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Interagency Provincial Affairs

Interagency Provincial Affairs (IPA) is the section that coordinates the work of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), the civil-military units, made up of Department of State, USDA and USAID employees, deployed throughout Afghanistan to extend the reach and enhance the legitimacy of the national government by improving security and facilitating reconstruction and economic development. There are currently 27 PRTs (12 U.S.-led, with others led by coalition partners).
PRTs are a key element in a broader coordinated civil-military strategy, which includes implementing international donor development assistance, diplomatic engagement with Afghanistan's neighbors, continued Coalition combat operations, expansion of ISAF’s ( involvement and training and deploying Afghan national army and police units.

PRTs focus on a range of activities relevant to their environment, including:

  • Establishing and maintaining good working relationships with key government, military, tribal, village and religious leaders in the provinces.
  • Monitoring and reporting on critical political, military and reconstruction developments.
  • Supporting Afghan authorities in providing security for activities such major activities and programs.
  • Assisting in deploying and mentoring Afghan national army and police units located in the provinces.
  • Working closely with the UN and other donors providing development and humanitarian assistance. Implementing assistance projects that address local needs and gaps not filled by other donors, and focusing on building Afghan capacity.

Documents and Web Sites:
Lincoln Learning Centers
Map of PRTs

Who are PRTers?

David Feldmann, Public Diplomacy Officer, PRT Helmand
Genevieve Libonati, Political Officer, PRT Paktya
Defining PRTs, DSTs, Regional Commands, and Task Forces
Work in Afghanistan:

Contact Us

Telephone:  [93] 0700-108-291
Fax: NONE – Please scan and e-mail any necessary documents to us.
Kabul is 9½ hours ahead of EST; 8½ hours ahead of EDT.

Mailing Address:
US Embassy – Kabul
DPO AE 09806

Local Address in Kabul:
Great Massoud Road
Wazir Akbar Khan (neighborhood)