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Joe Moore, Chief, Office of Performance and Quality

Background Experience/Significant Achievements:

Prior to this appointment, Mr. Moore served as Chief of the Operations Planning Division within the Domestic Operations Directorate of USCIS from December 2006 through December 2009.  In this capacity Mr. Moore directed and managed a broad range of operational planning activities including identifying and setting staffing levels for domestic field offices; publishing national and local office performance reports; administering monthly national quality assurance reviews; designing USCIS internal and public use forms; and administering the USCIS enterprise-level printing program.


Prior to serving as the Chief of the Operations Planning Division, Mr. Moore served as the Deputy Budget Chief within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.  Mr. Moore assumed the duties of Deputy Chief with the creation of DHS and USCIS in March 2003. 


From October 2001 through February 2003 Mr. Moore served as a Special Assistant to the Deputy Executive Associate Commissioner (DEAC) of the Immigration Services Division of the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).  Of notable achievement, Mr. Moore developed the first comprehensive annual operating plan for the Immigration Examination Fee Account that clearly identified the manner in which resources were being allocated to support the immigration services mission area of the INS.
Mr. Moore first joined INS in 1995 and worked as a staff analyst within the Resource Management Branch of the Office of Field Operations. Mr. Moore began his federal career with the Department of the Navy (DoN) in 1987 as a Budget Analyst.



Mr. Moore holds a B.S. in Public Administration from George Mason University and a M.A. of Public Administration from The George Washington University.


Last updated:08/17/2010