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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Sustainable Fisheries
sharkboat on waterschool of fishboat with net
Highly Migratory Species
Domestic Fisheries
Status of U.S. Fisheries
Fishery Disaster Assistance
Catch Shares
Regulatory Services
Seafood Inspection
Partnerships and Communications

Domestic Fisheries Division


The Domestic Fisheries Division of the NMFS Office of Sustainable Fisheries helps implement the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, particularly regulations regarding annual catch limits and accountability measures, bycatch reduction, fish stock status, fishery disaster assistance, and catch shares.

Domestic Fisheries staff, together with NMFS staff in the regional offices and science centers, the Regional Fishery Management Councils, interstate and tribal commissions, and state governments, work to implement fishery policy within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (typically 3-200 nautical miles offshore). A Fishery Management Plan (FMP) provides directives for each U.S fishery regarding topics such as bycatch reduction, stock status, and catch shares.

Domestic Fisheries News
NOAA Fisheries Service Requesting Public Comment on Revising the National Standard 1 Guidelines
Annual Catch Limits FAQ Updated with Guidance for Setting ABCs and ACLs for Data Limited Stocks
NOAA Fisheries Service to Update Guidelines that Promote Safety in Fisheries Regulations
2011 Report to Congress Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program
2012 Status of U.S. Fisheries - Quarterly Update
Annual Catch Limit (ACL) Science Workshop
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