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Senator Barbara Boxer

Senator Barbara Boxer
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  1. Over the next couple months, members of Congress will have the responsibility of raising the debt ceiling, setting a budget for the coming year and deciding whether to allow $1.2 trillion in spending cuts to take effect.

    This is not a fiscal cliff. This is our job.
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    • Kamau Omowale
      PLEASE HELP - I believe Vice President Biden will be delivering a speech next week announcing his proposals regarding gun control. I watch 4-5 hours of the MSNBC evening news shows every weekday night, I also read a lot of online news articles every day and it occurred to me this morning that there is at least one angle to this debate regarding arming school personnel that hasn't been mentioned. SUICIDE BY TEACHER! "Suicide by cop" is always on the minds of police when they feel threatened. It is a very real phenomena. When the news begins to carry stories of armed teachers killing students in classrooms it will become a new and easy option for a suicidal teenager who is unable to turn their gun on themselves. Taking a gun to school and shooting other students or staff will help them end their misery. Lets not go there. If you agree lets try to get this NRA SUPPORTS SUICIDE BY TEACHER message to Biden - by any means necessary. I will soon list some email/ facebook/ twitter addresses for MSNBC and politicians who may read your messages and forward them upwards to Biden. Please share any addresses here(or via message to me) that we can send our statements to.
      7 hours ago
    • Robert Dhondrup
       On gun control, we should as Californians remember it was then- California Govenor Ronald Reagan who signed the Mulford Act into law, banning guns in public. And, as President, it was our Son who wrote this in 1991, declaring his support for the Brady Bill demanding background checks, gun ownership prohibition, a cooling off period, and a national federal standard for gun control. Please share with your *conservative* Senate colleagues who will no doubt, invoke Ronald Reagan at every chance they get.
      1 · 8 hours ago
    •  Did you know that one of the film's Executive Producers is Senator Barbara Boxer's daughter? Check out this article to read about her involvement:
      5834 · 9 hours ago
    • The Second War of Independence has been declared Biden prepares to submit presidential task force strict gun control measures to Obama - Credits: There is a sickening aroma in the air that is beginning to permeate the very soul of independent freedom embracing Americans. It began to originate long before the shooting at Aurora, Colorado, or recently in Newtown, Connecticut. Its rancid fragrance seeps into the fabric of the U.S. Constitution and is emitted by the control terrorists who manipulate the facts and perceptions of Americans who watch the news. These purveyors of stricter gun control measures seek to erode your defenses so that in your weakened state you will accept their sweet smelling tyranny. The nation that was represented as a symbolic shining city on a hill that President Ronald Reagan spoke about over 30 years ago is now becoming a broken mud hole of shattered dreams. America’s morning that has dawned over the nation is now bearing witness to the shredding of constitutional protections which have safe guarded families since the infancy of the republic. Obama has given the order to Vice President Biden: full steam ahead to obliterate gun rights in your town. You and your family are the targets and what will you do? The liberal media’s most outrageous anti-gun rantsThe liberal media’s most outrageous anti-gun rants The reaction by gun owners and even prospective gun owners to Obama’s desperate executive order zeal is to hurry up and buy up all the potential guns and now legal weapons. The worry is that these legal weapons might be taken by edict or by force by the government. That may be a logical solution, but it is only a temporary one. Once Obama’s federal government has quenched its thirst on stripping away gun rights, it will not hesitate to take the next step to criminalize actual possession of legally held banned weapons! Then what will you do? What is the response to a government that embraces tyrannical rule over the constitutional guarantees and protections contained within the U.S. Constitution? What are you, the father, the mother, the son or the daughter prepared to do when, the government official, acting on direct orders from a new commission set up by President Obama to confiscate your guns, comes to your home’s door? Where are the defenders of the U.S. Constitution who are elected in Congress? Are you absolutely certain they will not give in, and knuckle under Obama’s determination which is aided by the mainstream media talking heads? Remember these are the same talking heads that avoided Obama’s dismissive behavior in not enforcing congressional legislation. This is the same mainstream media that buried the White House Benghazi murder cover up as if it never happened. Think about your choices when seeking to rely upon the once independent fourth estate, which has been rendered a useless patsy for the Obama administration. Do you really believe that once your guns are banned, and the weapons that were grandfathered in and off limits from government seizure, will not be taken in the second round of gun control legislation? The first War for Independence initially began with a flurry of gunshots which rang out in Boston on March 5, 1770. There Americans drew the line in the sand against British imperialism and tyranny. The first to die, Crispus Attucks a Blackman, and the 20 others with him had sticks and clubs, and the British soldiers had guns. Obviously sticks and clubs were not a match, then nor are they now. John Hancock, one of the nation’s founding father spoke of that legendary heroic moment, by urging, “... for a well-regulated militia of the whole people who would fight "for their liberty, and for themselves, and for their God.” Unfortunately, for the tragic victims of New Town, Connecticut, the Obama led federal government in Washington, is moving to disarm its citizens by using the very laws that Hancock and other founding fathers fought so desperately for. Instead, Obama, Biden and gun control mayors like New York City’s Michael Bloomberg, continuously assault the U.S. Constitutional Second Amendment rights. They work to manipulate this tragedy to lead a sustained assault on freedom of defense against such government tyranny. The goal of the gun control activists is clear. They use their partnership with the mainstream media to paint a portrait of tragedy across the television screens of America’s living rooms and blame guns as the cause. They seek to nurture, cajole, neutralize or tempt Americans with the notion that guns created the havoc, and misery and tragedy that befell the victims. The mentally unstable assailants who pulled the trigger and who designed the loathsome events are never held to account for any responsibility in perpetrating the heinous deeds. The incredulousness of the target legal gun owner rights rationale defies reason. Taken to a logical conclusion, you would have to think the gun trigger actually forced the assassins to pick up the weapon and pull the trigger. America, if you fall victim to this prospective criminalization of your own legal rights, then the forces of Obama and his socialist tyranny have already won half of the battle. On Tuesday, January 15th, Vice President Joe Biden is going to submit his gun control task force report to Obama. After that, the full on assault will begin over the next several weeks in the nation’s capitol. You should not wait and see what will happen in Washington D.C., during this legislative battle. This has to be a time where you, the defender of your house, your home, your castle, truly take steps to embrace the tasks of true constitutional vigilance. This vigilance begins in your home, and not in Washington D.C. Each American must determine that they are ready to speak to their neighbor, family member, co-worker, or friend, and ask, “What are you prepared to do, to hold your congressman or woman responsible?” The congress cannot pass a law unless both houses pass the legislation to begin stripping your rights and the President signs it. Biden has insisted that Obama will soon after receiving the vice president’s report, move to use an executive order to enforce stricter gun control measures. If he does it, demand it be over ridden and demonstrate until it is over ridden! The Second War of Independence is not when you begin to see the Obama gun control brigade at your door, it begins when you decide to do nothing, and just let it happen.
      10 hours ago
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