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Just For Kids! h.i.p. pocket change
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Class Activities

Do you want to boost your class's interest in currency affairs but find you're drawing a blank?   Do you need suggestions for students who are especially sold on coins?   Here are some projects designed to help you cash in on the lure of lucre.  

  • Fun with Coins: Looking for new activities, riddles, games, and tricks?   Check out this cool collection.
  • Cartoons: Searching for lively additions to your classroom computer center’s activity bank?   Look no further than the Toons page!   There you can take a fun look at the Birth of a Coin or an educational trip with the H.I.P. Pocket Change Pals in Coins of the World or the Time Machine!
  • Games: Seeking fun and facts?   Students in wired classrooms can design coins, play skill games, explore coin designs, print coloring pages, and more. See which skills the games employ on the   Games and Skills  page.
  • The Real Tour of the Mint: Looking to strike out on a class field trip?   Visit this Coin News page to find out how to tour the cultural riches of the United States Mint facilities at Philadelphia or Denver.

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