Fisheries of the United States - 1996

This publication is a preliminary report for 1996 on commercial and recreational fisheries of the United States with catches in both the U.S. and foreign Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). This annual report provides timely answers to frequently asked questions.

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Information in this report came from many sources. Field offices of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), in cooperation with various States, collected and compiled data on U.S. commercial landings and processed fishery products. The NMFS Fisheries Statistics and Economics Division in Silver Spring, MD, managed the collection and compilation of recreational statistics, and tabulated and prepared all data for publication. Sources of other data appearing in this publication are: U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.


Data on U.S. commercial and recreational landings, employment, prices, and production of processed products are preliminary for 1996. Final data will be published in other NMFS Current Fishery Statistics publications.

The Fisheries Statistics Division of NMFS takes this opportunity to thank members of states, industry, and foreign nations who provided the data that made this publication possible.

Program leaders of the field offices were: Gregory Power, New England, Middle Atlantic, and Chesapeake; Tony Frank, National Biological Service Science Center, Great Lakes States; Nelson Johnson, Guy Davenport, and Margot Hightower for the South Atlantic and Gulf States; Patricia J. Donley, California and Hawaii; John K. Bishop, Oregon and Washington; and Patsy Bearden, Alaska.

As in past issues of this publication, the units of quantity and value are defined as follows: U.S. landings are shown in round weight (except mollusks which are in meat weight), unless otherwise noted; quantities shown for U.S. imports and exports are in product weight, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, unless otherwise noted; the value of the U.S. domestic commercial catch is exvessel (in the Review Section on important species actual and deflated exvessel prices are shown. The deflated value was computed using the Gross Domestic Products Implicit Price Deflator); the value for U.S. imports is generally the market value in the foreign (exporting) country and, therefore, excludes U.S. import duties, freight charges from the foreign country to the United States, and insurance; the value for exports is generally the value at the U.S. port of export, based on the selling price, including inland freight, insurance, and other charges. Countries and territories shown in the U.S. foreign trade section are established for statistical purposes in the Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated (International Trade Commission) and reported by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.


The Fisheries Statistics Division wishes to provide the kinds of data sought by users of fishery statistics, and welcomes any comments or suggestions that will improve this publication.

Address all comments or questions to:

Fisheries Statistics and Economics Division, (F/ST1)
National Marine Fisheries Service,
NOAA 1315 East-West Highway - Rm. 12340
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282
PHONE: 301-713-2328
FAX: 301-713-4137

Members of the Fisheries Statistics Division in Silver Spring, who helped with this publication were: Darryl Bullock, Josanne Fabian, Tom Ferris, Karen Foster, Amy Gautam, Ray Glass, Gerry Gray, Deborah Hogans, Mark Holliday, Steven Koplin, Steve Myers, Barbara O'Bannon, Maury Osborn, Liz Pritchard, Ron Salz, Warren Schlechte, Dick Schween, David Sutherland, Glen Taylor, William Uttley, David Van Voorhees, John Ward, and Lelia Wise.

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