Secretary Locke, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt to Discuss Next Steps in Cybersecurity

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U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard A. Schmidt are in Stanford, Calif., today at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research to discuss the Obama administration’s efforts to enhance online security and privacy and next steps in meeting the challenges of a growing cyber world, with local industry and academic leaders in Silicon Valley.

The public and private sectors have critical roles to play in creating a system that allows people to complete online transactions with greater confidence that their personal information is safe. Through its forthcoming National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC), the administration aims to support private-sector cybersecurity innovations by focusing on establishing identity solutions and privacy-enhancing technologies that will make the online environment more secure and convenient for users and consumers. E-commerce worldwide is estimated at $10 trillion of business online annually.  Release | Remarks  |  Video  |  FAQ

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Dear Honorable Secretary Locke,
I have written you before about the fish and seafood trade. We are a marketing group of native americans attempting to market us product to the world market. Unfortunately, your website does not allow us exporters to access information needed to export. The very most fundamental tool for doing business, (whether a minority owned business or otherswise) is the international contractual language known as "incoterms". Why is it that the US gov does not appear to want people to have access to this information? How on earth do you ever expect the economy to recover, when we now need exports more than ever, if you insist on hiding the very rules of the game from the people. Please respond to this inquiry to:
Native American Fish and Wildlife Association
P.O. Box 326 Chinook WA 98614
Thank you.

Lois J. duPey
Marketing Coordinator

The best place to find all the information you need for exporting is at or

Also, you could call a local Commercial Specialist. Find one here:

National Internet ID

The vast majority of Americans see no need for the government to form a private/public intrusion into the internet.
Wikileaks walked out the front door with massive amounts of "secure"
federal information.
Stay out of our lives and programs that work. It is unknown if the feds. have the authority to do this.
Clean up the mess in Washington before trying to fix things that are not broke.