Help with a Federal Agency

Congresswoman Lee's first priority is to serve her constituents. Many people do not realize the extent to which a Congressional Office can of assistance in any given situation.

Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate the complex structure of the federal government. My District Office can help you obtain reliable information, find forms, and make inquiries on your behalf with federal agencies. Although a particular outcome can not be guaranteed, my staff will do their best to help you receive a fair and timely response to your concern.

Assistance with a federal agency is often referred to as "Casework," which is handled exclusively by my District Office in Oakland. Please fill out the following online form to request assistance from my office via e-mail, or feel free to call my District Office directly at 510-763-0370.

Please include all pertinent information and claim numbers in your correspondence—such as:

  • Your Social Security number for a case involving Social Security;
  • VA claim number for a case with Department of Veterans Affairs;
  • Taxpayer identification number (Social Security number, if individual) for an Internal Revenue Service problem, etc.;
  • Your address, home phone number and daytime phone number (if different than home) so that we can obtain any additional information from you that might be necessary;
  • Copies of any related documents or correspondence that you may have from the agency involved;

I encourage you to first visit my FAQ in order to determine if my office is the appropriate resource to assist you with your needs. Please use the links below for more information on how my office can help you on a range of issues.

Additional Web Resources

Federal Government – Answers to questions about Federal programs, benefits and services– The U.S. Government’s official web portal - The U.S. Government’s official web portal in Spanish – US Government assistance programs – U.S. Government’s disability-related information and resources

State Government

State of California

Office of the Governor of California

California State Assembly - click here to find your district

California State Senate - click here to find your district

Local Government

Alameda County

Alameda County Registrar of Voters

Alameda County Library

Alameda County Office of Education

Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority

Alameda County Water District

Association of Bay Area Governments

Please Note:

The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a) requires that Members of Congress or their staff have written authorization before they can obtain information about an individual's case.
We must have your signature to proceed with this type of request.

Authorization Form

* indicates information that you need to provide.

In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, I give Congresswoman Barbara Lee authority to act on my behalf.

Your Information
: *
: *
: (If Applicable)
: (If Applicable)
: (if there is no case number, indicate "None") *
: *
: *
: *
: *
: *
: *
Nature of Problem
: *

Submit This Form

Use the Submit Application button to emailthe document to authorize my office to help you. Then sign it and mail it to the address shown on the document. Please include any other documents or material that you think would help my office help you.