Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune


Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

"Home of Expeditionary Forces in Readiness"

Remember that in order to vote, you must be registered.  Please ensure that you have filled out an absentee ballot using the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA).  They can be found in the Adjutant's office located on the second deck of Building 60.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Why should I vote?
Voting is a right that all American's have and should exercise.  Did you know that in 1998, fewer than one in five 18-to-24-year-olds bothered to vote?  Their reason?  They were too busy!

2) How can I start voting?
Pick up a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) at the Adjutant's office located on the second deck of Building 60.  Complete the card and mail to your respective county.

3) Who can vote using the FPCA?
Anyone who falls under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA).  UOCAVA covers the members of the U.S. Uniformed Services, U.S. Merchant Marine, family members of all of the above, and U.S. citizens that reside outside the country that are 18 years or older.

4) What does FPCA do for me?
FPCA registers you to vote, changes your mailing address to your current location, and requests an absentee ballot.

5) Where can I get more info?
There are many great web sites to get voting information.  One is  Another is http:///.

6) Who can I contact to get an FPCA card?
The Battalion Voting Representatives may be reached by calling either (910) 451-3383 or (910) 451-3381.