Senator Boxer: Memorial Day 2008   

Thursday, May 22, 2008  

As we celebrate Memorial Day, I am pleased to share with you my recent Congressional Record statement commemorating National Military Appreciation Month.

In Commemoration of National Military Appreciation Month

MRS. BOXER. I am proud today to ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing the National Military Appreciation Month.  As a cosponsor of the bill that designated May as the National Military Appreciation Month in 1999, I ask my colleagues and fellow Americans to honor, remember, and thank the generations of American military personnel and their loved ones whose sacrifices have brought us the liberties that we enjoy today.    

This May, the National Military Appreciation Month acknowledges a number of important milestones that highlight the best traditions of our nation’s military history: Loyalty Day (May 1st), VE Day (May 8th), Military Spouse Appreciation Day (May 9th), Armed Forces Day (May 17th), and Memorial Day (May 26th).  These special dates during National Military Appreciation Month provide reminders of the invaluable contributions that our military personnel and their loved ones have made throughout the course of our nation’s history.  Every man and woman who has worn the uniforms of our armed services, and every person who has supported their endeavors, deserves our gratitude and respect.  Their contributions continue to protect and promote the values that define the United States.

During this month of remembrance, I am continuing my work to ensure that our service members and veterans receive the honor and care they rightly deserve, and that those serving in war can return home soon. 

In the United States Senate, I am working for concurrent receipt for our retired military personnel so that disabled veterans can receive the benefits they deserve.  With Senators Lieberman, Bond, and Obama, I have also championed efforts to improve mental health care and services for active duty military and veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I proudly support Senator Jim Webb's new GI Bill, S. 22, to vastly improve educational benefits for our newest generation of service members and veterans.  We must all remain committed to ensuring that our military members, veterans, and their families are taken care of.

As Americans from across the nation pay tribute to our military this month, I offer my appreciation and admiration for the all the men and women who have contributed to the history and traditions of the United States armed forces.



Barbara Boxer, US Senator, California
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer