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Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)

International Classification of Primary Care, Version 2-Plus Source Information

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The Family Medicine Research Centre (FMRC), at the University of Sydney, maintains the Australian Modification of the International Classification of Primary Care, Second Edition (ICPC-2).

This is the Australian Modification of ICPC-2, known as ICPC-2 Plus.

ICPC-2 Plus is primarily used in Australia and provides greater specificity for data input than ICPC-2.

For more information about ICPC in the Metathesaurus, see the ICPC source synopsis. The Metathesaurus also includes ICPC-2-E, which is the electronic version of the revised chapters 10 and 11 of ICPC-2.

Update Frequency
ICPC-2 Plus is updated about three times a year.

Metathesaurus Update Frequency
ICPC-2 Plus was last updated in the Metathesaurus in 2006.

Sites Consulted

  1. ICPC-2 PLUS: the BEACH Coding System [Internet]. Parramatta (AU): Family Medicine Research Centre; [updated 2010 Apr 13; cited 2010 Apr 16]. Available from:; Origins and Current uses: