AW2 Veteran Kortney Clemons Inspires Advocates

By Sarah Greer, WTC Stratcom

National Paralympic champion and AW2 Veteran Kortney Clemons motivates AW2 Advocates at the 2011 AW2 Advocate Annual Training.

This morning, AW2 Veteran Kortney Clemons inspired the AW2 Advocates and staff at Annual Training. His warm, up-beat style and incredible story of resilience captured our attention and brought the crowd to its feet.

Kortney Clemons lost his right leg above the knee after an improvised explosion device (IED) explosion in Iraq in 2005. Since then, he’s gone on to become a Paralympic-level athlete and the national Paralympic champion in the 100 and 200 meters. He also does the long jump, and earlier this year, he set a U.S. record in the 200 meters at the Paralympic World Championships in Christchurch, New Zealand. He’s focused on the 2012 Paralympic Games in London, where he plans to be a medal contender.

When Kortney set the American national record in Christchurch, he didn’t win the race. But he did achieve his personal best–29.2 seconds, beating his previous time by more than a second.

“I’ve learned to stay in my lane,” he told the crowd. “If I do everything I’m supposed to do in my lane, I know I’ll be successful.”

On top of his athletic accomplishments, Kortney is also working on his master’s degree through the AW2 Education Initiative at Kansas University.

Kortney charged all of the Advocates to develop a plan to succeed with each individual Soldier on their caseload, much like he’s following a plan to prepare for the 2012 Paralympic Games and to complete his degree.

“I came up with a plan. I believed in my plan. I stuck to my plan. And now I’m executing my plan,” he said. “And I have to trust that it will work.”

Kortney also emphasized the importance of visualizing yourself succeeding and accomplishing your goals.

“I got to practice my podium walk today,” he grinned. “When I’m training, I visualize myself standing on the podium in London.”

All of us felt lucky and honored to be in the room while Kortney shared his message of preparing for success. And inspired to put it into action. I know I’ll be applying Kortney’s outline to my own life, and I expect many of the Advocates feel the same way.

AW2 Veteran Alvin Shell Shares His Story of Transitioning to the Federal Workforce

By Sarah Greer, WTC Stratcom

(left to right) AW2 Veterans Wesley Spaid and Alvin Shell at the Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference. Shell shared his experience of working in the federal government for five years since his transition from the Army.

Editor’s Note: Earlier this week, WTC Stratcom posted more of CPT Shell’s story on the WTC blog. This post is an update on his remarks.

Yesterday, AW2 Veteran Alvin Shell spoke at the Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference, sharing his success story of working at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the last five years.

He was accompanied by his wife, Chilketha, and he was surprised to see his platoon sergeant, retired SSG Wesley Spaid—a surprise guest from Shell’s AW2 Advocate Yan Barry. Shell was injured in Iraq while trying to extinguish Spaid’s fire, resulting in third degree burns on more than 30% of both their bodies. They had not connected since 2006.

Alvin Shell was injured in 2004, sustaining severe burns to more than 33% of his body, in addition to several other injuries, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, chronic pain, and muscle loss. When he received his medical retirement from the Army, he also received a 100% disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He told the conference attendees why finding employment post medical retirement was so important to him, “When my wife was feeding me and taking care of me right after my injury, I told myself that if I ever made it out of the bed I’d make sure she’d never have to work again.”

So he went to work as a law enforcement officer at DHS, one of the first wounded Veterans from the current conflicts to join the DHS staff. “If you come to my branch at DHS, I’m tough, I’m hard, but I’m fair. I don’t expect less from others than I do of myself.”

Now, Shell holds a supervisory position, serving as the Acting Deputy Division Chief in the Force Protection Branch in the Office of the Chief Security Officer. While the Department offered him every physical accommodation he could think of, it took some time for Shell’s supervisors to understand his abilities, in spite of his injuries. He learned that they were withholding his name from nomination for a class that could significantly enhance his career.

“They thought they were protecting me, helping me avoid a difficult situation where I couldn’t meet the physical requirements of the class,” said Shell. “Instead, they were holding me back. When I found out, I went to my supervisor and we talked about the specific physical requirements of the class, and he realized that I could do it.”

For example, the class only required you to run two miles, and Shell ran four miles a day. It also required target shooting, and Shell regularly shot from a further distance than the test required. Shell completed the class and graduated “top gun.”

“My supervisor and I both learned that we should have a conversation about my abilities, rather than focus on my disabilities,” he said.

Shell also opened up to the crowd and shared how much his priorities had changed since his injury. I was particularly struck when he told them that he’d always been a great Soldier, always getting top ranks in every course. However, he stated that after his injury, he realized he’d been putting his career above his Family. “Now, I have a good balance,” he said. “Now, I make sure to make my wife and sons a top priority, to go on vacation and to the boys’ sporting events. Even if it means that I only get a few hours of sleep at night, this is the stuff that matters.”

Editor’s Note: Are you an employer from the federal government or private sector interested in hiring a wounded warrior? E-mail to connect with an AW2 Career Coordinator.

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference Kicks Off Tomorrow

By Sarah Greer, WTC Stratcom

For wounded warriors who separate from the service, finding gainful employment is a vital next step.  It’s not just about the paycheck and health care, though—it’s about contributing to an organization, finding professional fulfillment, and building a better life for themselves and their Families.

For the next two days, AW2 is hosting the 2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference, in coordination with other service wounded warrior programs.  For two days, federal agency officials will learn about the importance of hiring wounded warriors and the skills they bring to any organization.  They’ll also learn about the resources they can use to place qualified Veterans in open positions and to ensure a successful result once the Veterans starts working–resources like special hiring authorities, Veterans preference, Operation Warfighter internships, non-paid work experience, and accommodations.

On the second day, local wounded warriors from all branches of the military will also have the opportunity to network with the officials attending the conference. 

AW2 is here to help severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers find their path to independence.  And this conference is one more example of the way AW2 paves the way for wounded warriors to succeed.

Check back to the AW2 blog over the next two days for more information about the conference.  We’ll keep you posted on the updates from keynote speakers, including several Assistant Secretaries and AW2 Veteran Alvin Shell, who is now working at the Department of Homeland Security.

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