Kinderreisepässe & Travel to the U.S.

On November 17, 2011, in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Main, Munich, by For the People

With the winter holiday travel season upon us, we’d like to reiterate that German citizen children in possession of children’s passports (Kinderreisepass) and children’s ID (Kinderausweis) cannot travel to the United States without a visa. Do you[...]

Holiday Closures

On April 12, 2011, in Main, by For the People

Holiday ScheduleEver wonder which holidays the Embassy and Consulates are closed for? You can find a calendar on our website that lists all of the holiday closures for the 2011 calendar year. Just visit to see for yourself.

Note: The Embassy and Consulates will be closed over the Easter weekend from April 22nd, 2011 through Monday, April 25th, 2011.

Holiday Schedules

On December 20, 2010, in Berlin, Frankfurt, Main, Munich, by For the People

Holiday ScheduleThe U.S. Embassy in Berlin and the Consulates in Frankfurt and Munich will be closed for the holidays on December 24 & 31. In addition, our Consular sections will be closed on the following days:

Berlin – December 30
Munich – December 29

Berlin will be open for limited American Citizen Service appointments on December 23, but the visa section will be closed.

We hope that you have a wonderful holiday season!

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving in Germany?

On November 24, 2010, in Main, by For the People

Happy ThanksgivingHappy Thanksgiving to everyone! One of the fun things about living outside of the U.S. is adapting our holidays in each country we’re in. I know many of us here in Frankfurt have already visited the Kleinmarkthalle to pick up fresh cranberries and vegetables, and some of us are skipping the big turkey and getting Turkish food instead.

How are you celebrating Thanksgiving this year in Germany? Do you have any tips on finding the needed ingredients locally or fun activities for after the feast?