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Employee Benefits Security Administration

Pension Plan Actuarial Information Search Instructions

You can use the Pension Plan Actuarial Information Search to find a Schedule SB or Schedule MB filed as part of a pension plan’s annual Form 5500 Series return/report. The Schedule SB is filed by single employer plans and the Schedule MB by multiemployer plans. The schedules include technical data about whether, according to the plan’s actuary, a plan has enough funds to pay promised benefits and is complying with the funding rules under federal pension law.

Information about 401(k) plans and other individual account retirement plans is not on this system. For more information about types of plans, see the EBSA publication What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan.

You can use this system to get a Schedule SB or MB for 2008 and some 2009 plan year filings. You can search for a plan by plan name, employer identification number (EIN), plan number (PN), plan year, and type of schedule. The search works best when you enter data into more than one field.

To search for Form 5500 Series information, including the Schedule SB and MB, for 2009 and later plan years, use the EFAST2 Filing Search system.

Copies of the full Form 5500 Series filings, and actuarial schedules for prior years, are available from EBSA’s Public Disclosure Room at 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-1513, Washington, DC 20210, or by calling 202.693.8673.

Information Search Help

Plan Name – The Plan Name field allows you to locate actuarial information using the official name of the pension plan. If you are looking for a particular plan and don't know the EIN, you should enter the plan name into the Plan Name field. Usually the plan name is comprised of the employer name and the type of plan. For example, you can enter the words Widget Factory 401K. If the exact plan name is not known, use the (*) wildcard in your search. For example, entering *Widget* will show actuarial information for all plans that include the word "Widget" in their names.

Plan Year – The plan year field allows you to select the year for which the Schedule MB or SB was filed as part of the plan's Form 5500 Series return/report. For example, if you want the Schedule SB for a single employer plan filed for the plan's 2008 plan year, you would select "2008" in the drop-down Plan Year field. Form 5500 Series returns/reports are filed annually by plan administrators. Currently, the only Form 5500 Series actuarial data currently available is for Plan Year 2008. Plan Year 2009 Form 5500 Series return/report actuarial information will be added in the future.

EIN – The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number assigned to the employer or plan sponsor by the IRS. If you know the EIN, enter that into the EIN field. Leading zeros are not required. For example, entering 012345678 will provide the same results as entering 12345678. Entering the EIN is the easiest way to locate plans. For each EIN, there may be one or more plans associated with that employer or pension plan sponsor.

PN (Plan Number) – The Plan Number (PN) is a three-digit number assigned to a plan by the employer or plan sponsor and is used to identify a particular plan. If there are many plans for an employer or plan sponsor, you can enter the plan number in the PN field to narrow your search.

Date Posted – The Date Posted fields query on the dates that pension plan actuarial information was made available on this website. For example, if you wanted to see all pension plan actuarial information made available on this website during the month of April 2008 you would enter 04/01/2008 to 04/30/2008.

Schedule – This field allows you to select a particular actuarial schedule that a pension plan sponsor/administrator has submitted with their Form 5500 Series return/report. Choices include Schedule SB (Single Employer Defined Benefit Plan Actuarial Information (includes multiple-employer information)), Schedule MB (Multiemployer Defined Benefit Plan and Certain Money Purchase Plan Actuarial Information), and Other.