Category Archives: Trade Terms

Trade Term: Harmonized System

By: John Winston Sperry Though I joined the Foreign Trade Division in July, I still find myself exposed to new trade terms. During my first assignment to learn how to use USA Trade Online (UTO), I was introduced to this … Continue reading

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Trade Term: Schedule B

You went to mail a shipment and your carrier asked you to provide them a Schedule B number. What is that? A Schedule B number is a 10-digit number used in the United States to classify physical goods for export … Continue reading

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FTR: Trade Term

By Omari In the Trade Term: EEI, I talked about all the different types of acronyms used in the export trade community. Some of you may still be trying to decipher that acronym-heavy sentence. This leads me to the Trade … Continue reading

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The Nuts and Bolts of Getting Equipment Overseas

By Bill Armbruster for the United States Council for International Business (USCIB) When you are traveling with high-value goods overseas, it helps to have things nailed down in advance. Gregory Young, vice president of International Bolting Technologies Inc., remembers the … Continue reading

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ITN: Trade Term of the Month

By: Terri In life when you travel the world, you need a passport to verify your identity. Your passport provides all of the necessary information that allows you to move from country to country. The same kind of verification is … Continue reading

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EEI: Trade Term of the Month

By: Omari I have been with the Foreign Trade Division for close to 15 years, which means I know a ton of acronyms that are frequently used in the trade community. Actually, I could have an entire conversation using several … Continue reading

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End-Use: Trade Term of the Month

by Terri The Foreign Trade Division references several different commodity classifications throughout its products and services. While most exporters are familiar with the Schedule B statistical classification (also commonly referred to as the Harmonized System), many of the other classifications … Continue reading

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USPPI: Trade Term of the Month

Throughout the export community, trade terminology runs rampant. A FPPI places an order with a USPPI who prepares an EEI and files via AES then provides an ITN to CBP and does the hokey pokey and turns himself around and … Continue reading

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