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What's New?

Catch the most recent news and updates about what's going on with the Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) program right here!

CEDR is now on YouTube!

Check out our 30 minute introduction and walkthrough of the CEDR program and web site on YouTube! It is available at the following URL:

Added On: 9/24/2012 9:00:00 AM

Help to our "Help" section

We have updated the help section. It includes a detailed walkthrough for our data providers and some term updates on the glossary!

Added On: 7/27/2012 1:38:00 PM

The new "What's New"!

We have now created a new section to inform our CEDR users about any new additions or future changes. Stay tuned for more to come!

Added On: 7/27/2012 1:35:00 PM

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What's New? | Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) | The U.S. Department of Energy Digital Collection of Public Use Data Sets