American Citizen Services Outreach in Hamburg

On August 5, 2011, in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Main, by For the People

The American Citizen Services unit will be holding a special ACS Outreach Day at the Consulate General in Hamburg on Monday August 22 from 1030-1330. We are[...]

Important Changes to German Residence Permit

On August 2, 2011, in Berlin, Frankfurt, Main, by For the People

As of September 1, 2011 the conventional German residence permit (adhesive label placed in your passport) issued to you by the Ausländeramt (Foreigner Office) will be replaced by a new electronic residence permit (eAT) in credit card-sized format.[...]


On June 10, 2011, in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Main, by For the People

In light of recent news of the E. Coli outbreak, we’d like to remind you that a few simple precautionary measures can go a long way in protecting yourself against this deadly virus[...]

The Bremen Consular Agency is moving!

On May 10, 2011, in Berlin, Bremen, Main, by For the People

For the PepleThe Bremen Consular Agency will be moving within Bremen to a site near the airport. This new site is readily accessible by public transportation and parking is available. More information will be available later in May—please check the U.S. Mission to Germany website or our American Citizen Services blog “For the People” for the latest information.

The Agency will provide services at its current location through Wednesday, May 11, 2011. After that it will close until June, with an opening date still [...]