Rangel Urges Fair Pay for Equal Work

Jan 29, 2013 Issues: Civil Rights, Economy, Justice, Working Families

New York, N.Y - Congressman Rangel released the following statement to honor the fourth anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act on January 29, 2013:

"Today we celebrate the anniversary of another advancement in the fight for women’s equality: the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Enacted four years ago by President Barack Obama, just nine days after his inauguration, this law continues to fight for women’s equal pay while challenging the routine financial discrimination against the hardworking, lesser-supported half of the American workforce.

There is not a more critical time to recognize the importance of minimizing the gender wage gap. Women comprise nearly two-thirds of all American workers earning minimum-wage or less and are the primary beneficiaries of public benefits. It is simply too detrimental to our nation's economy to inequitably compensate half of the country with women earning on average 77 cents to every man’s dollar. 

In the state of New York, woman receives just 83 cents to every dollar made by their male counterparts. This is unacceptable, and I applaud the many groups and coalitions, such as the New York Equal Pay Coalition-New York Women’s Agenda, that continue to work towards ending gender-based wage inequality.

While there has been progress in ensuring women's rights and fairer pay, there is still much work to be done. I will continue to remain an active champion for the equality and justice for the women of the 13th Congressional District and all over America."