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Q : What types of positions are available?

Permanent Positions 

These positions have no time limitation, and normally provide full benefits and entitlements, including health and life insurance, sick leave, annual leave (vacation), and retirement system participation.


Temporary Positions 

Temporary appointments are non-permanent appointments filled for 1 year or less. These appointments may be extended for an additional year, up to a total of 2 years.


A temporary appointment does not lead to competitive or permanent status nor are you entitled to retirement or other benefits. However, if your appointment is extended to a second year, you will be eligible to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan. If you choose to enroll, you will pay the full cost of enrollment.


Term Positions

A term position is one that is non-permanent, but lasts more than one year. The usual limit is four years, but there may be circumstances that allow for longer periods of time. Employment is automatically terminated on the expiration date of the appointment. You are entitled to earn leave (vacation and sick time), as well as participate in the federal retirement plan, and you can take advantage of the governments health benefits and life insurance coverage.

    Last updated:03/18/2008