Tag Archives: International Trade

Getting Your Trade Data Sooner!!!

By: Melissa The U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division is pleased to announce that you will be getting your trade data sooner! Beginning in March 2013 with the January 2013 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (FT-900) report, monthly … Continue reading

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Local Chambers of Commerce Go International – Again

By: Chris Mead, Senior Vice President of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives, an organization of 1,200 chambers of commerce, headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. From the earliest days, international trade has been a major concern for local chambers of commerce. … Continue reading

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How to Make International Sales without Leaving Home

By: Doug Barry, senior international trade specialist with the Trade Information Center, U.S. Commercial Service A best-kept secret is that domestic trade shows are great places to meet and sell to international buyers. U.S. businesses that have discovered this relatively … Continue reading

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November Trade Data Released

By Fay Monthly Overview: The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $36.4 billion in November from $33.2 billion (revised) in October. The increase in the deficit occurred as exports rose less than imports. The rise in … Continue reading

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