University of Chicago receives $42 million in stimulus funds for biological and medical research
Researchers at the University of Chicago have been awarded more than $42 million in research funding from the National Institutes of Health, part of a $5 billion boost for medical research from the federal economic stimulus package.
Social isolation worsens cancer
Using mice as a model to study human breast cancer, researchers have demonstrated that a negative social environment (in this case, isolation) causes increased tumor growth. The work shows--for the first time--that social isolation is associated with altered gene expression in mouse mammary glands, and that these changes are accompanied by larger tumors.
Protein research wins NIH award
A University of Chicago researcher is among the first to win a new award from the National Institutes of Health aimed at supporting research that "has the potential to transform the way we think about and conduct science," according to NIH Director Francis Collins, PhD, MD.
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