ATTREX Emergency Information

ATTREX Emergency Information


1. If there has been an accident or medical emergency, Dial 911/retrieve nearest AED (Automated External Defibrillator). Cell phone: 661 276-3256 and report the incident, giving:
a.Your Name
b.Location (building and room number).
c.Description of the incident.
d.Stay on line with emergency dispatcher until released.

2. If victim is unconscious, do ABC’s and act accordingly/retrieve nearest AED.
a. Check victim’s airway (open airway).
b. Check victims breathing (rescue breathing, alternating abdominal thrusts/back blows, if needed).
c. Check victims pulse (CPR if needed).

3. If victim is conscious, perform required first-aid.
4. DO NOT move the victim unless absolutely necessary.
5. Designate someone to meet the emergency personnel vehicles.
6. Clear the area of nonessential personnel.
7. Meet with emergency response personnel to provide additional information.
CAUTION: Always take precautions to avoid contact with body fluids.
REPORT any suspected exposure to medical personnel immediately.


1. If there has been a chemical spill, and the spill is beyond the organization’s ability to contain and cleanup (based on their HAZCOM site specific training), or if the spilled material endangers unprotected personnel:

DIAL 911 (Cell Phone: (661) 276-3256 and give the following:
a. YOUR Name.
b. LOCATION (building and room number).
c. DESCRIPTION of the spill and spilled material (MSDS).

2. If applicable, EVACUATE the area (up wind).
3. If applicable, decontaminate personnel (emergency shower/eyewash).
4. Meet with emergency response personnel to provide additional information and MSDS.


If the spill is within the organization’s ability to contain and cleanup (based on their HAZCOM site specific training) do so, then contact the Safety Office Ext. 2307 for proper handling.


1. During an earthquake, protect yourself until the quake is over. If items are falling from shelves or there is building damage, evacuate the building utilizing the Building EVACUATION PLAN
Note: Injured personnel will be triaged and receive medical treatment at the Zone Conex. Do not go to Medical as they also will be evacuating their facility. When the Medical facility is reopened, the Zone Coordinators will ensure the serious injured are transported to the Medical facility.
2. Do not call 911. Pass all of this information to the Fire Warden and/or the Zone Coordinator. Unnecessary calls may prevent help from reaching those who need it.
3. Follow the instructions given by the Fire Warden, Zone Coordinator, Safety, Security, and DFRC Management. 4. After you have reported to the Zone Coordinator please stand –by for information concerning return to work, closing Dryden, road conditions, etc.
5. You may be asked to assist Emergency Response personnel or you may be asked to Shelter-In-Place, Vehicle.


1. When notified to evacuate (fire alarm, overhead announcement, or verbally) take:
a. Car keys (very important, as you may not be able to re-enter the building).
b. Coat if cold weather
c. Personal and emergency items such as medicine, purse, flashlight, first aid kit, etc.

2. Exit the building by the posted, safest evacuation route, as directed by a Fire Warden or other safety personnel. Do not use elevators in an evacuation and do not run.
3. Assist persons in need of help to evacuate – within safety considerations.
4. Note conditions of the building and where persons may be in need of assistance and report findings to Fire Warden, Safety, or Emergency Response personnel.
5. Proceed to your assigned, or if away from your building, the nearest Building Assembly Point. Report information regarding building condition or persons needing assistance to the Fire Warden, Safety, Security, Air Force, or other response personnel.
6. If the emergency/disaster warrants, persons shall be directed to their Zone Assembly Point.
7. Assist injured persons within your training and capability with First Aid. Help in moving persons in need of medical assistance to the Health Unit.
8. Do not reenter the building until the “all clear” is sounded.
a. In the event of an area wide evacuation, remain at DFRC until it is safe to travel. You will be informed of off-site conditions as soon as information is available.
b. If you depart DFRC without checking in with your supervisor, Fire Warden, or Zone Coordinator you may be reported as missing and cause an unnecessary search.


1. Activate the nearest manual fire alarm.
2. If possible, without endangering yourself:
Dial 911 (cell phone: 661- 276-3256) and give:
a. YOUR name
b. LOCATION (building and room number).
c. DESCRIPTION of the incident.

3. If you are properly trained and the fire is small enough, use an appropriate fire extinguisher to control or extinguish the fire.
4. When fire alarm sounds, evacuate to your assigned assembly point.
a. DO NOT use elevators.
b. Feel doors carefully for heat prior to opening them.
c. Close office doors on the way out.
d. See EVACUATION Checklist.

5. DO NOT reenter the building until the all clear is announced.
6. Go to your Bldg. Assembly Point and report any significant information to the Fire Warden.
7. Personnel shall remain at the assembly point until further directed.


Shelter-In-Place is ordered when for various reasons DFRC personnel need to be inside buildings or vehicles and not out in the open. Orders for Shelter-In-Place will be given by Safety or Security via the overhead paging system. VoIP, or verbally. Specific Shelter-In-Place orders and actions are as follows:

1. Shelter-In-Place: All personnel outside need to quickly enter and remain inside the nearest habitable building.
Additional Shelter-In-Place conditions:
There may be a necessity to add special additional protective measures when sheltering is ordered. The following are current or anticipated conditions and shall be followed when so ordered:

2. Shelter-In-Place, Code Yankee: Code Yankee shuts down all building ventilation systems and closes air dampers; this condition exists when there may be a toxic spill or very heavy dust storm. The following buildings are automatically controlled; all other buildings must be shut down manually by the Facility Manager or designee:
4840, 4838, 4820, 4823, 4825, 4800, and 4801

3. Shelter-In-Place, take Deep Shelter: This means that personnel not only take shelter by they also vacate all rooms within the building that have windows. This may be ordered for Safety or Security reasons.