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Editorial: When politics eclipses policy
11/09/2011 - A proposal to audit the state's online schools failed on a party-line vote earlier this week, an unfortunate victim of politics since the system clearly has problems worthy of examination. 

Editorial: Too early to halt stock show move
11/08/2011 - Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is smart to wait and review as much information as possible on the future of the National Western Stock Show before deciding whether or not to pull Denver's application for state money to help pay for a move. 

Editorial: State making progress on its unemployment system
11/08/2011 - One thing seems clear in the tangle of events that led to the state improperly issuing millions in unemployment payments: The Colorado Department of Labor was woefully unprepared for the tsunami of unemployment claims it faced as a result of this deep recession 

State's pay rules need an upgrade
11/08/2011 - Like his predecessors in the governor's office, John Hickenlooper has quickly discovered that the state personnel system is an impediment to efficiency, job recruitment and high performance. 

Ready to rumble at DU?
11/05/2011 - The presidential debate coming to the University of Denver next year isn't just a measure of the state's electoral importance. 

Caution on local fracking policies
11/05/2011 - We're not surprised that some Front Range counties are developing local regulations to govern oil and gas leasing as exploratory activity in the Niobrara formation begins to encroach on populated areas. 

Think globally on clean energy
11/07/2011 - A mammoth increase in global greenhouse gas emissions is a troubling development that must prompt leadership and action on global warming. 

Will Occupy be occupied?
11/04/2011 - Whatever you may or may not think of filmmaker/activist Michael Moore, he did make at least one important point when addressing the local contingent of the Occupy movement. 

Lying is never good government policy
11/04/2011 - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder did the right thing this week when he reversed a proposal that would have allowed federal agencies to lie about the existence of records in response to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act. 

A message for the supercommittee
11/03/2011 - Go big. That is the message that a bipartisan group of 100 U.S. House members delivered this week to the so-called supercommittee of federal lawmakers who are struggling to meet a deadline to create a plan to reduce the nation's untenable deficit. 

Tri-State and Trinchera should seek compromise
11/02/2011 - Xcel Energy's decision to walk away from a $180 million power line project is good news for the historic Trinchera Ranch and owner Louis Bacon, but the danger to the scenic treasure is not over. 

Leading the way on Colorado budget fixes
11/02/2011 - Now that the dust has settled on election returns and it is overwhelmingly clear that voters are not inclined to raise taxes, it's time to think about the path forward for Colorado. 

Economy spelled tax hike's demise
11/01/2011 - Voters' rejection of a measure that would have increased taxes to boost education spending in Colorado was, in our minds, not so much a repudiation of higher education and K-12, but a measure of the current economy. 

Tire-recycling reforms may need to be revisited
11/01/2011 - For years, the problem of what to do with used auto tires in Colorado has been a vexing one.  

Promising pick for police chief
10/31/2011 - Mayor Michael Hancock's nationwide search for Denver's next police chief landed on a candidate whose promises of accountability and communication offer a refreshing change of course. 

Timely relief of college loans
10/31/2011 - The increasing cost of higher education is pushing more and more people to invest in their education by taking out student loans. 

Listeria outbreak proves need for better oversight
10/29/2011 - Listeria-tainted cantaloupe from Colorado have killed at least 28 people, making it the country's second-deadliest foodborne illness outbreak since the Centers for Disease Control began keeping records nearly 40 years ago. 

Tax overhaul, not gimmicks
10/29/2011 - A flat tax is one of those enduring fiscal policy ideas that captures initial attention because of its simplicity and seeming fairness. 

Lobbyist money? No, of course not
10/28/2011 - President Barack Obama is, by the numbers, possibly the greatest political fund-raiser of all time. 

Is the national pastime past its time?
10/28/2011 - The slow decline of the World Series as a Super Bowl-type institution is by now an old story. 


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