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Our partners purchasing Server services are offered a wide array of storage opportunities that allow DISA to provide the level of service required to meet maximum acceptable data loss.

Rate-based server storage pricing is based on the gigabyte (GB) (raw) storage allocated per month and the level of service requested by the partner for data recovery, not application restoration based on Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO). Additional levels are cumulative, for example, R1 is (L1+R1) GB storage.

The table below shows the options available for local recovery. The first entry is included as part of the L1 storage rate and is based on the use of locally available backup media to recover on existing production storage capacity. Entries L2 and L3 are advanced local data recovery options.


LevelTypeDescriptionMaximum Data Loss
L1 Default Local (Basic Service) Recovery in place using production equipment and backup data 7 Days
L2 Operational Local Recovery in place using production equipment and backup data in a near-online state 24 Hours
L3 High-Availability (HA) Local Recovery in place using production equipment and frequently updated backup data in a near-online state and/or designated remote site 8 Hours

NOTE: Local recovery will not satisfy the Continuity of Operations (COOP)/Service Continuity requirements detailed in DoD Instruction 8500.2, which mandates a remote recovery strategy at a predetermined location. Operational recovery options will not, by themselves, satisfy the stated requirements for continuity.


Default Local Recovery (L1) – This offering includes only local recovery following an outage at the primary production/processing site. The offering assumes that the hardware and software elements of the processing environment are, or can be made, operational and that data backups can be used to restore the application.

Our partners will be invoiced for all appropriate costs based on the service selected and the amount of allocated storage in gigabyte (GB)/month. All partners will be provided and invoiced for the basic service, Default Local (L1), in the table below for data recovery, not application restoration. Partners may select to augment L1 in accordance with their needs. If a partner chooses to buy additional storage to support remote recovery, it will be noted in Section 7.0 of the SLA.

Overview of L1


Depreciation and Maintenance

Infrastructure - switches, backup media

Racks, cables

Software Standard Operating Environment (SOE) and other storage resources

Storage Administration

Service Desk Support

Backup Services

Standard weekly operational backup (1 copy onsite, retained 4 weeks) designed for local recovery only.

Incremental daily backup (1 copy onsite, retained 2 weeks) designed for local recovery only.

Standard weekly backup (1 copy offsite, retained 4 weeks) designed for internal DISA recovery efforts only.

Data Center Services




Tech Refresh (Storage Array)

Service Desk


  • Local Recovery, or “recovery in place,” is a program designed to provide continuity in the event of an outage affecting the equipment, software and/or data that make up the application infrastructure but that leaves the primary facility operating and accessible. Based on the solutions selected, there are two advanced options for recovery.
    • Operational Local (L2): This level of continuity provides sufficient storage infrastructure in place to allow an operational recovery with a maximum data loss of 24 hours. The reduced timeline is driven by the use of on-site storage capacity, which maintains data backups in a near online state. This advanced level of recovery assumes that either a dedicated local server is available or the production server has not been affected.
    • HA Local (L3): This level of continuity provides sufficient storage infrastructure in place to allow recovery with a maximum data loss of eight hours. The reduced timeline is driven by the use of on-site storage capacity, which maintains data backups in an online state and creates/captures backups on a more frequent basis. This advanced level of recovery assumes that either a dedicated local server is available or the production server has not been affected.

  • Cost Reimbursable Services
    • More copies and longer retention of weekly and incremental backups beyond the established basic service (Not intended to support partner or third-party non-DECC COOP solutions.)
    • Additional application backups (Not intended to support partner or third-party non-DECC COOP solutions.)
    • Additional or special offsite storage services (Not intended to support partner or third-party non-DECC COOP solutions.)
    • Special Advanced Functionality
      • Encryption of data at rest and/or in transit
      • Content addressable storage


DISA has standard performance level data available for our partners to view. Additional data can also be provided as requested. All performance data to be provided will be documented in the SLA which will be executed when the service is ordered.