Black On Stimulus Three-Year Anniversary: “A program that has failed by almost every measure”

Black On Stimulus Three-Year Anniversary: “A program that has failed by almost every measure”

Washington, D.C. —Today, U.S. Representative Diane Black (R-TN), participated in a press conference marking the three year anniversary of the stimulus bill:

“Three years ago today, the $800 billion stimulus bill was signed into law.  President Obama promised that with the stimulus, the unemployment rate would not rise above 8%.  But Unemployment has been above 8 percent for the last 36 months and averaged 9.3 percent since the stimulus was signed. 

“The stimulus has added more to our staggering debt.  Every day since the stimulus, millions of dollars have been wasted, and the program has failed by virtually every measure.

“Our money has boosted green energy jobs in China, gave out over $500 million to the now-bankrupt Solyndra, earmarked money for underground turtle passes in Florida and funded numerous other wasteful projects.

“The president once joked that the shovel ready projects weren’t as shovel ready as he anticipated.  But nothing about this multi-billion dollar national failure is funny.

“My home state of Tennessee has 8.7% unemployment, still above the national average.  Of the 15 counties in my District, many are still hurting with high rates of unemployment.

“The House of Representatives has passed nearly 30 bipartisan pro-jobs bills that would not add a single dime to our deficit.  They are currently stuck in the Senate, waiting for action.  On this third anniversary of the stimulus, I urge President Obama and Senator Harry Reid to join the House of Representatives, and pass these jobs bills now.  The millions of Americans out of work cannot wait any longer.”