy Castings
Microstructure Prediction in A356 Alloy Castings
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of NiAl-Mo Composites
Microstructures of Irradiated and Mechanically Deformed Metals and Alloys: Fundamental Aspects
Microtechnology for the Acquisition of Chemical and Biochemical Information
Microturbine Power Conversion Technology Review
Microwave-Assisted Plasma Carbon Fiber Manufacturing
Migration of 1970s Minicomputer Controls to Modern Toolkit Software
Migration of Activation Products from the Oak Ridge Spallation Neutron Source Facility Shield Berm on Chestnut Ridge on the Oak Ridge Reservation
Military Construction Program Economic Analysis Manual: Sample Economic Analyses
Military Construction Program Economic Analysis Manual: Text and Appendixes
Military Ecological Risk Assessment Framework (MERAF) for Assessment of Risks of Military Training and Testing to Natural Resources
Military Family Housing Economic Analysis Manual
Min-Max Redundancy Resolution for a Mobile Manipulator
Miniature Ion Mobility Spectrometer Detector with a Pulsed Ionization Source
Miniature ion traps and arrays for high pressure mass spectrometry
Miniaturization of Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation: Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, and Better?
Miniaturization of chemical measurement technology
Miniaturized Analytical Systems: How Wide - How Deep?
Minimum Critical Values Study
Minimum Current Magnitude Control of Surface PM Synchronous Machines During Constant Power Operation
Minimum Spanning Trees for Gene Expression Data Clustering
Minnesota Wood Energy Scale-Up Project 1994 Establishment Cost Data
Miscanthus: A Review of European Experience with a Novel Energy Crop
Miscellaneous Data for the 1996-1997 Sampling and Analysis Campaigns of the MVST, BVEST, and OHF Tank Complexes
Mission Fuel Kinetics Input and RELAP-like Calculations
Mission MOX Fuel Physics Design--Preliminary Equilibrium MOX Assembly Design and Expected Operating Power for Existing Balakovo Fuel Management Scheme
Mitigation of Artifactual Ion Formation and Signal Variation in Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Mitigation of CBRN Incidents for HVAC Systems in Federal Facilities
Mo-Si-B Alloy Development
Mo-Si-B Alloy Development
Mobile Robotics Activities in DOE Laboratories
MOD Approach for the Growth of Epitaxial CeO2 Buffer Layers on Biaxially Textured Ni-W Substrates for YBCO Coated Conductors
Model-based Face Tracking for Dense Motion Field Estimation
Model-Based Generation of Scaling Laws for Radial-Gap Permanent Magnet Motors
Modeled and Measured Effects of Compressor Downsizing in an Existing Air Conditioner/Heat Pump in the Cooling Mode
Modeling & Analysis of AGS (1998) Thermal Shock Experiments
Modeling Abdominal Aortic aneurysm Endotension with Finite Element Analysis
Modeling Actinide Solution Densities with the Pitzer Method
Modeling and Analysis Framework for Core Damage Propagation During Flow-Blockage-Initiated Accidents in the Advanced Neutron Source Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Modeling and Analysis in Support of Dicision Making for Technological Investment
Modeling and Analyzing Non-Seizure EEG Data for Patients with Epilepsy
Modeling and Characterization of Nonequilibrium Weld Microstructure Evolution
Modeling and Measurement of Surface Displacements in BaTiO< sub>3 Bulk Material in Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM)
Modeling and System Design for Atmospheric Pressure CVD of YSZ
Modeling and Testing of a Novel Piezoelectric Pump
Modeling Carbon Redeposition in the Tore Supra Actively Cooled Limiter CIEL
Modeling Carbon Redeposition in the Tore Supra Actively Cooled Limiter CIEL
Modeling CBRN Hazards in Rivers and Estuaries
Modeling Doubly Heterogeneous Systems in SCALE
Modeling Effective Fractures in a Well-Characterized Intact Core
Modeling Effects on Strain and Strain Rate Histories in Automotive Impact.
Modeling Effects on Strain and Strain Rate Histories in Automotive Impact.
Modeling for CVD of Solid Oxide Electrolyte
Modeling Manufacturing Processes to Mitigate Technological Risk
Modeling Multiple Causes of Carsinogenesis
Modeling of 2-D Neutral Density Measurements in DIII-D
Modeling of Fe-C-Al-Mn Steel Weld Microstructure
Modeling of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
Modeling of Neon and Argon Dynamics During ELMs in DIII-D
Modeling of Random Fiber Composites for Energy Absorption
Modeling of Recovery Boiler Tube Wall Panels to Investigate the Effect of Attachment Welds on Stress-Assisted Corrosion
Modeling of Residual Stresses and Property Distributions in Friction Stir Welds of Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6
Modeling of Strain Rate Effects in Automotive Impact.
Modeling of Strain Rate Effects in Automotive Impact.
Modeling of Sulfate Double-salts in Nuclear Wastes
Modeling of Transport and Magnetic Coupling for Magnetic Random Access Memory
Modeling of Water-Soluble Organic Content in Produced Water
Modeling of Weld Metal Microstructure
Modeling of Weld Metal Microstructure
Modeling Reluctance-Assisted PM Motors
Modeling Resistance Spot Welding Electrode Life
Modeling Resistance Spot Welding Electrode Life
Modeling Soil Quality Thresholds to Ecosystem Recovery at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA
Modeling the Limiting Equilibrium Behavior of Chemically Complex Oxide Glass Solutions
Modeling Thermal Effects of Operational and Structural Modifications at a Hydropower Facility on a Preminer Trout Stream in Southwestern Montana
Models of Seasonal Primary Productivity in Eastern Tennessee Festuca and Andropogon Ecosystems (Thesis)
Modern Vector Systems
Modification of an Ion Trap for Real-Time Trapping of Nanoparticles Megadalton and Beyond
Modification to the Toroidal Rotation Velocity and Radial Electric Field by Pellet Injection in DIII-D
Modular PM Motor Drives for Automotive Traction Applications
Modular Simulation of Absorption Systems User's Guide (Windows Version 5.0)
Moisture Design to Improve Durability of Low-Slope Roofing Systems
Moisture Sensor for Sulfur Nexafluoride (SF6)-filled Circuit Breakers
Molecular Characterization of Microbial Communities in a JP-5 Fuel Contaminated Soil
Molecular Detection of ENU-Induced Mutations at the Fah And Ldh1 Loci in MMU7 by Heteroduplex Analysis (TMHA and TGCE) and DNA Sequencing.
Molecular Mechanisms of Reproduction and Wood Formation in Willow--Annual Progress Report October 1, 1998 - September 30, 1999
Molecular Motion of Aromatic Molecules Covalently Attached to Silica Surfaces: Surface Coverage Dependence
Molecular Orientation Effects on Hydrogen Transfer Rates Under Diffusional Constraints
Molecular Recognition through Ionic Liquids
Molecular Recognition Using Micromechanical Sensors
Molecular Recognition Using Nanomechanical Sensors
Molecular Recognition Using Nanomechanical Sensors
Molecular Transport through Nanoconfined Spaces
Molecular Transport Through Nanoscale Channels
Molecular-Based Study of the Solvation Behavior of Short-Chain Poly-electrolytes in Aqueous Solutions. Li-PSS versus Li-PPS
Molecular-based Study of the Solvation Behavior of Short-chain Polystyrene Sulfonate in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions
Molecular-Based Understanding of Fluid Behavior: The Problem is Never on the Molecular Level
Molten Hydroxide Trapping Process for Radioiodine
Molten Salt Coolants: Transferring Heat from Reactors to H2 Facilities, the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor for H2 Production
Molten Salt Cooling for Advanced High-Temperature Reactors
Molten Salt Loop & Operations Review
Molten Salt Reactor Experience Applicable to LS-VHTR Refueling
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs)
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs)
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) for Electricity and Waste Destruction
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs): Coupling Spent Fuel Processing and Actinide Burning
Molten Salt Reactors and Molten-Salt-Cooled Reactors
Molten Salt Reactors: Minimizing the Inventory of Weapons-Usable Materials
Molten Salt Reactors: Options and Missions
Molten Salt Reactors: Technology History, Status, and Promise
Molten-Salt-Reactor Technology Gaps
Molybdenum-Rhenium Alloys for Spacecraft Reactor Applications
MONACO: A New 3-D Monte Carlo Shielding Code for SCALE
Monitoring Genetic and Metabolic Potential for In-Site Bioremediation: Mass Spectrometry
Monitoring Genetic and Metabolic Potential for In-Situ Bioremediation Mass Spectrometry
Monitoring Genetic and Metabolic Potential for In-Situ Bioremediation: Mass Spectrometry
Monitoring the Destruction of Russian Nuclear Weapons: The HEU Transparency Implementation Program
Monte Carlo Analysis fo Energy Deposition in a Cryogenic Neutron Detector
Monte Carlo Analysis of Energy Deposition in a Cryogenic Neutron Detector
Monte Carlo Analysis of Multiplicity Measurements for the Characterization of Fissile Materials
Monte Carlo Analysis of the Statistics of Neutron Detection by Organic Scintillators
Monte Carlo Analysis of the Statistics of Neutron Detection by Organic Scintillators
Monte Carlo Analysis of the Statistics of Neutron Detection by Organic Scintillators
Monte Carlo Evaluation of Passive Correlation Measurements on Containerized Plutonium Shells
Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Improvements in Nuclear Materials Identification System (NMIS) Resulting From a DT Neutron Generator
Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Use of a 14 MeV Associated Particle Sealed Tube Neutron Generator for One-Sided Measurements on Highly Enriched Uranium Samples
Monte Carlo Integration in Glauber Model Analysis of Reactions of Halo Nuclei
Monte Carlo Methods Development for a Continuous-Energy Version of Keno
Monte Carlo Models Of Neutron Detection With Organic Scintillators
Monte Carlo Models of the Neutron Detection with Organic Scintillators
Monte Carlo Simulation of Correlation Measurements of Photon Interrogation of Nuclear Material
Monte Carlo Simulation of Measurements With An Active Well Coincidence Counter
Monte Carlo Simulations for Passive Measurements on Plutonium Oxide Samples
Montezuma Creek Stability Evaluation at Site of Former Monticello Tailings Pile
Morphological Instabilities In Solid State Lithium Batteries: An Experimental And Theoretical Investigation
Morrow & Umatilla Co Transportation Evacuation Plan: Phase 1. Overall Assessment of Proposed Alternatives
MORSE: Present Capabilities and Future Directions
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Brochure
Moving Advanced Desiccant Materials into Mainstream Non-CFC Cooling Products
Moving the DOE Industrial Wireless Program Forward
Moving the DOE Industrial Wireless Program Forward
Moving the Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability to a Distributed, Portable Architecture
Mox Average Power Intermediate PIE:21 GWd/MT Final Report
MOX Average Power Test 30 GWd/MT PIE: Quick Look
MOX Average Power Test 40 GWd/MT PIE: Quick Look
MOX Cross-Section Libraries for ORIGEN-ARP
MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility (MFFF) Regulatory Support
MOX Fuel Pin Volume Measuring Apparatus
MOX Fuel Qualification and Reactor Regulatory Support
MOX LTA Fuel Cycle Analyses: Nuclear and Radiation Safety
MOX Test Fuel 40 GWd/MT PIE: Final Report
MSRE Remediation Project Salt Melt, Transfer, and Process Demonstration
MSRE Remediation Project: Salt Melt, Transfer, and Process Demonstrations
Multi-Phase Cr-Based Alloys for Aggressive High Temperature Environments
Multi-Robot Learning in an Inherently Cooperative Task
Multi-Robot Leraning in a Cooperative Observation Task
Multi-Robot Systems: From Fundamental Research to Real-World Applications.
Multi-Robot Team Learning of Inherently Cooperative Tasks.
Multi-Target Observation: An Application of Multi-Robot Learning
Multi-Target Observation: Application of Multi-Robot Learning
Multiframe combination and blur deconvolution of video data
Multigrid and Krylov Solvers for Large Scale Finite Element Groundwater Flow Simulations on Distributed Memory Parallel Platforms
Multigroup Cross Section and Cross Section Covariance Data Visualization with Javapeno
Multilayer Thermionic Refrigeration
Multilevel DC Link Inverter
Multilevel DC Link Inverter for Brushless Permanent Magnet Motors with Very Low Inductance
Multilevel DC Link Inverters
Multiple - Input Environmental Sensing Technology Utilizing Microfabricated Cantilever Structures
Multiple Walkers in the Wang-Landau Algorithm
Multiplicity Analysis During the Photon Interrogation of Fissionable Material
Multiplicity-Dependent Energy Spectra of Neutrons from Fission
Multiresolution Quantum Chemistry in Multiwavelet Bases
Multiscale Deformation in the Heat Affected Zone During Spot Welding of a Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy
Multiscale Interactions in Shallow Water Equations Test Cases
Multiscale Simulation of Carbon Nanotube Numcleation and Growth: Electronic Structure Calculations
Multiscale Simulations of Carbon Nanotube Nucleation and Growth: Electronic Structure Calculations.
Multiscale Simulations of Carbon Nanotube Nucleation and Growth: Electronic Structure.
Multiscale Simulations of Carbon Nanotube Nucleation and Growth: Mesoscopic Continuum Calculations
Multiscale Studies ofCatalyst-Assisted Carbon Nanotube Growth
Multisensor Fusion Under Unknown Distributions: Finite-Sample Performance Guarantees
Multitasking TORT Under UNICOS: Parallel Performance Models and Measurements
Multivariate dependence among extremes, abrupt change and anomalies in space and time for climate applications
Multivariate dependence in complex systems
Multivariate Geographic Clustering in a Metacomputing Environment Using Globus
Multivariate Geographic Clustering Using a Beowulf-Style Parallel Computer
Multivariate High Order Statistics of Measurements of the Temporal Evolution of Fission Chain-Reactions
Mutagenesis studies with various mutagens in various types of mouse germ cells
MuX and MxN: A Revelation
MxN Data Redistribution for Coupling Disparate Parallel Components
MxN or MxUse: An MxN Proposal
MxN Overview
MxN Overview -- Working Group Meeting
MxN Parallel Data Redistribution (Poster)
MxN Parallel Data Redistribution: A Brief Overview
MxN Quick Status Update
MxN Update: The Latest and Greatest on MxN
MxN Working Group Meeting Report
MxN Working Group Progress Report
Nano-Particle Arrays of Ni, Fe, Co, CoPt, and FePt: Ion Beam Synthesis and Competing Magnetic Energy Scales
Nano-to-Macro Scale Triggering of Metastable Fluids
Nanochemical Detection of Biomolecular Interactions
Nanocomposites Formed by Ion Implantation: Recent Developments and Future Oppportunities
Nanocrystal-based Scintillators for Radiation Detection
Nanocrystalline Lithium Manganese Oxide Cathodes for Thin Film Batteries
Nanoelectromechanics of Ferroelectric Lithography and Near- Atomic Density Data Storage by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
Nanoelectromechanics of Ferroelectric Materials: Piezoresponse Force Microscopy in 3 Dimensions
Nanoelectromechanics of Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
Nanoelectromechanics of Piezoresponse Force Microscopy: Contact Properties, Fields Bvbmelow the Surface and Polarization Switching
Nanoelectromechanics of Piezoresponse Microscopy: Contact Properties, Fields Below the Surface and Polarization Switching
Nanoelectromechanics of Scanning Probe Microscopies of Ferroelectric Materials
Nanoelectromechanics of Scanning Probe Microscopy: From Perovskites to Proteins
Nanoelectromechanics of Scanning Probe Microscopy: From Perovskites to Proteins and Back
Nanoelectromechanics of Scanning Probe Microscopy: From Perovskites to Proteins and Back
Nanoengineering-- Toward Controlled Creation of New Inorganic and Composite Material Nanostructures
Nanoengineering-- Toward Controlled Creation of New Inorganic and Nanomaterial Architecture
Nanofiber Structures as Mimics for Cellular Membranes
Nanofiber Structures for Molecular Assembly and Controlled Transport
Nanofiber Structures for Molecular Assembly and Controlled Transport
Nanofluidic technology for chemical separations
Nanoindentation and Nanoscratching of Silicon Carbide Alloyed Pyrolytic Carbon
Nanoindentation for Materials Testing
Nanoindentation Results from Direct Molded vs. Machined UHMWPE Tibial Bearings (Paper prepared elsewhere)
Nanoindention of Retrieved Polyethylene Tibial Components
Nanoliter Fluid Handling and Arraying
Nanomaterials by Design - R&D Priorities for Nanotechnology Commercialization
Nanomechanics and Micromechanical Sensors
Nanoparticle Arrays of Ni, Fe, Co, CoPt, and FePt: Ion Beam Synthesis and Competing Magnetic Energy Scales
Nanoparticles of Gold on Graphite Produced by de Magnetron Sputtering and the Oxidation of Glycerol
Nanophase Composites Produced by Ion Implantation: Properties, Problems, and Potential
Nanophase Fiber Coatings by Electrophoretic Deposition for Ceramic Matrix Composites
Nanophase Separation at the Surfaces of Layered TMOs
Nanoscale Analysis of Complex Oxide Interfaces
Nanoscale Analysis with the ORNL Local Electrode Atom Probe
Nanoscale Electric Phenomena By Scanning Probe Microscopy
Nanoscale Optical Probes of Polymer Dynamics in Confined Geometry
Nanoscale Science and Devices: Applications in Biology
Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Research Directions
Nanoscale Strain Distribution at the Ag/Ru(0001) Interface
Nanoscale Structure/Property Correlation Through Aberration-Corrected STEM and Theory
Nanoscale Tuning of Grain Boundary Potential Barriers in Doped Strontium Titanate
Nanosensor for In-Vivo Measurement of the Carcinogen Benzo [a] Pyrene in a Single Cell
NANOSENSORS AND BIOCHIPS: Applications to Chemical, Biological and Medical Detection
NANOSENSORS AND BIOCHIPS: Applications to Chemical, Biological and Medical Detection
NANOSENSORS AND BIOCHIPS: Applications to Chemical, Biological and Medical Detection
Nanosensors and Nanostructured Probes for Chemical and Biological Analysis
Nanosensors: Design and Application to Site-Specific Cellular Analyses
Nanosensors: Exploring Molecular Processes in a Single Living Cell
Nanostructure Functionality through Aberration-Corrected STEM
Nanostructuring Iron on the Cu(111) Surface: Spatial Confinement and Magnetism
NARSTO Atmospheric Chemistry, Particulate Matter, and Meteorological Data and Documentation Received by the ORNL QSSC and Archived for Public Use in CY 2002
NARSTO SOS99 NASH NOAA WP-3D Orion Air Chemistry Data
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program - Peer Review of the Tracking and Analysis Framework (TAF) for Use in the 1996 NAPAP Integrated Assessment, Bethesda, MA, December 18-20, 1995
National Energy Audit (NEAT) Users Manual Version 7
National Leadership Computing Facility
National Visual Analytics Center (NVAC) Workshop
Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research (NABIR) Field Research Center (FRC) Management Plan
Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research Program Establishes Field Research Center in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Natural and Synthetic Oxidoreductases in Cellulose Hydrolysis
Navigating the Nanoworld with Z-Contrast Microscopy
Navigating the Nanoworld With Z-Contrast STEM
Near Term Applications of Plasma Science and Fusion Research - National Laboratory Perspectives
Nearly-Adiabatic Atomic Physics: Methods-Data-Devices
Needs and opportunities for Alternative Energy Technologies
Needs Assessment for Manufacturing Ceramic Gas Turbine Components
Negative Ion Beam Cooling Using a Collisional RF Quadrupole Ion Guide
Negative Surface Ionization Source Equipped with a Spherical Geometry Lanthanum Hexaboride Ionizer for Production of Negative Halogens for RIB Generation
Nell1: a candidate gene for ENU-induced recessive lethal mutations at the 17R6 locus
NERI Project 99-119. A New Paradigm for Automatic Development of Highly Reliable Control Architectures for Nuclear Power Plants. Phase-2 Progress Report
NESC-II Pretest Thermal and Fracture Mechanics Analysis
Net Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: A National Assessment
NetLets: End-To-End QoS Mechanisms for Distributed Computing Over Internet Using Two-Paths
NetLets: Measurement-Based Routing for End-to-End Performance over the Internet
NetLets: Mechanisms for measurement-based end-to-end performance
Networking the National Leadership Computing Facility
Neural Network Model for Predicting Ferrite Number in Stainless Steel Welds
Neural Network Modeling of Weld Pool Shape in Pulsed-Laser Aluminum Welds
Neutron and Gamma Fluxes and dpa Rates for HFIR Vessel Beltline Region (Present and Upgrade Designs)
Neutron and Gamma Fluxes and dpa Rates for HFIR Vessel Beltline Region (Present and Upgrade Designs) Supplement 1
Neutron and Gamma Ray Imaging for Nuclear Materials Identification
Neutron and Gamma Ray Pulse Shape Data Acquisition From a Cf-252 Source
Neutron and Photon Multiplicities for Nuclear Material Detection and Identification
Neutron and X-ray Scattering in Pr1-x(La1-ySry)xMnO3 (x=0.45, y=0.15), a CMR Manganite Near a Bi-critical Point
Neutron Capture and Neutron Total Cross Sections Measurements of 27Al at Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator
Neutron Counting Measurements of BoroBond(TM) Blocks
Neutron Cross Section Measurements at the Spallation Neutron Source
Neutron Cross Sections Measurements at ORELA for Improved Nuclear Data and Their Applications
Neutron Cross Sections Measurements for Light Elements at ORELA and their Application in Nuclear Criticality
Neutron Cross-Section Measurements at ORELA
Neutron Cross-Section Measurements at ORELA for Improved Nuclear Data and Their Application
Neutron Detection Algorithm Development
Neutron Detector System for the Fissile Mass Flow Monitor Source Measurements
Neutron Diffraction Study of Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Welds
Neutron Dosimetry of the HFIR Hydraulic Facility
Neutron Imaging For NMC&A
Neutron Imaging with Bragg Mirrors
Neutron Irradiation Damage in Graphite and Its Effects on Properties
Neutron Irradiation Damage in Graphite Foam and its Effect on Properties
Neutron Magnetic Excitation Study of the Giant Magnetic Molecule {Mo72Fe30}
Neutron Monochromators for Residual Stress Mapping at the new HB-2 Beamport
Neutron Powder Diffraction Studies of the La0.65Pb0.35MnO3 Perovskite
Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of Structures I and II Trimethylene Oxide Hydrate as a Function of Temperature
Neutron Reflectometry Studies of Polymer Brushes in Confined Geometry.
Neutron Reflectometry Studies of Polymer Brushes in Confined Geometry.
Neutron Resonance Parameters of 238U and the Calculated Cross Sections from the Reich-Moore Analysis of Experimental Data in the Neutron Energy Range from 0 keV to 20 keV
Neutron Scattering and Strongly Correlated Materials
Neutron Scattering at the Frontier of Condensed Matter Physics
Neutron Scattering in the Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Yb14MnSb11
Neutron scattering instrumentation at the Spallation Neutron Source
Neutron Scattering Studies of Yb14MnSb11
Neutron Scattering Study of the Layered Ising Magnet CsDy(MoO4)2
Neutron Science in the 21st Century: New Facilities and Opportunities at ORNL
Neutron Slowing Down in a Detector with Absorption
Neutron Spectrometry Using CR-39 Track Etch Detectors
Neutron Transmission Measurements of BoroBond(TM) Blocks
Neutronic Analysis of Three-Element Core Configurations for the Advanced Neutron Source Reactor
Neutronic Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed-Oxide Fuel: Joint U.S./Russian Progress Report for Fiscal Year 1997 - Volume 4, Part 2--Saxton Plutonium Program Critical Experiments
Neutronic Consideration in the Design of the National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS)(Abstract)
Neutronic Design Calculations on Moderators for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)
Neutronic Design Studies for the National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS)
Neutronics Analyses for Beam Line Upgrades to the High Flux Isotope Reactor
Neutronics Benchmark for the Quad Cities-1 (Cycle 2) Mixed Oxide Assembly Irradiation
Neutronics Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed-Oxide Fuel: Joint U.S./Russian Progress Report for Fiscal Year 1997
Neutronics Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed-Oxide Fuel: Joint U.S./Russian Progress Report for Fiscal Year 1997 Volume 2-Calculations Performed in the United States
Neutronics Benchmarks of Mixed-Oxide Fuels Using the SCALE/CENTRM Sequence
Neutronics Benchmarks of Mixed-Oxide Fuels using the SCALE/CENTRM Sequence
Neutronics Feasibility Study for Conversion of the High Flux Isotope Reactor with LEU U-7Mo Dispersion Fuel
New 19Ne Resonance Observed Using an Exotic 18F Beam
New 19Ne Resonance Observed with a Thick Target 18F(p,p)18F Measurement
New Approaches for High-Throughput Identification and Characterization of Protein Complexes
New Capabilities for Processing Covariance Data in Resonance Region
New Capabilities for Processing Covariance Data in Resonance Region
New Capabilities to Calculate Volumes of SCALE/KENO-VI Geometry Models
New Characterization Techniques for Coated Particle Fuel
New Combined Solar Light And Power Systems: Hybrid Lighting
New Criticality Safety Analysis Capabilities in SCALE 5.1
New Developments in Image-Based Inspection of Coated Particle Nuclear Fuel
New Developments in Image-Based Inspection of Coated Particle Nuclear Fuel
New Developments in Nanoscale Science at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
New Evaluation of 238U Resonance Parameters
New Evaluation of the 232Th Neutron Resoanance Parameters in the Energy Range 0 to 4 keV
New Evaluation of the Th-232 Neutron Resonance Parameters in the Energy Range 0 to 4000 keV
New experimental results in proton radioactivity
New High-Flux SANS Instrumentation at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
New Insight into Antiproton Production and Reabsorption Using Proton-Nucleus Collisions at the AGS
New Insights Into Charge Ordering Phenomena in CMR Oxides
New Insights into the Behavior of F Element Metals and Compounds Under Pressure.
New Materials for Hydrogen Pipelines
New Measurements of the Solubility of Metal Oxides at High Temperatures
New Methodologies for Developing Radiation Embrittlement Models and Trend Curves of the Charpy Impact Test Data J. A. Wang and N. S. Rao
New Multi-Randge Force Sensor
New Neutron Cross Section Measurements at ORELA for Improved Nuclear Data
New Neutron Cross-Section Measurements at ORELA and Their Application in Nuclear Criticality Calculations
New Neutron Cross-Section Measurements at ORELA for Improved Nuclear Data
New Neutron Cross-Section Measurements at ORELA for Improved Nuclear Data Calculations
New Neutron Cross-Section Measurements on 19F, 39,41K, 55Mn, and 103Rh for Improved Nuclear Criticality Safety
New Neutron Cross-Section Measurements on 19F, 39,41K, 55Mn, and 103Rn for Improved Nuclear Criticality Safety
New Neutron Cross-Section Measurements on 41K and 55Mn from ORELA
New Neutron Source Algorithms in the ORIGEN-S Code
New NMIS Capabilities
New Pellet Injection Schemes on DIII-D
New Radioactive Beam Measurements and Theoretical Calculations Relevant for Novae and X-ray Bursters
New Resonance Parameter Evaluation of Cl Neutron Cross Section
New Resonance Parameter Evaluation of K Neutron Cross Section
New Results in Core Collapse Supernova Theory
New SCALE Graphical Interface for Criticality Safety
New Sensor Paradigm for Future Combat Systems
New structural model of the Si(112) 6 x 1-Ga interface
New Summing Algorithm Using Ensembel Computing
New Technology in Metalworking Fluids and Grinding Wheels Achieves 130-Fold Improvement in Grinding Performance
New Technology in Metalworking Fluids and Grinding Wheels Achieves Tenfold Improvement in Grinding Performance
New tools and paradigms for computational science--performance and productivity are not mutually exclusive.
New Two-Dimensional Deterministic Criticality Safety Capabilities in SCALE 5
New Ultra-Bright Source of Entangled Photons
New X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Data and PRISM Theory for Polyethylene Melts
NewtonPlus: Approximating Relativistic Effects in Supernova Simulations
Next Generation Munitions Handler - Advanced Telerobotics Technologies Demonstrator (NGMH-ATTD): Demonstration and Evaluation Report
Next Generation Neutron Sources
Next Generation Weigh-In-Motion (WIM): Enhancing Weighing and Measuring of Military Vehicles/Cargo
Ni-Cr Textured Substrates with Reduced Ferromagnetism for Coated Conductor Applications
Ni1-xCrx Substrate Alloys with Reduced or non-Ferromagnetic Properties for Coated Conductor Applications
Nilsson-Orbit and Weak-Coupling Model: Non-Axial Deformation
Niobium-Base Alloys for Space Nuclear Applications
Nitrogen Passivation of the Interface States Near the Conduction Band Edge of 4H-Silicon Carbide
NMIS Floor Reflection Effect Elimination with a DT Generator
NMIS Floor Reflection Effect Elimination with a DT Generator
NMIS Plus Gamma Ray Spectrometry for Verification of Water and B4C Content of the Isolating Material for Storage at HEUMF
NMIS Plus Gamma Spectroscopy for Attributes of HEU, PU, and HE Detection
NMIS Processing Capability
NMIS Software and Imaging
NMIS Time Correlations for Determining the Shape of Plutonium Musing Second Order Statistics
NMIS Time Correlations for Determining the Shape of Plutonium Using Second Order Statistics
NNFD External Website
NNFD External Website
Nodification and Application of FWENC Stabilization Process to Enhance Leach Resistance in Surrogates and Actual Radioactive Sludges
Non-Conventional Inductive Behavior of YBa2Cu3O7 Coated Conductors: a New Physical Re-Understanding
Non-Linear Transport Imaging by Scanning Impedance Microscopy
Non-Linear Transport Imaging by Scanning Impedance Microscopy
Non-Lipschitzian Control of Friction
Non-Structural Approaches for Addressing Dissolved Oxygen Concerns at Hydropower Facilities
Nonenergy Benefits from the Weatherization Assistance Program: A Summary of Findings from the Recent Literature
Nonequilibrium Phase Selection during Weld Solidification of Fe-C-Mn-Al Steels
Nonequilibrium Phase Selection during Weld Solidification of Fe-C-Mn-Al Steels
Nonequilibrium Solidification in Fe-C-Al-Mn Steel Welds
Nonlinear Analysis of EKG Data
Nonlinear Coupling Control Laws for a 3-DOF Overhead Crane System
Nonlinear Coupling Control Laws for an Overhead Crane System
Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring
Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring
Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring
Nonlinear Dispersion Properties of Sub-Wavelength Photonic Crystals
Nonlinear Dispersion Properties of Sub-Wavelength Photonic Crystals
Nonlinear Evolution of Quantum States in the Adiabatic Regime
Nonlinear Fatigue Monitoring
Nonlinear Properties of Ion-Implanted Photonic Crystals
Nonmonotonic Response of Solid State Laser Arrays to Injection
North Tank Farm Data Report for the Gunite and Associated Tanks at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Not-In-Kind Technologies for Residential and Commercial Unitary Equipment
Nova Nucleosynthesis Calculations: Robust Uncertainties, Sensitivies, and Radioactive Ion Beam Measurements
Nova Nucleosynthesis Calculations: Robust Uncertainties, Sensitivities, and Radioactive ion Beam Measurements
Nova Nucleosynthesis of Gamma-Ray Emitters and Radioactive Beam Measurements
Novel Active Interrogation Techniques for the Detection of Special Nuclear Material
Novel Active Interrogation Techniques for the Detection of Special Nuclear Material
Novel Approach to NaOH Separation: Synergistic Pseudo-Hydroxide Extraction by a Fluorinated Alcohol and Cage-Functionalized Crown Ethers
Novel Bifuncational Anion Exchange Resins for the Highly Selective Soprtion of Perchlorate and Pertechnetate
Novel Fabrication and Simple Hybridization of Exotic Material MEMS
Novel Glucose Biosensor Based on the Microcantilever
Novel Magnetic and Chemical Micro Sensors for In-situ, Real-time, and Unattended Use
Novel Magnetic Geometries to Cure the Divertor Heat Flux Problem for Reactors
Novel Mesoporous Uranium-Oxide Based Catalysts for Removal of Volatile Hydrocarbons and Chloro-Organic Compounds: Synthesis and Reactivity Studies
Novel Surface Phases of Correlated Electron Materials
Novel Surface Phases of Correlated Electron Materials
Novel Uranium-Oxide Based Catalysts for Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene
NOx Control and Measurement Technology for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines
NOx Reduction with Natural Gas for Lean Large-Bore Engine Applications Using Lean NOx Trap Aftertreatment
NOx Reduction with Natural Gas for Lean Large-Bore Engine Applications Using Lean NOx Trap Aftertreatment
NSTX Reflectometer Measurements of RF Waves in the Scrape-off Layer in Front of the HHFW Array
Nuclear and Fundamental Physics Instrumentation for the ANS Project
Nuclear Astrophysics Data Dissemination & Coordination
Nuclear Astrophysics Data Sets - www.nucastrodata.org
Nuclear Charge-Changing Cross Sections of 158 A GeV 208Pb Ions.
Nuclear Criticality Safety of the DOT 9975 Container for 237NpO2 Storage, Handling, and Transport
Nuclear Data at the Limits for Astrophysics
Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications
Nuclear Data for Astrophysics
Nuclear Data for Nuclear Astrophysics
Nuclear Data Measurements with the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA) for Supporting Nuclear Fuel Cycle Applications
Nuclear Data Measurements, Analysis and Evaluation at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Support of Nuclear Criticality Safety
Nuclear Data on Neutron-Rich Nuclei for Astrophysics
Nuclear Data Strategies for Mapping the Cosmos
Nuclear Data to Support Computer Code Validation
Nuclear Dependence of Drell-Yan and J/y Production in FNAL E866
Nuclear Desalination Options for the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS) Design
Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Futures
Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Costs
Nuclear Ground-State Properties from Mean-Field Calculations
Nuclear Hydrogen for Peak Electricity Production and Commercial Sale
Nuclear Hydrogen for Peak Electricity Production and Commerical Sale
Nuclear Hydrogen for Peak Electricity Production and Spinning Reserve
Nuclear Hydrogen for Production of Liquid Hydrocarbon Transport Fuels
Nuclear Hydrogen for Production of Liquid Hydrocarbon Transport Fuels
Nuclear Hydrogen Production Requirements and Reactor Options
Nuclear Hydrogen Production: Isolating the Nuclear Reactor and Chemical Facilities
Nuclear Hydrogen Production: Isolating the Nuclear Reactor and Chemical Facilities
Nuclear Materials Identification by Photon Interrogation
Nuclear Materials Identification System Operational Manual
Nuclear Medicine Program Progress Report for Quarter Ending December 31, 1996
Nuclear Medicine Program Progress Report for Quarter Ending June 30, 1995
Nuclear Medicine Program Progress Report for Quarter Ending March 31, 1995
Nuclear Medicine Program Progress Report for Quarter Ending September 30, 1995
Nuclear Power for the Transport Sector
Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operator Control and Monitoring Task
Nuclear Power Plant Implementation of a Johnson Noise Thermometer
Nuclear Production of Hydrogen
Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties and Their Effects on Nova Nucleosynthesis Modeling
Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties and Their Effects on Nova Nucleosynthesis Modeling
Nuclear Reaction Studies at theHHIRF Facility -- a Perspective
Nuclear Reaction Studies with Radioactive 17F Beams
Nuclear Reactor Power for Exploration of Moon, Mars, and Beyond
Nuclear Security in the 21st Century (presentation)
Nuclear Structure Research at the Holifield Facility
Nuclear Structure Studies with ISOL Beams at the HRIBF
Nuclear Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen with a Lower-Temperature Iodine-Westinghouse-Ispra Sulfur Process
Nuclear Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen with a Lower-Temperature Iodine-Westinghouse-Ispra Sulfur Process
Nuclear War Survival Skills
Nucleation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Nucleic Acids: Thermal Stability and Denaturation
Nuclide Importance to Criticality Safety, Decay Heating, and Source Terms Related to Transport and Interim Storage of High-Burnup LWR Fuel
Numerical biogeochemistry science inside the next generation global coupled climate model
NWPerf: A system Wide Performance Monitoring Tool for Large Linux Clusters
Oak Ridge 25URC Tandem Accelerator 2000 SNEAP Lab Report
Oak Ridge 25URC Tandem Accelerator 2001 SNEAP Lab Report
Oak Ridge 25URC Tandem Accelerator 2002 SNEAP Lab Report
Oak Ridge Isotope Products and Services - Current and Expected Supply and Demand
Oak Ridge Multiple Attribute System (ORMAS) for Pu, HEU, HE, Chemical Agents, and Drugs
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Generation Capabilities
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Facilities Revitalization Project - Project Management Plan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Heat Pump Performance Prediction: Computer Code Additions and Verification
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Institutional Plan for FY 1999 Through FY 2003
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Institutional Plan for FY 2001-FY 2005
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Institutional Plan, FY 2000 through FY 2004
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Land and Facilities Plan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Legacy Materials Disposition Initiative Strategic Plan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Old Hydrofracture Facility Tank Closure Plan and Grout Development Status Report for FY 1999
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Parking Lot and Traffic Flow Plan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Program Plan for Certification of Nonradioactive Hazardous Waste
Oak Ridge National Laboratory REVIEW, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2001
Oak Ridge National Laboratory REVIEW, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2000
Oak Ridge National Laboratory REVIEW, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2000
Oak Ridge National Laboratory REVIEW, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2001
Oak Ridge National Lebroatory Liquid & Gaseous Waste Treatment System Strategic Plan
Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report for 1996
Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report Summary, 2002
Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report Summary, 2003
Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report Summary, 2004
Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report, 2003
Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report, 2004
Oak Ridge Reservation Annual Site Environmental Report, 2005
Oak Ridge Reservation: Physical Characteristics and National Resources
Object Tracking by a Robot Manipulator: A Robust Cooperative Visual Servoing Approach
Observability and Controllability for QoS in Wide-Area Networks
Observation of Correlated-Photon Statistics Using a Single Detector
Observation of Correlated-Photon Statistics Using a Single Detector
Observation of Correlated-Photon Statistics Using a Single Detector.
Observation of Magnetic Moments in the Superconducting State of YBa2Cu3O6.6
Observation of Superionic Conductivity in Highly Oriented Nanometer Scale ZrO2-10 mol.% Y2O3 (10YSZ) Films
Observation of Two Length Scales for Phase Separation in (La< sub>5/8-0.3Pr0.3)Ca3/8MnO< sub>3
Observing and Modeling High-Temperature Phase Transformations
Observing and Modeling High-Temperature Phase Transformations
OECD/NEA Burnup Credit Calculational Criticality Benchmark Phase I-B Results
Off-Highway Emission Control with High System Efficiency
Off-Highway Transportation-Related Fuel Use
Offline Pulse Shape Discrimination Algorithms for Neutron Spectrum Unfolding
Offline Pulse-Shape Discrimination Algorithms for Neutron Spectrum Unfolding
Offline Pulse-Shape Discrimination Algorithms for Neutron Spectrum Unfolding
OHVT Technology Roadmap
Oil Dependence: The Value of R&D
OIT Wireless Telemetry for Industrial Applications
On Asymptotically Optimal Meshes by Coordinate Tranformation
On Bias in To Values Derived with Compact and PCVN Specimens
On Design and Performance of Metafusers
On Dynamics of Network Transport Protocols
On Dynmaics of Network Transport Protocols
On general quickest path problem and path-tables
On Methods for Enhancing the Performances ECR Ion Sources
On Nearest Neighbor Implementation of Projective Fusers
On Optimal Bilinear Quadrilateral Meshes
On Sample-Based Implementation of Decision Fusion Function
On Sample-Based Implementation of Decision Fusion Functions
On Sample-Based Implementation of Non-Smooth Decision Fusion Functions
On Sample-Based Implementation of Non-Smooth Decision Fusion Functions
On the Development of Metrics for Multi-Robot Teams within the ALLIANCE Architecture.
On the Diffusion of Alloying Elements in the Nickel-Base Superalloys
On the Effectiveness of a Multiaxial Fatigue-Life Predictive Method Based on a Virtual Strain-Energy Concept
On the Efficient Treatment of Data Covariance Matrices
On the electronic state of Mn impurities in GaAs
On the ferromagnetic interactions in Mn doped III-V semiconductors
On the glass forming ability criteria of bulk metallic glasses
On the Modeling of Robots Operating on Ships
On The Nature of Pairing in the Cuprates
On the Nature of Pairing in the Two-dimensional t-J Model
On the Nature of Pairing in the Two-Dimensional t-J Model
On the Origin of Pairing in Cuprate Superconductors.
On the Origin of the High Resistance to Coarsening of "Omega" Plates in Al-Cu-Mg-Ag Alloys
On the Use of Phosphors for Flow Measurements
On-demand Grid Storage using Scavenging
On-Line Measurements of Beryllium, Chromium, and Mercury by Using Aerosol Beam Focused Laser-Induced Plasma Spectrometer and Time-Integrated Filter Sampling Reference Method
One-Dimensional Magnetic Nanowires
One-Dimensional Magnetic Nanowires
Ontologies and The Earth System Grid
Ontology Engineering For Distributed Collaboration in Manufacturing
Ontology Engineering for Distributed Collaboration in Manufacturing
Ontology-enriched Visualization of Human Anatomy
Operating and Life-Cycle Costs for Uranium-Contaminated Soil Treatment Technologies
Operating Controls and Dynamics for Floating Refrigerant Loop for High Heat Flux Electonics
Operating Controls and Dynamics for Floating Refrigerant Loop for High Heat Flux Electronics
Operation of 3He Proportional Chambers in High Gamma Radiation Fields
Operational Experience with the SNS Hith Power Protection Module
Operational Guideline: Tenax TA(R) Collection and In-Injection Port Thermal Desorption Analysis of Trace Levels of Organic Explosive Vapors
Operator Manual for X-ray Residual Stress Mapping
Opportunistic Adaptation in Space-Based Robot Colonies: Application to Site Preparation.
Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research at the Oak Ridge Spallation Neutron Source
Opportunities for Low Cost Titanium in Reduced Fuel Consumption, Improved Emissions, and Enhanced Durability Heavy Duty Vehicles
Opportunities for Regulatory Reform for DOE Cleanup
Optical and Microcantilever-Based Sensors for Real-Time In Situ Characterization of High-level Waste
Optical Characterization of CdS and CdS:Mn Nanocrystals Fabricated by Ion-Beam Synthesis
Optical Characterization of TRISO Fuel Particle Cross-Sections using Generalized Ellipsometry
Optical Evidence for Mass Enhancement of Quasiparticles in Pyrochlore Cd2Re2O7
Optical Holographic Microscopy for Inspection and Metrology of Photolithographic Masks
Optical Inspection of Coated Particle Nuclear Fuel
Optical Properties and Electronic Structure of Polymer Nanostructures
Optical Properties and Electronic Structure of Polymer Nanostructures.
Optical Readout for Imaging Neutron Scintillation Detectors
Optical Spatial Heterodyned Interferometry for Applications in Semiconductor Inspection and Metrology
Optical Spectroscopy of the Structural Phase Transition of VO2 Nanocrystals in Optical Fibers and Thin Films
Optically Actuated All Optical Mechanical Switch
Optically Actuated Photonic Switch (OAPS)
Optimal Control for a Standard CPR Model
Optimal Control in Hybrid Systems: An Efficient Decision Making Tool
Optimal Control of a Standard CPR Model
Optimal Control of Boundary Hostility for Interacting Populations
Optimal Control of Discrete Time Models
Optimal Control of Transient Behavior in Coupled Solid State Lasers
Optimization and Characterization of Chemical Vapor Infiltrated SiC/SiC Components
Optimization of a Carbon Composite Bipolar Plate for PEM Fuel Cells
Optimization of an Offline Pulse Shape Discrimination Technique for the Liquid Scintillator BC-501A
Optimization of growth conditions for the synthesis of vertically aligned arrays of single wall carbon nanotubes
Optimization of Micromachined Photon Devices
Optimization of Mo-Si-B Intermetallics
Optimization of Mo-Si-B Intermetallics
Optimization of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Fe3Al Alloy Tubes: Application Specific Development for the Power Generation Industry
Optimization of Pseudo-Porous SiC Fiber Coatings for SiC/SiC Composites
Optimization of SMA Weld Metal Composition
Optimization of the Ion-Cut Process in Si and SiC
Optimization-based Method for Automated Road Network Extraction
Optimized Field Sampling and Monitoring of Airborne Hazardous Transport Plumes; A Geostatistical Simulation Approach
Optimized Implantation Conditions for Achieving Thin-Film Separation in SiC and Si
Optimizing the Grinding Process for Ceramic Materials
Optimizing the Imperfect Oxidation Performance of Iron Aluminides
Optimum Fuel Cell Utilization with Multilevel Inverters
OPUS/PlotOPUS: An ORIGEN-S Post-Processing Utility and Plotting Program for SCALE
ORCED: A Model to Simulate the Operations and Cost of Bulk-Power Markets
Orchestrating Bulk Data Movement in Grid Environments
Order-to-Disorder Transition in the XY-Like Quantum Magnet Cs2CoCl4 Induced by Noncommuting Applied Fields
ORFIN: An Electric Utility Financial and Production Simulator
Organization Management - Maintenance Via the Web
Organization Molecular Wires in Ordered Mesoporous Silica
Oriented Luminescent Nanostructures from Single Molecules of Conjugated Polymers
Oriented nanostructures from single molecules of a conjugated polymer
Oriented Quantum Dots by Buffer Layer Growth Process
Oriented Quantum Dots by Buffer Layer Growth Process
Oriented Semiconducting Polymer Nanorods
Oriented Semiconducting Polymer Nanorods
Oriented, Single Domain Fe Nanoparticle Layers in Single Crystal Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia
ORIGEN-ARP Cross-Section Libraries for Magnox, Advanced Gas-Cooled, and VVER Reactor Designs
ORIGEN-ARP, A Fast and Easy-to-Use Source Term Generation Tool
ORIGEN-ARP: A New Windows PC Package for ORIGEN Users
ORIGEN-S Decay Data Library and Half-Life Uncertaintities
Origin of Coexisting Plagioclases (Andesine-Anorthite) in the Boehls Butte Anorthosite, Northern Idaho
ORLaND - Oak Ridge Laboratory for Neutrino Detectors
ORLaND: A Proposed Facility to Investigate Neutrino Properties Relevant to Astrophysics
ORNL - Expanding National R&D Capabilities
ORNL Annual Progress Report for the PEEMR Program
ORNL Capabilities in Support of the NVAC Visual Analytics Framework
ORNL Corporate Fellow Council Directory 1998-1999
ORNL DAAC for Biogeochemical Dynamics
ORNL DAAC for Biogeochemical Dynamics
ORNL Desiccant Program Focus - How It Fits the Plan
ORNL detection component summary
ORNL Groundwater Protection Plan (GWPP)
ORNL Immobilization: Surrogate Results
ORNL LDRD A Lower-Temperature Iodine-Sulfur Thermochemical Process for Hydrogen Production
ORNL Measurements at Hanford Waste Tank TX-118
ORNL Methodology for Covariance Generation for Sensitivity/Uncertainity Analysis
ORNL Methodology for Covariance Generation for Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analyses
ORNL Mock-Up Tests of Inside Launch Pellet Injection on JET and LHD
ORNL Nuclear Safety Research and Development Program Bimonthly Report for July-August 1968
ORNL Nuclear Safety Research and Development Program Bimonthly Report for September-October 1968
ORNL Power Electronics Research for DER Utility Interfaces
ORNL Production of Ac-225 for Medical Applications
ORNL Radioisotopes Procedures Manual
ORNL Site Survey for DOE Computer Graphics Forum 2003
ORNL Status and Plans for Russian Pulsating Mixer Pump
ORNL Strategic Plan for the 21st Century Laboratory
ORNL Superconducting Technology Program for Electric Power Systems - Annual Report for FY 1995
ORNL Superconducting Technology Program for Electric Power Systems--Annual Report for FY 2001
ORNL Superconducting Technology Program for Electric Power Systems: Annual Report for FY 1999
ORNL's Mass Storage System
ORNL-RSH Package and Windows '03 PVM 3.4
ORNL/CF-00/05: Test Plan for Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Crystalline Silicotitanate
OSCAR Clusters
Outline of ORNL Crack-Related Research of Interest to Structural Assessment of Aging Aircraft
Overall Plan for Physics Outlining Steps Necessary for Insertion of the LTA and Operation Using a 1/3 MOX Loaded Core
Overcoming Nation's Roadblocks to Photosynthetic H2 Production
Overview and Status of the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Overview Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Power Electronic and Electric Machinery Research Center
Overview of Creep Strength and Oxidation of Heat-Resistant Alloy Sheets and Foils for Compact Heat-Exchangers
Overview of Irradiation Effects on Fracture Toughness and Crack-Arrest Toughness of RPV Steels
Overview of Nuclear Detection Needs for Homeland Security
Overview of Nuclear Materials Safeguards Methodologies and Technologies
Overview of Nuclear Salt Applications
Overview of Russian-American Collaboration on the Beneficial Uses of Depleted Uranium
Overview of Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Methods for Establishing Areas of Applicability and Subcritical Margins
Overview of the NSNS Target Station
Overview of the Nuclear Data Activities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for Criticality Safety Applications
Overview of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Overview of the R&D Program for the Spallation Neutron Source Target
Overview of the Recovery and Processing of 233U and Other Activities
Overview of the Recovery and Processing of 233U from the Oak Ridge Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) Remediation Activities
Overview of the Safety Issues Associated with the Compressed Natural Gas Fuel System and Electric Drive System in a Heavy Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Overview of the SCALE TSUNAMI Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Tools
Overview of the SciDAC Community Climate System Model Project
Overview of the U.S. Depleted Uranium (DU) Uses Research and Development (R&D) Project
Overview of U.S. Depleted Uranium (DU) Uses Research and Development (R&D) Program
Owners of Nuclear Power Plants
Owners of Nuclear Power Plants
Oxidation of Aniline Dimers in the Electrospray Emitter
Oxidation of Mo-41 Re at Low Oxygen Pressures: 2000 Status Report
Oxidation of Mo-Re at Reduced Oxygen Pressures
Oxidative Reactions with Nonaqueous Enzymes
Oxide Coatings on Silicon Nitride by Displacement Reactions
Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Fe3Al-Based Alloy Tubes: Application Specific Development for the Power Generation Industry
Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Fe3Al-Based Alloy Tubes: Application-Specific Development for the Power Generation Industry
Oxides and Electrical Transport at ORNL/UT
Oxygen Isotope Fractionation of Iron Oxide Minerals at Low Temperatures
Ozonation of Produced Water from Oil Production Wells
Ozone Treatment of Soluble Organics in Produced Water (FEAC307)
Ozone Treatment of Soluble Organics in Produced Water (FEAC307)
Ozone Treatment of Soluble Organics in Produced Water (FEAC307)
P Intertwined CDW and Defect Ordering Phase Transitions in a 2-D System
Pack Cementation Diffusion Coatings for Fe-Base and Refractory Alloys
Packaging and Transportation-Related Occurrence Reports Fiscal Year 1996 Annual Report
Packaging- and Transportation-Related Occurrence Reports Fiscal Year 1995 Annual Report
Packed Storage Extension For Scalapack
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Northwest Plume Interceptor System Evaluation
PAH Photochemistry - Atmospheric and Aqueous
Painting a Big Picture: Using Activity Counts and Savings Multipliers To Estimate State Energy Program Accomplishments
Palm Wireless Interface for Distributed Robots
Paper for presentation to ASTM 33rd National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics titled "Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring"
Paradigm for selecting the optimum classifier in semiconductor automatic defect classification applications
Parallel and Dsitributed Simulation Systems and the High Level Architecture
Parallel Computing Environments and Methods for Power Distribution System Simulation
Parallel Out-of-Core Algorithm for Genome-Scale Enumeration of Metabolic Systemic Pathways
Parallel Out-of-core Extension to ScaLAPACK
Parallel Solution of the Boundary Integral Equations for Elasticity
Parallel Solution of the Boundary Integral Equations for Elasticity
Parallelization of MFIX
Parallelization of the Diffusion Equation Method for Global Optimization.
Parametric Analysis of PWR Spent Fuel Depletion Parameters for Long-Term Disposal Criticality Safety
Parametric Analysis of Variables that Affect the Performance of a Desiccant Dehumidification System
Parametric Study of Control Rod Exposure for PWR Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses
Parametric Study of the Effect of Burnable Poison Rods for PWR Burnup Credit
Parametric Study of the Effect of Control Rods for PWR Burnup Credit
Parking and Routing Information System Phase 1 Evaluation - Data Management and Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plans
Parking and Routing Information System Phase I Evaluation - Individual Evaluation Test Plans
Particles Produced by Charge Detonation: Measurement and Analysis.
Partitioning of priority contaminants in high-biomass systems and associated impacts on emission control
Partitioning of Tank Waste Sludge in a 5-cm Centrifugal Contactor Under Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Conditions
Partnership Opportunities with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Passivation of Fluorinated Activated Charcoal
Passivation of the 4H-SiC/SiO2 Interface with Nitric Oxide
Passive (NMIS) Measurements on Plutonium Oxide Samples
Passive Detection of Low Spontaneous Fission Rate Source with Fast Time Correlation Methods
Passive Multiplicity Counting with the Nuclear Materials Identification System for Plutonium
Patterned Growth of Highly Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on Sol-Gel Prepared Substrates
Patterned Ion-Cut Transfer of Si Layer
Patterned Wafer Segmentation
PCAST Study and Roadmapping Activities on Carbon Sequestration
PCR+ In Diesel Fuels and Emissions Research
Pedestal Profiles and Fluctuations in C-Mod Enhanced D-alpha H-modes
Peeking into 21st Century Distributed Data Intensive Science
Pellet Fabrication Characteristics of TRU Oxides Produced by Modified Direct Denitration
Perfluoro(Methylcyclohexane) Tracer Tagging Test and Demonstration
Performance Analysis of GYRO: A Tool Evaluation
Performance Analysis of Integrated Active Desiccant Rooftop Air-Conditioning System Operating in Heating Mode
Performance and Applications of the ORNL Local Electrode Atom Probe
Performance and experiences on porting XGC to the Cray XIE and XT3.
Performance Assessment of the Waste Dislodging and Conveyance System During the Gunite and Associated Tanks Remediation Project
Performance Assessment of the Waste Dislodging Conveyance System During the Gunite And Associated Tanks Remediation Project
Performance Comparisons of Four Direct Geometry Spectrometers Planned for the Spallation Neutron Source
Performance Evaluation and Modeling of a Parallel Astrophysics Application
Performance Evaluation of In-Situ Iron Reactive Barriers at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Site
Performance Evaluation of the IBM SP and the Compaq AlphaServer SC
Performance Evaluation of Time-Weighted Backvalues least Squares VS NOGA Track Estimators Via Senso Data Fusion and Trac Fusion for Small Target Detection Applications
Performance Measures for Evaluating Public Participation Activities in the Office of Environmental Management (DOE)
Performance Modeling and Analysis: Striking a Balance between Resolution and Insight
Performance of a Graphite Foam Thermosyphon for Cooling Integrated Circuits
Performance of a NOx Adsorber and Catalyzed Particle Filter System on a Light-Duty Diesel Vehicle
Performance of Alternate Precursors for Graphite Foam
Performance of an All-Permanent Magnet ECR Ion Source with a Large, Uniformly Distributed Resonant-Plasma Volume: First Results
Performance of Materials in Black Liquor Gasification Environments
Performance of Powder-Filled Evacuated Panel Insulation in a Manufactured Home Roof Cavity: Tests in the Large Climate Simulator
Performance of Spherical Harmonic Transform on Modern Architectures
Performance of the Vibration Damping Pads in the APS Storage Ring
Performance of Various Computers Using Standard Linear Equations Software, (Linpack Benchmark Report)
Performance Testing the Series Machine from Delphi : April 2004
Performance Trade-Offs of TCP Adaptation methods
Performance Trade-Offs of TCP Adaptation Methods
Performance-Based Management System Project Management Plan
Periodic Ferroelectric Heterostructures with Broken Inversion Symmetry Resulting from Local Composition Gradients
Perixodase-Catalyzed Epoxidation of Alkenes
Peroxidase-Catalyzed Epoxidation of Alkenes
Perpendicular ac Susceptibility of Coated Conductors
Perspective on Advances in Resonance-Region Nuclear Modeling and Opportunities for Future Research
Perspective on Redundancy: Applications to Software Certification
Perspectives of Fundamental Actinide Science: Past, Present and Future
Petascale Virtual Machine: Computing on 100,000 Processors
PFLOTRAN: A massively parallel simulator for groundwater flow and transport
Phase 1 Data Summary Report for the Clinch River Remedial Investigation: Health Risk and Ecological Risk Screening Assessment
Phase Behavior of Blends of Linear and Branched Polyethylenes on Micron Length-Scales Via Ultra-Small Angle Neutron Scattering (USANS)
Phase Behavior of Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Blends with and without High-Pressure CO2
Phase Compositions in Alloy 718: A Comparison Between APT/APFIM Measurements and Thermodynamic Predictions
Phase Compositions in Alloy 718: A Comparison Between APT/APFIM Measurements and Thermodynamic Predictions
Phase defect detection with spatial heterodyne interferometry
Phase Diagram of Hydrogen on Be(0001) from Reconstruction-Induced Surface Core-Level Shifts
Phase Equilibria of Ba-R-Cu-O for Coated-Conductor Applications (R=Lanthanides and Yttrium)
Phase Equilibrium Studies of Savannah River Tanks and Feed Streams for the Salt Waste Processing Facility
Phase Formation of Ba2YCu3O6 + x in the Ba-Y-Cu-F-O-OH System
Phase I Report: DARPA Exoskeleton Program
Phase II CRADA ORNL99-0568 Report : Developing Transmission-Less Inverter Drive Systems for Axial-Gap Permanent magnet Accessory and Traction Motors and Generators
Phase Relations and Phase Evolution in the Ba-Y-Cu-F-O-H2O System
Phase Relationships and Phase Formation in the System BaF2-BaO-Y2O3CuO x-H2O
Phase Selection Phenomena During Low Alloy Steel Weld Solidification
Phase Stability in Cast HP Austenite After Long-Term Ageing
Phases: From Nuclei to Quantum Dots
Phenomena and Parameters Important to Burnup Credit
Phosphor Thermometry at ORNL
Phosphor Thermometry in an Operating Turbine Engine
Phosphor Thermometry Shortcourse
Photo-induced Surface Potential of Bacteriorhodopsin Mutant D96N Measured by AFM and SSPM
Photo-Luminescence of Einsteinium in Silicate Matrix
Photoconductive Properties of Doped UO2
Photoluminescence and Local Structure of Ge Nanoclusters on Si Without a Wetting Layer
Photoluminescence Characterization of Individual CdS Nanocrystals Embedded in Dielectric Matrices
Photoluminescence from CdS Nanocrystals Fabricated by Sequential Ion Implantation
Photoluminescence of Cu and Al Codoped ZnS Nanocrystals Fabricated by Sequential Ion Implantation
Photoluminescence of Single CdS:Mn Nanocrystals Fabricated by Sequential Ion Implantation
Photoluminescence Properties in Impurity-Doped ZnS Nanocrystals Fabricated by Sequential Ion Implantation
Photoluminescence Properties of Impurity-Doped ZnS Nanocrystals Fabricated by Sequential Ion Implantation
Photonic Polymers
Photonuclear Physics Models, Simulations, and Experiments for Nuclear Nonproliferation
Photonuclear Physics Models, Simulations, And Experiments For Nuclear Nonproliferation
Physical properties and crystallization temperature of rare earth scandate films
Physics Analyses in the Design of the HFIR Cold Neutron Source
Physics Analysis of the LS-VHTR: Salt Coolant and Fuel Block Design
Physics at the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA): Exploring the Nuclear Landscape
Physics Division Progress Report for Period Ending September 30, 1992
Physics Issues in the Design of a High B Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarator
Physics of Radioactive Nuclear Beams: Exploring the Nuclear Landscape
Physics with Heavy Neutron Rich RIBs at the HRIBF
Physics with Heavy Neutron-Rich RIBs at the HRIBF
PhysioMI - Linking Human Anatomy to Knowledgebases: A Visual Front End for Electronic Medical Records
PhysioML - An Extensible Markup Language for Physiological Modeling
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy: Fields Below The Surface
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy: Quantitative Analysis of Nanoscale Ferroelectric Hysteresis Loops
Pilot-Scale Demonstration of the Modified Direct Denitration Process to Prepare Uranium Oxide for Fuel Fabrication Evaluation
PIMAL: Computational Phantom with Moving Arms and Legs
Pinning Action of Correlated Disorder against Equilibrium Properties of HgBa2Ca2Cu3Ox: a Delicate Balance
Pinning Action of Correlated Disorder against Equilibrium Properties of HgBa2Ca2Cu3Ox
Pioneer Robot Cold Testing Program
Pioneer Robot System Testing and Training Status
Pioneer Robot Testing Program and Status
Pipeline Flaw Detection Using Shear EMAT and Wavelet Analysis
Pipeline Flaw Detection with Wavelet Packets and Gas
Pipeline Unplugging Assessment and Recommendations for the Fernald Environmental Management Project
Planning Protective Action Decision-Making: Evacuate or Shelter-in-Place
Plant Design for the Production of DUAGG
Plasma Arc Lamp Processing of Magnesium Alloy Sheet
Plasma Fueling, Pumping, and Tritium Handling Considerations for FIRE
Plasma Plume Characteristics and Properties of Pulsed Laser Deposited Diamond-Like Carbon Films
Plasma Technology Critical Issues and Opportunities
Plastic Instability Behavior of bcc and hcp Metals after Low Temperature Neutron Irradiation
Plastic Instability Behavior of Refractory Metals After Low Temperature Neutron Irradiation
Plunge Testing to Evaluate Tool Materials for Friction Stir Welding of 6061+20wt%Al203 Composite
Plutonium and Neptunium Conversion Using Modified Direct Denitration
Plutonium Attribute Estimation From Passive NMIS Measurements at VNIIEF
Plutonium Production Using Natural Uranium From the Front-End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
PM Motor Parametric Design Analyses for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Traction Drive Application
PM Motor Parametric Design Analyses for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Traction Drive Application: Interim Report
Point KENO V.a: A Continuous-Energy Monte Carlo Code for Criticality Safety Applications
Point KENO V.a: A Continuous-energy Monte Carlo Code for Transport Applications
Point Process Analysis of Geophysical Data for Characterization of UXO Sites.
Polarised and Cold Neutron Inelastic Scattering: One American Perspective
Polarized Inelastic Neutron Scattering Measurements in the Quasi-One Dimensional Antiferromagnet KCuF3
Polaron Lifetime in La0.75Ca0.25MnO3
Polaron Percolation in MnxGe1-x Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor
POLIDENT: A Module for Generating Continuous-Energy Cross Sections from ENDF Resonance Data
Polychromatic X-ray Microbeam Techniques for Micron Resolution 3-D Studies of Deformation in Metals
Polychromatic X-Ray Microdiffraction Studies of the Evolution of Grain Microstructures in 2D and 3D Materials
Polychromatic X-Ray Microdiffracton Characterization of Local Crystallographic Microstructure Evolution in 3D
Polymer Matrix Composites
Polymer-Based Structures for Meso- and Nano-scale Photonics
Polymorphism and Phase Transitions of K3Lu(PO4)2
Polystyrene Network-Network Interdiffusion
Porosity Prediction in Aluminum A356 Alloy Castings
Porosity Prediction in Aluminum A356 Alloy Castings
Porous Carbon Fiber Composites for Natural Gas Storage
Port Monitor: Progress & Open Questions
Portable Fast Neutron Radiography for Fissile Material Transfers
Portable Fast-Neutron Radiography with the Nuclear Materials Identification System
Portable Fast-Neutron Radiography with the Nuclear Materials Identification System (NMIS)
Portable Manipulator Systems for Remote Maintenance at the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source Project
Portable Neutron Radiography to Track Fissile Material Transfers
Portable Neutron Radiography to Track Fissile Material Transfers
Porting and Performance of the Community Climate System Model (CCSM3) on the Cray X1
Position Sensitive Scintillation Neutron Detectors Using a Crossed-Fiber Optic Readout Array
Position Statement on Remote and Distributed Visualization Frameworks
Possible Agenda for Systematic Code Comparison to Resolve RAC/EDA Differences
Possible Effects of Competition on Electricity Consumers in the Pacific Northwest
Possible Evidence of T = 0 n-p Pairing in Superdeformed N Approximately Equal to Z Zinc Isotopes
Post Irradiation Examinations of FMDP ATR Mox Fuel
Post-Irradiation Examination of 237Np Targets for 238Pu Production
Post-Irradiation Examination of Array Targets - Part I
Post-Processing of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Hyperbolic Equations
Postirradiation Evaluations of Capsules HANS-1 and HANS-2 Irradiated in the HFIR Target Region in Support of Fuel Development for the Advanced Neutron Source
Potential Economic Benefit from Innovative Mercury Separation Technology
Potential Effects of Gallium on Cladding Materials
Potential for Biocatalysis in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry: Related Issues and Challenges
Potential Hazards Relating to Pyrolysis of c-C4F8O, n-C4F10, and c-C4F8 in Selected Gaseous Diffusion Plant Operations
Potential Radon-222 Emissions from the Thorium Nitrate Stockpile
Potential Refrigerants for Power Electronics Cooling
Potential Uses of Depleted Uranium
Potential Uses of Depleted Uranium
Potential Uses of Depleted Uranium
Potentiometric Measurements of the Thermodynamics of Cadmium(II) Chloride Complexation to High Temperatures
Powder Cermet Processes for Spent Nuclear Cask Manufacturing
Powder-Metallurgical Experiments and Manufacturing Studies of DUO2-Steel Cermets for Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks
Powder-Metallurgy Experiments and Manufacturing Studies on DUO2-Steel Cermets for SNF Casks
Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Innovations at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Research Center -- Fact Sheet
Power Electronics and Motor Research at ORNL
Power Electronics for Distributed Energy Systems and Transmission and Distribution Applications: Assessing the Technical Needs for Utility Applications
Power Electronics Introduction and Overview
Power Quality and the Control of DG on Distribution Systems
Practical AC Loss and Thermal Considerations for HTS Power Transmission Cable Systems
Practical Alternatives to Explicitly Generating and Inverting Data Covariance Matrices
Practical Aspects of Liquid-Salt-Cooled Fast-Neutron Reactors
Practical Aspects of Molten-Salt-Cooled Fast-Neutron Reactors
Practical Combinations of Light-Water Reactors and Fast Reactors for Future Actinide Transmutation
Practical Field Ion Microscopy
Practical Hygrothermal Modeling for Building Enclosure Design -Advanced Hygrothermal Modeling
Pre-Conceptual Design and Preliminary Neutronic Analysis of the Proposed National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS)
Pre-CRADA Meeting on Epilepsy Warning
Pre-ROD Cost Estimates and Economic Issues Associated with the MOX Option
Pre-Symptomatic Diagnostic Method for Infection by Pathogens
Pre-Weatherization Results from Texas Field Experiment
Precipitate-hardened NiA1 alloys as innovative gaseous field ion sources
Precipitation in Neutron Irradiated Copper-Free RPV Steels
Precipitation in Neutron Irradiated Fe-Cu and Fe-Cu-Mn Model Alloys: A Comparison of APT and SANS Data
Precipitation in Neutron Irradiated Fe-Cu-Mn-Ni Model Alloys
Precision Measurements with a Single Trapped Electron
Predator-Prey Oscillations During Slow L-H Transitions on DIII-D
Predication of Spent MOX and LEU Fuel Composition and Comparison with Measurements
Predicition of External Corrosion for Steel Cylinders - 1998 Report
Predictability and control Issues in Complex Dynamical Systems
Predicted Effects of Prescribed Burning and Timber Management on Forest Recovery and Sustainability at Fort Benning, Georgia
Predicting Phase Equilibria of Spinel-Forming Constituents in Waste Glass Systems
Predicting Phase Equilibria of Spinel-Forming Constituents in Waste Glass Systems
Prediction of Crystalline Phase Precipitation in High-Level Nuclear Waste Glass
Prediction of External Corrosion for Steel Cylinders 2001 Report
Prediction of External Corrosion for Steel Cylinders 2003 Report
Prediction of External Corrosion for Steel Cylinders--2002 Report
Prediction of External Corrosion for Steel Cylinders--2004 Report
Prediction of Residual Stresses and Property Distributions in Friction Stir Welds of Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6
Prediction of the Isotopic Composition of UO(Sub 2) Fuel from a BWR: Analysis of the DU1 Sample from the Dodeward Reactor
Prediction of the Radiation Fields for Commissioning of the SNS Linac
Prediction Uncertainty for Tracer Migration in Random Heterogeneities with Multrifractal Character
Predictive Algorithms for Microturbine Performance for BCHP Systems
Preferred Binding Sites of Gene-Regulating Proteins Based on the Deterministic Dead-End Elimination Algorithm.
Preferred Binding Sites of Gene-Regulatory Proteins Based on the Deterministic Dead-End Elmination Algorithm
Preliminary Assessment of Off-Season Fuels for Electricity Generation at Indian Sugar Mills
Preliminary Calculational Analysis of the Actinide Samples from FP-4 Exposed in the Dounreay Prototype Fast Reactor
Preliminary Design Report: Superconducting Radio Frequency Linac for the Spallation Neutron Source
Preliminary ECH Pre-Ionization and EBW Coupling Experiments on NSTX
Preliminary Engineering Report Waste Area Grouping 5 Old Hydrofracture Facility Tanks Content Removal Project, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Preliminary Evaluation of Electrowinning for Nickel Scrap Processing
Preliminary Evaluation of NMIS for Interrogation of Pu and HEU in AT400-R Containers at Mayak
Preliminary Fracture Analysis of the Core Pressure Boundary Tube for the Advanced Neutron Source Research Reactor
Preliminary MCNP-POLIMI Simulations for the Evaluation of the "Floor Effect": Comparison of APSTNG and Cf Sources
Preliminary Multicycle Transuranic Actinide Partitioning-Transmutation Studies
Preliminary Probabilistic Design Basis Accident Evaluation of the Cold Source Facilities of the Advanced Neutron Source
Preliminary Process Simulation and Analysis of GMODS: Processing of Plutonium Surplus Materials
Preliminary Report--Design Study for a Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Core for the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR)
Preliminary results for mask metrology using spatial heterodyn interferometry
Preliminary Results from Charpy Impact Testing of Irradiated JPDR Weld Metal and Commissioning of a Facility for Machining of Irradiated Materials
Preliminary Results of Testing of Flow Effects on Evaporator Scaling
Preliminary Results of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule Re-evaluation Project
Preliminary Results of Uranium and Plutonium Efficiency Measurements Using a High Efficiency Cavity Ion Source Interfaced with a Finnigan MAT 262 Mass Spectrometer
Preliminary results of Uranium and Plutonium efficiency measurements using a thermal ionization cavity source interfaced with a Finnigan MAT 262 Mass Spectometer.
Preliminary Results On Luminaire Designs For Hybrid Solar Lighting Systems
Preliminary Results on Luminaire Designs for Hybrid Solar Lighting Systems
Preliminary Shielding Analysis and Design of the Remote Maintenance Cells for the Proposed National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS)
Preparation and Characterization of Large Scale a-Se Stabilized Alloys for Detection and Digital Imaging Applications
Preparation of a Thin-Film Neutron Converter Foils for Imaging Detectors
Preparation of a Thin-Film Neutron Converter Foils for Imaging Detectors
Preparation of Bi Nanowirres from the Reaction between Ammonia and Bi1.7V8O16
Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles Inside Titania Nanotubes via Wet Chemistry
Preparation of High Purity Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Preparation of High Purity Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Preparation of Multilayered Thin Film Atom Probe Specimens
Present Status of the Recovery and Processing of 233U from the Oak Ridge Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Remediation Activities
Present Status of the Recovery and Processing of 233U from the Oak Ridge Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Remediation Activities
Presentation at the Terascale Supernova Initiative All Hands Meeting
Presentation to US Navy Office of Safety and Sustainability personnel, titled "ORNL Crack-Related Development for Structural Assessment of Naval Aircraft"
Preventing Computational Chaos in Asynchronous Neural Networks
Primary Factors for Developing TransUranium (TRU) Fuel for Gas-Cooled Reactors
Principal Component Analysis for Dimension Reduction in Massive Distributed Data Sets.
Principles and Issues in Radio-Ecological Risk Assessment (Radio-ERA)
Principles of Chemical Recognition and Transport in Extractive Separation: Synthesis of Dibenzo-14-Crown-4 Ethers Bearing Fluoroalcohol Lariats (presentation and poster board)
Principles of Chemical Recognition and Transport in Extractive Separations: Synthesis of Dibenzo-14-Crown-4 Ethers Bearing Fluoroalcohol Lariats (poster session)
Probability of a Check Valve Closure-Induced Water Hammer Transient at the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor
Probability Profiles - Novel Approach in Tandem Mass Spectrometry De Novo Sequencing
Probe - a Distributed Storage Testbed
Probe Project Accomplishments
Probe Project Status and Accomplishments
Probe Project Status and Accomplishments - Year Two
Probing Atoms with an Electron Nanoprobe: The Frontier of Nanotechnology
Probing Electromechanical Properties of Biological Systems Down to the Nanoscale
Probing Electromechanical Properties of Biological Systems Down to the Nanoscale
Probing Localization Effects in Li0.9Mo6O17 Purple Bronze: An Optical-Properties Investigation
Probing Nanostructures Site by Site with the Aberration-Corrected STEM
Probing Single Ion Luminescence in Rare-Earth Doped Nanocrystals
Probing Single-Ion Luminescence in Rare-Earth Doped Nanocrystals
Probing Stellar Explosions with Radioactive Beams at ORNL
Probing Stellar Violence with Beams of Unstable Nuclei
Probing the Participation of 5f Electrons in Gas-Phase Reactions of Actinide Cations with Small Alkanes and Alkenes
Probing the Pressure Behavior of Transplutonium Materials - Results and Their Significance
Problem Solving Environment for Integrated Weld Process-Microstructure Modeling
Problems with Disposal of Pre-AEA Byproduct Material
Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Fossil Energy Materials.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference on Fossil Energy Materials
Proceedings of the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA) Workshop
Process based uncertainty quantification
Process Optimization for Welding Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloys
Process Optimization for Welding Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloys
Process Technology for Radiation Curable Composites
Processing and Microstructure of Cr-Ta and Cr-Ta-Mo Composites Reinforced by the Cr2Ta Laves Phase
Processing and Properties of Molybdenum Silicide Intermetallics Containing Boron
Processing and Properties of Nanostructured Magnetic Materials
Processing and Propetties of TiC-Ni3Al Composites
Processing Cost Analysis for Biomass Feedstocks
Processing of Gamma-Rays in the New AMPX System
Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated GEN IV Reactor Fuels
Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated GEN IV Reactor Fuels
Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated GEN IV Reactor Fuels
Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated GEN IV Reactor Fuels
Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated Gen IV Reactor Fuels: Mechanical Head-End Processing
Production and Testing of the VITAMIN-B6 Fine Group and the BUGLE-96 Broad-Group Neutron/Photon Cross-Section Libraries Derived from ENDF/B-VI Nuclear Data
Production of Depleted UO2 Kernels for the Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor Program for Use in TRISO Coating Development
Production of Hydrogen Using Nuclear Energy
Production of Hydrogen Using Nuclear Energy
Production of Hydrogen Using Nuclear Energy
Production of Hydrogen Using Nuclear Energy
Production of Probability Tables for the Unresolved-Resonance Region Using the AMPX Cross-section Processing System
Production of Succinic Acid from Lignocellulosic Hydrolysates CRADA Final Report for CRADA Number ORNL-99-0552
Production of Succinic Acid from Lignocellulosic Materials
Production of Succinic Acid from Lignocellulosic Materials
Production, Distribution, and Applications of Californium-252 Neutron Sources
Production, structure, and optical properties of ZnO nanocrystals embedded in CaF2 matrix
Program Developed for CO2 System Calculations
Program Evaluation - Automotive Lightweighting Materials Program Research and Development Projects Assessment of Benefits - Case Studies No. 2
Programmatic and Technical Requirements for the FMDP MOX Fresh Fuel Transport Package
Programmatic Review of Depleted Uranium Uses Research and Development Program
Programmd Assembly of Quantum-Dot Arrays on DNA Templates: Hardware for Quantum Computing?
Programmed Assembly of Nanoparticles on DNA Templates
Programmed Assembly of Nanoparticls on DNA Templates.
Programming High Performance Reconfigurable Computers
Progress in Developing an Energy-Independent Neutron Spectrometer for Nuclear Non-Proliferation Applications
Progress in Field Emitter Sources for Digital Electrostatic E-beam Array Lithography
Progress in Phenotyping ENU-Mutagenized Mice from the Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium for Abnormalities of Behavior and the Nervous System
Progress in Real-Time Nanoparticle Analysis Using an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
Progress on
Progress Report of the National Weatherization Assistance Program
Progress Report on the Available Analytical Tool s for Accelertor Shielding Analysis 2002
Progress Toward an Atomic Fluorescence Temerature Transfer Standard
Progress Towards A Low-Cost Coated Conductor Technology
Progress towards optimizing the PETSc numerical toolkit on the Cray X1
Progress towards optimizing the PETSc numerical toolkit on the Cray X1
Progress towards optimizing the PETSc numerical toolkit on the Cray X1
Progress towards Petascale Virual Machines
Project Management Plan for the Isotopes Facilities Deactivation Project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Project Management Plan for the Objective Supply Capability Adaptive Redesign (OSCAR) Project
Project Management Plan for the Waste Area Grouping 5 Old Hydrofracture Facility Tanks Content Removal at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Projectile Neutralization during Large-Angle Backscattering of Slow Fq+, Neq+, and Arq+ Incident on RbI(100).
Projectile Neutralization in Large-Angle Back-Scattering of Slow Fq+, Neq+, and Arq+ Incident on RbI(100)
Projecting Fatalities in Crashes Involving Older Drivers
Projecting Fatalities in Crashes Involving Older Drivers, 2000-2025
Proliferation Resistance During Spent Fuel Recycle
Proliferation-Resistant 1000 MW(e) Reactor With No Significant Quantities of Chemically-Separable Weapons-Usable Fissile Material
Prompt Neutron Decay for Delayed Critical Metal Spheres of Pu, and Depleted-Uranium Reflected Pu and HEU
Proof of Concept of ITS as An Alternative Data Resource: A Demonstration Project of Florida and New York Data
PROOF OF PRINCIPLE Unfold an Angle-Energy Dependent Source From Forward and Adjoint Calculations
Proof-of-Concept Demonstration Results for Robotic Visual Servo Controllers
Proof-of-Principle to Unfold an Angle-Energy Dependent Source from Forward and Adjoint Calculations
Propagation of neutron de Broglie waves inside the slot cut in a single Si crystal
Properties and Performance of Ceramic Composite Components
Properties of InAs Nanocrystals in Silicon Formed by Sequential Ion Implantation
Properties of InAs Nanocrystals in Silicon Formed by Sequential Ion Implantation
Properties of Ionic Conducting Beta-Bi2O3 Containing Mixed Dopants
Properties of Mn-Doped Cu2O Semiconducting Thin Films Grown by Pulsed-Laser Deposition
Properties of Polycrystalline Hg1-xBixBa2Ca2Cu 3Oy Superconductors
Properties of Some Exotic 5-Particle Systems
Proposed Methodology for Establishing Area of Applicability
Pros and cons of chromosomal deletions as tools for mutataion recovery, fine-structure mutation mapping, and candidate-gene identification in the mouse
PROSPECT: A Computer Program for Globally-Optimal Threading
Prospects for Advanced RF Theory and Modeling
Prospects for Biomass-to-Electricity Projects in Yunnan Province, China
Prospects for Instrument Integration With TeraGrid Resources
Prospects for New Science with EM Devices
Prospects for the Medium- and Long-Term Development of China's Electric Power Industry and Analysis of the Potential Market for Superconductivity Technology
Prospects of Aberration-Corrected STEM for Catalysis
Prospects of Aberration-Corrected STEM for Catalysis
Prospects of Aberration-Corrected STEM for Nanoscience
Protecting Human Subjects, Spring 1999
Protecting Human Subjects, Summer 2000
Protecting Human Subjects, Winter 1999/2000
Protection Human Subjects, Fall 2000
Protection of Radionuclide Thermoelectric Generators, US/Russin-Installed Alarm Systems
Protein Structure Determination Using Protein Threading and Sparse NMR Data
Protein Surface Mapping by Mass Spectrometry to Monitor pH-Dependent Structural Transitions in Beta-Lactoglobulin A
Protein Threading by PROSPECT: A Prediction Experiment in CASP3
Protein Threading Using PROSPECT: Design and Evaluation
Proteome Characterization of Chromium-shocked and Chromium-adapted Shewanella oneidensis
Proteome Profiling of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 fur, etrA, and FurletrA Mutants
Proteomic Profiles of Rhodopseudomonas Palustris
Proteomics of the Microbial Community in an Acid Mine Drainage Biofilm
Protocols for Thermoluninescence and Optically Stimulated Luminescence Research at DOSAR
Proton Drip-Line Studies at HRIBF
Proton Emission from Gamow Resonance
Proton Emission from Gamow Resonance
Prototype Tests for the Recovery and Conversion of UF6 Chemisorbed in NaF Traps for the Molten Salt Reactor Remediation Project
Prototypic Applications of Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for Experiment Needs
Prototypical Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Codes for Criticality Safety with the SCALE Code System
Providing Consumers with Web-Based Information on the Environmental Effects of Automobiles
Proximity Sensor System Development
PSD Tests
Pseudoelasticity of Do3 Ordered Monocrystalline Fe3al
Pseudomorphic and Relaxed GeSi:Si Heterostructures Formed by Ion Implantation
PU Disposition in Russian VVERs: Physics Studies of lead Test Assembly Designs
Public Policy Responsibilities in a Restructured Electric Industry: An Analysis of Values, Objects and Approaches
Publications, Presentations, and Awards (ORNL/CDIAC-101)
PUFF-III: A Code for Processing ENDF Uncertainty Data Into Multigroup Covariance Matrices
PUFF-III: A Multigroup Covariance Processing Code for the AMPX Cross Section Processing System
PUFF-IV: A Code for Processing ENDF Uncertainty Data into Multigroup Covariance Matrices
Pulmonary (Cardio) Diagnostic System for Combat Casualty Care Capable of Extracting Embedded Characteristics of Obstructive or Restrictive Flow.
Pulse Shape Discrimination for the Nuclear Materials Identification System (NMIS)
Pulse-Shape Discrimination For Identification Of Neutron Sources Using The BC-501A Liquid Scintillator
Pulse-Shape Discrimination For Identification Of Neutron Sources Using The BC-501A Liquid Scintillator
Pulse-Width-Modulation Schemes for an Integrated Traction and Compressor Drive System
Pulsed Electron Deposition - A Novel Thin Film Deposition Technique for High Temperature Superconducting Thin Films
Pulsed Electron Deposition as a Lower-Cost Alternative to Pulsed Laser Deposition
Pulsed Neutron Measurements With A D-T Neutron Generator For A Single Annular HEU Uranium Metal Casting
Pulsed-Laser Deposition and Characterization of Nd1+xBa2-xCu3Oy Films on single Crystal and Nickel Substrates
Purification and Characterization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Vaporization
Purification of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Prepared by Laser Vaporization for Electronic Applications
PVM and IP Multicast
PVM Grids to Self-Assembling Virtual Machines
Pyrolysis and Combustion of Acetonitrile (CH3CN)
Pyrolysis Mechanisms of coal Model Compounds
Pyrolysis Mechanisms of Lignin Model Compounds: Flash Vaccum Pyrolysis of Methoxy-Substituted Aromatics
Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons Confined in Porous Solids
Pyrolysis of Organic Molecules Immobilized on Silica Nanoparticles: Impact of Surface Confinement on Reaction Mechanisms
Pyrolysis of Phenyl Benzoate
QA Verification of Computer Codes Used in ORNL/TM-1999/159
QCD Spectroscopy at GSI: Exotica and Charmonia
Quadrupole Deformations of Drip-Line Nuclei
Qualification of Microprocessor-Based Equipment for Nuclear Power Plant Environments
Quality Assurance Calculations to Support Use of HELIOS Version 1.6 for Plutonium Disposition Studies
Quality Assurance Grading Guidelines for Research and Development at DOE Facilities (DOE Order 5700.6C)
Quality Assurance Plan for Field Activities at the Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research (NABIR) Field Research Center (FRC), Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Quantification and Control of the Sulfur c (2 x 2) Superstructure on {100}<100> Ni for Optimization of YSZ, CeO2 and SrTiO3 Seed Layers
Quantification of the In-Situ DRIFT Spectra of Pt/K/GAMMA-AI2O3
Quantified NOx Adsorption on Pt/K/GAMMA-A12O3 and the Effects of CO2 and H2O
Quantitative Analysis of Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes by Scanning Probe Microscopy: From Atomic to Mesoscopic Length Scales
Quantitative Analysis of Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes by Scanning Probe Microsopy: From Atomic to Mesoscopic Length Scales
Quantitative Analysis of Nanoscale Switching in SrBi2Ta2O9 Thin Films by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Three Laser-Range Mapping Algorithms using Two Types of Laser Scanner Data.
Quantitative Assessment of Distributed Energy Resource Benefits
Quantitative Characterization of Dislocation Structure Coupled with Electromigration in a Passivated Al (0.5 wt % Cu) Interconnects
Quantitative Depth Profiles of Vacancy Cluster Defects Produced by MeV Ion Implantation in Si: Species and Dose Dependence
Quantitative Electromechanical and Elastic Measurements by SPM
Quantitative Evolution of Vacancy-type Defects in High-energy Ion Implanted Si: Au Labeling and the Vacancy Implanter
Quantitative Evolution of Vacancy-Type Defects in High-Energy Ion Implanted Si: Au Labeling, Microbeam X-Ray Diffuse Scattering and the Vacancy Implanter
Quantitative Interpretation and Information Limits in Annular Dark-Field STEM Images
Quantum Algorithm for Continuous Global Optimization
Quantum Antidot Formation and Correlation to Optical Shift of Gold Nanoparticles Embedded in MgO
Quantum Bridge Fabrication Using Photolithography
Quantum Computing
Quantum Confinement Observed in ZnO/ZnMgO Nanorod Heterostructures
Quantum Constraints on Technological Superconductors: Vortex Tunneling in Bi-2212/Ag Tapes with Randomly Oriented Columnar Defects
Quantum Dot Arrays: Simulation Results Toward Analog Computing
Quantum Interference of Distinguishable Photons
Quantum Interference with Beamlike Type-II Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion
Quantum Interference with Distinguishable Photons Through Indistinguishable Pathways
Quantum Magnets in One Dimension
Quantum Magnets in One Dimension
Quantum Magnets in One Dimension
Quantum Montel Carlo Calculations of A=9, 10 Nuclei
Quantum Stability of Ultrathin Metal Overlayers on Semiconductor Substrates
Quantum Trajectory Monte Carlo Method Describing the Coherent Dynamics of Highly Charged Ions
Quantum transport theory in carbon nanostructures
Quantum transport theory in carbon nanostructures
Quantum Transport Theory in Carbon Nanostructures
Quantum-entangled photon interferometry
Quarterly Progress Report for the Chemical and Energy Research Section of the Chemical Technology Division: April-June 1999
Quarterly Progress Report for the Chemical and Energy Research Section of the Chemical Technology Division: July-September 1999
Quarterly Progress Report for the Chemical Development Section of the Chemical Technology Division: January - March 1996
Quarterly Progress Report for the Chemical Development Section of the Chemical Technology Division: July-September 1996
Quarterly Progress Report for the Chemical Development Section of the Chemical Technology Division: October-December 1995
Quarterly Report for the Period from October 29, 1998 through January 28, 1999
Quarterly Technical Progress Report of Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program tasks for April 2000 through June 2000
Quarterly Technical Progress Report of Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program tasks for January 2000 through March 2000
Quarterly Technical Progress Report of the Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program Tasks for July through September 2000
Quasielastic Scattering in the Magnetic Spinel Co2RuO4
Questions and Answers Regarding Actions to Take When Ending Shelter-in-Place
Quickest Paths for Different Network Router Mechanisms
R-Matrix Evaluation of 160 Neutron Cross Sections up to 6.3 MeV
R-Matrix Evaluation of 160 Neutron Cross Sections up to 6.3 MeV
R-Matrix Evaluation of 16O Neutron Cross Sections up to 6.3 MeV
R-Matrix Evaluation of C1 Neutron Cross-Sections up to 1.2 MeV
R-Matrix Evaluation of Cl Neutron Cross Sections up to 1.2 MeV
RACHET: A New Algorithm for Clustering Multi-Dimensional Distributed Datasets
Racing Radiators Utilizing ORNL's Graphite Foam
RAD/COMM "Cricket" Test Report
RAD/COMM Cricket Test Report
RADCOP - Manipulation and Visualization of SAMMY Covariances
RADCOP - Manipulation and Visualization of SAMMY Covariances
Radial-Gap Permanent Magnet Motor and Drive Research FY 2004
Radiation Chemistry of Salt-Mine Brines and Hydrates
Radiation Control Coating Installed on Federal Buildings at Tyndall Air Force Base, Volume 1. Pre-Coating Monitoring and Fresh Coating Results
Radiation Control Coatings Installed on Federal Buildings at Tyndall Air Force Base
Radiation Control Coatings Installed on Rough-Surfaced Built-Up Roofs - Initial Results
Radiation Detection for Active Interrogation of HEU
Radiation Detection for Active Interrogation of HEU
Radiation Detection from Fission
Radiation Dosimetry Using Three-Dimensional Optical Random Access Memories
Radiation Effects in the Stainless Steel Primary Coolant Supply Adapter
Radiation Effects on Microstructures and Properties of Irradiated Materials
Radiation Effects on Personnel Performance Capability and a Summary of Dose Levels for Spent Research Reactor Fuels
Radiation Effects on Spacecraft Structural Materials Jy-An Wang , Robert C. Jr. , Ronald J. and Hamilton T. Hunter
RADIATION EFFECTS TEST FACILITY OPERATIONS MANUAL Protocols for Operating the Radiation Effects Test Facility
Radiation Embrittlement Prediction Models and The Impact of Irradiation Temperature
Radiation Environment for the Replacement Scenario of the Activated SNS Core Vessel Inserts
Radiation Imaging of Dry Storage Casks for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Radiation Protection at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)
Radiation Shielding and Dosimetry Experiments Updates in the SINBAD Data base
Radiation Shielding for Fusion Reactors
Radiation Shielding for Fusion Reactors
Radiation SHielding for Storage and Transportation Cask Using Depleted Uranium Oxide in Cementitious Matrices
Radiation Shielding using Depleted Uranium Oxide in Nonmetallic Matrices
Radiation Shielding Using Depleted Uranium Oxide in Nonmetallic Matrices
Radiation Transport Software for Medical Physics Studies
Radiation Transport Through Complex Shield Penetrations in Accelerator Environments Using Hybrid Monte Carlo/Discrete Ordinates Calculations
Radiation Treatment Planning Using Discrete Ordinates Codes
Radiation-enhanced diffusion of Sb and B in silicon during implantation below 400 degrees C
Radiation-Induced "Zero-Resistance State" and the Photon-Assisted Transport
Radiation-Induced Segregation in 316 and 304 Stainless Steel Irradiated at Low Dose Rate
Radical Chemistry on Surfaces: From Nanoparticles to Mesoporous Solids
Radio Frequency Current Drive Considerations for Small Aspect Ratio Tori
Radio Frequency Plasma Applications for Space Propulsion
Radio-Frequency Antenna Lifetime Studies for High-Current, High-Duty-Cycle H- Volume Sources (Abstract)
Radioactive beam experiments at ORNL
Radioactive beam experiments at ORNL
Radioactive Ion Beams at HRIBF
Radioactive Ion Beams at the HRIBF
Radioactive Ion Beams from Uranium Carbide Targets at HRIBF
Radioactive Solid Waste Storage and Disposal at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Description and Safety Analysis
Radiocesium Discharges and Subsequent Environmental Transport at the Major U.S. Weapons Production Facilities
Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis (RASCAL) Version 3.0
Radiological Dose Assessment of Department of Energy Pinellas Plant Waste Proposed for Disposal at Laidlaw Environmental Services of South Carolina, Inc.
Radiological Dose Assessment of Department of Energy Pinellas Plant Waste Proposed for Disposal at United States Pollution Control, Inc. in Tooele County, Utah
Radiological Source Tracking and Monitoring of In Commerse Shipments
Radiological Survey Results at Building 22, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. (WSN001)
Radiological Toolbox User's Manual
Radiolysis of Moisture Sorbed on Neptunium Oxides
Radiolytic Processes During Intermediate Stages of 233U removal from the oak Ridge Molten Salt Reactor Experiment
Radon Measurements at the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) Facility from August 1997 through April 1998
Radon Measurements at the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) Facility from August 1997 through April 1998
Raising the Level of Programming Abstraction in Scalable Programming Models
Raising the Level of Programming Abstraction in Scalable Programming Models
RAM Simulation Model for SPH/RSV Systems
Raman and SERS Detection of Pathogens Using an AOTF-Based Portable Instrument
Raman Spectroscopy and instrumentation for monitoring soil carbon systems.
Range Identification for Perspective Visions Systems
Rankings of Nuclide Importance in Spent Fuel for Shielding Applications
Rankings of Nuclide Importance in Spent Fuel for Shielding Applications
Rapid Assessment of Potential Habitats or Occurrences of Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Vascular Plants on the East Bear Creek Valley Site for a Proposed On-Site Waste Management Facility.
Rapid Cellular Assays on Microfabricated Fluidic Devices
Rapid Protein Analysis Using Microfabricated Fluidic Devices
Rapid protein and peptide mapping with microfluidic devices
Rapid Synthesis of a PT1Ru1/Carbon Nanocomposite Using Microwave Irradiation: A DMFC Anode Catalyst of High Relative Performance
Rare Isotope Accelerator Remote Maintenance Concepts
Rattlesnake Mountain Observatory (46.4 Degrees N, 119.6 Degrees W) Multispectral Optical Depth Measurements: 1979-1994
Re-Emergence of Nuclear Power in the United States
REACLIB Parameterization of NACRE Data
Reaction of Vapors Using "Dry" Enzymes
Reactions Between Co-adsorbates on Model Emission Control Catalysts
Reactions of Actinide Ions in the Gas Phase: New Issues in Molecular Actinide Chemistry
Reactive Power Laboratory: Synchronous Condenser Testing & Modeling Results - Interim Report
Reactor Design Considerations for Safe Launch and Operations in Earth Orbit
Reactor Physics Analysis of the Advanced Neutron Source Three-Element Core
Reactor Physics Methods, Models, and Applications Used to Support the Conceptual Design of the Advanced Neutron Source
Reactor-Based Plutonium Disposition: Opportunities, Options, and Issues
Reactors with Molten Salts: Options and Missions
Reactors with Molten-Salts: Options and Missions
Real Time Flux Control in PM Motors
Real-Time Characterization of Slurry at the Wet End of a Paper Machine
Real-Time Control of Diesel Combustion Quality
Real-time Digital PSD for the Nuclear Materials Identification System
Real-time Document cluster Analysis for Dynamic Data Sets
Real-Time Experimental Observations of the Formation of Soot and Fullerenes in Flames and a Novel Proposal for Large-Scale Synthesis of Fullerenes and Nanotubes
Real-Time High-Accuracy 3D Tracking of Small animals for Motion-Corrected SPECT Imaging
Real-time landmark-based unrestrained animal tracking system for motion-corrected PET/SPECT imaging
Real-time measurement of the mass and composition of particles
Real-time measurement of the mass and composition of particles
Recent Accomplishments in Nuclear Astrophysics with Radioactive Beams at HRIBF
Recent Advances in Forced-Flow, Thermal-Gradient, CVI for Refractory Composites
Recent Advances in Fueling Magnetically Confined Plasmas With Pellets
Recent Advances in Resonance Region Analyses to Benefit Nuclear Science and Technology: An ORNL Perspective
Recent Application of APFIM on Various Steels
Recent Cross Section Evaluations in the Resonance Region at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Recent Development of Metallic Materials
Recent Developments in Microchip ESI-MS for Protein Analysis
Recent Developments in the MCNP-POLIMI Postprocessing Code
Recent Developments in the Use of Californium-252 Sources for Neutron Brachytherapy
Recent Developments Involving Thermographic Phosphors
Recent Enhancements to the SCALE-5 Resonance Self-Shielding Methodology
Recent Imaging Measurements with NMIS at ORNL
Recent Neutron and Transport Measurements on Yb14MnSb11 and La2Yb12MnSb11 Single Crystals
Recent Performance Improvements in the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2)
Recent Performance Improvements in the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2)
Recent Progress in Actinide Spectroscopy in Silicate Matrices
Recent Progress in Thickness Related Studies to Enhance Ic in ex situ YBCO Coated Conductors
Recent Refurbishment of the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator Neutron Source
Recent Results from a Folded Waveguide ICRF Antenna Development Project
Recent Simulation Conclusions for Damped-Oscillation Control
Recent Telerobotics Systems Developments at the University of Tennessee
Rechargeable Thin-Film Batteries with LiMn2O4 and LiCoO2 Cathodes
Recommendations for Addressing Axial Burnup in the PWR Burnup Credit Analyses
Recommendations for PWR Storage and Transportation Casks That Use Burnup Credit
Recommendations for PWR Storage and Transportation Casks That Use Burnup Credit
Recommendations on Fuel Parameters for Standard Technical Specifications for Spent Fuel Storage Casks
Recommended ALIs and DACs for 10 CFR Part 20: A Consistent Numerical Set
Recommended Test Requirements and Test Methods for Assessing Durability of Random-Glass-Fiber Composites
Reconnaissance Survey of Previously Delineated Wetlands and Additional Areas on the East Bear Creek Valley Site for the Proposed On-Site Waste Management Facility
Recoverability Preservation: A Measure of Last Resort
Recovery and Recrystallization Behavior of Nb-1Zr and Group VB Metals
Recovery Boiler Wall Tube Temperature Measurements
REDOX Control of MSR Fuel
Redox Potential of Novel Electrochemical Buffers Useful for Corrosion Prevention in Molten Fluorides
Reducing Emissions from Uranium Dissolving
Reducing Energy Costs at Industerial Plants in the U.S.
Reducing Financing Costs for Federal ESPCs
Reducing Peak Temperatures for Thermochemical Hydrogen Production
Reduction in Defect Content in ODS Alloys II
Reduction in Defect Content of ODS Alloys
Reduction in Defect Content of ODS Alloys
Reduction of azimuthal domains in (100)- and (118)-oriented ferroelectric Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 thin films grown onto off-cut single crystal substrates
Reduction of Uncertainties in the USNO Astronomical Refraction Code Using Sensitivities Generated by Automatic Differentiation
Reduction of Uranium Hexafluoride Retention on Beds of Magnesium Fluoride Used for Removal of Technetium Hexafluoride
Reductionof Uncertainties in Time - Dependent Complex Systems
Reductive Dissolution of Iron Oxyhydroxides by Different Fractions of Natural Organic Matter
Reference Scenario for an Advanced Deuterium Power Plant System
Reference Scenerio for an Advanced Deuterium Power Plant System
Refining the Rule-Based Gasohol Estimation Model
Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Studies of Epitaxial Oxide Seed-Layer Growth on Rolling-Assisted Biaxially Textured Substrate Ni(001): The Role of Surface Structure and Chemistry
Reflectometer Measurements of Electron Edge-Density Profile for ICRF Coupling Studies on NSTX
Reformulated Diesel Fuel--The Challenge for U.S. Refineries
Refueling Liquid-Salt-Cooled Very High-Temperature Reactors
Refueling Options and Considerations for Liquid-Salt-Cooled Very High-Temperature Reactors
Refueling Options for LS-VHTRs Based On High-Temperature Reactor Experience
Regenerative Heater Optimization for Steam Turbo-Generation Cycles of Generation IV Nuclear Power Plants with a Comparison of Two Concepts for the Westinghouse International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS)
Regional and Global Climate Modeling at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Regional Evacuation Modeling: A State of the Art Reviewing
Regional Mutagenesis and Broad-based Phenotype Screening by The Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium
Regional Recessive Mutagenesis Screens for CNS Mutations: A lst Year Report
Regression Analysis for a Bottom-up Approach to Analyzing Delayed Fission Gamma Yields
Regression Analysis for a Bottom-Up Approach to Analyzing Delayed Fission Gamma Yields
Reinforcement of Aluminum Castings with Dissimilar Metals
Reirradiation Response Rate of a High-Copper Reactor Pressure Vessel Weld
Reirradiation Response Rate of a High-Copper Reactor Pressure Vesssel Weld
RELAP-3D Model of the Advanced High Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
RELAP5 Model for Advanced Neutron Source Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Transients, Three-Element-Core Design
RELAP5 Model for Advanced Neutron Source Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics Transients, Two-Element Core Design
Relativistic Generalization of the Post-Prior Equivalence for Reaction of Composite Particles
Reliability Management and Oversight
Reliable Method for the Calibration of Optical Cantilever Deflection Systems
Remote and Distributed Visualization Frameworks Workshop - Findings Document
Remote Handling Systems Development for the Spallation Neutron Source Target System
Remote Maintenance Design Guide for Compact Processing Units
Remote Sensing for Environmental Baselining and Monitoring
Remote Sensing for Environmental Baselining and Monitoring
Remote-Handled Transuranic Solid Waste Characterization Study: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Removal and Destruction of CWA Simulants Using "Dry" Enzyme-Impregnated Fabrics & Coatings
Removal of Mercury and Tritium From DOE Waste Oils
Removal of Mercury Enables Recycle of Copper Smelter Acid Plant Sludge
Removal of Mercury from Copper and Selenium Smelter Gaseous Stream Residues
Removal of Mercury from Solids Using the Potassium Iodide/Iodine Leaching Process
Removing the Source Term - Thorium Nitrate Disposal at the Nevada Test Site
Renewable Hydrogen Production
Repackaging Oak Ridge Spent Nuclear Fuel
Repair Materials and Techniques for Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants
Repetitive Learning control: A Lyapunov-Based Approach
Replication and Efficiency in Experiments for Marketable Emissions Permits
Report Briefs: Publications of the Energy Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1999
Report Briefs: Publications of the Energy Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2000
Report of Foreign Travel 6876
Report of Foreign Travel for P.F. Becher, May 10-16, 1999
Report of Review and Clearance Certification LDRD
Report of the FESAC Panel on Priorities and Balance
Report on the Biological Monitoring Program at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, December 1993 to December 1994
Report on the Biological Monitoring Program for Bear Creek at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1989-1994)
Report on the First ASTM Round Robin of Vacuum Panels
Report on the First ASTM Round Robin of Vacuum Panels
Report on the Imaging Workshop for the Genomes to Life Program, April 16-18, 2002
Report on the Study of the Tax and Rate Treatment of Renewable Energy Projects
Report on three Genomes to Life Workshops: Data Infrastructure, Modeling and Simulation, and Protein Structure Prediction
Report on Toyota Prius Motor Thermal Management
Report on Toyota/Prius Motor Design and Manufacturing Assessment
Report on Toyota/Prius Motor Torque-Capability, Torque-Property, No-Load Back EMF, and Mechanical Losses
Repository Applications for Depleted Uranium (DU) (Potential Use of the Entire DU Inventory)
Repository Applications for Depleted Uranium (DU) (Potential Use of the Entire DU Inventory)
Repository Criticality Control with Depleted-Uranium-Dioxide Cermet Waste Packages
Repository Criticality Control with Depleted-Uranium-Dioxide Cermet Waste Packages
Repository Criticality Control with Depleted-Uranium-Dioxide Cermet Waste Packages
Requirements for a Real-Time Risk Monitoring Tool to Reduce Grid-Plant Vulnerabilities
Requirements for a real-time risk monitoring tool to reduce transmission grid-nuclear plant vulnerabilities
Research and Development Data to Define the Thermal Performance of Reflective Materials Used to Conserve Energy in Building Applications
Research and Development Services Section Quarterly Progress Report for the Period January 1 to March 31, 2000
Research Challenges for Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems
Research Needs for Nanotechnology Commercialization
Research on Molten Fluorides as High Temperature Heat Transfer Agents
Research Supporting Implementation of Burnup Credit in the Criticality Safety Assessment of Transport and Storage Casks
Research Supporting Implementation of Burnup Credit in Transport and Storage Casks -- DRAFT
Research to Support Expansion of U.S. Regulatory Position on Burnup Credit for Transport and Storage Casks
Reservoir-based Random Sampling with Replacement from Data Stream
Residential Heat Pump Water (HPWH) Development Status - USA
Residual Stress Determination for a Ferritic Steel Weld Plate
Resistive glass drift tube used to inject externally formed ions into a submillimeter ion trap
Resistive glass drift tube used to inject externally formed ions into a submillimeter ion trap
Resonance Evaluation for Rh-103 in the Resolved Resonance Region from 0 to 8 keV
Resonances in Deformed Nuclei: R-matrix Theory and Oscillator Expansion
Resonant Dust: IR Targets for Tagging and Identification
Resonant Dust: IR Targets for Tagging, Tracking, and Identification
Resource Management Plan for the U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Reservation, Volume 6: Forest Management
Response to BAA TCBAA-2000-01, Structures and Mechanics, titled "Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring for Structural Assessment of Military Hardware"
Response to call for papers for 4th DoD/FAA/NASA Aging Aircraft Conference, 15-18 May, 2000
Response to call for papers for International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials III
Response to call for papers from American Society for Metals conference, Title: Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring
Response to call for papers from Reliability, Stress Analysis, and Failure Prevention Committee of ASME, Title: Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring
Response to call for White Papers from Army Research Laboratory, Title: Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring
Response to FY2000 Aging Aircraft Project Office Call for Proposals, titled "Condition Assessment of Aircraft Structures"
Response to FY2000 Aging Aircraft Project Office Call for Proposals, titled "Condition Monitoring of Military Aircraft Electric Fuel Pumps by Electrical Signature Analysis"
Response to the NSNS Target Station External Report
Responses of Human Lung Cells to Synthetic and Engine Emitted PM
Result From ORNL Characterization of Nominal 350 um NUCO Kernels from the BWXT 69300 Composite
Results From ORNL Characteriszation of German Reference Fuel From EUO 2358-2365 Composite
Results From ORNL Characterization HRB-21 Reference Fuel
Results from ORNL Characterization of Nominal 350 um NUCO Kernals from the BWXT 59344 Batch
Results of Depelted Uranium Workshop
Results of Deposition Scoping Tests
Results of E-Beam Prepreg Debulking Study
Results of Electron Beam Prepreg Debulking Study
Results of High-Harmonic Fast Wave Experiments on NSTX
Results of High-Harmonic Fast Wave Experiments on NSTX
Results Of Modeling A Proposed CFB Combustor Project At An Existing Power Plant
Results of The Analysis of The Blood Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test Data From The Oak Ridge Y-12 Study
Results of the Analysis of the Blood Lymphocyte Proliferation Test Data from the National Jewish Center
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey at 4 Hanbcock St. Lodi, NJ (LJ060V)
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey at 5 Hancock St. Lodi, NJ (LJ029V)
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey at 6 Hancock St. Lodi, NJ (LJ033V) -- DRAFT
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey at 8 Hancock St. Lodi, NJ (LJ026V)
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey at 9 Hancock St. Lodi, NJ (LJ028V)
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey of Remediation at Building 14, Former Linde Uranium Refinery, Tonawanda, New York (LI001V)
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey of Remediation at Building 14, Former Linde Urnaium Refinery, Tonawanda, New York (LI001V)
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey of the Remedial Action performed at the Former Alba Craft Laboratory Site, Oxford, Ohio (OXO001)
Results of the Indoor Radiological Survey of the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant, Middletown, Iowa
Results of the Thermal-Shock Modeling and Analyses for the National Spallation Neutron Source
Rethinking Multipurpose Spent Nucelar Fuel Canisters
Rethinking Multipurpose Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks and Canisters
Rethinking Multipurpose Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks and Canisters
Retrievable Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet SNF Multipurpose Casks
Retrievable Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet SNF Multipurpose Casks
Retrievable Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermet Spent-Nuclear-Fuel Multipurpose Casks
Retroactive Covariance Matrix for 235U in the Resolved-Resonance Region
Retroactive Covariance Matrix for U-235 in the Resolved Resonance Region
Retrofit Best Practices Guide
Reversible Axial-Strain Effect and Extended Strain Limits in Y-Ba-Cu-O Coatings on Deformation-Textured Substrates
Review and Identification of DOE Laboratory Technologies for Countermine/Unexploded Ordnance Detection
Review and Prioritization of Technical Issues Related to Burnup Credit for LWR Fuel
Review of "An End to Global Warming" by Laurence O. Williams
Review of Advanced Fuel Cycle-Related Activities at ORNL
Review of Axial Burnup Distribtion Considerations for Burnup Credit Calculations
Review of Axial Burnup Distribution Considerations for Burnup Credit Calculations
Review of Depleted Uranium Uses Research and Development Program
Review of ENDF/B-VI Fission-Product Cross Section
Review of Grand Gulf Methodology and Calculations for pH Control and Iodine Volatility
Review of Organizational and Staffing Arrangements for Implementation of the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program in Oregon and Morrow and Umatilla Counties
Review of Plutonium Solution Biases
Review of Subcritical Source-Driven Noise Analysis Measurements
Review of Technical Issues Related to Predicting Isotopic Compositions and Source Terms for High-Burnup LWR Fuel
Review of the Application of Stability Long Term Solution II to Oyster Creek
Review of the STAIF/MICROBURN-2 BWR Stability Analysis Methodology
Review of the State-of-the-Art in Power Electronics Suitable for 10-KW Military Power Systems
Review of the Structure of Bulk Power Markets Grid of the Future White Paper
Review of Uranium Bioassay Techniques
Review of Water, Lighting, and Cooling Energy Efficiency Measures for Low-Income Homes Located in Warm Climates
Revised Conceptual Designs for the FMDP MOX Fresh Fuel Transport Package
Revised Theory of Transient Mass Fluctuations
Revision of the MCSAP Allocation Formula: Summary Report
Revisiting Builder Service & Abstract Framework Interfaces & Component Building Issues
Revisiting the Use of SiC as a Postirradiation Temperature Monitor
RF Loading Measurements of the HHFW Antenna Array from the NSTX Plasma
RF-Plasma Coupling Schemes for the SNS Ion Source
Risk Analysis and Management: Presentation to Gostomnadzor of Russia
Risk Communications and the Chemical Stockpile Emergency-Planning Program
Robot Task Space Analyzer Integration and Testing
Robotics and Intelligent Machines: A DOE Critical Technology Roadmap
Robust 2.5D Visual Servoing for Robot Manipulators
Robust Control of Decoherence in Realistic Quantum Gates
Robust Control of Realistic Quantum Gates
Robust Detection of Dynamical Change in Scalp EEG
Robust Physics from Random Interactions
Rock and Roll of ArcView GIS
Role of Atomic Physics in Models for Enhanced Edge Transport
Role of Fusion Energy in a Sustainable Global Energy Strategy
Role of Gas Hydrates in Energy Challenges
Role of Gas Hydrates in Energy Challenges
Role of Intergranular Films in Toughened Ceramics
Role of Microstructure in Promoting Fracture and Fatigue Resistance in Mo-Si-B Alloys
Role of National Laboratories in the U.S. R&D Enterprise
Role of Osmotic Adjustment in Plant Productivity
Role of the Solute Elements on the Microstructure of Electrodeposited Ni-Mn alloys
Room Temperature Tensile Properties of Fe-Al Single Crystals Strengthened by Excess Vacancies
Room-temperature ionic liquids based on quaternary ammonium and their use for solvent extractions
Room-Temperature QWIP Detection at 10 Microns
Rotating Arc Spark Plug Concept
Rotational Properties of Neutron Drip-Line Nuclei
Rotor Instrumentatioin Study for High-Temperature Superconducting Generators
RSAP - A Code for Display of Neutron Cross Section Data and SAMMY Fit Results
RScaLAPACK: High-PerformanceParralel Statistical Computing with R and ScaLAPACK
RUDA, A Distributed Grid Accounting System
Running Out of and Into Oil: Analyzing Global Oil Depletion and Transition Through 2050
Russian Plutonium Disposition Program
Russian Pulsating Mixer Pump Deployment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Safe Use Limits for Advanced Ferritic Steels in Ultra-Supercritical Power Boilers.
Safe Use Limits for Advanced Ferritic Steels in Ultra-Supercritical Power Boilers.
Safeguards and Security for Commercial Reactors Using MOX Fuel
Safety Analyses for MOX Fuel in a VVER-1000 Reactor
Safety and Licensing Aspects of the Molten Salt Reactor
Safety and Licensing Aspects of the Molten Salt Reactor
Safety and Security Technologies of Importance to Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations Using Public Transit
Salt-Cooled Reactors and the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
SAMDIST: A Computer Code for Calculating Statistical Distributions for R-Matrix Resonance Parameters
SAMMS Removal of Mercury from Organic Liquids
SAMMY User Guidance for ENDF Formats
Sample Concentration and Separation on Microchips
Sampling and Analysis of Inactive Radioactive Waste Tanks W-17, W-18, WC-5, WC-6, WC-8, and WC-11 Throught WC-14 at ORNL
SAMS: A Sensitivity Analysis Module for Criticality Safety Analysis Using Monte Carlo Techniques
San Onofre PWR Data for Code Validation of MOX Fuel Depletion Analyses
San Onofre PWR Data for Code Validation of MOX Fuel Depletion Analyses -- Revision 1
SANS with contrast variation study of the cooperative assembly of the methionine repressor MetJ-DNA complex
Sapphire Fiber Optics Sensors for Engine Test Instrumentation
SAS2D - A Two-Dimensional Depletion Sequence for Characterization of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Saw Blade Chatter Detection and Correction---Developing the Smart Tooling Concept for Remote Manipulation (Presentation)
Saw Blade Chatter Detection and Correction-Developing the Smart Tooling Concept for Remote Manipulation
SBAT: A Tool for Estimating Metal Bioaccessibility in Soils
SC03 BOF on the State of the Art
Scalability Challenges Facing Visualization R&D
Scalability Challenges Facing Visualization R&D
Scalable C3 Power Tools
SCALE 5 Analysis of GGU2 Sample
SCALE 5: New Cross-Section Processing Features and Capabilities
SCALE 5: Powerful New Criticality Safety Analysis Tools
SCALE Graphical Development for Improved Criticality Safety Analyses
SCALE Newsletter, No. 21, January 2000
SCALE Newsletter, No.28, July 2003
SCALE Newsletter, November 30, July 2004
SCALE Newsletter, Number 22, July 2000
SCALE Newsletter, Number 24, July 2001
SCALE Newsletter, Number 25, January 2002
SCALE Newsletter, Number 26, July 2002
SCALE Newsletter, Number 27, January 2003
SCALE Newsletter, Number 29, January 2004
SCALE Newsletter, Number 31, January 2005
SCALE Newsletter, Number 32, July 2005
SCALE Newsletter, Number 33, January 2006
SCALE Newsletter, Number 34, July 2006
SCALE Newsletter, Number 35, January 2007
SCALE Newsletter--Number 20, July 1999
SCALE-4 Analysis of LaSalle Unit 1 BWR Commercial Reactor Critical Configuration
SCALE-4 Analysis of LaSalle Unit 1 BWR Commercial Reactor Critical Configurations
Scale-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Critical Configurations: Volume 1-Summary
Scale-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Critical Configurations: Volume 2-Sequoyah Unit 2 Cycle 3
Scale-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Critical Configurations: Volume 3-Surry Unit 1 Cycle 2
Scale-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Critical Configurations: Volume 4-Three Mile Island Unit 1 Cycle 5
Scale-4 Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Critical Configurations: Volume 5 - North Anna Unit 1 Cycle 5
Scale-up of Microwave Nitridation of Sintered Reaction Bonded Silicon Nitride Parts
Scaleup of a Continuous-Jet Hydrate Reactor for CO2 Ocean Sequestration
Scaling Climate Models for Future Computer Architecture
Scaling Laws for Damage Evolution in Disordered Materials: Numerical Aspects
Scaling Laws for Damage Evolution in Disordered Materials: Numerical Aspects.
Scaling Laws for Damage Evolution in Disordered Media
Scaling Laws for Damage Evolution in Disordered Media
Scaling Laws for Damage Evolution in Disordered Media
Scaling Laws for Damage Evolution in Quasi-brittle Materials - An Application of Field Induced Percolation
Scaling Laws for Damage Evolution in Quasi-Brittle Materials: An Application of Field Induced Percolation
Scaling Laws for Mesoscopic Damage Evolution
Scaling Laws for Mesoscopic Damage Evolution
Scaling of Fracture - An Application of Field Induced Percolation
Scaling of Fracture Strength in Disordered Quasi-Brittle Materials
Scaling of Fracture Strength in Disordered Quasi-Brittle Materials
Scaling of Fracture: An Application of Field Induced Percolation
Scaling of Shear-Induced Transformations in Membrane Phases
Scaling of Thermal-Hydraulic Experiments for a Space Rankine Cycle and Selection of a Preconceptual Scaled Experiment Design
Scaling Relations and Non-Steady Flame Propagation in Type Ia Supernovae
Scaling the Unscalable: A Case Study on the AlphaServer SC
Scanning Acoustic Microscopy for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Subsurface Characteristics
Scenario Selection and Summary Results and Conclusions From the ORNL/TM-2007/24 Report and Fast Reactor Studies
Scenarios of U.S. Carbon Reductions: Potential Impacts of Energy-Efficient and Low-Carbon Technologies by 2010 and Beyond
Schottky Barrier Height Measurement of Metal/Ge(111) Diodes
SciDAC CCSM Consortium
Science and Technology of the 10-MA Sperhical Tori
Scientific Annotation Middleware
Scientific Computing Beyond CPUs: FPGA implementations of common scientific kernels
Scintillator Needs for Homeland Security
Scoping Experiments on Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated GEN IV Reactor Fuels
Scoping Experiments on Processing of Spent TRISO-Coated GEN IV Reactor Fuels
Screening for age-onset abnormal phenotypes and increased longevity in ENU-mutagenized mice
Screening of CHP Potential at Federal Sites in Select Regions of the U.S.
Screening Phenomena on Oxide Surfaces and Its Implications for Local Electrostatic and Transport Measurements
Screening Test Results of Fatigue Properties of type 316LN Stainless Steel in Mercury
Sculpting Atom Probe Needle-Shaped Specimens with a Dual Beam FIB
Search for Neutron Single-Particle States Populated Via Proton Emission from 146Tm
Search for the %h-229m Emission at 3.5 eV: Current Status
Seasonal Nutrient Dynamics of Foliage and Litterfall on Walker Branch Watershed, a Deciduous Forest Ecosystem
Second Annual Progress Report on United States-Japan Collaborative Testing in the High Flux Isotope Reactor and the Oak Ridge Research Reactor for the Period Ending September 30, 1985
Second Report on the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Fish Kill for Upper East Fork Popular Creek
See Chemistry Bond by Bond with the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
Seeing Savings from an ESPC Project in Fort Polk's Utility Bills
Seeing the Atoms More Clearly: The Impact of Aberration-Corrected STEM on Materials Science
Seeing the Atoms More Clearly: The Impact of Aberration-Corrected STEM on Nanoscience
Segregation in CoCrPtTa/Cr Magnetic Recording Media Studied by Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy
Segregation to dislocations in neutron irradiated RPV steels
SeizAlert - A Seizure Alertness Technique
Selected Examples of Design Optimiztion Using RBOT and FaultTree+
Selected Translated Abstracts of Russian-Language Climate-Change Publications, I. Surface Energy Budget
Selected Translated Abstracts of Russian-Language Climate-Change Publications, II. Clouds
Selected Translated Abstracts of Russian-Language Climate-Change Publications, III. Aerosols
Selected Translated Abstracts of Russian-Language Climate-Change Publications, IV. General Circulation Models
Selecting the Design Entering Water Temperature for Vertical Geothermal Heat Pumps in Cooling-Dominated Applications
Selection of Refractory Target-Materials and Design of High Efficiency Diffusion-Release Targets for Radioactive Ion Beam Applications
Selection of Refractory Target-Materials and Design of High Efficiency Diffusion-Release Targets for Radioactive Ion Beam Applications
Selective Anion Exchange Resins for the Removal of Perchlorate [(CIO(sub4)(sup-)] from Groundwater
Selective Attenuation of Isobaric Interferences in Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Selenium Poisoning of Wildlife and Western Agriculture: Cause and Effect
Self-Assembled FePt Nanodot Arrays with Mono-Dispersion and - Orientation
Self-Assembly of Nanoscale Hexagons in S/Cr/Ru(0001)
Self-Assembly of Nanoscale Hexagons in S/Cu/Ru(0001)
Self-Consistent, Unbiased, Exclusion-Based Emittance Analysis
Self-Consistent, Unbiased, Exclusion-Based Emittance Analysis
Self-Interaction Corrected Calculations of Correlated f-electron Systems
Self-Organized Current Transport through Low Angle Grain Boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7-delta Thin Films, Studied Magnetometrically
Self-Organized Formation of Quantum Dots: New Physics, New Chemistry, New Technology
SEM Examination of Uranium Oxide/Substrate Interfaces
SEM Post-Irradiation Examinations of Weapons-Derived MOX Fuel at ORNL
SEM/EDX Spectrum Imaging and Statistical Analysis of a Metal/Ceramic Braze
Semantic Infrastructure for Grid Computing Applications.
Semi-Annual Technical Progress Report of Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program Tasks for April 1, 2002 Through September 20, 2002
Semi-Annual Technical Progress Report of Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program Tasks for October 1, 2001 Through March 31, 2002
Semi-Annual Technical Progress Report of the Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program Tasks for April 2001 through September 2001
Semi-Annual Technical Progress Report of the Radioisotope Power System Materials Production and Technology Program Tasks for September 2000 through March 2001
Semi-insulating layers in 4H and 6H SiC by Si and C ion implantation
Semiconductive Properties of Uranium Oxides
Semiconductor Sidewall Shape Estimation using Top-down CD-SEM Image Retrieval
Sensitive Measures of Condition Change in EEG Data
Sensitive Measures of Condition Change in EEG Data
Sensitivity Analysis Applied to the Validation of the 10 B Capture Reaction in Nuclear Fuel Casks
Sensitivity Analysis for Coupled Neutron-Gamma Calculations
Sensitivity and Parametric Evaluations of Significant Aspects of Burnup Credit for PWR Spent Fuel Packages
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analyses Applied to Criticality Safety Validation, Volume 1: Methods Development
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analyses Applied to Criticality Safety Validation, Volume 2: Illustrative Applications and Initial Guidance
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Applied to Range of Applicability Determination
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for Nuclear Criticality Safety Using KENO in the SCALE Code System
Sensitivity Coefficient Generation for a Burnup Credit Cask Model Using TSUNAMI-3D
Sensitivity of Adjusted Responses to Parameter and Response Uncertainties
Sensitivity of low sloped roofs designs to initial water and air leakage
Sensitivity of Subcritical Measurement Simulations to Neutron Cross-Section Data
Sensitivity of VVER-1000 Transient Thermal Hydraulic Calculation Results to Variations in MOX Thermal Property Values
Sensitivity Studies of MHTGR Postulated Accidents
Sensitivity Studies of Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHTGR) Postulated Accidents
Sensitivity Studies of Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHTGR) Postulated Accidents
Sensitivity Studies of Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Postulated Accidents
Sensitized Emission in Actinide Complexes of Benzimidazole Based Ligands: Evidence for Efficient Intramolecular Energy Transfer
Sensor Agents: An Anticipatory System for Complex Reasoning in a Widely Dispersed, Asynchronous Information System
Sensor Concentrator Unit for the Continuous Automated Vault Inventory System
Sensor Fusion Methods in Physical Systems Based on Physical Laws.
Separation of Microchemical and Microstructural Changes in Proton-Irradiated Austenitic Stainless Steels
Separation of Samarium and Europium in Nitric Acid Medium Using Extraction Chromatography Resin
Separations Paths to the Future: Technology Roadmap for DOE Environmental Management
SERS Gene Probes: Frontiers in Medical Diagnostics
Shared Communications: Volume 1. A Summary and Literature Review
Shared Communications: Volume 2. In-Depth Systems Research
Shell Model Embedded in the Continuum
Shell-Model Description of Weakly Bound Nuclei
Shielding and Activation Analyses for SNS 200 kW Ring Injection Beam Dump, Title I Design
Shielding and Activation Analyses in Support of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) ES&H Requirements
Shielding and Criticality Analyses of Phase I Reference Truck and Rail Cask Designs for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Shielding Experimental Benchmark Storage, Retrieval, and Display System
Shielding Experimental Benchmark Storage, Retrieval, and Display System-Viewgraphs
Shifting scintillator prototype large pixel wavelength-shifting fiber detector for the POWGEN3 powder diffractometer
Shipping Cask Studies with MOX Fuel
Shippingport PWR Fuel Criticality Analyses for Viability Evaluation of Codisposal in a Geologic Repository
Short Rotation Crops in the United States
Short Rotation Woody Crop Trials for Energy Production in North Central U.S.
Short-Rotation Crops for Bioenergy: Proceedings of IEA, Bioenergy, Task 17 Meeting in Auburn, Alabama, USA, September 6-9, 1999
SIC-LSD Study of d -Pu and PuO2+x
SIC-LSD Study of Transition Metal Valencies in Oxide Materials
SIC-LSD Study of Transition Metal Valencies in Oxide Materials
SIC-LSD Study of Transition Metal Valencies in Oxide Materials
SiC/SiC Composites through Transient Eutectic-Phase Route for Fusion Applications
Signature Inversion in Odd-odd Nuclei
Signature Inversion in Odd-odd Pr Nuclei
Significance of Experimental Procedures on the Hot Corrosion Behavior of Nickel-Base Alloys Under Cyclic Conditions
Silica Immobilized Thiophene Model Compounds as Calibrants for Reductive Pyrolytic Experiments
Silicon Carbide Composites for Fusion Reactor Application
Silicon-based glancing incidence reflection superposition lens
Silver Alumina Catalyst Performance with Light Alcohols and Other Reductants
Similarities in Tensile and Compressive Strain Relief in Growth of Cu and Ag on Ru(0001)
Simplification of Multi-Group Cross-Section Processing for Large Depletion Calculations in TRITON
Simplified Design Criteria for Very High Temperature Applications in Generation IV Reactors
Simplifying Software Development and Increasing Software Productivity on High End Computers
Simplifying Software Development and Increasing Software Productivity on High End Computers
Simulating the Interaction between a Straight Boundary and a Particle
Simulating the Interaction Between a Straight Boundary and a Particle
Simulation of Biomolecular Complexes: Advanced Computational Sciences at the Molecular Level
Simulation of Higher Order Statistics Measurements Using MCNP-POLIMI
Simulation of Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Burnup in Russian VVER Reactors with the HELIOS Code Package
Simulation of Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU) burnup in Russian VVER Reactors with the HELIOS Code Package
Simulation of Oil Well Pseudo Logs using a Neural Network with Ultrafast Learning.
Simulation of the Effusive-Flow of Reactive Gases in Tubular Transport Systems: Radioactive Ion Beam Applications
Simulation of the Effusive-flow of Reactive Gases in Tubular Transport Systems: Radioactive Ion Beams Applications
Simulation of the Neutron Response Matrix for a Liquid Scintillator and Spectrum Unfolding
Simulation of the Photon Interrogation of Nuclear Materials
Simulation of Transport Phenomena in Aluminum Nitride Single-Crystal Growth
Simulation of Transport Phenomena in Aluminum Nitride Single-Crystal Growth
Simulink Implementation of Induction Machine Model - Modular Approach
Simultaneous Z-Contrast and Phase Contrast Imaging of Oxygen in Ceramic Interfaces
Single Buffer Layers of LaMnO3 or La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 for the Development of YBa2Cu3O7-
Single Cell Lysis on Microfluidic Devices
Single Crystal Growth and Characterization of Nearly Stoichiometric LiVO2
Single Crystal Growth of Gallium Nitride Substrates Using a High Pressure High Temperature Process
Single Crystal Superalloy Repair Technology: Problems and Solutions
Single-Atom Sensitivity for Solving Catalysis Problems
Single-Photon and Two-Photon Wavepackets in Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion
Single-Photon Two-Qubit Entangled States: Preparation and Measurement
Site Health and Safety Plan/Work Plan for Further Characterization of Waste Drums at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Site Occupancy Determination by ALCHEMI of Nb and Cr in g-TiAl and Their Effects on the a to g Massive Phase Transformation
Site Specific Metal Criteria Developed Using Kentucky Division of Water Procedures
Site-Resolved Neutralization of Slow Singly and Multiply Charged Ions during Large-Angle Backscattering Collisions with RbI(100)
Site-resolved Surface Backscattering of Slow Multicharged Ions during Large-angle Quasi-binary Collisions with Au(110) and RbI(100).
Site-Specific Attachment of Nanoparticles to DNA Templates
Site-Specific Specimen Preparation for Local Electrode Atom Probe (LEAP).
Site-Specific Specimen Preparation for Local Electrode Atom Probe (LEAP).
Size and Geometry Dependence of Surface Strain Fields in Systems of Buried Quantum Dots
Size Effects in the Irradiation-Induced Crystalline-to-Amorphous Transformation
Size Evolution and Control of Nanostructures in Laser-Directed Atomic Deposition
Size Exclusion Effect of Ionic Species near Charged Surfaces
Skutterudites: Their Structural Response to Filling.
Slide Rule for Rapid Response Estimation of Radiological Dose from Criticality Accidents
Sludge Mobilization with Submerged Nozzles in Horizontal Cylindrical Tanks
Slurry Molding Technologies for Novel Carbon and Graphite Materials
Small Accelerator DT Sources: Early Applications to Cavitation and Sonoluminescence Research
Small is Different: Introduction and Examples in Nanoscale Materials Science
Small Specimen Procedure for Determination of Deformation Maps
Small Specimen Procedures for Determination of Deformation Maps
Small-Column Ion-Exchange Alternative to Remove 137Cs from Low-Curie Salt Waste: Summary of Phase 1
Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Better: Good for Electrons, Why Not Molecules?
Smart Onboard Inspection of High Pressure Gas Fuel Cylinders
Smart Transducer Interface Standard for SENSORS and ACTUATORS
SMORES - A New SCALE Sequence for the Determination of Bounding Curves and Data
SNF Shipping Cask Shielding Analysis
SNOW: Software Systems for Process Migration in High-Performance, Heterogeneous Distributed Environments
SNS Cryogenic Systems Commissioning
SNS Detector Plans
SNS Inner Plug Shipping Cask Analysis
SNS Remote Handling and the Target Test Facility
SNS Target Test Facility for Hg Operations and Remote Handling
Soft Condensed Matter with Spallation Neutrons
Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Measurements of the p-like Density of States of B in MgB2 and Evidence for Surface Boron Oxides on Exposed Surfaces
Software Practices for a Performance Portable Climate System Model
Soil Carbon Dynamics Along an Elevation Gradient in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
Soil Moisture Sensitivity in CCSM2
Soils of Walker Branch Watershed
Sol-Gel Neutron Detector
Solar Cells Fabricated from Depleted Urania
SOLE 2005 Conference Brief WIM Reach Back Capability (WIM-RBC)
Solid Solution Hardening and Point Defects in NiAl Alloys
Solid State Division Progress Report for Period Ending September 30, 1999
Solid State Flux Monitor Development, Fabrication, and Testing
Solid State Reactor Final Report
Solid-State Thin-Film Rechargeable Batteries
Solid-State Thin-Film Rechargeable Lithium Batteries
Solubility and reaction rates of aluminum solid phases under hydrothermal conditions
Solubility of Copper Oxides in Water and Steam
Solubility of Copper Oxides in Water and Steam
Solubility of Nickel Oxide and Hydroxide in Water
Solubility of Nickel Oxide and Hydroxide in Water
Solute Distribution in TiAl Alloys
Solution Deposition Approaches To Coated Conductor Fabrication on Biaxially Textured Ni-W Alloy Substrates
Solution Structure of an 6-[4-oxo-4-(3-pyridyl)butyl]guanine adduct in an 11mer DNA duplex: evidence for formation of a base 'triplex'
Solution to the Boltzmann Equation for Layered Systems for Current Perpendicular to the Planes
Solvent Preparation and Optimization Physical Properties Task Plan for FY02.
Solvothermal Formation of Free-Standing Magnetic FePt Alloy Nanowires
Some Electrical Properties of Ion-Implanted Urania - Part II
Some Electrical Properties of UO2 - Part I
Some Electrical Properties of Urania - Part I
Some Recent Results Using ISOL Radioactive Ion Beams in the United States
Some Sensitivity Studies of Chemical Transport Simulated in Models of the Soil-Plant-Litter System
Some Thoughts on the Data Analysis Process [Second Research Co-ordination Meeting on Improvement of the Standard Cross Sections for Light Elements]
Some Tooling for Manufacturing Research Reactor Fuel Plates
Sorption of Np-237 by UO2 under Repository Conditions
Source Inventory Limits
Source-Tracking Unification
Sources of Iodine in Gaseous Streams from Reprocessing Plants
Sources of Iodine in Gaseous Streams from Reprocessing Plants (Letter Report)
Space-Resolved Photoluminescence of ZnS:Cu, Al Nanocrystals Fabricated by Sequential Ion Implantation
Space-Time Trade-Off Optimization for a Class of Electronic Structure Calculations
Spallation Neutron Protein Crystallography: Enzyme Mechanism Studies with D-Xylose Isomerase
Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)
Spallation Neutron Source Availability Top-Down Apportionment Using Characteristic Factors and Expert Opinion
Spallation Neutron Source Beam Dump Radiation Shielding Analysis
Spallation Neutron Source Cryogenic System Installation
Spallation Neutron Source Cryogenic Transfer Line
Spallation Neutron Source Radiation Shielding Issues
Spallation Neutron Source Target Station Issues
Spallation Neutron Source Target Test Facility: Progress and Accomplishments in Mercury Operations and Remote Handling
Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication Kernel on a Reconfigurable Computer
Spatial Correlations in Population and Nighttime Lights for Washington D.C., Metropolitan Area
Spatial Kinetics Calculations of MOX Fuelled Core: Variant 22
Spatially Continuous Haptics
Speaker Recognition Through NLP and CWT Modeling
Special Case Waste Located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Facilities Survey Report
Specialized Disposal Sites for Different Reprocessing Plant Wastes
Specialized Disposal Sites for Different Reprocessing Plant Wastes
Spectral Properties of Americium(III) in Silicate Matrices: Concentration-Dependent Up-Conversion Emission
Spectroscopic Characterization of Structural and Functional Properties of Natural Organic Matter Fractions
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Thin Film Characterization: A Tutorial
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies of Nanocrystalline Silicon in Thin-Film Silicon Dioxide
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies of Nanocrystalline Silicon in Thin-Film Silicon Dioxide
Spectroscopic Imaging of Single Atoms Within a Bulk Solid
Spectroscopic Investigations of Actinides in the Solid State
Spectroscopic Studies of f-elements in Silicates
Spectrum 2000
Spectrum Imaging with Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA)
Spectrum Imaging: Microanalysis for a New Millennium
Spectrum Imaging: Microanalysis for a New Millennium
Spectrum Imaging: Microanalysis for a New Millennium
Spectrum Imaging: Microanalysis for a New Millennium
Spectrum Imaging: Microanalysis for a New Millennium
Spectrum Imaging: The Future of Quantitative X-Ray Mapping?
Spectrum Imaging: The Future of Quantitative X-Ray Mapping?
Speech Annunciation from Highway Surface Grooves
Speech Annunciation from Highway Surface Grooves
Speed-Sensorless Control of Induction Motors for Electric Vehicles
Spent Fuel Burnup Credit in Casks: An NRC Perspective
Sphere-Pac Evaluation for Transmutation
Spherical Aberration Corrected Z-STEM Characterization of CdSe and CdSe/ZnS Nanocrystals
Spherical and Superdeformed Structures Near Doubly-Magic Nuclei 40Ca, 56Ni, and 100Sn
Spherical Tokamak Plasma Science and Fusion Energy Component Testing
Spin Column Isolation of DNA-Protein Interactions from Complex Protein Mixtures for AFM Imaging
Spin Dynamics of Double-Exchange Manganites with Magnetic Frustration
Spin Wave Spectrum of the 2d Heisenberg Antiferromagnet K2V3O8
Spin-dependent Tunneling Through metallic Quantum Well States
Spin-Polarization, Oxides, and Electrical Transport at ORNL/UT
Spin-waves in Antiferromagnetic Kagome Lattice
Spin-waves in Antiferromagnetic Kagome Lattice
Spinning Reserve from Pump Load: A Technical Findings Report to the California Department of Water Resources
Spinning Reserve From Responsive Loads
Spinning Reserves from Controllable Packaged Through the Wall Air Conditioner (PTAC) Units
SPM Imaging of Frequency-Dependent Electrical Transport through Carbon Nanotube Networks in Polymers
SPM imaging of frequency-dependent electrical transport through carbon nanotube networks in polymers
Spot Friction Welding for Sheet Aluminum Joining
Spray Ionization Interfaces for Surface Sampling with Mass Spectrometry
SPT: An Improved Tunneling Method for Large Global Optimization Problems
SRS 2H Transport Modeling
SSFNet -
SSFNet - Simulating large, high-speed-networks on a supercomputer
Stability of Ferritic MA/ODS Alloys at High Temperatures
Stability of Ferritic MA/ODS Alloys at High Temperatures
Stability of Ferritic MA/ODS Alloys at High Temperatures
Stability of Ferritic MA/ODS Alloys at High Temperatures
Stability of High-Level Radioactive Waste Forms
Stability of Purgeable VOCs in Water Samples During Pre-analytical Holding, Part 2. Analyses by an EPA Regional Laboratory
Stability of the Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction (CSSX) Process Solvent: Effect of High Nitrite on Solvent Nitration
Stabilization and Solidification of Oak Ridge MVST Tank Sludges and Supernates Using FWENC Process
Stable Frequency Locking of Broad-Area Lasers by Optical Injection
Stakeholders Views and Concerns about Bioenergy: Organizational Focus, Driver Issues and Uncertainty, Elizabeth Peelle, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Stand-Off Tissue-Based Biosensors For The Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents Using Photosynthetic Fluorescence Induction
Standard Actions
Standard Enthalpies of Formation of Monazite and Xenotime
Standard Forum (June)
STARBUCS: A Prototypic SCALE Control Module for Automated Criticality Safety Analyses Using Burnup Credit
State International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Data Reporting Procedures
Static & Transient Cavitation Threshold Measurements for Mercury
Static Scale Conversion Weigh-In-Motion System
Statistical Analysis of Data with Non-Detectable Values
Statistical Analysis of Fissile Mass
Statistical Description of Liquid Low-Level Waste System Transuranic Wastes at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Statistical Description of Liquid Low-Level Waste System Transuranic Wastes at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Statistical Methods and Software for the Analysis of Occupational Exposure Data with Non-detectable Values
Statistical Methods for Material Characterization and Qualification
Statistical Properties of the s- and p-Wave Resonances of 238U
Statistical Quality Value for Performance of BDMS Flow Measurements
Statistical Representation of Valid K Ic Data for Irradiated RPV Steels
Statistical Techniques to Assist Decision Makers in Selecting Complex Mixtures
Statistical Test pf U-238 Resonance Parameters and Structure of Cross Sections in the Unresolved Range
Status and Needs for Tank Isolation System Contingencies at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Status and Relevance of ISO Standards with OECD NEA WPNCS and IAEA FCF Initiatives
Status of a New Evaluation of the Neutron Resonance Parameters of 238U at ORNL
Status of Cermet SNF Cask Development in the United States
Status of Field Tests of HTS Electric Power Applications in the USA
Status of ORNL Cross-Section Processing and Library Generation Capabilities
Status of Physics and Safety Analyses for the Liquid-Salt-Cooled Very High-Temperature Reactor (LS-VHTR)
Status of Preconceptual Design of the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
Status of Proposed Repository for Latin-American Spent Fuel
Status of Radioactive Ion Beams at the HRIBF
Status of Technology for Using Cementitious Materials to Stabilize Wastes
Status of the High Flux Isotope Reactor Upgrades
Status of the High Flux Isotope Reactor Upgrades
Status of the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
Status of the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
Status of the negative ion beam cooler at HRIBF
Status of the Shielding Design of the SNS Accelerator System
Status of the Spallation Neutron Source with Focus on Target Region Materials
Status of the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Hydropower Turbine Systems Program
Status of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pressurized Thermal SHock Rule Re-evaluation Project
Status Report on Studies of Recovery Boiler Composite Floor Tube Cracking
Status Report on the Geology of the Oak Ridge Reservation
Status Report: A Hydrologic Framework for the Oak Ridge Reservation
Status, Relevance, and Relationships among ISO Standards Initiatives of OECD and IAEA
Steady-State and Dynamic Performance Characterization Testing of a Microturbine
Steel Processing Properties and Their Effect on Impact Deformation of Lightweight Structures
STEM Investigations of Defects and Interfaces in Complex Oxides
Step-Step Interactions on TaC(910)
Stirling Engines and Irrigation Pumping
STM study of Cu growth on the ZnO(1010) surface.
Storage of Assemblies Containing Mixed-Oxide Fuel
STP: A Stochastic Tunneling Algorithm for Global Optimization
Strain and Texture in Al-Interconnect Wires Measured by X-Ray Microbeam Diffraction
Strain Induced Phase Separation in La0.3Ca0.7MnO3 Ultrathin Films
Strange Baryon Centrality Dependence in p-A and Its Implications for A-A
Strategic Plan for Coordinating Rural Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Transit Development in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Strategic Research at ORNL for the Development of Advanced Coated Conductors: Part I
Strategic Research at ORNL for the Development of Advanced Coated Conductors: Part I
Strategic Research at ORNL for the Development of Advanced Coated Conductors: Part I
Strategic Research at ORNL for the Development of Advanced Coated Conductors: Part I
Strategies for Application of Isotopic Uncertainties in Burnup Credit
Strategies for Applying Isotopic Uncertainties in Burnup Credit
Strategies for Fabricating Atom Probe Specimens with a Dual Beam FIB
Strategy for Characterizing Transuranics and Technetium Contamination in Depleted UF6 Cylinders
Strategy for Future Use and Dispostion of Uranium-233: History, Inventories, Storage Facilities, and Potential Future Uses
Stray Grain Formation in Nickel-Base Superalloy Single-Crystal Welds
Stray Grain Formation in Nickel-Base Superalloy Single-Crystal Welds
Strength and Fatigue of NT551 Silicon Nitride and NT551 Diesel Exhaust Valves
Strength Statistics of Fiber Bundles: The Effect of Diameter Variations Among Fibers in a Bundle, and Along the Length of Individual Fibers, on the Determination of the Parameters of the Distribution of Fiber Strengths
Strengthening environmental sampling analysis in the ROK through DOE/MOST collaboration: Initial results of uranium round-robin tests
Stress Analysis of Laminated Composite Cylinders under Non-Axisymmetric Loading
Stress Intensity Factors for HFIR HB-2 Nozzle Corner
Stress-Rupture of a Nextel 720 Fiber-Reinforced Oxide Matrix composite: The Role of Evolution of Fiber Microstructure
Strong Interplay between Magnetism and Superconductivity at La0.3Ca0.7MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7 Interfaces
Strong polarization enhancement in asymmetric three-component ferroelectric superlattices
Strong, Tough Ceramics Containing Microscopic Reinforcements: Tailoring In-Situ Reinforced Silicon Nitride Ceramics
Structural Alterations in Titanate Pyrochlores Induced by Ion Irradiation: X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrum Interpretation
Structural Analysis of Shipping Casks, Vol. 9. Energy Absorption Capabilities of Plastically Deformed Struts Under Specified Impact Loading Conditions (Thesis)
Structural and Magnetic Behavior of the Kinked Chain Cu(hfac)2(tan) and It's Relevance to Cu(NO3)2(tan) (hfac = Hexafluoroacetylacetonate; tan =
Structural and Spectroscopic Studies of Covalently Modified Proteins in Ionic Liquids: Hemoglobin and Cytochrome
Structural and stereoisomer effects of model estrogen-DNA adducts
Structural and Themoelastic Properties of Mo-Si Compounds: Theory and Experiment
Structural Assessment of a Corrosion-degraded Reactor Pressure Vessel Head
Structural Causality
Structural Characterization of Recombinant Sml1-Histag Protein: Verification of Sequence and Metal Ion Binding
Structural Characterization of Tungsten Trioxide Thin Films
Structural Effects of Li and Nb Codoping in a KTaO3 Matrix: Raman Investigations
Structural Investigations of Americium and Curium in Zirconium-Oxide Based Materials
Structural Phase Transitions in Cd2Re2 O7
Structural Studies of Single Bilayer Lipid Membranes on a Patterned Surface
Structural Study of a High Ionic Conductor Rb4Cu16I7.2CI12.8
Structural Thermal Tests on Advanced Neutron Source Reactor Fuel Plates
Structure and Dynamics of Levitated Liquid Boron and Silicon
Structure and Dynamics of Propylene Oxide and Trimethylene Oxide Clathrate Hydrates
Structure and Dynamics of Stable and Supercooled Levitated Liquids
Structure and Electrical Properties of an Assembly of Gold Nanoclusters
Structure and Interfacial Behavior of Long-Chain-Imidazolium Ionic-Liquid Hydrogels
Structure and Orientation Control in Nanoporous Array-Based Inorganic Materials via Molecular Self-Assembly Templated Processing
Structure and Orientation in Nanoporous Array-Based Inorganic Materials via Molecular Self-Assembly Templated Processing
Structure and Orientation in Nanoporous Array-Based Inorganic Materials via Molecular Self-Assembly Templated Processing
Structure and Orientation in Nanoporous Array-Based Inorganic Materials via Molecular Self-Assembly Templated Processing
Structure and Physical Properties of Hydrated Sodium Cobalt
Structure and Properties of Polymer Composites from Infiltrated Aligned Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Structure and Thermal Expansivity of Tetrahydrofuran Deuterate Determined by Neutron Powder Diffraction
Structure and Thermal Properties of Polymer Composites from Infiltrated Aligned Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes and Fibers
Structure of Arylene-Bridged Polysilsesquioxane Xerogels and Aerogels
Structure of Neutron-Rich Nuclei
Structure of Neutron-Rich Nuclei
Structure of Phosphate Fluorosurfactant Based Reverse Micelles in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Structure of the Electric Double Layer in Hydrothermal Systems. Molecular Simulation Approach and Interpretation of Experimental Results
Structure, Microstructure and Magnetism in Ferrimagnetic Bioceramics
Structure-Property Relations for Interfaces and Nanostructures Through Z-Contrast Imaging, EELS, and Theory
Structured ILU for Preconditioner for Boltzmann Transport
Structured ILU Preconditioner for Boltzmann Transport.
Structures and Magnetic Behavior of 1-, 2-, and 3D Coordination Polymers in the Cu(II)-Dicyanamide-Pyrimidine Family
Studies in Nuclear Astrophysics Using Radioactive Beams at the HRIBF.
Studies of Nanocatalysts with Single-Atom Sensitivity
Studies of Nanostructured Catalysts with Single-Atom Sensitivity
Studies of Nuclei Far from Stability in the Regions A=80 and A=130
Studies of Single Dopant Atoms on Nanocrystalline gamma-Alumina Supports by Aberration-Corrected Z-Contrast STEM and First Principles Calculations
Studies of the 18F(p, )15O Reaction Rate with a 18F Beam at the HRIBF
Studies of the Si/SIO2 Interface by Z-Contrast Microscopy, Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and First Principles Theory
Study and Analysis of the Stress State in a Ceramic, Button-Head, Tensile Specimen
Study and Application of a Porous Flow-Through Electrode Electrospray Emitter
Study of Collectivity in n-rich A=80 Nuclei Using Radioactive Ion Beams
Study of Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Cr-Based Alloys and Intermetallic Materials
Study of Nuclear Reactions with Radioactive 17F at HRIBF
Study of Nuclei Beyond the Proton Drip-Line
Study of Resonant Reactions with Radioactive Ion Beams and Observation of Simultaneous 2p Emission
Study of Resonant States with Radioactive Ion Beams: Observation of Simultaneous Two-Proton Emission
Study of the Effect of Integral Burnable Absorbers for PWR Burnup Credit
Study of the Effects of Neutrals in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas
Study of the Microwave Electrodynamic Response of MgB2 Thin Films
Study of the Potential Impact of Gamma-Induced Radiolytic Gases on Loading of Cesium Onto Crystalline Silicotitanate Sorbent at ORNL's High Flux Isotope Reactor
Study of Voltage Limits on Ion Cyclotron Antenna Power in Tokamaks
Study of Voltage Limits on Ion Cyclotron Antenna Power in Tokamaks
Study of Weldability and Development of the Technology for Repair of High-Nickel Alloy Components
Study on Enhancement and Weakening of Permanent Magnet Air Gap Flux Density
Study on Recriticality of Fuel Debris During Hypothetical Severe Accidents in the Advanced Neutron Source Reactor
Study on Severe Accident Fuel Dispersion Behavior in the Advanced Neutron Source Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Sub-Angstrom Imaging by Aberration-Corrected STEM
Sub-Angstrom Resolution Through Aberration-Corrected STEM
Sub-Microsecond Decay Time Phosphors for Pressure Sensitive Paint Applications
Sub-Millisecond Time Resolved X-ray Surface Diffraction During Pulsed Laser Deposition
Submicron Resolution, 3D X-Ray Structural Microscopy for Fundamental Studies of Plastic and Elastic Deformation
Submicron-Resolution Measurement of Texture and Strain in Oxide Films Using X-ray Microdiffraction.
Submicron-Resolution Texture and Strain Determination Using X-Ray Microbeams
Substrate and Community Structure Determinants of Uranium Reduction Rates in Subsurface Sediments
Successes from Rebuild America's Housing Partnerships
Succinic Acid Adsorption from Fermentation Broth and Regeneration
SUGGEL: A Program Suggesting the Orbital Angular Momentum of a Neutron Resonance from the Magnitude of its Neutron Width
Suitability of Agent Technology for Military Command and Control in the Future Combat System Environment
Sulfur Thermochemical Processes with Inorganic Membranes to Produce Hydrogen
Sulfur Thermochemical Processes with Inorganic Membranes to Produce Hydrogen
Sulfur Thermochmical Processes with Inorganic Membranes to Produce Hydrogen
Summary of 2002/2003 Annual Monitoring Activities at the High Flux Isotope Reactor Site
Summary of 2003/2004 Annual Monitoring Activities at the High Flux Isotope Reactor Site: Monitoring Period October 2003 through October 2004
Summary of ACSL Simulations of the MSRE Auxiliary Charcoal Bed Vacuum System
Summary of Advanced Supermarket R&D Activities Conducted Under International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex 26
Summary of Dynamic Analyses of the Advanced Neutron Source Reactor Inner Control Rods
Summary of Key Results from the Heavy-Section Steel Irradiation Program
Summary of Mercury Compatibility Issues for the Spallation Neutron Source Target Containment and Ancillary Equipment
Summary of mercury target pitting issue
Summary of Opportunities in the Fusion Energy Sciences Program
Summary of SANEX Extraction Studies for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative Program
Summary of Travel Trends 2001 National Household Travel Survey
Summary Report on Transport of Contaminants in the Subsurface: The Role of Organic and Inorganic Colloidal Particles
Summary: Tags to Track Illict Uranium and Plutonium
Summer Schools in Nuclear and Radiochemistry
Super-High Coherent Power Generation Using Laser Arrays
Super-scalable Algorithms: Next Generation Supercomputing on 100,000 and more Processors
Superconducting and Magnetic Properties of YNi2B2C Single Crystal
Superconducting Clusters and Colossal Effects in Underdoped Cuprates
Superconducting Clusters and Colossal Effects in Underdoped Cuprates
Superconducting Clusters and Colossal Effects in Underdoped Cuptrates
Superconducting MgB2 films with Tc > 20K by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Superconducting Power: Meeting the Challenges
Superconducting Properties of High-Jc MgB2 Coatings
Superconductivity - from Exotic Forms of Matter to Commercial Coated Conductors
Superconductivity - From Exotic Forms of Matter to Commercial Coated Conductors
Superconductivity - from Exotic Forms of Matter to Commerical Coated Conductors
Superfluidity of Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Optical Lattice: Landau-Zener Tunneling and Dynamical Instability
Supernova Studies at ORLaND
Superplastic Deformation and Viscous Flow in an Zr-Based Metallic Glass at 410 Degrees C
Supplement of the "Determination Analysis" (ORNL-6847) and Analysis of the NEMA Efficiency Standard for Distribution Transformers
Supplement to a Hydrologic Framework for the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Supplemental Modeling and Analysis Report, Atlas Corporation Moab Mill, Moab, Utah
Supplemental Release Limits for the Directed Reuse of Lead in Shielding Products by the Department of Energy
Supplemental Release Limits for the Directed Reuse of Steel in Road Barriers and Lead in Shielding Products by the Department of Energy
Support Facility for a Graphite Target Neutrino Factory
Support Facility for a Mercury Target Neutrino Factory
Support Services for Ceramic Fiber-Ceramic Matrix Composites
Support Services for Ceramic Fiber-Ceramic Matrix Composites
Support Services for Ceramic Fiber-Ceramic Matrix Composites
Supporting Collaborative Use of Scientific Instruments: An MMC Case Study
Supporting Generic Programming in a Multi-Language Component-Based Environment
Supporting Infrastructure and Acceptability Issues Associated With Two New Generation Vehicles: P2000 and EXS2
Suppressed Magnetization in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/YBa2 Cu3O7-γ Superlattices
Surface Analysis by Atom Probe Tomography
Surface Change and Ion Adsorption on Metal Oxides to 290oC
Surface conformation of surfactant sponge phases
Surface Defect-Mediated Reactivity of Au/TiO2(110)
Surface Defects on TiO2(110): From Atomic and Electronic Structure to Catalytic Activity
Surface Diffusion and Size Evolution of Nanostructures in Laser-Directed Atomic Deposition
Surface Hardening Efficiency of Medium-Energy Light Ions on Polycarbonate
Surface Modification and Characterization User Center
Surface Modification of 4340 Steel with Iron-Aluminides Using High-Energy Density Processes
Surface Modified Metallic Bipolar Plates
Surface Mott Transition in the Layered Ruthenate Ca1.9Sr0.1RuO4
Surface Mott-Insulator Transition of Layered Perovskite Ca2- xSrxRuO4
Surface of Layered Transition Metal Oxides
Surface Patch Ranking Method Identifies Coooperative Substrate Specificity Residues in Highly Homologous Enzymes
Surface Phase Diagram of Ca2-x Sr x RuO 4
Surface Physics in the New Millennium
Surface Properties and Thermal Behavior of Epitaxial SrRuO< sub>3 Thin Films
Surface Properties and Thermal Behavior of Epitaxial SrRuO< sub>3Thin Films
Surface Reconstruction STM Studies of Clean and Oxidized Low Index FeAl Surfaces
Surface Sampling with Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Surface Stability of Epitaxial SrRuO3 Films
Surface Stability of Epitaxial SrRuO3 Thin Films in Vacuum
Surface Stabilization and in-situ Analysis of Epitaxial SrRuO 3 Films
Surface Treatment for Improving Sulfidation Resistance of Fossil Power Systems
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection for chemical and biological agents
SURFING: A Program for Precise Determination of Sample Position in Stress Measurements Via Neutron Diffraction
Surrogate Fluid Selection for Space Rankine Cycle Start-up Experiment Testing
Survey of Alternative Feedstocks for the Chemical Industry
Survey of Cryogenic Semiconductor Devices
Survey of Fieldbus Instrument Systems
Survey of U.S. Mineral and Metal Process Residues
Sustainability of High Intensity Forest Management with Respect to Water Quality and Site Nutrient Reserves
Sustainability, Water, Dry Cooling, and the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Sustainability, Water, Dry Cooling, and the Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
Sustainable Recovery of By-Products in the Mining Industry
Sustaining the Landscape: A Method for Comparing Current and Desired Future Conditions of Forest Ecosystems in the North Cumberland Plateau and Mountains
SWANS: A Prototypic SCALE Criticality Sequence for Automated Optimization Using the SWAN Methodology
Synchronization of Broad Area Semiconductor Laser Arrays.
Synchronization of Broad-Area Semiconductor Laser Array
Synchronization of Combustion Variations in a Multi-Cylinder Spark Ignition Engine
Synchronization of High Power Laser Arrays
Synchronization of High Power Lasers
Synchronization of High-Power Broad-Area Semiconductor Lasers
Synergisms Between Nuclear Hydrogen, Renewable Electricity, and Coal Liquefaction
Synergistic Benefits of a Nuclear-Renewable Hydrogen Economy
Synergistic Benefits of a Nuclear-Renewable Hydrogen Economy
Synergistic Benefits of a Nuclear-Renewable Hydrogen Economy
Synergy and Processivity in the Hydrolysis of Cellulose by Cellobiohydrolases I and II
Syntheses and Characterizations of Sulfonated 1,3-Cyclohexadiene Polymers
Synthesis and Characterication of Pulsed-Laser Deposited Amorphous Carbon Films
Synthesis and Characterization of B Site Substituted Strontium Ferrates
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Ceramic Thin Film Nanocomposites with Improved Mechanical Properties
Synthesis and Characterization of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Mesoporous Anion-Exchange Resins for Perrhenate (ReO4-) Anion Adsorption
Synthesis and Characterization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Composites
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Magnesium Diboride Films
Synthesis and Processing of Nanocrystalline YSZ Thin Films for Fuel Cell Applications
Synthesis and Properties of Thin Film Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries
Synthesis and Structure of Fluorinated DL-Phenylalanines and Arylpyruvic Acids
Synthesis of Alpha-A1203 Template on NI Superalloy Surface by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Synthesis of CoPt Nanoparticles in Al2O3 and SiO2
Synthesizing Highly Optimized Code for Correlated Electronic Structure Calculations
Synthesizing Truck Origin-Destination Table for Local Transportation Analysis Zones--A Nashville MPO Case Study
System Considerations for Maskless Lithography
System Definitiion Document: Reactor Data Necessary for Modelling Plutonium Disposition in Catawba Nuclear Station Unit 1 & 2
System Design and Integration Analysis for the Integrated Booking System (IBS)
System Design Optimization and Validation for Single-Speed Heat Pumps
System Software and Ultrascale Simulation
System/Subsystem Specifications for the Worldwide Port System (WPS) Regional Integrated Cargo Database (ICDB)
Systematic Assessment of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience
Systematic Assessment of U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience Using the Sequence Coding and Search System
Systematic Errors in Linear PSD Based HTXRD Systems
Systematic investigation of electrical and optical properties of Sr1-xBaxNb2O6 films
Systems Requirement Document for the MSRe U-233 Conversion System
Systems Studies of Actinide Partitioning-Transmutation Recycle Methods
Tabulation of Thermally-Induced Stress intensity Factors (Krr) and Crack Tip Temperatures for Generating Pressure-Temperature Curves per ASME Section XI - Appendix G
TAFV Alternative Fuels and Vehicles Choice Model Documentation
Tagging of Isobars using Energy Loss and Time-of- Flight Measurements
Tagging of Isobars Using Energy Loss and Time-of-flight Measurements
Tailings Pile Seepage Model The Atlas Corporation Moab Mill Moab, Utah
Tailoring Ordered and Oriented Inorganic Nanostructures with Block-Copolymer Templated Processing
Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Crosslinked Proteins and Protein Complexes
Tank Waste Consolidation Analysis for Transfers of ORNL RH-TRU Tank Sludges to the Melton Valley Storage Tanks
Tank Waste Retrieval
Tank Waste Retrieval Operations at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Tank Waste Transport Stability: Summaries of Hanford Slurry and Salt-Solution Studies in FY 2000
Tank Waste Transport Stability: Summary of Slurry and Salt-Solution Studies for FY 2001
Tank Waste Transport, Pipeline Plugging, and the Prospects for Reducing the Risk of Waste Transfers
Target Enclosure and System Design for a Mercury-Target Neutrino Producing Facility
Target Orientation Dependence of the Backscattered Intensities and Charge Fractions Observed for Large-Angle Quasi-Binary Collisions of Arq+ Ions with Au(110)
Target Orientation Dependence of the Backscattered Intensities and Charge Fractions Observed for Large-angle Quasi-binary Collisions of Arq+ Ions with Au(110)
Target Station Development for the National Spallation Neutron Source
Targeting Qubit States Using Open-Loop Control
Targets for High-Intensity Particle Production
Targets used in the Production of Radioactive Ion Beams at the HRIBF
Task Parallel and Data Parallel Computing for Subsurface Inverse Characterization Problems
TDHF Periodic Orbits and Nuclear Collective States
Teach By Zooming: A Camera Independent Alternative to Teach by Showing Visual Servo Control
Technical and Market Results of Major U.S. Geothermal Heat Pump Programs
Technical Basis for Preseizure Indication
Technical Development on Burn-up Credit for Spent LWR Fuel
Technical Evaluation of the In Situ Vitrification Melt Expulsion at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory on April 21, 1996, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Technical Potential for Peak Load Management Programs in New Jersey
Technical presentation to AFRL titled, "New Technology for Periodic or Real Time Monitoring of Crack-Related Life of Structure", Applicability to USAF Aging Aircraft Program
Technical Report for the Generic Site Add-On Facility for Plutonium Polishing
Technical Review of Depleted Uranium Uses Research and Development Program
Technical Support Section Annual Work Plan for FY 1996
Technical Support Section Instrument Support Program for Nuclear and Nonnuclear Facilities with Safety Requirements
Techniques for Neutron Spectrum Unfolding from Pulse Height Distributions Measured with Liquid Scintillators
Technological Progress and Environmental Challenges for Energy Production and Use
Technology Development for Characterizing the Complex Metaproteomes of Microbial Communities
Technology Development Program for an Advanced Potassium Rankine Power Conversion System Compatible with Several Space Reactor Designs
Technology for extending the mass range of ion traps and linear quadrupoles to giagadaltons and beyond
Technology Opportunities to Reduce U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Technometrics: Book Review "Multivariate Analysis of Quality An Introduction."
Telerobotic Planning and Control for DOE D&D Operations
Temperature and Magnetic Field Dependence of Critical Currents in YBCO Coated Conductors with Processing-Induced Variations in Pinning Properties
Temperature Effects on the Mechanical Properties of Candidate SNS Target Container Materials after Proton and Neutron Irradiation
Temperature Inversions in the Vicinity of Oak Ridge Tennessee, as Characterized by Tethersonde Data
Templated Growth of Complex Nitride Island Dispersions by Controlled Internal Reactions
Temporary Losses of Highway Capacity and Impacts on Performance
Temporary Losses of Highway Capacity and Impacts on Performance: Phase 2
Tensile and Thermal Properties of Chemically Vapor-Infiltrated Silicon Carbide Composites of Various High-Modulus Fiber Reinforcements
Tensile Properties of Inconel 718 after Low Temperature Neutron Irradiation
Terrain Coverage of an Unknown Room by an Autonomous Mobile Robot
Terrain Model Acquisition by Mobile Robot Teams and n-Connectivity
Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration Potential
Terrestrial Ecosystem Responses to Global Change: A Research Strategy
Terrestrial Ecosystems: Carbon Sequestration Technology Options
Test Methodologies for Determining Energy Absorbing Mechanisms in Automotive Composite Material Systems
Test Methodologies for Determining Energy Absorbing Mechanisms of Automotive Composite Material Systems
Test Plan for the Parallex CANDU-MOX Irradiation
test record
Test Report for Cricket Radiation Detection System Used In EPA Port Installations
Test Requirements and Conceptual Design for a Potassium Test Loop to Support an Advanced Potassium Rankine Cycle Power Conversion Systems
Test Results for CSTR Test 3
Test Results for CSTR Test 4
Testing and Transition: The Final Days of System Development
Testing of Multi-pole Formalism and POLIDENT Continuous Energy Cross-Section Data for Criticality Safety Applications
Testing of the Semikron Validation AIPM Unit at Oak Ridge National Laboratory -- October 2004
Testing of the Semikron Validation AIPM Unit at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: January 2005
Testing of Z Scheme Photosynthesis Using PS1 Deficient Mutants of Green Algae
Testing of Z Scheme Photosynthesis Using PS1 Deficient Mutants of Green Algae
Testing, Characterization, and Modeling of SiC Diodes for Transportation Applications
TEWI Analysis: Its Utility, Its Shortcomings, and Its Results
Textile Laser-Optical System for Inspecting Fabric Structure and Form
Textile laser-optical system for inspecting fabric structure and form
The Advaced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (A New Reactor Concept That Combines Existing Technologies in a New Way)
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (A New Reactor Concept that Combines Existing Technologies in a New Way)
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR)
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR) for Producing Hydrogen to Manufacture Liquid Fuels
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR) for Producing Hydrogen to Manufacture Liquid Fuels
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor (AHTR) for Producing Hydrogen to Manufacture Liquie Fuels
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor for Electricity and Hydrogen Production
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor for Hydrogen Production
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor, Back to the Future with Liquid and Molten Salt
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor, Back to the Future with Liquid and Molten Salts
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: High-Temperature Fuel, Liquid Salt Coolant, and Liquid-Metal-Reactor Plant
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: High-Temperature Fuel, Liquid Salt Coolant, and Liquid-Metal-Reactor Plant
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: Matching Nuclear Power Systems to Thermochemical Hydrogen Production
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: Matching Nuclear Power Systems to Thermochemical Hydrogen Production
The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor: Matching Nuclear Power Systems to Thermochemical Hydrogen Production
The Advanced Neutron Source Liquid Deuterium Cold Source
The Advanced Neutron Source Research and Development Plan
The ALLIANCE Architecture for Multi-Robot Control
The AMPX-2000 Operating System for Producing Continuous Energy and Multi-Group Cross Sections from Basic Data Libraries Using the ENDF/B-6 Formats
The AMPX-2000 Operating System for Producing Continuous Energy and Multi-Group Cross-Sections from Basic Data Libraries Using the ENDF-6 Formats
The Anomalous J/y Suppression in Pb-Pb Collisions and the Production of the Quark-Gluon Plasma
The Atomistic Origin of Materials Properties by Z-Contrast Microscopy, Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and First-Principles Theory
The Automated Bicron Tester: Automated Electronic Instrument Diagnostic, Testing, and Alignment System with Records Generation
The Behavior of An2Zr2O7 (An=Am & Cf) Under Self-Irradiation: Significance for the Stability of this Waste Forms
The Blend Down Monitoring System Demonstration at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
The Block II Chemical Biological Mass Spectrometer (CBMS): Issues and Solutions in Integrated Chemical-Biological Agent Detection
The Block II Chemical Biological Mass Spectrometer: Point Detection for Both Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents
The Block II Chemical Biological Mass Spectrometer: Point Detection for Both Chemical and Biological Warfare Gents
The Calibration and Characterization of Research X-Ray Unit
The CARDS array for Neutron-Rich Decay Studies at HRIBF
The CCA Toolkit and Software Tools
The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences: A New User Facility for Nanoscience at ORNL
The Center for Structural Molecular Biology at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Central Void Reactivity in the Oak Ridge Enriched Uranium (93.2) Metal Sphere
The Chemistry of Precursor Soot and Its Profound Effect on Soot Formation
The Chemistry of Precursor Soot and Its Ramifications
The Coming Hydrogen Economy: When, Where, and How?
The Common Component Architecture
The Common Component Architecture
The Common Component Architecture
The Common Component Architecture (CCA) and Automated Code Synthesis (LDRD)
The Common Component Architecture as a Foundation for Domain-Specific Computational Framework
The Common Component Architecture: Status and Plans
The Consequences of Surface Confinement on Free Radical Chemistry
The Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center
The Cost of Automotive Polymer Composites: A Review and Assessment of DOE's Lightweight Materials Composites Research
The Cost of Silage Harvest and Transport Systems for Herbaceous Crops
The Covariance and Biocovariance of the Stochartic Neutron Field
The Decomposition of Pd40Ni40P20 Bulk Metallic Glass
The Department of Energy's Nanoscale Science Research Centers
The Depleted Uranium Uses R&D Program
The Design and Evaluation of High Efficiency Release Targets for Radioactive ion Beam Generation
The Design and Implementation of the Parallel Out-of-core ScaLAPACK LU, QR and Cholesky Factorization Routines
The Design and Presentation of Mitigation Measures in Environmental Impact Statements for Non-Regulatory Agencies: A Case Study
The Design of Highly-Permeable, Fast-Diffusion-Release High-Power ISOL Targets
The Design of Selective Resins for the Removal of Pertechnetate and Perchlorate from Groundwater
The detection and characterization of bio-aerosols in an ion trap mass spectrometer by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization
The Detection of Low-Intensity Beams at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
The Detection of Low-Intensity Beams at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF)
The Determination of Aqueous Concentration Profiles within Intact Sediment Cores During Transport Experiments
The Determination of Lewisite Oxide in Soil Using Solid Phase Microextraction: An Example of a New "Green" Analytical Procedure
The Development and Characterization of Novel Adsorbent Carbons Final CRADA Report ORNL-97-0483
The Development of a Model and Strategy for Managing Organizational Knowledge
The Development of an Energy Resources Accounting Module for a Global Energy Optimization Model
The Development of the 17F Beam at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
The DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers - An Experiment in University-Government Laboratory Partnerships
The DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers: An Experiment in University-Government Laboratory Partnerships
The DOE National Transportation Program Cost-Estimating Model
The Dynamic Role of Defects in Surface Phenomena
The Dynamic Role of Defects in Two-Dimensional Systems
The Dynamic Role of Defects in Two-Dimensional Systems
The Dynamic World of Surface Nanostructures
The dynamic world of surface nanostructures
The dynamic world of surface nanostructures: decay after growth
The Dynamical Densite-Response Function of Transition-Metal Oxides
The Earth System Grid and other Initiatives from the SciDAC Program
The Earth System Grid Discovery and Semantic Web Technologies
The Earth System Grid Discovery and Semantic Web Technologies
The Effect of (alpha,n) Reactions on Correlation Measurements of Plutonium Oxide Samples
The Effect of (alpha,n) Reactions on Correlation Measurements of Plutonium Oxide Samples
The Effect of (alpha,n) Reactions on Correlation Measurements of Plutonium Oxide Samples
The Effect of Alcohol Solvent Modifier Structure on Cesium Extraction Performance by Calix[4]arene Crown Ethers
The Effect of Biomass on the Measured Solubility of Priority Contaminants in Aqueous Bioremediation Systems
The Effect of Bulk Alloy Composition on Driver Mechanisms for Irradiation-Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking
The Effect of Bulk Composition on Microstructural Changes in Austenitic Alloys
The Effect of Bulk Composition on Swelling and Radiation-Induced Segregation in Austenitic Alloys
The Effect of Co-Doping on the Photoelectric Properties of UO2
The Effect of Distributed Energy Resource Competition with Central Generation
The Effect of Fuel Economy on Automobile Safety: A Reexamination
The Effect of Ion Implantation of Selected Dopants on Some of the Electrical Properties of UO2
The Effect of Lignin Contents and S/G Ratio in Populus on the Release of Fermentable Sugars During Dilute Acid Hydrolysis
The Effect of Lubricating Oil Condition on the Friction and Wear of Piston Ring and Cylinder Liner Materials in a Reciprocating Bench Test
The Effect of Neutron and Gamma Ray Cross Talk Between Plastic Scintillating Detectors
The Effect of Roll Waves on the Hydrodynamics of Falling Films Observed in Vertical Column Absorbers
The Effect of Soil Heterogeneity on the Transport of Bacteria for Bioaugmentation
The Effect of Solidification Defect on the Dross Formation During Re-melting of Aluminum 5182 Alloy RSI
The Effect of Solute Additions and Pre-Irradiation Heat Treatment on the Radiation-Induced Segregation Behavior in Austenitic Stainless Steel
The Effect of Void Fraction Correlation and Heat Flux Assumption on Refrigerant Charge Inventory Predictions
The Effects of Damage on Hydrogen-Implant-Induced Thin-Film Separation from Bulk Silicon Carbide
The Effects of Intergranular Films on the Mechanical Behavior Self-Reinforced Ceramics
The Effects of Irradiation, Annealing and Reirradiation on An A533B RPV Steel
The Effects of Irradiation, Annealing and Reirradiation on RPV Steels
The Effects of Turbine Passage on C-Start Behavior of Salmon at the Wanapum Dam, Washington
The Electric Field Distribution in a Spiral Inflector for Cyclotron Injection Applications
The FALSTF Last-Flight Computer Program
The Feasibility of Replacing or Upgrading Utility Distribution Transformers During Routine Maintenance
The Federal Highway Administration Gasohol Consumption Estimation Model
The Financial Management Environment (FaME): A Prototype Interactive Hypertext-Based Financial Planning and Reporting System
The Fission Spectrum Uncertainty
The Freight Model Improvement Program
The Frontiers of Scanning Tunneling Probes in Condensed Matter Physics
The Future of Absorption Technology for BCHP
The Future of Computational Materials Science: Making Good Use of High Performance Computing.
The Future of Fusion
The Future of Fusion
The Future of High-Performance Computational Chemistry Software
The Future of Nuclear Energy in the United States Open or Closed Fuel Cycle?
The Future of Nuclear Energy: Hydrogen and Electricity Production
The Future of Oil: Have We Run Out Yet? Oil Peaking Analysis from an Optimist's Perspective
The G4-ECONS Economic Evaluation Tool for Generation IV Reactor Systems
The Genome Channel: A Foundation for Genomes to Life and Comparative Genomics
The Geometric Distribution, Cumulants, Eulerian Numbers, and the Logarithmic Function
The Global Array Programming Model
The Growth and Characterization of Lanthanide-Phosphate-Based Scintillators for Radiation Detection Applications
The Gunite and Associated Tanks Remediation Project Tank Waste Retrieval Performance and Lessons Learned, vol. 1 [of 2]
The Gunite and Associated Tanks Remediation Project Tank Waste Retrieval Performance and Lessons Learned, vol. 2 [of 2]
The H-mode Pedestal and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX
The H-mode Pedestal and Edge Localized Modes in NSTX
The HFIR Center for Neutron Scattering
The High Efficiency Cavity Source for Isotopic Analysis of Small Samples
The History of Metals and Ceramics Division
The Hofmeister Order and the Concept of Bias in Anion Separation
The Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
The HRIBF, Present and Future
The Human Genome and Beyond
The Hyball Charged-Particle Detector System for Radioactive Ion Beams
The Impact of an Improved Flaw Model on a Pressurized Thermal Shock Evaluation
The Impact of Desiccant Dehumidification on Classroom Humidity Levels
The Impact of Improved Weak Interaction Physics in Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations
The Impact of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Evolutionary Studies of the Nova Outburst
The Impact of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Evolutionary Studies of the Nova Outburst
The Impact of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Evolutionary Studies of the Nova Outburst
The Impact of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Evolutionary Studies of the Nova Outburst
The Impact of Wind Generation on System Regulation Requirements
The Importance of Neutrino Opacities for the Accretion Luminosity in Spherically Symmetric Supernova Models
The Influence of Surface Speciation on the Release of Dissolved Fe and Ferrihydrite Colloids from Porous Media
The Influence of Surface Speciation on the Release of Dissolved Fe and Ferrihydrite Colloids from Porous Media
The Influence of Ta and Pt on Cr Grain Boundary Segregation in CoCr(TaPt)/Cr Longitudinal Recording Media
The Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into Electric Power Distribution Systems, Vol. II Utility Case Assessments
The Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into Electric Power Transmission Systems
The Intermediate Level Waste Transfer Line Decommissioning Project - Final Report
The KENO V.a Primer
The KFM, A Homemade Yet Accurate and Dependable Fallout Meter
The Klein Bottle
The LAJ Cycle: An Innovative and Very High Efficiency Fuel Cell-Turbine Hybrid Power Generation Cycle
The Layer-KKR Method: 1. Theory
The Layer-KKR Method: 2. Application
The Liquid-Salt-Cooled Advanced High-Temperature Reactor for Hydrogen and Electricity
The Longer-Term Option: The Advanced High-Temperature Reactor
The Manufactured Home Energy Audit
The Mass Transfer Dynamics of Gaseous Methyl-Iodide Adsorption by Silver-Exchanged Sodium Mordenite
The Mechanical Behavior of Nb-1Zr
The Mechanics of Creep Deformation in Polymerderived Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites
The Mercury Component of the ESIP System-Wide Interoperability Layer (SWIL)
The Microbial Conversion of Nitric Oxide
The Microfabricated Laboratory: The Way of the Future?
The Model-Based Mind
The NARSTO Data and Information Sharing Tool
The National Energy Audit (NEAT) Engineering Manual (Version 6)
The National Fuel End-Use Efficiency Field Test: Energy Savings and Performance of an Improved Energy Conservation Measure Selection Technique
The Nature of Self-Luminescence from Einsteeinium Doped Glass
The Neutron Pulse, Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 2000
The Neutron Pulse, Vol. 1, No. 2, Fall 2000
The New HRIBF Recoil Mass Spectrometer - Performance and First Results.
The North Carolina Field Test: Field Performance of the Preliminary Version of an Advanced Weatherization Audit for the Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program
The Nuclear Collective Motion
The Nuclear Hydrogen Economy: The Questions are When, Where, and How?
The Nuclear-Hydrogen Renewables Economy
The Nuclear-Hydrogen Renewables Economy
The Oak Ridge Heat Pump Design Model: Mark III Version Program Documentation
The Oak Ridge Heat Pump Models: I. A Steady-State Computer Design Model fo Air-to-Air Heat Pumps
The Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron: Enhancements to ORNL's HRIBF Driver Accelerator
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Automobile Heat Pump Model: User's Guide
The Oklahoma Field Test: Air-Conditioning Electricity Savings from Standard Energy Conservation Measures, Radiant Barriers, and High-Efficiency Window Air Conditioners
The Options for Weatherization Programs in the NOx Tradable Emission Permit Program
The Origin and Manifestations of Enhanced Surface Electron- Phonon Coupling
The Origin of Electrical Activity at Grain Boundaries in Perovskites and Related Materials
The ORNL DAAC: Contributing to the ESIP Federation
The ORNL DAAC: Contributing to the ESIP Federation
The ORNL Document Preparation Guide
The ORNL Modulating Heat Pump Design Tool -- Mark IV User's Guide
The OSCAR Toolkit: Current and Future Developments
The Outlook for U.S. Oil Dependence
The Oxdation-Sulfidation Behavior of Multiphase Mo-Si-B Alloys
The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Nano-scale Uraninite at the Oklo-Okelobondo Natural Fission Reactors, Gabon
The Partitioning of Acetic, Formic, and Phosphoric Acids Between Liquid Water and Steam
The Penguin in the Pail - OSCAR Cluster Installation Tool
The Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Ocean Program on the Cray X-1
The Performance Evaluation Research Center (PERC)
The Performance Evolution of the Parallel Ocean Program on the Cray X1 (paper)
The Performance of a Desiccant-Based air Conditioner on a Florida School
The Physcis of Confinement Improvement with Impurity Seeding in DIII-D
The Physical and Chemical Roles of Hydrogen in Layer Transfer
The Physics of Spherical Torus Plasmas
The Pollutant Emissions Reduction Potential of Superconductive Technologies
The Potential Economic Impact of Electricity Restructuring in the State of Oklahoma: Phase I Report
The Potential Economic Impact of Electricity Restructuring in the State of Oklahoma: Phase II Report
The Potential Economic Impact of Electricity Restructuring in the State of Oklahoma: Phase II Report
The Potential for Criticality Following Disposal of Uranium at Low-Level Waste Facilities, Volume 1: Uranium Blended with Soil
The Potential for Criticality Following Disposal of Uranium at Low-Level-Waste Facilities Volume 2: Containerized Disposal
The Potential for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in North Carolina
The Potential For Energy Efficiency In The State of Iowa
The Potential for Low Petroleum Gasoline
The Potential for Separation and Capture of Carbon Dioxide at High Temperatures Using Inorganic Membranes
The Potential Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems from the Release of Trace Elements in Geothermal Fluids
The Potential of Tantalum Alloys for Space Nuclear Applications
The Pressure Behavior of Actinides via Synchrotron Radiation
The Principles of Life-Cycle Analysis
The Production and Acceleration of Radioactive Ion Beams at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
The Pyrolysis Behaviour of Sulphur Model Compounds: A Mass Spectroscopic Study
The Radiation Environment for the Change-out Scenarios of the SNS Inner Plug and the Proton Beam Window Insert
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC)
The Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC) Forty Years of Nuclear Knowledge Management
The Radioactive Materials Packaging Handbook
The Remarkable Chemistry of Precursor Soot
The Reutter/Wade Toxicity Report and CSEPP Civilian Emergency Planning
The Risk Assessment Information System
The Role of Amorphous Intergranular Films in Self-Reinforced Ceramics
The Role of Blend Down Monitoring System Fissile Mass Flow Monitors for the HEU Transparency Program in Russia
The Role of Blend Down Monitoring System Fissile Mass Flow Monitors for the HEU Transparency Program in Russia
The Role of cavitation on Initiating Mercury-Steel Wetting
The role of ion mass on end-of-range damage in shallow preamorphizing silicon
The Role of Ledge Nucleation/Migration in "Omega" Plate Thickening Behavior in A1-Cu-Mg-Ag Alloys
The Role of Liquid in Determining the YBCO Grain Size in ex situ Processed Coated Conductors
The Role of Ontologies for Agent-oriented Systems
The Role of Ontologies in Agent-Oriented Systems
The Role of Precursor Soot in the Production of Soot and Fullerenes
The Role of Produced Hadrons in J/y Suppression
The Role of Protein Dynamics in Enzymatic Catalysis: Investigating the cis/trans isomerase activity of Cyclophilin A
The Role of Reluctance in PM Motors
The Role of Strain on Grain Boundary Structure/Property Relations
The SCALE Web Site - Resources for the Worldwide Nuclear Criticality Safety Community
The Scope of the Weatherization Assistance Program: Profile of the Population in Need
The Search for Permanent Shielding Materials for Use in the New DOE Type-B 252Cf Shipping Cask
The Sensitivity of Pressurized Thermal Shock Analysis Results to Alternative Models for Weld Flaw Distributions
The Siting Record: An Account of the Programs of Federal Agencies and Events That Have Led to the Selection of a Potential Site for a Geologic Repository for High-Level Radioactive Waste
The Social Costs to the U.S. of Monopolization of the World Oil Market, 1972-1991
The Southern Appalachian Man and Biosphere Program--A Model for Management-Need Based Research
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Cryogenic System Commissioning Plan
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Project
The Spallation Neutron Source: A Powerful Tool for Materials Research
The State and Future Directions of Atom Probe Tomography
The State of the CCA ISIC (aka CCTTSS), SciDAC Review Report (March 2003)
The Statistics of the Number of Neutron Collisions until Absorption
The Status of Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations
The Steam System Assessment Tool (SSAT): Estimating Steam System Energy, Cost, and Emission Savings
The Surface of Sr2Ru0.9Mo0.1O4: A LEED and STM Study
The Surfaces of Layered Transition Metal Oxides
The Surfaces of Layered Transition Metal Oxides
The Technology and Infrastructure That Enable the CCA
The Technology and Infrastructure that Enable the CCA
The Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium (TMGC) Neuromutagenesis Program: Screening for Abnormalities of the Nervous System and Behavior
The Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium (TMGC) Neuromutagenesis Program: Screening for Abnormalities of the Nervous System and Behavior
The Tensor Contraction Engine: Automatic Code Generation for Quantum Chemistry Applications
The Tower Shielding Facility Its Glorious Past on 20 Years of Experience
The Transfer and Diffusion of New Technologies: A Review of the Economics Literature
The Transport and Chemistry of Copper in Power Plants as Determined by Laboratory Experiments
The Transport of Gmelina Logs on the Rio Dulce
The Truncated Polynomial Ezpansion Method for Fermion Systems Coupled to Classical Fields
The Truth About Quality Assurance and Data Management
The U.S. Army's Vehicle Intelligence Program (AVIP): The Future of Manned, Wheeled Tactical Vehicles
The U.S. Department of Energy Californium-252 Program
The U.S. Nuclear Criticality Safety Experience, Needs, and Future in a Global Economy
The Ultimate Resolution in Aberration-Corrected STEM
The Ultimate Resolution in Aberration-Corrected STEM
The Use of Advanced Hydroelectric Turbines to Improve Water Quality and Fish Populations
The Use of Amines as Extractants for Uranium from Acidic Sulfate Liquors: A Preliminary Report
The Use of Amorphous Intergranular Films to Toughened Silicon Nitride Ceramics
The Use of Cryogenic Helium in Macromolecular Crystallography
The Use of Ion-Ion Chemistry in an Electrospray Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer for the Detection and Identification of Chemical/Biological Threats
The Use of Probabilistic Safety Techniques for Evaluating the Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR)
The Use of Reactive Gas Shielding for Production of Hard Coatings by Laser Surface Alloying
The Value of and Need for International Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards -- A Report on ISO TC 85/SC 5/WG 8 Activities
The Vapor Pressure of 1-(2,2,3,3-Tetrafluoropropoxy)-3-(4-sec-butylphenoxy)-2-prop anol
The Virtual Soldier Program: A Future vision of Battlefield Medical Response
The Wastewater Triad Project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Theoretical Description of Superheavy Nuclei
Theoretical Description of the Excited States of Extended Pi-Conjugated Molecules.
Theoretical Description of the Excited States of Phenylenevinylene Oligimers
Theoretical Explanation of Pt Trimers Observed by Z-Contrast STEM
Theoretical Investigations and Simulations of Nanotube Properties
Theoretical Verification of the Infinite Constant Power Speed Range of the Brushless DC Motor Driven by the Dual Mode Inverter Control
Theory and Simulation of the Dual Mode Inverter Control
Theory of electronic properties in multiterminal carbon nanostructures
Theory of Neutrino Flavor Mixing
Theory of spin-dependent tunneling
Theory of Transport in Magnetic Multilayers
Theragenics/Eastman Chemical Visit
There are Advantages of Thinking Small
Thermal Analysis to Support Decommissioning of Molten Salt Reactor Experiment
Thermal and Chemical Stability of Baseline and Improved Crystalline Silicotitanate
Thermal and Chemical Stability of Crystalline Silicotitanate Sorbent
Thermal and Chemical Stabiltiy of Crystalline Silicotitanate Sorbent
Thermal and Physical Property Determination for Ionsiv IE-911 Crystalline Silicotitanate and Savannah River Site Waste Simulant Solutions
Thermal and Step-Flow Instabilities of Epitaxial SrRuO3 Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Thermal Behavior of Floor Tubes in a Kraft Recovery Boiler
Thermal conductivity Measurements of Kaolite
Thermal Conductivity of IONSIV(R) IE-911(TM) Crystalline Silicotitanate and Savannah River Waste Simulant Solutions
Thermal Discharges from Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Outfalls: Impacts on Stream Temperatures and Fauna of Little Bayou and Big Bayou Creeks
Thermal Management and Floating-Loop Cooling System
Thermal Management Assessments Innovative Fluidics, Rockwell Scientific, ISR
Thermal Management Solutions Utilizing High Thermal Conductivity Graphite Foams
Thermal Management: Direct R-134a Cooling-Loop Controls
Thermal Modeling of High Temperature ISOL Targets for Generation of Radioactive Ion Beams
Thermal Modeling of UC2 and ZrO2 Targets for 1 GeV Protons
Thermal Phase Transitions in Finite Quantum Systems
Thermal Phases in Finite Quantum Systems
Thermal Properties of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene Polymers
Thermal Residual Stress Evolution in a TIC-50 vol.% Ni3Al Cermet
Thermal Resistance of Spray-Applied Insulations Produced with a Foamable Adhesive
Thermal Stabilization of 233UO2, 233UO3, and 233U3O8
Thermal-Hydraulic Studes of the Advanced Neutron Source Cold Source
Thermal-Shock Assessments for National Spallation Neutron Source Target System
Thermo-Mechanical Metallurgical Modeling of Cracking in single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloy Welds
Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Friciton Stir Spot Welding (FSSW) Process: Use of an Explicit Adaptive Meshing Scheme
Thermochemical Analysis of Gas-Cooled Reactor Fuels Containing Am and Pu Oxides
Thermochemical Modeling of Molten Salt Systems: Is There An Ideal Solution?
Thermochemical Modeling of Nuclear Waste Glass
Thermodynamic Cycle Evaluation Model for R-22 Alternatives in Heat Pumps - Initial Results and Comparisons
Thermodynamic Factors Affecting UC1-xNx Irradiation and Synthesis
Thermodynamic Modeling of Savannah River Evaportors
Thermoelectric Properties of Tl2SnTe5 and Tl2GeTe5
Thermoelectric Properties of UO2
Thermolysis Pathways for Surface-Immobilized Diarylmethanes
Thermometry for Single Events and Fast Response
Thermophysical Properties of Heat Resistant Shielding Material
Thermophysical Properties of MOX and UO2 Fuels Including the Effects of Irradiation
Thick-Walled Depleted Uranium Dioxide-Steel Cermets for Spent Nuclear Fuel Casks
Thickness Dependence of Jc of YBCO Coatings Produced by a BaF2 Ex Situ Process
Thin Dielectric Film Thickness Determination by Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy
Thin Film Debonding Using High-Power Laser-Generated Surface Acoustic Wave
Thin Film Materials and Designs for Rechargeable Batteries
Thin-Film Lithium and Lithium-Ion Batteries
Third Report on the Oak Ridge K-25 Site Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program for Mitchell Branch
Thorium Nitrate Stockpile Drum Characterization Report
Three-body Breakup Dynamics in Dissociative Recombination
Three-Dimensional Atom Probe Analyses of Planar Multilayer Film Structures and Metalloids in Rapidly Solidified Stainless Steel
Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Spallation Neutron Source Liquid Mercury Target
Three-Dimensional Imaging and Precision Metrology for Liquid-Salt Cooled Reactors
Three-Dimensional Imaging and Precision Metrology for Liquid-Salt-Cooled Reactors
Three-Dimensional Micron-Resolution X-Ray Laue Diffraction Measurement of Thermal Grain-Evolution in Aluminum
Through-Thickness Superconducting and Normal-State Transport Properties Revealed by Thinning of Thick Film Ex Situ YBa2Cu3O7-x Coated Conductors
TiC-Ni3Al Composites with Alternate Binder Compositions
Tillage Effects on Carbon and Nitrogen in a Coastal Plain Soil
Time-Dependent Deformation Modelling for a Chopped-Glass Fiber Composite for Automotive Durability Design Criteria
Time-Dependent, Lattice Approach for Atomic Collisions
Time-Resolved Diagnostics and Mechanisms of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by the Laser Vaporization Technique
Time-Resolved Diagnostics of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Laser Vaporization
Time-Resolved Disgnostics of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Synthesis by Laser Vaporization
Time-Resolved Small Angle Scattering Studies of Alignment o fBlock Copolymer Solutions Induced by Electric Fields
Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction Study During Pulsed-Laser Deposition
Timely-Detection of Dynamical Change in Single-Channel Scalp EEG Signals.
TMGC:Mutrack, A Collaborative Database for Phenotype Screening in the Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium
TNG-GENOA User's Manual
To Detect the Looped Bloch Bands of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices
Tomographic Images of Nanostructures with Next Generation HAADF-STEM
TonB-dependent Iron Siderophore Receptors in Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria
Top-Down Mass Spectrometry Proteome Measurements of Ecoli Antibiotic-resistance Strains.
Topological Relaxation of a Shear-induced Lamellar L& #945; Phase to L3 Sponge Equilibrium and the Energetics of Bilayer Membrane Fusion
Topological relaxation of shear-induced Lα to L3 equilibrium & the energetics of membrane fusion
Topology Characterization of Model Proteins by Photochemical Side Chain Oxidation and Mass Spectrometry.
Toroidal Effects of ICRF Heating and Current Drive
Total Effective Dose Equivalent Associated with Fixed Uranium Surface Contamination
Touch of Grey: A 20-Year Retrospective on Radiation Dosimetry
Toward a Molecular-Based Understanding of High-Temperature Solvation Phenomena in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions
Toward a Multi-Sensor-Based Approach to Automatic Text Classification
Toward a Standard Model of Core Collapse Supernovae
Toward Coupled-Cluster Implementations in Nuclear Structure
Toward Mercury Management on U.S. Department of Energy Sites: Development and Selection of Technologies
Towards 0.1 MM Spatial Resolution
Towards a Data Management Infrastructure for Spallation Neutron Source
Towards an Atomistic Model for Predicting Transcription-Factor Binding Sites
Towards Digital Spectroscopy of Proton Emitters
Towards Digital Spectroscopy of Proton Emitters
Towards Full simulations of high-temperature superconductors
Towards Full Simulations of High-Temperature Superconductors
Towards Robust Face Recognition from Video
Towards Robust Face Recognition from Video
Towards Solid-State Actuation Using Electrochemical Storage Compounds
Towards Sub-0.5 Angstrom Beams Through Aberration Corrected STEM
Towards the Development of a Molecular Map in Switchgrass: I. Microsatellite Marker Development
Towards the Simulation of Photofission for Material Identification
Towards the Simulation of Photofission for Nuclear Material Identification
Towards the Simulation of Photofission for Nuclear Material Identification
Towards the Standardization of a MATLAB-Based Control Systems Laboratory Experience for Undergraduate Students
Towards Z-Contrast Imaging in an Aberration-Corrected STEM
Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening of Potential Contaminants of Concern for Effects on Aquatic Biota on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Potential Contaminants of Concern for Effects on Sediment-Associated Biota
Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Potential Contaminants of Concern for Effects on Soil and Litter Invertebrates and Heterotrophic Process
Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Potential Contaminants of Concern for Effects on Terrestrial Plants
Toxicological Benchmarks for Wildlife
Trace Gas Concentrator FY 1995 Summary Report
Tracking and Regulation Control of Skid Steering Vehicles
Tracking Radioactive Sources in Commerce
Trade Studies on the Liquid-Salt-Cooled Very High-Temperature Reactor: Fiscal Year 2006 Progress Report
Trade Study on Aggregation of Multiple 10-KW Solid Ozide Fuel Cell Power Modules
TRAGIS Model Presentation/Demonstration
Training First Responders to Nucelar Facilities Using 3-D Visualization Technology
Training for TravX - Travel at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Transcriptional Profiling Using the Flowthrough Genosensor
Transfer, Breakup, and Elastic Scattering in 17O MeV 17F + 208Pb
Transient Scuffing of Candidate Diesel Engine Materials at Temperatures up to 600o C
Transmission Planning and the Need for New Capacity
Transmitted and Emitted Radiation from 14.1 MEV Neutrons on Depleted Uranium Metal
Transmutation of americium and curium using zirconia-based host materials
Transmutation Studies for Tungsten and Mercury Targets with the CINDER'90 and ORIHET'95 Code
Transparent Solid-State Lithiated Neutron Scintillators Based on Self-Assembly of Poly(styrene-b-ethylene oxide) Block Copolymer Architectures.
Transport Imaging in 1D Structures: From Nanowires to Nanotubes
Transport of Kr35+ Inner Shells Through Solid Carbon Foils
Transport of Radioactive Material by Alpha Recoil
Transportation Analysis Routing Geographic Information System (TRAGIS)
Transportation and Packaging Issues Involving the Disposition of Surplus Plutonium as MoX Fuel in Commercial LWRs
Transportation and Storage of MOX and LEU Assemblies at the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant
Transportation Energy Data Book (Edition 20)
Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 21
Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 22
Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 23
Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 24
Transportation Energy Data in the U.S.
Transportation Energy Survey Data Book 1.1
Transportation Routing Analysis Geographic Information System (TRAGIS) User's Manual
Transportation Routing Analysis Georgraphic Information System (WebTRAGIS) User's Manual
Transverse Compressive Stress Effect in Y-Ba-Cu-O Coatings on Biaxially Textured Ni and Ni-5at%.W Substrates
Trapped Ion Chemistry for Rapid Protein Identification
Traveling fronts in a model of turbulence-shear flow interaction in plasmas
Treatability Study Operational Testing Program and Imiplementation Plan for the Gunite and Associated Tanks at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Treatment of Data Uncertainties
Treatment of Mercury Contaminated Oil from Sandia National Laboratory
Treatment of Mercury Contaminated Oil from the Mound Site
Treatment of Perchlorate-Contaminated Groundwater Using Highly-Selective, Regenerable Anion-Exchange Resins at Edwards Air Force Base
Treatment of SRS Tank 48H Simulants Using Fenton's Reagent
Treatment of Uranium and Thorium Chips at the DOE Sites
Treatment of Uranium and Thorium Chips at the DOE Sites
Tribolumininescence and its Application to Space-Based Damage Sensors
Trifluoromethyl Sulfur Pentafluoride (SF5CF3) and Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) from Dome Concordia
Trillion Node Network Method Announced
Triple Ion-Beam Studies of Radiation Damage Effects in a 316LN Austenitic Alloy for a High Power Spallation Neutron Source
Triple Ion-Beam Studies of Radiation Damage in 9Cr2WVTa Ferritic/Martensitic Steel for a High Power Spallation Neutron Source
TRISO-Coated Fuel Processing to Support High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors
TRISO-Coated Spent Fuel Processing Using a Grind-Leach Head-End
TRISO-Coated Spent Fuel Processing Using a Grind-Leach Head-End
Tritium Concentration Measurements in the JET Divertor by Optical Spectroscopy of a Penning Discharge
Tritium Enrichment in the JET Divertor and Its Relation to Tritium Uptake and Retention
Tritium Monitoring Techniques
TRITON: An Advanced Lattice Code for MOX Fuel Calculations
Tropical Africa: Land Use, Biomass, and Carbon Estimates for 1980 (NDP-055)
Truck Roll Stability Data Collection and Analysis
Truss Structual Optimization Using NetSolve System
TRXRD Observations of Microstructural Evolution in Self-Shielded Flux Cored Arc Weld Deposits
TSUNAMI Analysis of the Applicability of Proposed Experiments to Reactor-Grade and Weapons-Grade Mixed-Oxide Systems
Tungsten-188/Rhenium-188 Generators Using Tungsten-188 Reactor-Produced From Irradiation of A Natural Tungsten Target
Tuning Oxygen Vacancy Concentration at Strontium Titanate Grain Boundaries
Turing Tests, Simulation, Seception, Performance, and the Red Herring of Intelligence
Turning MxN Inside-Out
Turning Wargames into Experiments: Challenges and Approaches
Tuskegee Healthy House - Affordability, Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality
Two Methods for Tracking Small Animals in SPECT Imaging
Two Presentations: (1) Solvent Component Development and Commercialization and (2) Solvent Chemical, Thermal and Radiolytic Stability
Two-Dimensional Electrochromatography/Capillary Electrophoresis on a Microchip
Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Combined with High-Resolution ES-FTICR-MS for Top-Down Characterization of Bacterial Proteomes
Two-Dimensional Shielding Analyses of the SNS Beam Line and T0, E0, and Bandwidth Choppers
Two-Photon Interference Without Bunching Two Photons
Two-Photon Interference Without Bunching Two Photons
Two-Photon Interference Without Bunching Two Photons.
U. S. Regulatory Recommendations for Actinide-Only Burnup Credit in Transport and Storage Casks
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's Environmental Research Programs Established in the 1950s: History of the Atomic Projects, The 50s Years: Sociopolitical, Environmental, and Engineering Lessons Learned
U.S. Department of Energy's Power Electronics and Drives Needs
U.S. Experience With Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
U.S. HTGR Activities - Status
U.S. NRC Embrittlement Data Base (EDB)
U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Cost and Experience Summaries
U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Cost and Experience Summaries
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Licensing Activites
U.S. Radioecology Research Programs Initiated in the 1950s
U.S. Radioecology Research Programs of the Atomic Energy Commission in the 1950s
U.S. Regulatory Research Program for Implementation of Burnup Credit in Transport Casks
Ubiquitous Sentient Network
Ubiquitous Sentient Network: Measurement-Based Network Operating System
UF6 Cylinder Tagging System for a Uranium Enrichment Plant
Ultra High Precision Phosphor Thermometry Near 1100 K
Ultra-Clean Diesel Fuel: U.S. Production and Distribution Capability
Ultrafast Neural Netwok Learning from Uncertain Data
Ultrafast Neural Network Learning from Uncertain Data
Ultrasonic Thickness Sampling Plan for the Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Program
Ultrasonic Welding Stress Distribution Measured with Optical Rosette/Ring-Core Method
Ultrathin Slices of Ferroelectric Domain-Patterned Lithium Niobate by Crystal Ion Slicing
Uncertainty Analysis Methods for S/U Criticality Validation Techniques
Understanding And Addressing Equipment Limitations Through Testing
Understanding and Controlling Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Synthesis with Time-Resolved in situ Diagnostics
Understanding Hydrogen Bonding and Low-Energy Magnetic Excitations in VOHPO4 cdot 1/2H2O
Understanding Microstructure Evolution During Repeated Thermal Cycling of Ti-6Al-4V
Understanding the Chemical Structure and Properties of Alumina Based Catalysts Through Synergism Between Theory and Experiment
Understanding the Chemistry of f Elements through Systematic Comparisons
Understanding the Mathematical Form of Nanoindentation Load-Displacement Curves
Uniform Dependence of the Critical Current Density on YBCO Layer Thickness in RABiTS and IBAD-Type Coated Conductors
Unique Capabilities Developed at ORNL for Testing Advanced Ceramic Materials at Extreme Temperatures
United States Department of Energy Absorption Heat Pump and Chiller Program
United States Historical Climatology Network (U.S. HCN) Monthly Temeprature and Precipitation Data
United States Historical Climatology Network Daily Temperature and Precipitation Data (1871-1997)
Universal Aspects of Macromolecules in Polymer Blends, Solutions and Supercritical Mixtures
Universal Behavior of Polymers in Blends, Solutions, and Supercritical Mixtures and Implications for the Validity of the Random Phase Approximation
Unraveling the CCA Confusion
Unusual Chemistry of Catalytic Alumina Surfaces
Unusual Dislocation Density Oscillatins after Local Melting and Solidification of Ni-based Superalloys
Unusual Magnetic-Field Dependence of Partially Frustrated Triangular Ordering in Manganese Tricyanomethanide
UPDATE 4/99: Massively Parallel Maskless Digital Direct Write E-Beam Lithography
Update of the U.S. DOE WG-MOX Fuel Test Program
Update on a ZnO:Ga Alpha Particle Detector for a Portable Neutron Generator for the Nuclear Materials Identification System (NMIS)
Update on a ZnO:Ga Alpha Particle Detector for a Portable Neutron Generator for the Nuclear Materials Identification System (NMIS)
Updated Analysis of Alternative Rail Routes Between the West Valley Demonstration Project and the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Updated Covariance Processing Capabilities in the AMPX Code System
Updated User's Guide for SAMMY: Multilevel R-Matrix Fits to Neutron Data Using Baye's Equations
Updated Users' Guide for RSAP -- A Code for Display and Manipulation of Neutron Cross Section Data and SAMMY Fit Results
Updates to the ORIGEN-S Cross-Section Libraries Using ENDF-VI, EAF-99, and FENDL-2.0
Updating the Standard Review Plan--An Oak Ridge National Laboratory Perspective
Upgrade of the Wide-Angle Neutron Diffractometer at the High-Flux Isotope Reactor
Upgraded Neutron Diffractometers at HFIR
Upgrades to the R-Matrix Code SAMMY
Uranium (93.14) Metal Annuli with One-and Two-inch Graphite Reflectors
Uranium and Aluminosilicate Surface Precipitation Tests
Uranium Isotopic and Quantitative Analysis Using a Mechanically-Cooled HPGe Detector
Uranium-Based Catalysts
US Air Force Aging Aircraft Program Office Concept Call on Electrical Signature Analysis of Electric Fuel Pumps
Use of a Synchronized Laser Array as a Source for Quantum Communication
Use of Activated Carbons for the Removal of Sulfur Impurities from Gas Streams
Use of Activated Charcoal for Rn-220 Adsorption for Operations Associated with the Uranium Deposit in the Auxiliary Charcoal Bed at the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Facility
Use of Covariance Matrices in SAMMY
Use of Covariance Matrices in SAMMY
Use of CPXSD for Generation of Effective Fast Multigroup Libaries for Pressurer Vessel Fluence Calculations
Use of Electrically Enhanced Nonlinear Plasma Spectroscopy for Characterization of Particle Composition
Use of Electrochemical Noise to Assess Corrosion in Kraft Continuous Digesters
Use of Electrochemical Noise to Assess Corrosion in Kraft Continuous Digesters
Use of Geophysical Profiling to Guide Groundwater Remediation Studies
Use of Imaging for Nuclear Material Control and Accountability
Use of Liquid Salt Coolants to Improve Fast-Reactor Economics
Use of Phosphor Coatings for High Temperature Aerospace Applications
Use of PRA Techniques to Optimize the Design of the IRIS Nuclear Power Plant
Use of PRA Techniques to Optimize the Design of the IRIS Nuclear Power Plant
Use of SAMMY for Nuclear Data Evaluations for Criticality Safety
Use of Short Pulse Laser for Optical Topgraphy of Tissues
Use of the FIDLER Scintillation Probe for the Characterization of Subsurface Radionuclide Contamination
Use of the MCNP-POLIMI Code for the Evaluation of Cross Talk Events in Large Scintillation Detectors
Use of the Monte Carlo Code MCNP-PoliMi for the Simulation of Correlation Measurements
User Interfaces for Clustering Tools
User's Manual for the Radioactive Decay and Accumulation Code RADAC
Uses for Uranium-233
Uses of Tails from Nuclear Fuel Production in Aggregates for Uses in Spent Nuclear Fuel Concrete-Steel Transport and Disposal Casks
Using an image retrieval system for image data management
Using EPR Spectroscopy to go from the Jahn-Teller Effect to Nuclear Waste Disposal
Using Five-Minute Data to Allocate Load-Following and Regulation Requirements among Individual Customers
Using Ion Beams to Modify Nanocrystalline Composites: Co Nanoparticles in Sapphire
Using National Freight Information to Study the Interactions between Heavy Trucks and Passenger Cars under Traffic Incidents or Emergencies
Using Pin as a Memory Reference Generator for Multiprocessor Simulation
Using Small Vibrations to Control Friction at the Nanoscale.
Using Small Vibrations to Control Friction at the Nanoscale.
Using the PL/SQL Cartridge of the ORACLE Application Server to Deploy Web Applications
Using the PL/SQL Cartridge of the ORACLE Application Server to Deploy Web Applications
Using the PL/SQL Cartridge of the Oracle Application Server to Deploy Web Applications
Using the SCALE 5 TSUNAMI-3D Sequence in Critical Experiment Design
Using the WAM as a Master Controller
Utility DSM Programs from 1989 Through 1998: Continuation or Cross-Roads?
Utilization of Biomineralization Processes for Carbon Sequestration
Utilization of the MPI Process for In-Tank Solidification of Heel Material in Large-Diameter Cylindrical Tanks
Utilizing Information Technology - The Black Sea and Caspian Sea Environmental Information Center (http://pims.ed.ornl.gov)
Vacancy Clusters at Nanoparticle Surfaces
Vacancy Implantation No Longer Just a Myth
Vacuum Mock-up Testing Results
Validation and Comparison of KENO V.a and KENO-VI
Validation Issues for Depletion and Criticality Analysis in Burnup Credit
Validation of Constraint Based Methodology in Structural Integrity-VOCALIST: Analytical Programme
Validation of International Atomic Energy Agency Equipment Performance Requirements
Validation of KENO V.a Comparison with Critical Experiments
Validation of Multiple-Scattering Corrections in the Analysis Code SAMMY
Validation of Multiple-Scattering Corrections in the Analysis Code SAMMY
Validation of ORIGEN-S Decay Heat Predictions for LOCA Analysis
Validation of SCALE (SAS2H) Isotopic Predictions for BWR Spent Fuel
Validation of SCALE/TRITON 2-D and 3-D Models for LWR Fuel
Validation of the 10B Capture Reaction in Nuclear Fuel Casks Using Sensitivity Analysis
Validation of the National Energy Audit with Data from a Gas Utility Low-Income Residential Weatherization Program in New York State
Validation of the Scale System for PWR Spent Fuel Isotopic Composition Analyses
Validation Report for FY 1997--Final Report
Value of Knowledge to the Cleanup-Stewardship Program of the U.S. Department of Energy
Value Rankings of Selected Critical Experiments for Burnup Credit Validation
Valuing Research and Development in the U.S. Department of Energy: A Motivation for Valuing Externalities
Vapor-Liquid Partitioning of Phosphoric Acid and Sodium Phosphates
Variant 22: Spatially-Dependent: Transient Processes in MOX Fuelled Core
Variation of S/G ratio and lignin in a Populus family influences the release of fermentable sugars by dilute acid hydrolysis
Vector Piezoresponse: Novel Approach to Electromechanical Imaging in Ferroelectrics
Vectorized sparse iterative solver on the Cray X1
Vectorized Sparse Matrix Multiply for Compressed Row Storage Format
Vectorizing the Community Land Model Version 3.0 (CLM3.0)
VENUS-2 Experimental Benchmark Analysis
VENUS-2 Mox Core Benchmark: Results of ORNL Calculations Using HELIOS-1.4
VENUS-2 MOX Core Benchmark: Results of ORNL Calculations Using HELIOS-1.4 - Revised Report
Verification and Validation of the FAVOR Code-Deterministic Load Variables
Verification of KENO V.a and KENO-VI Using Analytical Benchmarks
VIA Communication Performance on a Gigabit Ethernet Cluster
Vibrational Raman and Optical Studies of Cm in Zirconia-Based Pyrochlores and Related Oxides Matrices
Vibrationally Resolved Inelasic Transitions in Slow H3+ Collision Systems.
Vibrationally Resolved Inelastic Transitions in Slow, Vibrationally Excited H3+ Collision Systems
Virtual Fabrication of 3D Nanoheterostructures: Concept Development
Virtual Human Project
Visibility Culling Using Plenoptic Opacity Functions for Large Volume Visualization
Visibility-Based Acceleration for Large-Scale Time-Varying Volume Rendering Using Temporal Occlusion Coherence
Visible and Invisible in Aberration Corrected STEM: A Comparative Survey of Theory and Experiment
Vision2020 - to be presented at the Spring 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers meeting (Orlando, FL)
Visualization for Safeguards Applications
Visualization Frameworks Requirements Meeting Workshop Report
Viz Interoperability: Just Do It!
Volumetric Properties and Liquid-Vapor Phase Relations of CO2H2O Fluids in Upper Crustal Contact-Metamorphic Aureoules
Volumetric Properties and Phase Relations of Binary H2O-CO2-CH4-N2 Mixtures at 300 C and Pressures to 1000 Bars
Vortex Pinning in High-Tc Materials via Randomly Oriented Columnar Defects, Created by GeV Proton-Induced Fission Fragments
Vortex Pinning in High-Tc Materials via Randomly Oriented Columnar Defects, Created by GeV Proton-Induced Fission Fragments
Vortices and Flux Pinning Coated Conductors
Vortices in Superconductors - from Exotic Matter to Commercial Coated Conductors
Vortices in Superconductors: from 'Lines of Force' to Vortex Matter
VOXMAT: Hybrid Computational Phantom for Dose Assessment
Vulnerability Studies of a Dry Storage Spent Fuel Cask
VVER and RBMK Cross Section Libraries for ORIGEN-ARP
VVER-1000 Weapons-Grade MOX Computational Benchmark Analysis
W-12 Valve Pit Decontamination Demonstration
Walker Branch Throughfall Displacement Experiment Data Report: Site Characterization, System Performance, Weather, Species Composition, and Growth
Walker Branch Watershed Project: Chemical, Physical and Morphological Properties of the Soils of Walker Branch Watershed
Walker Branch Watershed Project: Objectives, Facilities, and Ecological Characteristics
Wallboard with Latent Heat Storage for Passive Solar Applications
Wang-Landau Estimation of Magnetic Properties for the Heisenberg Model
Warm Liquid Defrosting for Supermarket Refrigerated Display Cases
Warm Liquid Defrosting Technology for Supermarket Display Cases
Warm-Liquid Defrost for Commercial Food Display Cases: Experimental Investigation at 32.2 C Condensing
Waste and Simulant Precipitation Issues
Waste Area Grouping 2 - Phase I Task Data Report: Ecological Risk Assessment and White Oak Creek Watershed Screening Ecological Risk Assessment
Waste Area Grouping 2 Phase I Remedial Investigation Seep Task Data Report: Contaminant Source Area Assessment
Waste Area Grouping 2 Phase I Remedial Investigation: Sediment and Cesium-137 Transport Modeling Report
Waste Area Grouping 2 Phase I Task Data Report: Human Health Risk Assessment
Waste Certification Program Plan for Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Waste Certification Program Plan for Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Waste Certification Program Plan for UT-Battelle LLC for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Waste Characteristics of the Former S-3 Ponds and Outline of Uranium Chemistry Relevant to NABIR Field Research Center Studies
Waste Preparation and Transport Chemistry: Results of the FY 2000 Studies
Waste Preparation and Transport Chemistry: Results of the FY 2001 Studies
Waste Preparation and Transport Chemistry: Results of the FY 2002 Studies
Wastewater Triad Project: Final Summary Report
Wastewater Triad Project: Solid-Liquid Separator FY 2000 Deployment
Watching Nanotubes Grow: In situ Photography of Vertically-Aligned Carbon Nanotube Growth During CVD
Water and Energy Savings using Demand Hot Water Recirculating Systems in Residential Homes: A Case Study of Five Homes in Palo Alto, California
Water and Energy Security
Water Sorption and Gamma Radiolysis Studies for Uranium Oxides
Water Sorption and Radiolysis Studies for Neptunium Oxides
Water Sorption and Radiolysis Studies for Uranium Oxides
WaterSentry: A Continuous Real-Time Water Monitoring Biosensor System
WaterSentry: A Practical Biosensor System for Primary-Source WAter Protection
Wavelength Tunable Nanosecond Pulsed Broad-Area Lasers.
Wavelength-shifting fiber readout of scintillation detectors
Wavelet and Wavelet-packet Analysis of Lamb Wave Signatures in Laser Ultrasonics
Wavelet and Wavelet-Packet Analysis of Lamb Wave Signatures in Real-Time Instrumentation
Wax Point Determinations Using Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy
WBS 1.22.04 Deliverable #1: Uranium Coating-Lab Preliminary Design Report
Wearable Robotics
Weatherization Works: Final Report of the National Weatherization Evaluation
Weatherizing the Homes of Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Clients: A Programmatic Assessment
Web-Access to a Lung Deposition Model for Radiation Protection and Physiological Modeling
Web-based Nuclear Data Information for Astrophysics
Web-Based Nuclear Data Information for Astrophysics
WebTRAGIS, A Routing Model for the 21st Century
Weibull Distributions when the Shape Parameter is Defined
Weigh In Motion (WIM) With Rational Rose
Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Technology for In-Theater Applications
Weigh-In-Motion Research and Development Activities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Welcome to an Overview of ORNL's Risk-Based Design Optimization Tool (RBOT)
Welcome to the 2000 Electron Beam Curing of Composites Workshop
Weldability of Fe-Al-Cr Overlay Coatings for Corrosion Protection in Oxidizing/Sulfidizing Environments
Weldability of High Alloys
Welding and Weld Repair of Single Crystal Gas Turbine Alloys
Welding of Nickel Base Superalloy Single Crystals
Welding of Nickel-Based Superalloys: How to Avoid Stray Grains and Why
Welding of Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloys
Welding of Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloys
West Valley Grab Sampler Prototype Test Report
Wetland Survey of the X-10 Bethel Valley and Melton Valley Groundwater Operable Units at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
What Are the Next Steps to Developing a Mercury Externalities Model?
What Does DER Displace?
What drives the need for better resolution? How can we get there? Should we get there?
What is Non-Weapons-Usable Uranium-233?
What Web Authors and Designers Should Know About Search Engines
What Web Authors and Designers Should Know About Search Engines, Version 2.0
What Web Authors and Designers Should Know About Search Engines, Version 2.1 (abridged)
What Web Authors and Designers Should Know About Search Engines, Version 2.1 (abridged)
What Web Authors and Designers Should Know About Search Engines: Tips for Web Pages
What's Going on in There? Efforts to Describe the Experiences of Turbine-Passed Fish
What's Going on in There? Efforts to Describe the Experiences of Turbine-Passed Fish
When Does A Bizarre System Have The Feeling Of Knowing?
White and Monochromatic X-Ray Microbeam Investigations of Materials Microstructure and Tri-Axial Stress/Strain on Mesoscopic Length Scales
White Microbeam X-Rays for 3-D Investigation of Materials Microstructure
White Paper to Aeronautical Systems Division of Air Force Research Laboratory titled "Nonlinear Crack Growth Monitoring"
Why Climate Prediction is Compute Limited - An Assessment of the Impact of the Japanese Earth Simulator
Why Do Kraft Recovery Boiler Composite Floor Tubes Crack?
Why Hydrogen Production From Nuclear Power?
Why Hydrogen Production from Nuclear Power? (Is Nuclear Energy Compatible with Hydrogen Production?)
Why Hydrogen production from Nuclear Power? (Is Nuclear Energy Compatible with Hydrogen Production?)
Why Manage Oil Demand?
Why Save Oil in a Hurry?
Why should engineers be interested in bizarre systems?
Wide Bandgap Materials
Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors
Will Duct Tape and Plastic Really Work? Issues Related to Expedient Shelter-In-Place
WINA: Why Here, Why Now, Why Us?
Wind and Tornado Hazard Levels for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Wire Electrical Dishcharge Truing of Metal Bond Diamond Grinding Wheels
Wireless Innovations and Its Impact on Industry
Wireless Sensors and Networks for Advanced Energy Management
Wireless Sensors and Networks for Advanced Energy Management
Wireless Technologies and Their Applications to Nuclear Power Plants
Wireless Technology Coming to Hard, Industrial Applications
Wireless Vibration Monitoring - When, Where, How, Why?
Withdrawal Assay Monitoring at U.S. Enrichment Facilities
Wood Pulp Digetster Wall Corrosion Investigation
Worker Burned by Caustic Solution When Capped Flask Failed
Workshop on Functional Requirements for the Modeling of Fate and Transport of Waterborne CBRN Materials
Workshop on Molecule Assisted Recombination and Other Processes in Fusion Divertor Plasmas
Workshop Summary: Fundamental Neutron Physics in the United States: An Opportunity in Nuclear, Particle, and Astrophysics for the Next Decade
Worldwide Historical Estimates of Leaf Area Index, 1932-2000
WUFI-ORNL/IBP Hygrothermal Model
WWW System to Evaluate the Effects of Land Use Change on Hydrology and Water Quality
X-Ray Laue Microdiffraction Studies of 3-D Grain Growth in Bulk Aluminum
X-Ray Microbeam Investigation of Deformation Microstructure in Microindented Cu
X-Ray Microbeam Investigation of the Deformation Microstructure Under Copper Nanoindents
X-Ray Microbeam Mapping of Local Lattice Orientations and Strains in Oxide Films
X-Ray Microbeam Measurement of Tri-Axial Strain in AL Interconnects in Fabricated Microchips
X-ray Microbeam Strain Measurements in Polycrystalline Films in Materials Science Forum
X-Ray Microbeam Techniques for Structural Evolution and Stress/Strain Measurements
X-Ray Microbeams for 3-D Mesoscale Materials Investigations
X-Ray Microbeams for 3-D Mesoscale Materials Investigations
X-Ray Microdiffraction Studies of Epitaxial Growth of Oxide Films on Textured Metal Substrates
X-Ray Structural Microscopy Investigation of Creep Deformed Ti-6wt%A1 Polycrystals
Xmap: Fast Dimension Reduction Algorithm for Multivariate Streamline Data
XML Application in the TrEPS System
Y-12 Uranium Exposure Study
YAG:Dy and YAG:Tm Fluorescence Above 1400 C
YAG:Dy and YAG:Tm Fluorescence Above 1400 C.
YBCO Coated Conductors: Few Degree Grain Boundary Transport
Yield Effects on Bale Density and Time Required for Commercial Harvesting and Baling of Switchgrass
Yielding and the Indentation Size Effect in Iridium [1]
Young's Modulus of Unidirectional Discontinuous Fiber Composites
YSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings by MOCVD
Yttrium Segregation in High Purity Superplastic Y-TZP: Significance in Tensile Creep
YUMMY: The Yucca Mountain MCNP-Library
YUMMY: The Yucca Mountain MCNP-Library
Z-Contrast Imaging and EELS of Dislocation Cores at the Si/GaAs Interface
Z-Contrast Imaging: Quantitative Aspects of the Dynamical Object Function
Z-Contrast STEM Imaging of Dopant Sites in a Silicon Nitride Intergranular Film
Z-Source Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles
Zeolite Crystal Nucleation and Growth From Gels
Zero-Net Power, Low-Cost Sensor Platform
Zero-Valent Iron Permeable Reactive Barriers: A Review of Performance
Zirconia-Based Materials for Transmutation of Americium and Curium: Cubic Stabilized Zirconia and Pyrochlores.
Zirconia-Based Materials for Transmutation of Americium and Curium: Cubic Stabilized ZrO2 and Zr Oxide Pyrochlores
ZnO Nanoneedles Grown Vertically on Si Substrates by Noncatalytic Vapor Phase Epitaxy

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Revised: November 30, 2007 - 0