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General Information

Many documents are presented on the internet in PDF format. This is an acronym for Portable Document Format. This is used as it is both quick and easy for taking documents and converting them for use on the internet. It helps to retain the original "look and feel" of the document.

In order to "view" these documents you need what is refered to as a "reader". All a reader is is software that converts the PDF files to viewable documents that will appear on your monitor.

We have provided a link to the free downloadable software provided by Adobe Systems Incorporated. This link is in no way an endorsement of either Adobe Systems Incorporated or Adobe Software. You should now be using Version 9.0 of Adobe Acrobat Reader or greater.

Please follow the instructions for downloading and configuring your browser.

PDF Access for the Visually Impaired includes tools that help visually impaired users access Adobe PDF documents by converting PDF into simple HTML or ASCII text. Conventional screen-reading programs then synthesize the text as audible speech.

For more information on Adobe and accessibility please use this link.

If you should have problems with any document, please contact the webmaster at We will do what we can to provide you with the document.