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The DPW Environmental Division Office at USAG-HI is comprised of two branches; the Compliance Branch and the Conservation Branch, who are dedicated to providing environmental guidance, support and liaison services to those who live, work and train on the installation. Our role is also to ensure USAG-HI complies with all the necessary environmental laws and regulations. We are USAG-HI's technical environmental liaison between the state and federal regulatory agencies, the Hawaiian communities and special interest groups. Because environmental regulations are complex and constantly changing, our role is to execute or facilitate the procedures necessary to obey the law without interrupting or degrading the USAG-HI mission or the quality of life of the workforce and residents. We provide guidance, training and other support necessary for USAG-HI to sustain its mission while also protecting the environment. We oversee clean ups of past contamination, management of current environmental hazards, pollution prevention and conservation of cultural and natural resources.

We continue to tackle environmental challenges in the face of budget cuts and shrinking resources. One of our largest challenges, one that spans far beyond compliance, is to ensure we have the clean air, clean water, and training lands needed in the future to sustain our mission and support our workforce and residents. We can successfully meet all of our challenges now, and in the future, through smart management and long term planning.

The DPW Environmental Division personnel are not employed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the state regulatory agency, Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH). We are employed by the Department of the Army for the purpose of helping the installation meet its environmental requirements. We are on your side, and here to assist USAG-HI meeting the needs of today, without leaving an environmental bill for the next generation.

Compliance Branch

The DPW Environmental Division Compliance Branch oversees the following program areas:

Air Program
Asbestos, Lead, PCB's & Radon
Compliance Inspections
Sustainable Environmental Management (SEM) System
Above and Underground Storage Tanks
Hazardous Waste Operations
Ozone Depleting Chemicals
Pollution Prevention Program
Solid Waste
Restoration Program
Clean Water
Drinking Water
Spill Prevention and Response
Conservation Branch

The DPW Environmental Division Conservation Branch oversees the following program areas:

Cultural Resources
Natural Resources
Endangered Species
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Ecology and Habitat Preservation
Artifact Curration

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