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Conservation Sectors Overview

Commercial Sector

In the near term, the commercial sector will focus on ramping up its existing lighting and refrigeration opportunities to capture their savings potential. The existing lighting offering and grocery refrigeration programs are now reaching market maturity and are well-positioned to continue and accelerate savings acquisition with minimal changes. BPA will supplement these opportunities with new tactics to capitalize on savings potential related to network PC power management, HVAC, and hospitality and commercial kitchen measures. Additional research is also planned to lay the groundwork for savings acquisition in more challenging areas during the 2012-2014 time frame.

Industrial Sector

The industrial strategy to increase energy savings includes improvements to existing activities, such as streamlining program participation, coordination and delivery to provide more one-on-one customer utility and industrial end user support under the newly launched Energy Smart Industrial (ESI) program. New activities and measures include expanding industrial options in a number of ways, e.g., an energy management pilot; trade ally delivered small industrial measures; and BPA-funded technical service providers. Longer-term activities are focused on the energy management pilot.

Residential Sector

The residential strategy includes making improvements to existing measures in residential lighting; appliances and electric water heaters; consumer electronics; weatherization; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC); and new construction. New opportunities are expected to include new programs for manufactured homes, lighting and showerhead initiatives for multifamily housing; new measures with consumer electronics and residential lighting; and emerging technologies, such as heat-pump water heaters and ductless heat pumps.

Agriculture Sector

The agriculture strategy to increase energy savings includes improvements to existing program activities, such as adding deemed savings for irrigation hardware and irrigation systems, and funding technical service providers. New program activities and measures include collaboration with Resource Conservation and Development Councils and improved marketing resources for utilities to better serve their customers. Longer-term activities include exploring opportunities to develop a stand-alone turf irrigation program and incorporating new measures, such as impeller optimization and computerized sprinkler heads, for deemed reimbursement.

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