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‘Tis the Season to Participate Online!

by on December 23, 2011

Throughout this holiday season, we encourage you to participate in the exciting activities featured on the Citizen Archivist Dashboard, which is available starting today. Check it out and try tagging, transcription, editing articles, uploading digital scans, and participating in contests all related to the records of the National Archives.

Citizen Archivist Dashboard Home Page

We hope that you’ll share any suggestions you may have for new activities in the comments below or email  If you would like to see a different tagging mission or you have a favorite document you’d like to transcribe, let us know!


Taneya December 24, 2011 at 10:33 am

Great project idea! I am curious – what is the name of the viewer you are using to display images in the Tagging Project? It works well and I’m impressed.

Meredith January 3, 2012 at 9:42 am

Hi Taneya,

Thanks for the great question. For image zoom on our online catalog, we are using a software is called SeaDragon by Microsoft.

Meredith Stewart

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