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HUD No. 12-20
Scott Hudman
(713) 718-3107
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December 8, 2011

HUD, Oklahoma City, Neighborhood Housing Services Tour Rehabilitated Family Home to Highlight the City's Single Family Revitalization Program
City program uses $7.4 million in HUD Neighborhood Stabilization funding to rehab over 70 area homes

OKLAHOMA CITY - U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Field Office Director Jerry Hyden, Oklahoma City Planning Director Russell Claus and Neighborhood Housing Services of Oklahoma City Director Roland Chupik joined the Cresente family to tour their new home and highlight how Neighborhood Stabilization (NSP) Funds are having a positive impact in Oklahoma City.

Using almost $7.4 million in NSP, Oklahoma City developed a Single Family revitalization program for the acquisition and rehabilitation of 72 foreclosed, vacant homes. In partnership, Neighborhood Housing Services of Oklahoma City and Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity provide needed services such as housing counseling that will help ensure homeowner success. The City has completed the rehabilitation and sale of 25 properties, with over $700,000 in income generated. Thirty of the acquired homes are currently being rehabilitated. Oklahoma City will utilize program income on single family activities.

Mr. Hyden said, "Oklahoma City's efforts here have made a difference. An empty house is not necessarily a good neighbor. Working with Habitat for Humanity and Neighborhood Housing Services, the City has taken over 70 vacant properties and helped turn them into homes. That's good for neighborhoods, good for Oklahoma City, and great for families like the Cresentes. That is what NSP was meant to do."

Nelson and Lola Cresente both worked in the Oklahoma City area and then moved to Uruguay upon their retirement. But they missed their family that remained in the U.S. and they resolved to return. Working the City's NSP funded revitalization program, the Crecentes were able find and purchase the house they "fell in love" with, where their grandchildren could visit and that they could call home.

In addition to the single family program, Oklahoma City provided $4.5 million in NSP funds for the purchase, rehabilitation, and construction of the WestTown Campus, where a full city block was utilized for a day shelter and resource center for the housing displaced and homeless.

Congress created the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, which is administered by HUD, to help cities, counties and States deal with the problems that resulted from the mortgage foreclosure crisis in the nation?lowered property values, and increased blight and crime. Nationally, HUD has allocated $6.8 billion to preserve our nation's neighborhoods, including $37.7 million in the State of Oklahoma. While HUD provided $2.8 million in NSP funds directly to Oklahoma City, and the remainder came from the State of Oklahoma's NSP allocation. In all, over $11.8 million was received by Oklahoma City under the program.

Mr. Hyden also announced the Administration's Project Rebuild, a $15 billion proposed HUD program that is part of the American Jobs Act that would continue to build on the successes of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

Project Rebuild includes important innovations beyond the NSP, such as allowing for-profit organizations that have participated in neighborhood stabilization efforts to be full partners and adding eligibility for commercial redevelopment of vacant structures, which is not allowed under NSP. The Administration estimates that Project Rebuild will create 200,000 jobs.


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