U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer's Grants Outreach Newsletter

Senator Boxer`s November Grants Outreach Newsletter  

Monday, November 2, 2009  


The summary of federal funding announcements brought to you by the Office of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer is a service that aims to advise Californians of various grant opportunities offered by federal grant-making agencies. The summary for November 2009 includes 32 new or updated opportunities in th folleowing areas:

With the increased interest in federal grants, some constituents may have seen or heard media advertisements claiming federal grants are available to help them. However, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, cautions grantseekers that these “money for nothing” grant offers are often misleading and cautions consumers to be aware of paying “processing fees” for information that is available free to the public. To learn more about possible grant scams, please visit the following website: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/alerts/alt134.shtm

Since not all federal grant-making agencies list grant opportunities each month, constituents are encouraged to visit grants.gov, the federal grants web site that allows users to electronically find and apply for current competitive grant opportunities from all 26 federal grant-making agencies. In addition, users may sign up for email updates to receive new grant postings via email as soon as they become available.

Guide deadlines and guidelines may change. Please check with the awarding agency before applying.

We encourage you to visit the Grants Assistance section of Senator Boxer’s website to learn the latest news regarding funding opportunities offered through our nation’s federal grant-making agencies, including those specific to H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). To view the latest information regarding ARRA’s impact in California, please visit the following website: http://www.recovery.ca.gov/

Department of Agriculture
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Higher Education Challenge (HEC) Grants Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: February 5, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: $5,200,000
CFDA Number: 10.217 – Higher Education Challenge Grants
For more information, click on this link.

Community Service
Corporation for National & Community Service
AmeriCorps State and National and Indian Tribes Planning Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 26, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 5
Estimated Total Program Funding: $250,000
CFDA Number: 94.006 – CFDA Update to Include ARRA – Americorps
For more information, click on this link.

Corporation for National & Community Service
AmeriCorps State and National Grants – FY 2010
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 26, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 94.006 – CFDA Update to Include ARRA – Americorps
For more information, click on this link.

Department of Education
Student Support Services (SSS) Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: December 14, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 871
Estimated Total Program Funding: $268,905,822
CFDA Number: 84.042 – TRIO_Student Support Services
For more information, go to:

Department of Education
Fullbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: December 1, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 142
Estimated Total Program Funding: $14,709,000
CFDA Number: 84.022 – Overseas_Doctoral Dissertation
For more information, go to:


Environmental Protection Agency
National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program, FY 2009/2010 Request for Proposals
Current Closing Date for Applications: December 8, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 80
Estimated Total Program Funding: $64,000,000
CFDA Number: 66.039 – National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program
For more information, go to:

Environmental Protection Agency
Clean Air Research Centers
Current Closing Date for Applications: November 18, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 4
Estimated Total Program Funding: $32,000,000
CFDA Number: 66.509 – Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Research Program
For more information, go to:

Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Education Grants – Solicitation Notice for 2010
Current Closing Date for Applications: December 15, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 95
Estimated Total Program Funding: $3,000,000
CFDA Number: 66.951 – Environmental Education Grants
For more information, go to:

Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 8, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 40
Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,000,000
CFDA Number: 66.604 – Environmental Justice Small Grant Program
For more information, click on this link.

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence in Basic Biology of Aging
Current Closing Date for Applications: December 11, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 5
Estimated Total Program Funding: $4,000,000
CFDA Number: 93.866 – Aging Research
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Specialized Programs of Research Excellence in Human Cancer for Years 2010, 2011, and 2012
Current Closing Date for Applications: September 20, 2012
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: $2,500,000
CFDA Number: Not Available
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Biobehavioral Research Awards for Innovative New Scientists
Current Closing Date for Applications: December 9, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: $5,000,000
CFDA Number: 93.242 – Mental Health Research Grants
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Assets for Independence Demonstration Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 25, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 65
Estimated Total Program Funding: $19,000,000
CFDA Number: 93.602 – Assets for Independence Demonstration Program
For more information, click on this link.

Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality
Recovery Act 2009 Limited Competition: Innovative Adaptation and Dissemination of AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Research Products
Current Closing Date for Applications: December 16, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: $29,500,000
CFDA Number: 93.715 – Recovery Act – Comparative Effectiveness Research Products
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Behavioral and Integrative Treatment Development Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 7, 2013
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 93.272 – Alcohol National Research Service Awards for Research Training
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Bioengineering Research Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 7, 2013
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: Not Available
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality
Medical Liability Reform and Patient Safety Planning Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 20, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: $4,000,000
CFDA Number: 93.226 – Research on Healthcare Costs, Quality, and Outcomes
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Roadmap Transformative Research Projects Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 22, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 93.310 – Trans-NIH Research Support
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Innovative Technology Development for Cancer Research
Current Closing Date for Applications: September 30, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: $500,000
CFDA Number: 93.393 – Cancer Cause and Prevention Research
For more information, go to:

Department of Health and Human Services
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Targeted Areas of Need – Local Recovery Oriented Systems of Care
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 14, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 12
Estimated Total Program Funding: $4,800,000
CFDA Number: 93.243 – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services_Projects of Regional and National Significance
For more information, go to:

National Endowment for the Humanities
America’s Historical and Cultural Organizations Planning Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 13, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 30
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 45.164 – Promotion of the Humanities_Public Programs
For more information, click on this link.

National Endowment for the Humanities
America’s Historical and Cultural Organizations Implementation Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 13, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 15
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 45.164 – Promotion of the Humanities_Public Programs
For more information, click on this link.

National Endowment for the Humanities
Interpreting America’s Historic Places Planning Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 13, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 45.164 – Promotion of the Humanities_Public Programs
For more information, go to:

National Endowment for the Humanities
Interpreting America’s Historic Places Implementation Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 13, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 45.164 – Promotion of the Humanities_Public Programs
For more information, click on this link.

Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
State Wildfire Grants Competitive Grant Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 8, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: $5,000,000
CFDA Number: 15.634 – State Wildlife Grants
For more information, go to:

Department of the Interior
Geological Survey
National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program
Current Closing Date for Applications: November 23, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 35
Estimated Total Program Funding: $550,000
CFDA Number: 15.814 – National Geological and Geophysical Date Preservation
For more information, go to:

Museum & Library Services
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Museum Grants for African American History and Culture
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 15, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 45.309 – Museum Grants for African American History and Culture
For more information, go to:

Institute of Museum and Library Services
Connecting to Collections Statewide Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: December 15, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: Not Available
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 45.312 – National Leadership Grants
For more information, go to:

Institute of Museum and Library Services
National Leadership Grants
Current Closing Date for Applications: February 1, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 45
Estimated Total Program Funding: Not Available
CFDA Number: 45.312 – National Leadership Grants
For more information, go to:

National Science Foundation
EAR Postdoctoral Fellowships
Current Closing Date for Applications: July 1, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 10
Estimated Total Program Funding: $85,000
CFDA Number: 47.050 – Geosciences
For more information, cilck on this link.

National Science Foundation
Innovations in Engineering Education, Curriculum and Infrastructure
Current Closing Date for Applications: January 20, 2010
Expected Number of Awards: 40
Estimated Total Program Funding: $400,000
CFDA Number: 47.041 – Engineering Grants
For more information, click on this link.

 Department of State
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Global Human Rights Defenders Fund
Current Closing Date for Applications: November 24, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 6
Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,500,000
CFDA Number: Not Available
For more information, go to: