Roxanne Watson

The power of love

Today is most often recognized as Valentine’s Day but February 14 also shares another important celebration of love – National Donor Day. In honor of today’s focus on love, we invited heart-transplant recipient Roxanne Watson to write about her story on Compass. Watson was given the heart of 23-year-old Coast Guardsman Michael Bovill after he was tragically killed in an off-duty accident.

Cutter Yered

To be a plank owner

There are many titles used in the Coast Guard. Some are earned as you move up in the ranks while some are given based off your chosen profession. Amongst all of the titles Coast Guard members earn there is one that perhaps warrants the most bragging rights – plank owner.

Coast Guard Cutter Sapelo

Drug bust is a Yard touchdown

The yard boasts of some of the best workers and management in the maritime industry. At the yard, dedicated coaches are behind the shipyard team. The production manager, the “head coach,” and four general foremen, the “assistant coaches,” provide workers with essential leadership and support needed to be successful. Each coach works in a specialized sector and brings his own game plan to the table to help create a winning organization. With its talented roster, the yard has a long heritage of wins to keep the Coast Guard fleet operating and accomplish vital missions.


Shipmate of the Week – SN Thomas Sconiers

When Seaman Thomas Sconiers, lead seaman aboard Coast Guard Cutter Washington, says he has been in the Coast Guard “all me bloomin’ life” he means it. His father, Thomas Sconiers Sr., is a chief warrant officer having risen through the ranks as an electronics technician. As a young boy, Sconiers lived in nearly every major Coast Guard town in the country, from Kodiak, Alaska, to Mobile, Ala.

Public Service Award

More than 50 years of service & still going strong

There are many attributes that make the Coast Guard the organization it is today. From the officer and enlisted workforce, to civilian employees and volunteers, to veterans, they all work in tandem to create a well-oiled machine. However, every once in a while, someone stands apart from the rest due to their selflessness and dedication to not only the Coast Guard, but the community around them.

MERIDEN, N.H. Coast Guard artist and Auxiliarist Chris Demarest sits in his home studio while working on a painting from his deployment to the North Arabian Gulf, off the coast of Saudi Arabia. The painting depicts Coast Guard gunners conducting target practice on a 25 mm canon. (Coast Guard Photo by Petty Officer Third Class Etta Smith)

Coast Guard artist honors WWII vets

Coast Guard artist Chris Demarest has serious talent and has used his skills to share the service and sacrifice of service members with countless Americans.

New York Harbor

Responding in the aftermath of a disaster: The Surge Capacity Force

The size and impact of Hurricane Sandy will be remembered for years to come and the significance of the storm will not be lost to the Coast Guard civilian volunteers who were part of the Department of Homeland Security’s Surge Capacity Force. Following Hurricane Katrina, a need was recognized for the federal government to be more responsive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Thus, the surge capacity force was created.

Bill Nelson receives award

Shipmate of the Week – AUX Bill Nelson

Written by Senior Chief Petty Officer Sarah B. Foster, Atlantic Area Public Affairs. Uncovering the mysteries of our nation’s past can shed light on historical events, along with providing insight on how our past shaped our future. As our nation [...]

DCC Amerson

Shipmate of the Week – DCC Dennis Amerson

Written by Lt. j.g. Stephen Henderson, Yard Facilities management department. The Coast Guard Yard, founded in 1899, is the Coast Guard’s only shipyard and is responsible for construction, repairs and renovations of the Coast Guard’s surface fleet and aids to [...]

From seaman to commanding officer

From seaman to commanding officer

Success is defined differently for everybody, but for one Coast Guardsman – who started his enlistment as a young, untested seaman recruit and is now the commanding officer of a small-boat station – success was constructed by a goal he set for himself when he was only two years into his career.

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