Quotes from the State of the Union

State of the Union address

A few highlights of the President’s speech to Congress and the American people, January 27:

“Engagement that advances the common security and prosperity of all people.”
Obama said his administration has worked and will work with other nations in partnership to strengthen education, combat climate change, fight HIV/AIDS and grow the economy.

“We will reward good governance, work to reduce corruption, and support the rights of all Afghans.” Obama said that while the United States will continue to help the people of Afghanistan and Iraq, he is commitment to withdrawing all combat troops soon.

“Jobs must be our number-one focus in 2010.” The administration has helped 2 million people find jobs, Obama said, but more are needed, which is why he is asking Congress to pass a bill that would provide incentives for small businesses to hire more workers.

“I do not accept second place for the United States of America.” Other nations are putting more emphasis on math and science and strengthening their infrastructure, Obama said, and the United States needs to do the same to compete with these countries.

“The nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy.” Whatever your beliefs are about climate change, providing incentives for energy-efficiency is good economic sense, the president said. Obama is also seeking more investments in clean-coal technologies and bio fuels.

“The best anti-poverty program around is a world-class education.” The president called for tax incentives and other financial assistance to make higher-education more affordable.

“I didn’t choose to tackle this issue to get some legislative victory under my belt.” Obama acknowledged setbacks in getting health care reform legislation passed through Congress, but he continues to keep trying.

“None of these reforms will even happen if we don’t also reform how we work with one another.” This comment was directed to members of Congress. Political disagreements have long been a part of American history, Obama said. But what frustrates citizens today is politics of personal attacks and refusals to cooperate with politicians on the other side of the aisle. Obama said he would continue to try to change the tone of politics.

“I never suggested that change would be easy.” Many around the world remember the president’s 2008 campaign slogan, “change you can believe in.” A year into office, the president still faces many of the same obstacles his predecessor had. Change stirs up passions and controversies, Obama said, reflecting on a year in which some of his legislative proposals have received push back not only from Congress, but from the American people. But Americans have never been afraid of doing something that was hard, and neither is he, the president said.

Do you have any favorite moments from the State of the Union speech?

9 thoughts on “Quotes from the State of the Union

  1. What you have outlined Michelle as Charisma analysed for Obama and his application as “conveyed” speaks volumes and I must say you have been discreet in absorbing him with your brief analysis of him with full caliber of gist as was required to soothe minds on Obama’s strategy where he feels himself alive for America and the interrelated world with America on it. I greet you personally the way you have highlighted him with your grace of experience on your moving blog. I thank myself on your behalf for it.

  2. My favorite quote of the State of the Union is

    “I do not accept second place for the United States of America.” Other nations are putting more emphasis on math and science and strengthening their infrastructure, Obama said, and the United States needs to do the same to compete with these countries.

    He nailed the State of the Union.

  3. Dear President Barack Obama & All of the American “UNION OF THE STATE” members & Democratic Leadership of “American Community”________

    I would like all of “American Community” and the US President along with most sincere Democratic leadership; that optimistically, there’s no any matter of Challenges, because Challenges are to overcome, so that Constructive Solutions and ‘changes aren’t controversial” to the majority of the American peoples.

    While opponents of change may ‘adversly’ remain praising with ‘pulling-piling’ for special interests. And, it’s encouraging for democratic majority to be familiar with those who have lobbyists agenda of an ‘opportunist-class’ i.e. never be supposed to protect the collective voices of citizens – the tone of voice of the accent of democratic majority.

    That’s why, the President has tasked his administration, Congress & consequently majority of the Senate with responsibilities to restore Real (Popular) Democracy with best-of the-best efforts, identifying “a fix up” to preserve American democracy which becomes essential & mandatory now for ‘Election-Reforms’, for the peoples and (should be) by the peoples instead of lobbyists power in Washington, Congress & American Senate just only to elect most patriotically deserving one rather than to select by ignoring the ‘will’ of the majority of the peoples.

    Of course, currently in United State, a particular class found lobbying with corporate special interests like private health insurance companies and Wall Street, Stock-markets, Real Business, and private Banking to run the socio-political economic system of the country just like as ‘gambling-casinos’.

    No doubt, Election respecting the ‘will’ of the peoples majority for implementation of real (popular) Democracy in its true sense required mandatory ‘Election-Reforms’, as well as, American ‘Health Care’ System needs reform to facilitate ordinary citizen i.e. a democratic majority.

    Wall Street still needs to be held accountable.

    All of the “Americans-Community” still need to create good jobs.

    And we still need to continue building a Clean Energy economy, along with

    a progressive rather than stuck to jam within few-hands limited economy, with “regiulated-capitalism” with “Usury-Free “Green-Banking” & Usury-Free “Greener Insurance Companies” just like in practice at UAE successfully as a very good example now-a-days (with development of job-opportunities to adjust relevant un-employed majority)must be in Public Sector for a healthy-competition with Private Sector’s current banking & insurance prsence of companies.

    I know the President isn’t walking away from these challenges. In fact, your determination and resolutions are highly stronger when ‘inter-action’ with peoples majority kept stable & enduring for each & every policy related matter. Time-to-time Inter-action with the peoples in Peoples Democratic system is Key for TRUST DEVELOPMENT and to capture ever ‘Win-Win’ outcome………… and, what we need to show ? that the American people stand with Peoplesown Government, for urgent action to prevent a corporate takeover of real-democracy to elect Senators for Peoples’ Democracy through Electoral changes with better Reformed and Genuine Popular democratic system to Senators & relevant institutional bodies according to the true ‘will’ of peoples’ majority, without any influence or pursuance of just few classical money-laundering Lobbyists having any corporate or any special community-interests instead of National-interests for the peoples, for the nation & for generation.

    The current election-results are not loss, but a lesson and an open-secret for next upcoming elections to realize essential Election-Reform, and an Message : about the “importance of Participation in Election Process”, as well as, “Significance of a Single Vote”, then obviously there is no road to real change without any setbacks along the way.

    Any positive change & constructive development won’t be easy.

    Real change ever be a process, but step-by-step, with adoptation ofanything good avaible from anyone, from any place, from any nation, from any race, from any religion, from any scholar or any book, to practice broad mindedly & broad-hearted. For that reason, I am grateful I’m & remain contributing as a ‘Part-of-Solutions’ to you.

    Thank you, and highly appreciating as regard to your, as US President, historically outstanding efforts “well-in-time” for Haiti’s Recovery, especially for involving IFRC with UNO & Allied agencies, as well as IMF, along all of the global community especially with remarkably continuing coverage & media campaigning of CNN, for “American Community” including all of the best efforts of “North & South Americans” collectively as “ONE AMERICAN COMMUNITY” on respective Governments-level to help with national & regional responsibilities themselves to recover & re-build. Now, When I see even some of the smiling faces of Haitian by exceptional support with national & humanitarian services of performing social-responsibilities after an horrible eathquake-devastation of Haiti; I can’t explain my feelings to express in it’s real sense, however, foresightedly to say that it’s just beginning to do a lot for a better world visible for a long-term recovery of “AMERICAN COMMUNITY” i.e. ONE “STATE OF THE UNION” COMMUNITY of “SOUTH & NORTH AMERICANS” collectively to overcome all of the on-going & upcoming challenges, for betterment of a strong “AMERICAN COMMUNITY”, globally to Lead for.

    Be Confident and : Move Ahead Positively With Strong TRUST (if we are constructive) GOD is with US.

    God Bless America. God Bless all of ‘really-emerging’, Democratically & Globally Leading “American-Community”.

    e-mail : tahirzaheer@fastmail.us

  4. To,
    President of United States Of America,
    United State Of America

    It is good to see that USA making democracy available for every one.

    It dosen’t matter that weather president reade’s my comment ,but what matter’s that USA is determined for providing right to speeak for everyone.

    Those who are destroying and working against good governance must be stoped.

    Just for saving money can we compromisse with our value’s and principle’s.

    my issue oF comment
    Soon President is going to meet Mr.Dalai Lama (Tibetan Guru),His teaching’s are soo good and inspirable

    Asia is divided in three group’s : 1). Russia

    2). Islmic

    3). China

    Russian love it’s nation verry much,Islmic love it’s religion verry much,Chinees love it’s party verry much.

    Relation’s of russian’s is good with USA,relation’s of Islamic is going good with USA,but Chinee’s are against USA because their party dont want

    to implement value’s of democracy in their nation.It is unhuman can USA ignore such kind of governance ?

    China is challanging threat for Humanity and democracy.World is looking toward USA.

    Hope i will get reply.

    Himachal Pradesh,

  5. Pres. “0″ needs to take a look at himself other than in a mirror. “Change” Yes change look at the situations Mr. “0″ has gotten himself and the nation into. Promises, promises, promises. CHANGE..
    He wants change? He needs to look in his pockets. He doesn’t know where the 7,000,000 jobs have gone. His “Bud” in crime Bill Clinton signed the “Free Trade Agreement” into law and since that day the jobs went to China by the thousands. The manufacturing of Chinese “JUNK” is where our jobs have gone. Surley he is smart enough to put a halt on importing this junk. The junk is simply filling up our land fills, using up our resources and destroying our economy and nation… If he has the Ca-Huna’s to load tariffs so heavy to stop the imports the economy will re-start it’s self….. Put the tariff’s on Wal-Mart they are 70 + % imported products/junk. China owns them and they know it. Get real or get out and take the illeagles with you…. What a joke Show us you real birth certificate if you are real.


    No doubt change has always been a difficult job in the life of a Nation as it is replacement of bad past with a good future. So the difficult journey from past to the present definitely require some extra efforts and sacrifices. Let us take present day world, a global village, wherein Internet has practically netted whole humanity through a single click. Today, an individual, a human being, has access to every information about any one, any where in the world. Thus, today it is difficult to fool others for ever as was possible just in last century. CHANGE has happened in this new millennium and American nation’s vote for a change has taken nine years to accept this ultimate reality but by electing an African American immigrant as a President of USA, have endorsed this new massage of a new millennium. Despite this if President Obama has some doubts or has problems in bringing that change he should come clear and tell the public about the obstacles in the way to his promised change. American voters have voted against the past of which Bush was the last symbol and you have been voted to lead the American nation differently from your predecessors. Certainly 9/11 incident in the first year of this millennium has proved that only military strength do not protect nation from aggression of others. This incident has a lot to be learnt from as it is in fact the` second incident of attack on American soil after Pearl Harbor during last century which no doubt you matched with atomic bombs on Heroshima/ Nagasaki and avenged hundred times more for the American blood. Similarly in this second attack by few stateless individuals from Middle East millions have been killed in South Asia Afghanistan and Pakistan and this killing continue with out any end in sight. No one today in America can deny that Americans are behind wars, killings, every where in the world and Americans are the biggest producers and suppliers of all types of deadly weapons. It was the proper way to be No1 in the world before the change and before the America of 2009. 9/11incident has clear massage that if you kill other you will be killed therefore Americans unanimously voted against this death merchandise and keeping on front line in the march towards globalization, peace and prosperity in the world. President Obama too does not wish to see America as No 2 but he has now to show that his America is No 1 because of a gun in hand or the logic, reason, human wisdom and the basic values in America’s declaration of Independence. Being a first member of Obama Brigade I sincerely wish to see the change which can make America No 1 on merits, never on the grounds explained in John Perkins book The EHM that “In the process of building this empire, we in the US have managed to discard our most fundamental beliefs, those that in the past defined the very essence of what it is to be an American. We have denied ourselves and those we colonize the right so eloquently expressed by our declaration of independence. We have forfeited the principles of universal equality, justice and prosperity.
    History teaches that empires do not endure; they collapse or are overthrown. Contrary to our ideals, this empire is built on foundation of greed, secrecy, and excessive materialism. In targeted countries when the situation is deteriorated IMF come with a rescue plan, offer new loans to avoid nation’s defaulting, conditional to acceptance of Structural Adjustment Package (SAP), similar to the one forced in Indonesia. In essence, each country was required to allow local banks and financial institutions to fail, drastically decreasing govt spending, cut food and fuel subsidies and other services for the poor, and raise interest rates still higher. In many cases they were also told to privatize and sell more of their national assets to multinational corporations. As a direct result, an untold number of people, especially children, died if malnutrition, starvation, and disease. Many more suffered long term consequences from lack of healthcare, education, housing and other social services.”
    Remember today we as human beings, probably have a time to change and understand the basics for survival in this universe before rapid climatic changes deprive us all of the opportunity to think for survival in this huge universe. We can jointly make it a home or a village for all of us. We all are capable of making this universe, a paradise/ heaven on earth otherwise we are already marching on the path to making it as our graveyard/ hell where all will be equal.

    No doubt being a tribal from FATA I had sufficient hate against Americans or USA for their role in making our areas a warfront against USSR and then today in war on terror. Since last three decades we all are at war against each other without any end in sight. We knew that this is American war for their world Empire but we were and we are helpless. So naturally all our eyes were fixed on election in USA John Kerry from democratic front rejected Bush’s policies in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was near to win when Osama released an audio cassette and enabled Bush to win for second term. However John Kerry had successfully exposed this evil game before American public and thus last year when Obama was elected as democratic candidate for President of USA it looked like a political revolution in America and these hopes further strengthened when followed Obama’s election campaign and his clear vision about a change in America. His victory left no doubt in the greatness of American Public therefore for us here in FATA this CHANGE remained the only ray of hope as the era of wars was now over and we were near to live in our homes with peace. Today if I am a member of Obama brigade it means that this CHANGE has turned our hate in love. Foundation stone of a global village has already been laid on the US soil when a black African American was elected as President of USA and Obama too has called it an America of 2009. His speech to a Muslim world in Jamial Azhar Cairo Egypt and his address to UN General Assembly testified his intentions to follow the universally accepted rules of business in dealing with global issues. So my sincere advice is to be No 1 in making the whole world a sweet home of every human being on this earth then becoming No 1 in making this whole universe a graveyard for every one including Americans.

  7. President Obama and Congress is taking our nation onto the right path of providing equal opportunities everyone.

    It’s about time we have some one in office who understand that’s there more ways to influence the world with technology, science,
    than there are with weapons and war.

  8. “I never suggested that change would be easy.”
    Very true. Can a caterpillar fly? If you said, “No”, you would be partially correct. Actually, a caterpillar can fly, but it must have a transformation first.

  9. I think this has been a great thing to watch. I loved Obama’s speach as well at Xavier University. It’s been a tough situation for everyone but there is always hope .