Eighth Army

In the News


Associated Press

US honors SKorean Killed in Daring Rescue Mission: Read now

United Press International

Agent Orange probe in S. Korea finished: Read now


Korea, Asia Pacific region important to United States: Read now


U.S. Forces deterrent on Korea Peninsula: Watch now

A U.S. Soldier's story in Korea's DMZ: Watch now

Guarded lifestyle in the Korean DMZ: Watch now

Scariest place on earth: Watch now

Channel One News

Passport: Two Koreas: Watch now

Fox Sports

Thanksgiving Day 2011: Glazer's Insider: Watch now


Outside the Lines: Golf in the DMZ: Read now

Los Angeles Times

Column One: First and last tee at the DMZ: Read now

ABC 7 (San Francisco)

Rare look into U.S. operations in South Korea: Watch now

Korean War continues with U.S. involvement: Watch now

Bay Area soldiers serve in South Korea: Watch now

U.S. prepares to hand over power in S. Korea: Watch now

Top commander in S. Korea talks with ABC7: Watch now

Eric Thomas Blog: Reports from South Korea: Read now

Voice of America News

Korean War Still Keeps Peninsula on Edge: Watch now


Korean War Vets Return To The Scene Of Battle: Listen now

The World

US vets return to Korea: Listen now

Charleston Daily Mail (W.Va.)

West visits troops in South Korea: Read now

TBS eFM 101.3

Chief Warrant Officer 5 Geraldine Bowers interview: Listen now

Pacific Stars & Stripes

8th Army commander's replacement nominated: Read now

U.S. Army in South Korea begins transformation of forces: Read now

8th Army general departing for new assignment: Read now

Statue dedicated to Pusan Perimeter leader: Read now

Army band stays busy putting smiles on Korean audiences' faces: Read now

NBC Nightly News

U.S., S. Korea deploy 'gunboat diplomacy': Watch now

PBS Newshour

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula Escalate: Watch now


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