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Contact Us

This page helps users to identify the most appropriate point of contact for any questions they may have not otherwise addressed on the CERT webpage. Users will be able to contact their state point of contact or the National CERT office.

We welcome your questions and comments. For the quickest reply, please use the appropriate contacts below:

  • State CERT or Citizen Corps Point-of-Contact - For inquiries about starting a CERT program, becoming a CERT instructor, State policies, or questions about updating your CERT profile in the National CERT Registry.

  • - To report technical difficulties with the CERT website or share stories about your CERT program for consideration to be highlighted in CERT in Action! or the National CERT Newsletter.

Please join the official CERT Online Forum at // to share ideas with CERT participants, program coordinators, trainers, and advocates .

Last Updated: 
01/05/2016 - 15:25