What On Earth

December 2009
Here is the list of entries for What On Earth based on the selected criteria.

Richard Alley on Earth's Biggest Climate Control Knob Feb 26, 2010 08:55:01 AM | NASA Earth Science News Team
Penn State glaciologist Richard Alley explains the history of carbon dioxide
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Hydrology Takes the Cake at AGU Mar 02, 2010 07:19:55 AM | NASA Earth Science News Team
Hydrology garnered the most attention from scientists (12.2 percent of all abstracts) followed closely by Atmospheric Sciences (11.1 percent) and finally Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (8.0 percent).
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Same Words But Different Meanings Mar 02, 2010 07:19:24 AM | NASA Earth Science News Team
There are many words that have distinctly different meanings to scientists and the public. Have any good examples to add to the list?
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Communicating Climate Change Mar 02, 2010 07:18:55 AM | NASA Earth Science News Team
Michael Mann urges scientists to take up the art of rhetoric.
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Smelling the Air in Kanpur Feb 26, 2010 08:52:30 AM | NASA Earth Science News Team
“When the plane was about 30 minutes from touchdown, we could start to smell the air,” said David Giles. “It was shocking.”
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Of Science Fairs and Smorgasbords in San Francisco Jan 08, 2010 04:04:04 PM | Adam Voiland
For those of us who love earth science, the AGU meeting is a smorgasbord, and I have been bellying up to the buffet since 1995. The menu this year includes more than 15,516 choices – scientific posters, lectures, town halls, presentations – spread over five days.
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How Do Global Soot Models Measure Up? Feb 17, 2010 09:23:33 AM | NASA Earth Science News Team
A new study shows that models generally underestimate black carbon’s warming effect on climate.
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