Global Strategic Plan

Since inception, the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Advisory Committee (GAC) has taken significant steps to join disparate components of the justice community into a cohesive effort. Technological advances offer new hope that broadscale justice information sharing can become a reality. The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Strategic Plan addresses the technical, programmatic, and policy issues involved in carrying out the justice information sharing mission and outlines Global's mission statement, the GAC's guiding principles, Global's objectives for implementing its mission, and outreach methods.

White Paper on the U.S. Department of Justice Global Advisory Committee

This white paper details the mission of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Advisory Committee (GAC).  It discusses challenges faced, current priorities, and successes to date.  More important, it captures how DOJ’s Global Initiative is working to help achieve its most important, overarching goal—continued protection of the American people.
File: white_paper_on_the_GAC.pdf (1.57 MB)
Submitted: 7/28/2010 3:43 PM

Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Strategic Plan

File: 200409_GAC_Strategic_Plan.pdf (43.5 KB)
Submitted: 6/11/2008 5:03 PM
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