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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Sustainable Fisheries
sharkboat on waterschool of fishboat with net
Highly Migratory Species
Domestic Fisheries
Regulatory Services
Magnuson-Stevens Act
Sustainable Fisheries Act
Social Impact Assessment
Fishery Management Councils
Seafood Inspection
Partnerships and Communications

Regulatory Services Division

Regulations - The Regulations Unit coordinates and oversees the procedures and processing of all documents, including proposed and final regulations, for publication in the Federal Register, ensuring that such documents are in the required format and are concisely, clearly written.

Fishery Management Council Support - The Division provides oversight and support for Council operations and administration through the development of national policies, guidance and regulations. In addition, the Division provides oversight of the procedures and policies governing the nomination and appointment of Council members, as well as processing all documentation as a basis for Secretarial appointment decisions.

Social Analysis
- We prepare Social Science Guidelines regarding the analysis of social impacts associated with proposed fishery management programs, including effects on dependent fishing communities. We review social impact assessment of specific management actions using the Operational Guidelines, and work with authors and managers regarding those reviews.

Contact the Regulatory Services Division: (301) 427-8505
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