Marines Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘army’

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    One Day at a Time: Supporting a Family Member with PTSD

        When my kid brother left for Iraq he was just that — a kid. He returned home shattered inside. The “dark pit,” as he calls it, was hidden underneath his gruff, infantry-tattooed exterior.  [Read more...]

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    Killing Time (Bragging Rights)

    FORWARD OPERATING BASE DELHI, Afghanistan — The ragged dartboard nestled between camouflage uniform items and a giant American flag has seen better days. Thousands of tiny holes pockmark its aged cork scoring area. An ever-increasing  [Read more...]

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    Sec. Gates bids farewell to troops

    To the men and women of the United States armed forces: It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve and to lead you for the past four and a half years. All of  [Read more...]

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    Reality Check

    In the past few weeks, Charlie Sheen’s public antics have created yet another Hollywood media frenzy. Every major news organization has covered the star’s breakdown. He has more than 2.8 million followers on Twitter and his  [Read more...]

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    Leading by example

    Marines lead, and everyone else follows. This might not be a famous quote that I can attribute to anyone in particular, but I think Marines would agree. Shortly after the statement, members from other services  [Read more...]

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    ‘The brotherhood of the team’

    We’ve seen it in the movies, and many enlisted Marines may agree, there is a certain skepticism about brand new officers. So, when I got the opportunity to speak with a midshipman playing in the  [Read more...]