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USCIS Redesigns Naturalization Certificate to Enhance Security: Fact Sheet

More than 600,000 new citizens will receive the enhanced certificate over the next year

Citizenship-new certificate


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today announced it has begun issuing a redesigned, more secure Certificate of Naturalization (Form N-550) as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance the integrity of the immigration system. The agency anticipates that over 600,000 new citizens will receive the enhanced certificate over the next year. 
Certificate & Process Features

  • Automated production process
  • Embedded digitized photo and signature
  • Background featuring color-shifting ink
  • Certificates printed utilizing tamper-resistant technology
  • A standardized size of 8 ½ by 11 inches

In addition to enhancing security, the redesigned certificate provides newly naturalized citizens a higher-quality certificate, which will now be easier to showcase in a standard 8 ½ by 11 inch frame.

Improvements to Note

  • The new method of producing certificates will rely on a printing process that is more tamper and fraud resistant than the previous printing methods.
  • The redesigned certificate will have the latest physical security features making it less susceptible to fraud.
  • The redesigned certificate will feature up-to-date text consistent with the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
  • The new method of producing certificates is less labor intensive, less prone to human error and more secure.

Last updated:10/26/2010