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Sign up for the SAVE Program

When you register for the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program, you will need to complete a three-step process. 

STEP 1 – Apply for SAVE Program
STEP 2 – Review and Sign Agreements
STEP 3 – SAVE Access Granted 

STEP 1: Apply for SAVE Program

1.1 Initiate Agency Application

To begin the SAVE Program application process, your agency must register online at SAVE Registration.  Your agency must provide the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the individual assigned as your main point of contact (POC).  The POC will be responsible for completing the registration process.  The online system automatically generates an e-mail with your POC’s User identification number and password.

Note: You must review ALL materials contained in this Website before applying to the SAVE Program.

1.2 Provide Additional Agency Information

After receiving the User ID and password, you must revisit the online SAVE system to login and provide additional information.  You will need to submit the following information to continue the application process:

  • Agency name
  • Agency mailing address
  • Agency POC information
  • Benefit, license or other activity for which your agency will be verifying immigration status
  • Section of law authorizing your agency to administer the benefit or license or engage in another activity for which your agency will be verifying immigration status 
  • Section of law requiring or authorizing the verification of immigration status
  • Estimated number of queries your agency will submit each year

Once you submit the information, SAVE will determine if your agency is eligible to participate in program.

1.3 Complete SAVE Program Checklist

If your agency meets the eligibility criteria, SAVE will send you the SAVE Program Checklist via e-mail, requesting the following information:

  • Agency contact information
  • Benefit, license, or other activity for which your agency will use SAVE to verify immigration status
  • Electronic copies of all applicable legal authorities

Your agency is required to return the SAVE Program Checklist within 30 calendar days.  Your agency must provide the exact provision(s) of law stating that:

  • Your agency is authorized to issue the stated benefit, license or engage in other activity; and 
  • Your agency is authorized to verify immigration status before it issues the listed benefit, license, or engages in other activity

1.4 Await SAVE Legal Review

After your agency returns the SAVE Program Checklist, SAVE will conduct a legal review of the information you provided to confirm your agency has the proper legal authorities.  Depending on your agency type and the complexity of the legal authorities provided, this process may take up to several weeks.

STEP 2: Review and Sign Agreements

Once your agency is determined to be eligible for the SAVE Program, SAVE and your agency must sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), and an Anticipated Collections Addendum (ACA).  The MOA is the agreement between the SAVE Program and your agency defining the responsibilities for payment and use of SAVE.  The ACA establishes the financial obligation of your agency.

SAVE will provide your agency with the agreements for signature.  Your agency must review, sign, and return the agreements to the SAVE Program before complete access to the online SAVE system can be granted.

STEP 3: SAVE Access Granted

Upon completion of the MOA and ACA, SAVE will work with you to determine the online SAVE system access method that best meets the needs of your agency (refer to “SAVE Access Methods” for more information).  At this point, your agency is enrolled in the SAVE Program and assigned an account number. SAVE will send you the proper user identification numbers, passwords, instructions for accessing the online system, and training materials on running verification queries.

Last updated: 06/28/2012