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RPS: Radioisotope Power Systems
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Explore with radioisotope-powered missions in 3D. EYES on the SOLAR SYSTEM.
Before visiting this website, did you know NASA uses nuclear power for some missions that explore the solar system?

RPS has enabled missions to explore many worlds of the solar system.

Public inquiries

NASA's Radioisotope Power Systems Program is committed to facilitating open public dialogue regarding matters related to the technology efforts of the program and any potential future use of RPS on NASA missions.

The general public is welcome to contact NASA's Radioisotope Power Systems Program at

Additional information about radioisotope power systems is available from the Department of Energy.

News media inquiries

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Dwayne Brown
Senior Public Affairs Officer, Office of Communications
NASA Science Mission Directorate
Department of Energy

Ryan Bechtel
Office of Space and Defense Power Systems
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Last Updated: 26 Sep 2012